The Six Tasks of My Humiliation
Part 1
By Alfamann
I have been on edge all week since my confession to my husband. I have
been so nervous I have just about completely lost my appetite. It had all gone
a little crazy last Friday evening when my husband, Steven, was on our computer
and using the internet. I heard him call my name and I sauntered into the study
wearing only a towel as I had just exited the shower.
“What is this?” he asked, a small grin on his face.
“What is what? I responded, moving
around the desk so I could see the screen. What I saw just about caused me to
faint. On the screen was one of the adult websites I had been perusing this
afternoon prior to Steven arriving home.
“And this?” Steven flashed up yet another of the adult sites I had
I shut my eyes in embarrassed
confusion. Normally I wipe out the addresses of these websites from our browser
so there is no trace of the sites I had visited, but today the phone
interrupted me and I plain forgot. I could see from Steven’s demeanour he was
not outraged by my behaviour, but was clearly very curious as to why his wife
was surfing adult sites on the web, particularly as he did not see me as the
sexually adventurous type.
I didn’t want to discuss it, but
Steven took my hand and pulled me down to sit on his lap.
“Angela, all these sites you have
been looking at deal with submission and humiliation. If this is something you
are interested in why have you not shared this with me?” Steven was clearly a
little hurt.
As ego crushing as it was, I blushingly
confessed to my husband that for the past few years I had fantasised about
being humiliated, but was too embarrassed to admit to such thoughts as they
were so perverted. Steven was curious and asked me several probing questions
about my fantasies, which I shyly answered.
As Steven continued to question me I
could feel his manhood growing hard and realised he was sexually excited by the
conversation. We had not made love for several weeks so I reached under my lap
and unzipped his trousers, freeing one very erect penis. Throwing off my towel
in an uncharacteristic display of uninhibited nakedness I sat down again on his
lap, guiding his penis deep into my vulva.
What followed was one of the best love making sessions we have had for many years.
Afterwards we remained in a seated
embrace, his penis still within me. It was then that he whispered in my ear he
was going to help me fulfil my fantasy. I gave a little laugh in response,
thinking he was just joking with me.
But he wasn’t joking. In fact he had
already formulated his little plan.
“For the next six weeks I am going to set a
task designed to humiliate you. I will inform you of the task on Monday and you
must complete that task before the end of the week. If you do not complete the
task you will be punished by a person other than myself.
If you agree, you must stay in the game for all of the six tasks.” Steven was
smiling broadly, obviously delighted with his kinky ingenuity.
Steven’s little game was so far
removed from our previously conservative sexual conduct that I just stared at
him agog, almost disbelieving what I had heard.
“Yes or no?” Steven persisted
“Steven. Let’s discuss this further.
I need to know what these tasks are likely to be before I agree to them.” I was
very apprehensive.
“No you don’t. Not knowing will add
to the excitement. And anyway, I am sure you would not agree if I told you
Steven could not stop himself
smiling as I squirmed anxiously on his lap. Incredibly I could feel his penis
growing hard inside me again, which only served to re-ignite my passion, which
probably made me much more adventurous than normal.
Steven began to slowly grind his
hips, stimulating my already engorged clit. “Yes or no?” he whispered into my
I did not respond, but began to
drive my hips up and down his shaft.
“Yes or no?”
“Yes,” I responded breathlessly,
trying to shut out the possible consequences of what I was agreeing to. We rode
the wave of pleasure together and orgasmed in a chorus of animal grunts.
Nothing more was said over the
weekend. Our daughter and son were home from university for a couple of nights
and our attention was focused on enjoying their company as we had not been
together as a family for almost two months. Steven and I have two children;
Andrew aged 20 years and Matilda aged 19 years. Both are out of State at
university. As we have a large five bedroomed house which is now mostly empty
we decided to help out the local college by taking in an 18 year old Danish
exchange student for a year. His name is Henrik, and although he is quiet and
shy, he has fitted in well.
Come Monday our children had
returned to university, leaving the house to Steven and I, plus Henrik.
Although I tried to focus on other things, I was only too acutely aware that it
was Monday, the day when Steven was supposedly setting me my first ‘task’.
I was a ball of nervous energy, and
wished I had never mentioned anything to Steven.
After dinner Henrik and Steven
cleared the table, before Henrik retired to his room to do his studies. As we
sat down in the lounge with our coffees, Steven handed me a piece of folded
paper. My heart was in my mouth. Slowly I opened it and read my first task. My
jaw dropped, but before I could say anything Steven held up his hand to stop
“Is the task clear?” He sounded so
matter of fact it was as if he had given me a shopping list.
Disbelievingly I read the piece of
paper again. ‘You are to go into Henrik’s
bedroom when he is asleep, dressed only in bra and panties, and masturbate
yourself until you have a nice big wet spot on your panties. Love you, Steven
I shook my head and pleaded to
Steven with my eyes, but he just smiled and turned his attention to the
It is now Thursday night and I know
I am running out of time. Henrik sometimes sleeps over with friends on Friday
and Saturday night, therefore I cannot keep putting it off. Steven has watched
my agitated state all week and has enjoyed seeing me mentally wrestle with my
desires. A part of me wanted to call the whole stupid game off right away
before anyone got harmed. But some primal urge from deep within kept pushing me
I noticed Henrik’s light in his
bedroom turn off at a little after
Once I was dressed in my underwear I
was too afraid to look at Steven for fear I would lose my nerve. Silently I
exited our bedroom and tiptoed down the hallway to Henrik’s bedroom.
Fortunately his door opened without a noise, and I peeped inside the room to
ensure he was a sleep. I was much relieved to see he was sleeping with his back
to me. Carefully I took two steps so I was midway between the door and his bed.
I wanted to ensure I was close enough to the door so I could make a dash for it
if he woke.
I stood looking at the sleeping form
of Henrik for several minutes before I worked up enough courage to slide my
hand inside my panties. Slowly I began to work my fingers up and down my
vagina. To my shock I began reacting almost instantly. My labia swelled and I
could feel the first signs of dampness. A thrill surged through me and I began
to rub harder. I opened my legs wider to give my hand better access.
Suddenly Henrik stirred and rolled
onto his back. I froze on the spot, my hand still inside my panties. I willed
myself to stop breathing as I was sure he would hear the frantic beating of my
heart. If he opened his eyes now I would be caught in the most embarrassing
position of my entire life.
Fortunately he remained asleep on
his back. Gradually I began to pick up the rhythm again on my swollen labia. I
hate to admit it but the thought that he could open his eyes at any time and
catch me masturbating made the whole scene even more exciting. I even opened my
legs wider; enjoying the free access this gave my hand.
I was soon so wet that I began to
hear slurping noises. I removed my hand and pulled my panties up tight into my
crotch so that the moisture leaked into the fabric. Quickly I exited the room,
closed the door, and hurried down to my own bedroom. As I entered Steven had a
broad smile on his face. Excitedly I jumped on the bed, knelt with my legs
open, took his hand and proudly guided it to the crotch of my panties. I was
soaking. In one swift movement he pulled the panties aside and thrust straight
into me. We had never had sex with such passion in our entire marriage.
Afterwards Steven made me recount in
detail what I had done in Henrik’s bedroom, which was followed by another
session of intense sex. Given Steven and I typically only had intercourse every
two weeks or so, sometimes longer, it was amazing our frequency had suddenly
soared through the roof. Something positive was definitely happening to our sex
The following Monday the routine was
repeated. Once Henrik had left us to do his studies Steven and I made a coffee
and retired to the lounge. I was full of nervous anticipation as he handed the
note over to me. I read it, and then glared at Steven in disbelief. He had gone
too far this time. The note read; ‘You
are to let Henrik see you completely naked. He must see your pussy and breasts.
Love you, Steven XXX’.
I continued to look at Steven,
despairingly. “Steven, we need to discuss this,” I implored.
Steven’s response was to give me a
wink before turning his attention to the television.
My response was to sulk. How could I
ever go through with this task?
It was this thought that occupied my
mind constantly over the next few days. Could I shame myself in this manner?
But the more I thought about it the more my perverted mind began to accept I
could do it.
However it took me until Friday
before I could work up the courage to try and fulfil the task. I had heard
Henrik on the phone telling a friend to pick him up at
Just after
After I finished the shower I turned
it off, but remained in the cubicle dripping wet. I waited for what seemed an eternity
before I heard the door open. Henrik was obviously surprised the light was on.
“Is anyone in here?” he called out.
I was desperately nervous but forced
myself to remain silent. I heard the footsteps of Henrik enter the bathroom and
go to the basin to clean his teeth. Just as he reached to pick up his
toothbrush I nonchalantly pulled back the shower curtain and stepped out,
giving Henrik a full frontal view of my nakedness. I don’t believe I have ever
felt so humiliated, displaying myself to this 18 year old youth.
He emitted a screech of surprise and
brought his hand over his mouth. At the same time I howled, “Oh my goodness
Henrik. I am so sorry. I didn’t hear you. Steven is using the other shower.”
Henrik began to back away towards
the door, but his eyes were riveted on my naked body. He was clearly captivated
by what he saw. He apologised over and over in broken English as he reluctantly
exited the bathroom. I gathered my towel and beat a hasty retreat to my bedroom
where I excitedly put on a dressing gown before seeking out Steven in the study.
He was studiously doing some
research on the computer for a medical article he is writing (Steven is a
Doctor with his own medical practice). I sidled up beside him and he looked up
to see my beaming face
“What?” he asked, smiling back at
“I did it,” I gloated in excitement.
“Task two done.”
“Holly Moses, Batman.” His eyes lit
up. “You must tell me everything about it. Every little
And I did. I confessed to Steven how
humiliated, yet excited, I felt to be seen totally naked by a person other than
my husband. Needless to say the sex that followed was great. We did it right
there on the desk in the study.
You can imagine my sense of
anticipation, mixed with immense trepidation, come the following Monday. Again
Steven handed me the folded note once we were alone in the lounge with our
coffees. I opened the piece of paper and read it slowly. I looked up at Steven,
and then read the note again two more times, somehow hoping I had misinterpreted
what it said. However the note, as always, was simple and to
the point. ‘You are to be naked
all evening from the time you arrive home until you are excused by me to go to
bed. You must make sure you pick an evening when Henrik is home, and you are to
explain to him you are naked as a punishment for being naughty. Love you,
Steven XXX’.
I honestly did not believe I had the
courage to carry out this third task. Briefly flashing my naked body while
stepping out of a shower was gut retching enough, but to be totally exposing
myself all evening would be unbearable.
“Steven. I cannot do this,” I
“Then we will arrange for someone to
punish you.” His tone was certain
“Punish me,” I gulped. I had not
been punished since I was a child and I certainly had no intention of being
punished as an adult. I was caught between a rock and a hard place, as they
say. I decided I had no choice other than to suffer the extreme indignity of
being naked in front of 18 year old Henrik.
I was dreading having to be naked in
front of young Henrik so much that I decided not to prolong the agony. At
breakfast on Wednesday morning I tried to sound casual as I asked Henrik if he
was going to be home this evening and he confirmed he was. I looked over at
Steven and he had a knowing smirk on his face. I could have killed him.
When I arrived home from work at
Henrik’s door was wide open so I
nervously entered and engaged him in casual conversation, enquiring as to how
his day had been at college. I had decided I would tell him in advance what
would be happening this evening, in the hope it would somehow reduce the shock
to both of us. I could not believe I was actually contemplating going through
with it. My heart was pumping so hard I feared I might go into cardiac arrest.
I couldn’t put it off any longer,
and there was no simple way of saying it.
“Henrik, tonight you are going to be
a bit surprised. Well, a lot surprised actually.”
Henrik looked at me curiously.
“I have been naughty.” The words
made me blush with embarrassment. “And as a punishment Steven has told me I
have to be naked all evening.” I tried to make it all sound as casual as
Henrik’s eyes opened as wide as
saucers. “Naked. I don’t understand Mrs Baker? What do you mean by naked?” Not
surprisingly Henrik was doubting he had understood
“Naked… I have to take off all my
clothes.” I could hardly look the young man in the eye.
“All of them?” he asked
“Yes, all of them,” I responded
quietly, knowing I was blushing beetroot red. “I hope you understand and will
not be offended?”
He was clearly confused by this
surprising slice of American life, but I could also see in his eyes the
prospect of seeing me naked was not unappealing to him. He had had a brief
glimpse of me exiting the shower, and would like to see more.
Henrik shrugged his shoulders, and I
could see he was fighting to hide a smile. “It is okay for me, Mrs Baker.”
Totally embarrassed I quickly exited
Henrik’s room and went to my own. I took a long shower, which I was reluctant
to end. Finally I forced myself to turn off the water and as I towelled myself
I stared at my naked form in the mirror. I was 41 years old and proud of my
body. I exercised regularly and was trim. Despite my slender form I had very
full buttocks that showed no sign of sag. My breasts were not overly large, but
again were firm with small, sensitive nipples. Even though I was proud of my
body, I certainly did not want to go parading it around the house for everyone
to ogle.
My eyes focused on my pubic hair. I
had sparse, straight, blonde pubic hair that did little to hide my vaginal lips
from view. How I wished I had a thick mop of black curly pubic hair like I had
seen on some of my friends when we were showering at the gym.
I inhaled a deep breath. The time
had come. I dropped my towel, walked out of the bathroom, through the bedroom
and into the hallway. For a moment I hesitated as the swirling mix of emotions
bombarded my inner senses, but I forced myself to go on. Quickly I strode past
the open doorway of Henrik’s room, not daring to glance in to see if he had
seen me.
Once in the kitchen I tried to focus
on preparing dinner, but believe me this is very difficult when one is stark
naked. I reached for my apron, knowing it would at least cover my pubic region
and breasts. I had only been in the kitchen a few minutes when Henrik strolled
in, on the pretext of getting a drink of milk from the refrigerator. Even
though I was wearing the apron, I was incredibly embarrassed as I knew he would
have a clear view of my buttocks. He slowly drank his milk before leaving.
A short time later I heard Steven
arrive home and he soon appeared in the kitchen. He walked up to me and put his
arms around me. I thought he was going to give me a cuddle, but instead he
untied my apron and removed it from me.
“I said naked. You must learn to do
as you are told.” Steven scolded me and I felt like a child being lectured by
her parent.
I thought of protesting but knew it
would be useless. I tried to focus my attention on preparing dinner, but when
it was ready I was hesitant to call out to Henrik as I knew I had no way of
hiding my nakedness from him. Finally I gathered the courage to call both males
to the dinner table. In record time they were both seated at the dining table.
Totally humiliated I served them the meal while both of them ogled my naked
body. They were making no effort to be discrete. I even spotted Henrik quickly readjust
the growing bulge in his trousers, which only served to make me more mortified.
Both males did at least try to make
normal conversation during the meal, although neither could wipe the smirk off
their faces. Once dinner was finished Steven and I went into the lounge with
our coffees, and were soon joined by Henrik who assured me he had no homework
to do tonight.
I was amazed I had become more
relaxed with my nudity. I still felt very exposed, but less embarrassed. I was
also beginning to feel a disconcerting warmth between
my legs. I knew that the perverse side of my nature was beginning to enjoy my
exposure. Little did I know Steven was about to push the boundaries further.
“Stand up, Angela, and come over to
me,” Steven suddenly announced in the middle of a conversation on other
I looked at him warily, but obeyed,
standing directly in front of him. I fidgeted nervously with my fingers,
fighting off the desire to cover myself with my hands.
“Open you legs.”
I looked at Steven horrified. But
even as I did I could feel myself becoming more excited. In my fantasies I had
often visualised myself as having to spread my legs and totally expose the most
private parts of my womanly body. However I had never confessed this to Steven.
Slowly I slid my feet along the
carpet until my legs were stretched wide open. I had my back to Henrik, and I
knew he would have a peep of my pussy lips and anus. I could feel my skin
flushing with embarrassment. Steven admired the view from the front, and stared
straight at my pussy.
“Are you wet?” he enquired in a
manner one would ask a perfectly normal question. Except this one was far from
My shame increased by several
notches, and I responded by pouting my lips like a naughty young girl
“Well?” he persisted
“Yes,” was all I could say, as I
knew full well I was very wet. I could even smell my
own sexual excitement.
“Go and show Henrik,” Steven
Mortified I took the few small steps
over to Henrik, stood before him, and opened my legs wide. I could not bear to
look down at the young student, but I could feel his eyes riveted on my swollen
and damp labia protruding from under my thin mat of pubic hair. It was such a
delicious mix of utter humiliation and perverse excitement.
After being made to expose myself to
Henrik for what seemed an eternity, Steven final took my hand and led me away
from a stunned, but very appreciative, young man. Steven wasted no time in
getting me to our bedroom and undressed himself in record time. A session of
extreme passion followed as we were both highly aroused by the preceding events
of the evening.
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