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Review This Story || Author: CWStJ Nobbs

A Pirates Life for me.

Part 1

I looked back, this time yesterday I was just a petty thief thinking I was scourge of these water ways

The Pirating life for me


By CWstJ Nobbs


I looked back; this time yesterday I was just a petty thief thinking I was scourge of these waterways.  Laughing I realise that I’m closer to my grand ambitions than ever, here I am at the helm of my new vessel and that’s not even half of my tale.



My little dinghy glided across the calm blue sea into the secluded bay, this is when I spied my latest pray.  I tied off the side of the luxury yacht and watched the little diving buoy 10 metres off showing that the boat was deserted.  Jumping aboard I went and explored putting anything I could sell in to the sack, I guessed that the two divers where both female by the dirty panties littering the floor of the cabin, after pocketing the skimpy souvenir, I chuckled getting rid of the thoughts in my head of getting carried away.  The last Item I took was an expensive looking digital camera smiling at the money I was going to make, I scanned the stored pictures after seeing the two beauties that where at this moment 10 metres down, I knew this wasn’t going to be the normal grab and run!


I took the rope from in my dinghy and let it go ‘no going back now’.  I hide just inside the cabin and waited for the two divers to return, it was about ten minutes when two dark shapes began to surface, once they had swam over and pulled themselves up the side into the yacht. In the full scuba gear I couldn’t see there shapes but it was obvious the two where blond.  The scuba gear soon littered the deck, I take a sharp intake of breath the pictures did them no justice they where stunning.


The shorter of the two looked about 19 the figure hugging wetsuit showed her 5’6’’ well rounded figure so well I nearly wolf whistled but stopped myself in time.  She started to pull the zipper of the wet suit down, her chest sprung free of the tight restraint she slid the rest of the wet suit down past her hips and down to the deck where she stepped out and re adjusted the small red bikini to cover her nipple which had worked free.  Turning to her companion I heard her tell her that she was going to pull up the anchor and start to head back to the marina and that Sara should go and start to make them something to eat.  With that she walked passed the cabin door and headed up towards the bow. 


My attention turned to the tall girl called Sara who had here back to me with the wet suit slowly heading down her legs this was when I made my move clearing the space between us I had the loop of rope around her wrists and hand over mouth before a sound had left her mouth I whispered in her ear ‘make a sound and things could turn nasty’.  She stopped struggling and let me finish tying her wrists and ankles and slipping the panties into her mouth as a gag.  I picked her up and laid her down in the cabin, this was when I got my first look at her she was taller about six foot she look a fraction older that her friend I’d guess at about 20, her slender body was covered in just a little black bikini which covered her small tits for modesty only, she needed no support.  I knelt down and undid the bows holding her top on and pulled it away from her body whispering ‘you don’t need this do you’ looking into her eyes I was sure I could see a little excitement mixed with the fear.


That’s when I heard the engine start up I realised I still had work to do I tweaked one of Sara’s nipples and headed to the deck for victim number two, I saw her at the controls I crept up behind her and grabbed her wrists she immediately started to struggle I managed to get the rope around on wrist when she broke free and spinning around she kneed me in the groin and I doubled up I saw her run past me, the anger built and I dived after her she made it to the cabin door and saw her friend as I caught up in my rage I swung knocking her in to the bulkhead where she crumpled and fell unconscious. I went back out and stopped the engine; I left us floating out just outside the bay.  A few sail litter the horizon but by now all the yachties would be back into marina.  I returned to the cabin I pulled the gag out of Sara’s mouth and asked her the name of her friend she whispered ‘Louise’, I untied her legs and had her follow me. I dragged Louise out on deck towards the bow and laid her out and told Sara to sit in the deck chair I then retied her legs.  I returned to Louise shredded the bikini of her and tied the lengths of rope to her legs and ankles rolling her on to her back I look at her dazed form she clearly not a natural blond I push a finger into her dry slit and pull her nipples till she starts to come around, with the two prepared I couldn’t contain my lust any longer.  As she stirs I position myself with by bulbous head at her entrance.  As her eyes open a force my whole 9 inch length into her the friction is nearly unbearable but her screams and the look of fear on her face is worth it, stroke after stroke I force into her I don’t last long I feel my load start to build and I shove forward with everything I’ve got feeling my head against her cervix I realise my load into her causing another scream from her plump lips.


When I’ve recovered I pull out and force her bikini into her mouth and wrap the final bit of rope around her head holding it in place.  I then tie the two bits of rope attached to her wrists to the hand rail around one on each side then keeping hold of the to lengths of rope on her ankles I drop her over the bow pulling the last two ropes back and tying them further back on the ship I pull her legs back and apart forcing her arse onto the bow leaving her pussy unprotected I adjust the ropes so that her pussy is just submerged leaving her displayed like the figure heads on the old sailing ships I pat her on the head and return to Sara I then looked into her eyes and said ‘ that what happens when I get upset’ with that I untied her told her to stand a remove the bikini bottoms, she pulled on the strings on either side and let it drop to the floor I saw that see was a natural blond unlike her friend.  I then reached out at put my hand on her mound, she parted her legs to allow me access to her slit which I found was soaking I slipped a finger into her and felt her warmth I pulled it out and told her to go and prepare a meal for the two of us I then proceeded to take the yacht to a secluded bay I know where we won’t be disturbed, all the time the waves and know the wash is splashing up and slapping my new figure head between the legs and up to her breasts, this punishment should teach Louise her place.


That evening once I’d hidden the yacht well off the beaten track in an enclosed cove on one of the less popular islands, I settled down to some fun.  With Louise still tied up, I had a meal with Sara she was still naked. I then impaled Sara on me, I let her weight sink my cock right into her tight little pussy with only the slightest of moans I was fully into her.  I then had her tell me what they where doing out here.  She proceeded to tell me that her and Louise had just finished college and that Louise’s rich daddy had lent them the boat to relax on for a two week holiday, they still had just over a week to go.  I lifted her up so that I was just in side her and the let her go again after she was so wet that I slid easily into her again, she then started to ride me hard I could see she was close to cumming I took her bullet shaped nipple in to my mouth and started to bite down on it, reaching round to her pert arse I slipped one finger into her tight hole forcing her over the edge see started screaming and contractions in her pussy milked my of the second load of the night once the two of us came down form the high, I took Sara into the bedroom and asked her if she brought any toys with her, she smiled and reached for a bag under one of the bunks and laid the contents on the bed the where two rubber dildos slightly bigger than my cock, a metal vibrator and a butt plug.


I proceeded to tie Sara to the bed when she was spread eagle on the bed I pushed one of dildos into her pussy with that in place I forced the butt plug into her tight anus there was a few moans from her lips but she soon settled down.  With that I left to see how my figurehead was doing. 


Louise’s head was hanging down as I untied her legs and pulled her back on deck.  Once she was completely released I looked her over, she was a bit red between the legs and soaked she was shivering from a mixture of the cold and fear. She tried to struggle but just look towards the bow was enough to stop her, she just groaned when I placed my finger into her cunt.  I lead her into the main cabin and tied her hands to one end of the daybed, once I had fed her some scraps from dinner, I proceeded to force one of dildo’s up into her arse it was hard work because she was still resisting me at first but with constant pressure the resistance failed once it was in and I was happy it wouldn’t fall out, I slipped the vibrator into her cunt once in, I bound her legs together.  As I went to leave I turned slipped my hand between her legs and flicked the switch, vibrator came to life causing her to gasp, that’s where I left her for the night. I fell asleep to against Sara, to her gentle snoring and muffled sounds of groaning from the other room, dreaming up what I could do to these two next.


As I woke I could feel the warmth of Sara lying next to me, I slip my hand between her legs and realise the dildo had fallen out during the night so I gentle position myself between her legs and force my self into her in one thrust, she wakes with a loud gasp and a slight smile on her face which she tries to hide. With the plug in her arse she is incredibly tight and my first release of the day comes quick.  I pull out and leave Sara with a look of pleading on her face, I’m not sure if it’s from wanting to be untied or for me to continue. 


As I go out on deck I see the sky has clouded over and looks like its going to be a wet miserable day which means nobodies going to be out on their boats today so I won’t be discovered, miserable day for the weather not for me!


On returning to the cabin I see Louise must have had a hard night her hair was matted and stuck to her face through a mixture of sweat and tears, her wrists and angles where red from her vain attempt to break free during the night, but the real discomfort was from between her legs from the continual stimulation.  As I force my hand between her legs I could feel the vibrator was still going weakly so the batteries must almost have run out.  When I with draw my hand it is soaked in Louise’s juices that I wipe on her face she wakes and glares at me and renews her fight with the bonds I just laugh and walk away, I guess I’m going to have to try harder to break her spirit.



First part of a building story I’ve a few ideas, but comments and suggestsions are always welcome email


Review This Story || Author: CWStJ Nobbs
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