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Review This Story || Author: Leones

Dealing Nikki

Part 10

Dealing Nikki-10

Nikki wept in shame as she tongue licked her way up the dark crevice between
Benny's ass cheeks. Benny's torso was face down on the bed, his feet spread wide
and on the floor. Nikki kneeled behind him, using both hands to spread his
buttocks. She flicked her tongue. ever so lightly up and down the hairy cleft,
sending involuntary tremors through his body.

"Thata girl Nikki, thats feels wonderful, now clean me up real good."

Nikki looked at Benny's dark, crinkly hole and sobbed out loud, her magnificient
breasts dancing a tune upon her heaving chest.

"Get to it Nikki, it can't be that bad."

The mortified blonde first touched the small, rubbery ring with the tip of her
tongue, as if tasting it, Then, abandoning all self respect, Nikki scoured
Benny's anus, using her tongue to remove any and all traces of residue, She then
forced the tip of her tongue through the tight elastic band of Benny's sphincter
muscles, probing and searching for additional waste.

Benny patted a pissed off Nikki on top of the head. "Good job Nikki, I think
you've finally found your real calling in life."

Benny slipped on a shirt and pants and told Nikki to get dressed while he
checked for the best way out of the house. Nikki was ecstatic, maybe she was
going to get out of this after all.

Benny found Johnny, Judi Lee and her two associates in the den playing cards.

"Ms. Lee, I can't think you enough for your generosity, it was most delightful."

Judi stood up. "By the way, where is the charming Ms. Page?"

Benny chuckled. "She's in the bedroom, waiting for me, dumb broad thinks we're
going to run away together." "She offered herself to me, heart and soul."

"Oh, she did, did she?" Judi questioned. "Well, I think I will pay her a little
surprise visit."

Judi carried a small, doctor like bag with her and Benny followed the diminutive
chinese girl to the door of the bedroom. Being a good eight inches shorter than
Nikki, Benny ask her if she needed any help.

Judi Lee spoke in no uncertain terms. "Believe me, I wont need any help." "you
can come in when you hear me knock on the door."

Curious, Benny put his ear to the door. He could hear Nikki scream. "You're not
taking me anywhere."

That was followed by a couple of banging noises that sounded like scuffling.
Then there was a few minutes of silence.

A loud, blood curdling scream sent shivers through Benny's body. He listened
intently against the door and could make out crying.

Then a second scream of agony, as fierce as the first, followed shortly by a
knock on the door.

When Benny walked in, Judi was rummaging through her black bag and paying no
attention to the bound, gagged and naked blonde laying on the nearby table.
Nikki's wrists were secured behind her back with nylon rope, her ankles crossed
and also tied with nylon rope. A wide piece of black tape was plastered across
her mouth. She had purposely been deposited on the hard surfaced, wooden table,
where she lay on her side, rather than on the bed.

Nikki was crying uncontrollably. When Benny approached her he could see driblets
of blood trickling from both nostrils.

"Hey, Ms. Lee. you gave her a bloody nose."

"Yeh, and if you took that tape off, you'd see that she has what you Americans,
I believe refer to as a fat lip."

Benny chuckled. "Probably slow her cock sucking down a bit, I'll bet."

Benny circled the table to view the prostrated blonde's back side. He almost
went into shock. Both of Nikki's thumbs were sticking out of her hands in the
wrong direction.

"God!!! What happened to her thumbs?"

"I broke them," was Judi's callous reply.

"Man you play rough." "Now I know what all of the big time screaming was about."

"I'm from China Mr. Benny, not America, Ms. Page will not enjoy herself in my

Judi walked over to the table and as one would simply rearrange a piece of
funiture, she pushed Nikki's knees up to her chest. Everything between her rear
cheeks was open for their inspection. The plump, slitted lips of her vulva
peeked enticingly from between the backs of her thighs.

The beautiful centerfold could only lie there in pain as the young Chinese girl
showcased her most intimate charms. She pulled her buttocks apart, stretching
the puckered skin of her anus in vulger fashion, then pinched together the
tender lips of her vagina until Nikki whimpered into her gag.

"Those are what you American men are interested in, cunts and asses but you'd be
very surprised at what turns an eighty year old Chinaman on, and indeed, so will
Ms. Page, I'm afraid."

Judi Lee removed a hypodermic needle from her bag, purposely holding it in plain
view of Nikki as she tested the plunger. squirting two drops of the fluid
harmlessly into the air. Nikki protested vehemently into her gag as Judi circled
the table. The young, cruel oriental girl uncerimoniously plunged the length of
the thin, sharp needle into the exposed flesh of Nikki's right buttocks. Nikki's
scream of anguish was muffled by the broad piece of tape across her mouth.

Johnny and Benny watched from the second story window as the long black
limousine with tinted windows pulled into the driveway at the back of the
mansion. Shortly thereafter, a gorgeous blonde was escorted from the house by
two oriental men, her bound wrists and nudity hidden beneath an expensive fur
coat that reached just about to her knees. With one escort on each arm, she
moved unsteadily between them, stumbling in the white high heel pumps that she

The oriental chauffeur held the rear door open and was waiting when they
arrived. Although the blonde's head hung loosely, her chin almost touching her
chest, she balked as they tried to put her in the limousine. Using the back of
her head, one of the men pushed her forward until she was bent at the waist,
causing the hem at the back of her coat to raise right up to the bottom of her
ass cheeks, revealing the most beautifully sculptured pair of suntanned legs
that anyone will ever see. The ones that captured old Hugh's heart, the ones
that belong to Ms. July 1999. He easily threw her head first into the rear seat.

Johnny and Benny watched as the limousine drove away. Johnny turned to Benny.

"Come tomorrow, there's going to be one very happy old Chinaman.

The End

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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