Hello everyone. I have a question...well obviously I have a question! LOL How do you "look" for a Dom? I tried to find out where my local community meets about two years ago and at that time, it appeared that the munches and other events had fallen off for a good while at that time. I went online (though not here) and I actually met three different people who called themselves a Dom, but my experiences with them, well all but one, were more that they just wanted to have kinky sex with me on their schedule. The last guy that I dealt with probably could have been a very good Master except that his personal hygeine was atrocious! I'm sorry, but I just can't be with a person who you can smell before seeing!!! So I gave up.

But now I am back and I would really like to meet someone local or who can at least afford to travel (even though I can't afford it at this time). Already, on this site after just a few days, I have been contacted by some incredibly nice people, but they are just to far away for me. I already know from my past experience that the long term online D/s thing is not my bag. So how do I go about finding him?