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Review This Story || Author: katie lynch

Blanke Schande College

Chapter 8 Talking to Her Parents

CHAPTER 8-Talking to Her Parents

A few blocks before their house, Kacy pulled the car into a deserted parking lot. With little fanfare, Amanda pulled her shirt off and slid her bra on, wincing as she did. After just a day, she was already feeling confined by her undergarments and vowed to never wear panties again. She would have to wear a bra, for a while, but would stop as soon as she could.

They pulled into their driveway and saw the living room lights blazing, meaning at least one parent was still awake. Though it was only nine, frequently they were in bed by now.

"What do you think, tell them now," Kacy asked. Amanda shook her head. "No, I'm going to wait until morning, after breakfast. Dad is always in a better mood by then."

The two girls hugged and hurried into the house. They talked generally about having a good time and headed up to their rooms. Both wanted to get some sleep after the long drive. As they parted at Amanda's room, Kacy leaned in and whispered, "you know, you don't need their approval. You are 18 and an adult. Plus, they won't have to pay a dime. Don't ask for permission, tell them what you want to do."

Amanda nodded and gave her sister a peck on the cheek before heading into her room. She decided that she would be naked as much as she could to get ready for the total exposure of college. Immediately she stripped off her top and bra, yearning for her breasts to be free. She also slid her jeans and panties down and off and stood naked in front of the mirror.

She liked her body very much, always had. But tonight, it looked so different than it did this morning. She looked like a woman, though she knew it was all in her head.

Amanda glanced at her window and saw the blinds were down. She had always worried about Brian, the neighbor across the street, peeking in and seeing her nude. He was 19 and had just returned from college to work for a while. He was handsome, always had been, but had no time for her. She wondered what he would say if he had seen her today.

Then it hit her. Why not give him a chance to see what he missed today. She went over to the window and raised the blinds as high as she could. Brian's window was the only one that had a view of her room so there was no fear of his mother, her mom's best friend, seeing her and reporting her behavior.

She peeked out and saw his light on and the blinds open as always. Boys rarely worried about that stuff and most girls wouldn't have thought to look in anyway. She didn't have his attention tonight but knew that at some point he would check anyway and get an interesting sight.

Amanda turned out the light and slid under her covers. She wasn't ready to adopt the absolute lifestyle and live without any covering at all. She still loved her comforter and pillows. She fell into a deep and happy sleep, dreaming of Tom and Brian and Kristie and Cami and even Kacy. All were nude and having their way with her. She loved it all in her dreams and came several times.

She felt the sun streaming in through the newly open blinds on the window and woke up. She was naked from her thighs up and her hand was buried between her legs. Her room smelled of sex and her fingers were sticky. Boy, she must have had some night.

Amanda kicked off the rest of her covers and took a look. Her sheets were soaked at the area under her crotch so she removed it and replaced it with a pretty yellow checked sheet. She then did the pillowcase and made her bed. As she stuffed the old sheet and case into her hamper by the window, she looked out and saw Brian at the window, staring into hers, at her nudity.

She pretended that she was oblivious to him standing there and lazily stretched in front of the window, putting all of her body from thighs to hair on display. She then moved away, not wanting to look like she was putting on a show, grabbed her robe and put it on before heading out into the bathroom to shower and clean herself up. Man, what has gotten into me, she thought.

On the way, she bumped into her father, who sniffed the air. "Good morning Amanda, what is that smell," he asked. Mortified she claimed not to know and went around him and into the shower.

In there, she felt the rush of the water against her body, which was tired from the many orgasms she had put herself through. Despite it, she felt drawn to putting her fingers down there again but she had to restrain herself.

She shaved her legs and armpits as always and then stopped and looked at the little tuft of hair over her pussy. She had trimmed it before, mostly for gymnastics or a bathing suit. Should she take it all off? She hesitated a second before spraying shaving cream on her hand and rubbing it over the hair there. In seconds, she took the cream and the hair off, looking as bare there as she had before puberty.

Amanda turned the water off and hopped out, using the towel to dry herself but not wrap around her body. She was not going to cover herself at any time she did not have to and in the bathroom after a shower was her private time. She would only be clothed in public or when her parents were home.

She brushed her teeth and pulled her hair back into a ponytail before pulling the robe on and leaving the bathroom. Her mother called good morning from the bottom of the steps as she passed by at the top and Amanda cringed. Could her mother see up her robe as she went? Did she see her bare pussy? Well, Brian was about to, if he was patient and had waited around.

As soon as she got into her room, she pulled the robe off and went to the window, pretending to look out to the street. Instead she looked at her neighbor's room and was pleasantly surprised to see him there. He guiltily turned away but when he turned back, she waved and opened the window. The shocked boy opened his window as well.

"Good morning Brian, how are you," she asked, her bare breasts exposed as she leaned out the window.

"Hi Amanda, I'm, uh, I'm fine," he stammered. "Sorry if I offended you, I was just--"

"No reason to apologize, it is me who should be sorry Brian," she said sweetly. "I didn't mean to be throwing my breasts in your face. I didn't realize you could see in. Please forgive me. I'll be more careful next time."

"NO! I mean, don't worry about it, I don't mind," he said quickly. She smiled and thanked him before closing the window, leaving the blinds up. Then, smelling the sex in the room, she left the window open a bit to air it out. No reason for her mom and dad to find out about her wantonness.

She rummaged around for something to wear. Jeans were too confining now so she found a denim miniskirt. She threw on a bra at the last second and pulled a long-sleeve Abercrombie tee over her head. She loved the woman she saw in the mirror now, sexy but casual. As she pulled up her skirt to look at her bare, denuded pussy, she knew she would never be the same.

Amanda let her skirt fall back to its normal length, covering her sex, and headed out of her room. As she did, she nearly bumped into Kacy who was heading to the bathroom wearing her robe and carrying a towel. Amanda noticed that her older sister looked tired and must have just woken up. She sniffed the air and realized it was the same smell that had wafted from her when she woke up. Amanda gave Kacy a knowing grin and hugged her good morning.

"When are you going to do it," Kacy whispered.

"Right after breakfast," Amanda said quietly. "Will you stay and support me?"

"If you want," Kacy said nodding.

As Kacy headed into the bathroom, the younger girl bounded down the steps in a better mood that she had been in a long time. She sniffed the air and following the scent into the kitchen where her mother was making French toast, Amanda's favorite food.

"Oh Mom, this smells wonderful," she said, hugging her. "Thank you!"

"You are welcome," Alice said. "My, my, don't you look pretty. What is the occasion? No baggy jeans or sweats today?"

Amanda and her mom had frequently fought over clothing. Amanda had always favored casual, comfortable stuff while her mother had begged her to look nicer.

"Mom, I realize that you are right, that I could try to look nicer more often," the girl said smiling. "I figured a skirt would be just the thing to make me feel more girly today."

She saw her mother look at her proudly and smile. It was a look that said, "my little girl is becoming a woman." Wait until she heard what her "little girl" planned to do in college.

Her dad walked in and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "Good morning Daddy," she said smiling.

"Boy, don't you look pretty today," he said. "Big day planned."

"Maybe later," she said, thinking of how she would tease Tommy. "But I just wanted to start dressing nicer."

"That's a nice look for you sweetheart," he said.

"Thank you."

The three made small talk while the French toast cooked. Finally Kacy came down and breakfast was served. The family of four was pretty close and the meal was happy and chatty. Everyone talked about what they had planned, what was going on in their lives. Kacy and her father were frequently gone off to work before Amanda and her mother awoke. Saturdays and Sundays were two rare days they all ate breakfast together. And unlike other girls her age, Amanda didn't sleep until noon on the weekend because she valued this time with her family.

She and Kacy cleaned up the kitchen while their parents sat and had some coffee. Kacy gave a look to Amanda to say it was time.

"Mom, Dad, I have something I have to tell you," Amanda said.

"Sure honey, anything," her father said.

Amanda took a deep breath for courage. "Well, yesterday, Kacy and I went to visit a college in California that I really like and think that I want to go to," she said.

Her parents looked surprised. "Why didn't you ask one of us to take you Amanda," her mother said, a bit hurt. "I would have been happy to go with you."

"Well, I had to check it out before coming to the two of you because I wasn't sure you would approve," she said.

"How could there be a college that we would not approve of Amanda," her dad said. "College is college. If it works for you, then it will be fine."

Amanda's eyes met Kacy, who nodded. Now was the time.

"Well, this college isn't like most of the colleges," she said. "It has an outstanding reputation, more than 95 percent of students, and nearly 100 percent of women, graduate and they all get great jobs in their chosen fields."

"Sounds great, what school is it," her mom said.

"It's called Blanke Schande College," she said.

Her father's jaw dropped and Amanda knew that he knew why BSC was so different.

"I have never heard of it but--" her mom began.

"That's the nude school isn't it," her father interrupted. Amanda nodded.

"Nude school," her mother said, not understanding. "What do you mean?"

"Alice, this school makes it co-eds walk around naked at all times," Bob said. "There must be some bunch of perverts there."

Then he looked directly at Amanda. "There is no way you are going there. Over my dead body. I will not pay for a school where my daughter walks around showing off her body like some whore."

The young girl's eyes filled with tears. "Is that what you think of me," she said, her voice shaking. "That I am a whore? Well, I'm sorry you think that Daddy. I'm also sorry to tell you that I am going to Blanke Schande College and I don't need your money. I got a full scholarship and room and board and I am going. I am sorry you do not approve and I really wanted you to be happy for me but I am going whether you like it or not."

With that, she stormed out of the kitchen, her bare feet slapping on the hard floor. The three others in the room stood in silence. Kacy thought about running after her but decided to give her sister her space. Alice was still trying to register all that happened while Bob was shocked that his little girl was standing up to him. His daughters had always treated him with great deference and respect.

"What the hell was she thinking," he asked aloud, directly his attention to his older daughter. "And why did you take her to that immoral place."

Kacy shook her head. "Dad, this has nothing to do with me," she said. "Amanda made this decision herself from the beginning and asked me to help her. I thought she would get there, chicken out and never go through with it.

"But you should have seen her there Dad, she was a different person," Kacy continued. "She became a woman in front of my own eyes. She grew confidence and fit right in."

"I don't understand," Alice said. "Why are the girls forced to be naked?"

"Mom, you need to ask Amanda these questions," Kacy said. "They have rationale and plenty of evidence to support it. And everything Manda said was true. The school is awesome and the graduates leave much more mature than when they arrived. I can't explain it, but when you are there it just feels right."

The anger in her father's eyes was starting to pass. Now he just felt bad about hurting his daughter. Alice started to get her bearings and knew what had to be done.

"Bob, we need to go and talk to her about this decision," she said softly, touching his forearm. "She is 18 and going to college. She has the right to make her own decision."

The man took a deep breath. "You're right Alice you are right. Let's go and hear her out."

The two parents got to their feet and went up the stairs to Amanda's room. The door was slightly open and what they saw when they peeked in shocked them.

All they saw was their daughter's bare back and the top of her ass cheeks as she sat on the bed, head in her hands crying. They realized she was completely naked in her room when they saw her skirt, shirt and bra in a pile in front of her bed.

"I'm not sure I can handle this," Bob whispered to his wife. "She's my daughter."

"Nonsense Bob, she's a woman now making her own decisions," Alice said. And with that, she knocked on the door.

Amanda had been so upset when she ran into her room. Could her father really think she was a whore? Was she a whore because she wanted to be naked?

She pushed into her room and was about to collapse onto her bed when she remembered her promise to herself to only be naked in this room. She slid her skirt down her legs while at the same time pulling her shirt up over her head. Tears continued to flow as she pulled off her bra and dropped it on the pile. She then went around and sat on the edge of the bed and cried.

She wasn't sure why she cried. In fact, she rarely cried, more frequently getting frustrated and angry but rarely coming to tears. But she felt more vulnerable now, like her feelings were right at the surface. Maybe it had something to do with her nudity, like she was removing barriers in her life. Whatever the reason, the tears flowed like they hadn't in years.

She jumped when she heard the knock on the door. She turned and saw her door slightly open and cringed. They knew, she thought. They saw her naked in her room. Why had she been so careless?

She was about to call out to them to give her a minute to dress but realized that soon she would not have that luxury. Amanda realized that now was the time to stand strong and show that she meant to live this life.

"Come in," she said, standing up to display her completely nude body, from the tips of her toes, up her long, toned legs to the now bare area between them, up her concave stomach to her full, round breasts, her supple neck and pretty face.

Her parents came in. "Jesus Christ," her father said low, under his breath. She knew that it had been about 10 years since he had last seen her naked.

"Amanda, your father and I have been talking and we are sorry that we jumped down your throat," Alice began. "Um, would you mind putting a robe on or something. We are having trouble having this conversation with you like that."

"No Mom, I will not put a robe on, not in my own room," she said. "I will honor your wishes and wear clothes around the house, but you have always said this room was mine so I would like to choose what I wear or don't wear. This is the life I have chosen and I hope you honor that."

Both parents swallowed hard, shocked at the confidence in their daughter. Kacy had been right, something had changed in her.

"Alright then, Amanda, I am sorry I made the comment about whores," he said. "I certainly do not think you are a whore. And although I know nothing about the other girls who choose to go to that school, I know there must be something special there if you have chosen them."

The girl ran around her bed and crushed her father in a bear hug. He hugged her back, feeling odd as he rubbed her bare back and felt her naked breasts pressing into his chest.

"Thank you Daddy, I knew you would support me," she said. "How about you Mom, do you understand?"

"No, I don't, but like your father, I support you," Alice said. She reached over and pulled her daughter to her, giving her a peck on the cheek and a quick hug.

"So, tell us about this college," Bob said, sitting the Amanda's bed.

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