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Review This Story || Author: Eve Adorer

Melody Smith's Schooldays

Chapter 10 My Third Week - Monday Night

Melody Smith's Schooldays

by Eve Adorer

Chapter 10 - My Third Week - Monday Night

On my return to the dormitory, I sat very gently on a hard chair, legs together
at the knee, pretty hands on knees, glorious hair tumbling down my left flank to
the floor, patiently awaiting the head-girl's pleasure and order for me to lay
my egg for her.

I sat, and I sat, for half-a-hour, then an hour, still holding and warming my
egg within me.

"I'll have the egg now" ordered the head-girl.

The other girls gathered around me, as a cushion was placed on the floor. I rose
tight closed thighed from my chair and wiggled over to where the cushion was.
Then I squatted, parted my stupendous thighs as wide as I could, and fought to
ease the egg out of me without using my hands. A chicken must lay her egg
naturally I told myself.

To the onlookers it was anticlimactic. The egg shot from me onto the cushion and
I obediently rose and curtsied to hand it, still on the cushion to the
head-girl, blushing at my humiliation and torture and the wetness from my oozing
nectar the recollection of my chicken duty was causing, but also glowing with
pride at my achievement for my chief mistress.

"I've changed my mind" said the head-girl. "Throw it away!"

My humiliation was total as I curtsied unquestioningly once more, and
wiggle-slinked to the kitchen to deposit the egg, my egg, my first ever egg, the
egg I had taken care of in my little honey pot so carefully and lovingly, my
precious egg, the egg I had so assiduously borne within my naughty all that day,
obediently to the trashcan.

As I returned to the common room of the prefecture, tears welling in my eyes,
the head-girl simply ignored me.

I caught sight of my lovely Josephine and tried to smile her way. But I was
taken aback as the head-girl, without looking up from her studies, told me: "Go
to your room and strip totally naked: Marion, Elspeth, and Georgina want to
stroke you."

I must obey. It was my duty to obey. I dare not hesitate. I knew I would be
whipped were I to hesitate. I tried to catch a glimpse of lovely Jo as I turned
for my room, but she had forced her head down.

Minutes later, totally naked as ordered, I sat on the very edge of my bed for my
room to be invaded by the three prefects who wanted to make love to me.

As they came in I stood and curtsied obediently. They sat me down on my bed and
wasted no time taking what they wanted from me. They eagerly kissed my pretty
mouth in turn: long and passionate kisses that I must accept and return if so
ordered. Then, whilst Marion continued to kiss me, the other two of them sucked
on my tit-tips.

I was deeply aroused despite myself. And it was not long before the peace and
quiet of the next-door lounge was shattered by my girly gasp cry of extreme
pleasure as Marion's long middle finger was inside my slit and taking me to

My supremely super-sensitive young-girlness took over the whole of my body as
the three older girls stroked my thighs, and rubbed my lollipops, and ran their
pretty hands over my bummy and my suckbuds.

I was their slave. I must be obediently subservient to their wishes. I could
make no move that they did not command. Though I longed for their fingers in my
purse, I could neither tell them nor guide them that way.

I loved my thighs being stroked. Marion was behind me kissing my neck as
Elspeth, and Georgina slowly stroked my thighs back and forth, back and forth,
back and forth, and Marion's finger was then wiggled wildly in my purse the
while. And poor Josephine must sit next-door pretending she did not care as the
air was torn by my scream as I orgasmed on Marion's lovely finger.

They lay me on my back on the bed, and Elspeth, and Georgina then pulled me up
suddenly and harshly by my nipples. As Marion kissed my mouth, deep tonguing me,
my titty-tips were being squeezed brutally hard. Then they let them go and it
hurt more than when they were being pinched. Elspeth, and Georgina slapped my
tits twice each very hard as Marion rammed her finger into my slit again and
poor Jo listened to my girl-girly squeal as I orgasmed once more.

They turned me on my face, and began to stroke the whole length of my parted
legs from ankle up calf, over back of knee, along long thigh, to a smackybump,
which was smacked lightly, before the stroke went back over the two-mile length
of my gorgeous legs and back again to smack one of my smackybumps. I was totally
wanton now. They reached under me, took a nipple each, pinched it very hard,
slapped my bottom hard, and poor Josephine heard my squeaks and shrieks as I
orgasmed a third time.

Now Elspeth, and Georgina had turned me over and were sucking and licking my
lollipops as Marion got down between my legs to kiss my slit. No sooner had
Marion's tongue touched the outer lips of my slit than poor Jo heard me squeal
once more as I orgasmed a fourth time.

They made me stand legs apart and Elspeth, and Georgina again pinched my
suckbuds as Marion struggled to find my clit in my sopping-wet honeyed naughty.
I howled with pain when she grasped my clitoris and squeezed it as hard as the
other girls were pinching my suckbuds. And, ten seconds after they all let go,
Jo heard my girly wanton squeaks as I orgasmed a fifth and then a sixth time.

The rough treatment was over now, the girls just wanted to take turns in kissing
me and feeling my purse.

Elspeth had first turn. As Marion and Georgina went into the main room to get
some water to refresh themselves, I lay on the bed on my left flank, my trunk in
Elspeth's arms, Elspeth's middle finger stroked up and down the tight outer lips
of my super-sensitive nude honey-wet naughty, and her eager mouth kissing my
mouth passionately.

Then she entered my sopping wet slit, and her enthusiastic prying fingers found
my girl-penis and she pressed and stroked my slit, and then deep fingered me and
pressed with the heel of her hand on my peek-a-boo's hood, and Marion and
Georgina next door as well as Josephine, heard my rising moans, and gasps, and
desperate sighs, and girly cries, and my shout and my scream as I orgasmed a
seventh time.

Georgina now returned, took me in her arms next and her warm hand was soon on my
seeping naughty. She pressed and squeezed and stroked my smooth nude shaven
purse, without seeking to penetrate me as I longed for her to do. And she kissed
my eager mouth with sexual wanton, whispering in my ear that I was an incredible
bitch who deserved to be whipped.

Then she parted my purse with a rapidly thrust middle-finger that took my breath
away, and I gasped and I cried out and I shook my golden hair from side to side
in astonishment as I went as rigid as if I were having a seizure, and once more
lovely Josephine heard my helpless girly-girly squeals as I orgasmed an eighth

Marion had me lie on my back and a pillow put under my bum-cheeks. Her head was
between my helpless thighs and she began, as I had never experienced the
absolute heaven of ever before, to lick the cream from my eclair. I could not
help but take hold of her hair and caress her, even though it was forbidden me.
I arched up from the pillow in my ecstasy and girly squeals and screams uttered
from my agape mouth, and I orgasmed screaming my pleasure as I came a ninth and
then a tenth time.

Finished with me as they were now, I was let slide to the floor.

Broken and fucked as I had been, I screamed with sexual wantonness from this
disdainful and cruelly dismissive abandonment of me higher and higher and
higher, and I howled with total animal abandonment writhing uncontrollably on
the floor and pulling my wildly scattered straw-blonde hair with my pretty hands
as if in a fit.

Longing to touch myself, to feel and caress my sopping soaking crack that was
torrenting honeydew, and to press hard on my throbbing pleasure-painful
clitoris, I orgasmed for the eleventh and twelfth time, each time more totally
overwhelmingly than before as I went me to girl-heaven and far, far beyond.

Unbeknown to me, as I had begun to sleep exhausted on the hard floor, it was
Josephine and Marion who lifted me into my bed and covered me over. And it was
Josephine who stole the chance to kiss my forehead as I slept exhausted by my
love stroking, and whisper that she loved me.

Review This Story || Author: Eve Adorer
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