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Review This Story || Author: Leones

Dealing Nikki

Part 9

Dealing Nikki-9

Nikki's speech was garbled, Benny's hold not allowing her to remove her mouth
from his prick.

"Pweez Betty, too bwig for me, cunt doot."

"Sorry Nikki, can't understand you, you must be speaking a foreign language."

Benny forced the young beauty's head downward, ever so slowly. Nikki made
pathetic gurgling sounds, her throat first trying to reject the intruder and
then trying to accept it. Breathing was becoming difficult, she could feel the
giant piece of meat at the back of her mouth, touching the rim of her throat.

Benny was determined not to stop until Nikki's lips were nestled snugly in the
midst of his pubic hair.

Once again, still very slowly, Benny forced the blonde's head downward until she
was eating pubic hair. Only Benny's vice like grip kept her head in place.
Nikki's face was turning red from lack of oxygen, the massive log cutting off
most of her air supply.

Benny advised the desperate young blonde, her face growing even redder. "If you
want to be released, use your hand to massage my testicles."

Nikki reached wildly for Benny's scrotums, fondling and teasing them the best
she could. Within seconds, much to Nikki's chagrin, Benny shot his wad, his
pearly essence flooding her unprotected throat and coursing unheeded into the
reservoir of her belly. Nikki felt as if she was drowning, gasping, unable to
intake air.

Finally, Benny released his grip and withdrew from Nikki's mouth. Her face was
red, her eyes bulging, Nikki's mouth opened and closed rapidly, like a fish out
of water as she gulped large quanities of oxygen into her depleted lungs.

Nikki's breathing had barely returned to normal when Benny released her from her
bonds. He allowed her to set up on the bed, her head propped against two
pillows. She looked exquisite, her dark, sun bronzed body prominent against the
snow white comforter covering the bed. She started to speak but hesitated when
Benny motioned with his hands for her to spread her legs. Without questioning
his authority, Nikki spread her long, shapely legs, offering Benny full view of
her blonde, fleece covered snatch.

"Benny, I don't want to end up in China, please, we have to get out of here
right now."

Benny approached the bed without speaking, taking uncontested liberties with the
lovely centerfold's body. He ran his hand slowly up the inside of her right leg
until he reached the apex between her thighs. Nikki moved slightly but made no
protest when he fingered her exposed slit. He moved up to her titties, Nikki
winced in pain as he not so gently, kneaded and molded the twin orbs into
various shapes of his own choosing.

He then bent down next to the naked blonde and broke the silence. "We'll play
one more little game and then I'll take you out of here."

Nikki protested. "But Benny we........"

The slap to Nikki's face sounded like a rifle shot, almost knocking her

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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