Chapter Six: Back to the Grass
So, this is where we came in.
Here I am, lying on my back on the lawn in
the walled garden that surrounds my Dad’s summer cottage in
All this wonderful depravity has made me feel very sexy, and so I’m also wet between my legs from my own excitement. My cunt juices suddenly surge from me as, with his cock still in my mouth, he leans down and begins to lick my stomach clean of his piss. Even though he has just come, I feel him begin to stiffen once again as I tickle the underside of the tip of his cock with my tongue.
I am rewarded with one last, tiny drop of his piss, which trickles down my throat. I’m feeling deliciously sexy and decide to reward him for that last drop, so I let him slip out of my mouth, kiss his piss soaked balls for a moment, then say,
“Get me a couple of beers and you can have some of my piss to clean up too, if you like.”
I then raise my head a little and kiss him lovingly on his arsehole, licking his anus for a moment before slipping his suddenly much stiffer cock back into my mouth. I know that licking up my piss from my body is one of his favourite things and he immediately moves to stand up to get me the beers. I playfully keep him in place right where he is by very carefully and gently gripping his cock with my teeth, not tightly enough to hurt him at all, so long as he stays still, but to make him stay still long enough to thank me properly for my offer. It’s a game we often play.
His reply is to lean back down to kiss my cunt, which is dripping with a mixture of his piss and my sexual fluids. I give his cock and encouraging lick and a suck, and in return he slowly licks and sucks every bit of out combined nectars from between my spread open legs.
Then I open my mouth and allow him to get up off me, and he politely offers me his arm, helping me to get up quite elegantly from my naked resting place, lying on his sun-drenched lawn. With mock formality he helps me to a chair by the pool and I sit there comfortably, naked in the hot sun, savouring the heady aroma as his spunk and his piss dry on my body. As he stands, watching, I run my hands up through my soaking shoulder length hair, piling it on top of my head so that his piss runs from it, down over my face to drip from my chin onto my tits.
I smile up at him.
I love beer. Not so much that I’m a fat old slag, but on a hot afternoon in the French countryside, a couple of small bottles of chilled, cloudy Belgian white beer are the perfect refreshing drink. I have absolutely no inhibitions whatsoever with my Dad, so they make no difference from that point of view, but they make me feel good, and I find the gassy pressure they create in my bladder very sexy. The beer also passes through me very quickly, so I can continue the fun. I love all the things I do with and for my Dad, but in some ways peeing for him is the best. He loves to watch, it doesn’t exhaust me the way real sex does, and it doesn’t hurt and spoil my body the way all the whipping does. Don’t get me wrong, I really and absolutely love everything my Dad and I do together, I masturbate constantly when I’m on my own, just remembering some of the things we have done together, but make no mistake, some of it really hurts, a lot!
We’ve become a lot more sophisticated since I was seventeen, and I’ve worked out this routine, a show for my Dad. It takes a bit of preparation, but I enjoy that part of it too. On the plane on the way over I drink a lot of fluids, some alcohol but mostly tea, coffee, and bottled water. As I said, I enjoy the pressure in my bladder, but I let myself pee in the toilet in the plane as often as I have to, I just keep drinking more and more.
Once I get off the plane I have one more pee in the airport and then buy a couple of big bottles of water and drink them in the cab. By the time I get to his house I’m very full and whilst my sloshing, full bladder feels very sexy, it takes a lot of control to not run to the toilet straight away. I wait until Daddy and I have exchanged kisses, hellos, how was the flight, etc., until he asks me,
“So how are you today, Baby?” and I reply,
“I need to empty myself, Daddy.”
He then tells me how he wants me to pee for him, sometimes naked, sometimes fully clothed, sometimes in the garden or in the shower. Whatever he has been dreaming about seeing since the last time I arrived from home.
One of his favourites is to have me stand facing him with my tits bare and with the bright sun behind me, wearing only a pair of tiny white panties which are far too small, at least three sizes smaller than I normally wear, and which are pulled tight into my skin, and a short, very thin white underskirt which sits very low on my hips, and comes half-way down my thighs. Oh, and my almost strapless high-heeled sandals, of course.
Once I am in position he always insists that I tug the underskirt even lower on my hips, so that it is almost falling off me. He likes to have a clear view of the top of my pubic hair where it peeps above the top of the tiny, schoolgirl panties. They are so small they constrict my movement, and the elastic at the waist and the tops of my thighs cuts deep into my skin, almost constricting the blood flow to my legs.
He then hands me two full glasses of my favourite beer, which I have to drink as I am pissing. I have to stand with my feet together and down the first glass in one go, which is not easy when I’m already desperate to pee, and only then I may part my legs to shoulder width, allowing him a perfect view of the silhouette of my legs against the sun, and try to piss through my tight little panties as I gulp down the second glass. The very low slung, short underskirt and the tiny, tight panties accentuate the flexing of my stomach as I simultaneously gulp the beer and let my bladder relax.
At first the tight little panties usually have me so tightly wrapped up between my legs that when I relax my bladder nothing at all happens at first. Then the pressure becomes too great and with a sudden gush the first deluge of my hot, sweet piss bursts from me, the flood silhouetted against the sun in the gap at the top of my legs as it drenches my thighs and flows down my legs. I stand like that for some moments as he enjoys the view of me pissing through my panties and down my thighs.
Without interrupting the flow of my piss, I then move my legs together so they’re almost touching, which allows the short underskirt, which is heavily soaked by this time, to slowly slip down my thighs to drop to my ankles. I then spread my legs again, as far as is comfortable with the underskirt at my feet hampering my movements, and continue to empty my bladder through the tight panties, down my thighs, soaking my legs all the way down to where the thin underskirt lies in a heap at my feet and ankles.
I’ve watched the video my Dad once made of me doing this, and I find it very dirty and sexy. You can momentarily quite clearly see the silhouette of the first deluge through the thin material of the underskirt before it hits the cloth and turns it completely transparent. And my Dad is right. Watching my stomach flex as I gulp the beer and pee at the same time really is very sexy. It’s one of the main images in my memory I masturbate to when I’m alone.
I usually finish the beer and stop pissing at about the same time, and without moving my feet I squat down and place the two empty beer glasses beside me on the grass. The soaking underskirt is still gathered round my ankles, and as I straighten up I pull it back up my legs so that once again it sits low on my hips. Of course, it’s now soaking wet, so it’s almost completely transparent and clings to my thighs like a second skin. My piss trickles from it back down my thighs, and every time I move another mini-deluge soaks my legs completely.
Now, obviously, I haven’t just pissed out the beer I’ve just drunk, it’s still inside me, gradually filling my bladder back up to its nice, sexy fullness again, so I just sit down in my soaking panties and underskirt and chat with my Dad until such time as I’m ready to go again. It usually takes about half an hour before I stand up and tell him,
“I need to empty myself again, Daddy.”
Sometimes he asks me to do an exact repeat of the first show, but often he asks me to turn around so my back is towards him, spread my legs wide, and keeping my legs absolutely straight, bend right down to grab my ankles, kind of folding myself double so that `I’m pressing my body hard against my thighs. By this time, of course, the tiny, tight little panties which were soaked are starting to dry, and are shrinking on my body. Because of this it is very painful to bend so far forward from the waist, and the elastic at my waist and thighs digs even deeper into my skin. Also, my skin by this time has become a bit red and irritated by having so much of my piss dry on it for half an hour, so the whole thing is acutely uncomfortable.
In this position my cunt and piss hole are in fact pointing upwards inside the tiny tight panties. To complete my discomfort he then pulls the underskirt down so that it is stretched tight across between my knees, and then I start to piss. As before, my tight little panties initially traps the liquid until this time, the deluge, when it eventually comes, soaks all of my upper thighs before trickling down the inside of both legs to once again soak my feet and ankles. Sometimes, if I get angle of my position just right, quite a lot of my piss escapes down between the cheeks of my bum to emerge from under my tightly stretched panties to trickle the length of my back and soak the back of my hair. That’s very sexy for me, to feel my own hot, sweet piss trickle down my back to my shoulders.
After all that I sometimes have to actually cut the panties off, they’re soaking wet and so, so tight, they sometimes simply will not budge, and once they are off and I go for a shower, the livid red marks left by the elastic can take hours to fade, unless, of course, Daddy has other plans for me, in which case I still go and have a shower, but I dry myself very thoroughly and put on another pair of identical tight little panties.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Let’s get back to where I’m naked apart from my heels, sitting on a chair by the pool, still dripping wet from having my Daddy wank and then piss all over me. He’s gone to get me a couple of beers from the fridge, and I’m about to give him a really dirty little treat.
I suppose I have to accept that the relationship between my Daddy and me is pretty unusual, but I think that’s sad, because I know that there are plenty of young “Daddy’s Girls”, and probably even more Daddies, who would love to behave like us, but they’re too scared, either because the Puritan in them thinks it’s evil, it’s wrong, or it’s just because they think they might be caught.
Can I tell you, for my money, Puritanism is the biggest, cruellest, sickest, joke that mankind has ever played on itself; disgusting fat old priests and hairy faced church ministers telling me what I may or may not do? Fuck off, evil bastards!
So guys’ don’t get your daughter pregnant, but if she’s up for it too, for Christ’s sake have some dirty, loving, fun together. If you’re careful you won’t be caught, but you really must be careful, and you really must keep it a secret. This big, beautiful world of ours is full of vindictive, jealous bastards who will make it their life’s work to get in your way, to stop you having fun, and get you in to big trouble too, so be discrete, have your lovely, loving, dirty fun together, and trust no one; just make sure you won’t be seen, heard, or interrupted, and only get drunk with each other, and no one else!
All the secret subterfuge can make it more fun, anyway.
Or, dear reader, you can just read my sweet, dirty little stories and have a wank after each one, I wank when I’m writing them. That’s why I write them, that’s what they’re for, I just wish I could watch you, and maybe help you along. I would certainly like to lick you clean afterwards. Yum! Would you like to have me watch you, I could just sit there, naked except for my heels, and watch you. Would you be naked too?
I am very discrete, if you have it set up right, no one except us will know, but of course, I more than understand that you might well be happier taking your pleasure from me privately. Whatever floats your boat, my friend, I just want you to have lots of dirty, sexy fun too.
However, if you’re going to have a decent wank over this story, I’d better get on with telling you what happens when my Daddy comes back with my beers. Like me, he’s still naked and is swinging the two open bottles of Belgian white beer, my favourite, by the neck between the fingers of one hand. His cock is soft but full, swaying a little from side to side as he walks towards me. It’s my job to get it stiff for him.
I’m firmly convinced that the brain is the biggest sexual organ, so I take the idea that’s taken root in my brain and transplant it to his.
“Daddy, you’re going to have to punish me; spank me, or even worse.”
On the word “punish” I see his cock begin to stiffen. It grows more on the word “spank”, and the idea of an even “worse” punishment brings it to the “half mast”, more horizontal position we both prefer. He looks at me expectantly.
“I don’t really need to empty myself after all, but those beers will fill me up even more quite quickly.”
He smiles and hands me the first beer. I stand up and face him with my legs apart. With both hands I lift the bottle to my lips, an action that will also lift and separate my spunk and piss covered tits, and, pulling my already flat stomach in tight, so I look as sexy as I can, I gulp down the first bottle, glugging it so my tits shake and tremble as pour the gulps of beer down my throat. My Daddy’s cock is definitely a little stiffer when I finish.
I hand him back the empty and pat my stomach, sliding my hand lower on my abdomen to press on my bladder.
“Not much there, yet, I’m afraid,” I say, “I definitely need another one before I can perform for you.”
Handing me the second bottle, my Daddy says:
“You’re making me wait, Baby Girl. Am I going to have to punish you now? Drink up.”
Once again I pose in front of him and greedily gulp the beer down. As well as being quite a sexy spectacle, the cold beer is in fact very refreshing. Once again I press hard low on my abdomen, right on my bladder. It’s beginning to feel full. It feels good, sexy in a nice, dirty way.
“I’m sorry I mislead you, Daddy. I want to make it up to you. I think I have a little treat in mind for you that you will find very nice and dirty. If you’ll trust me, just do what I say.”
“Okay, Baby. Of course I trust you. What do I do?”
“Great. First of all, hang me on the ladder, upside down. Oh, and I’ll need a bite.”
The summer cottage garden is completely walled so no one can see what we get up to in it, day or night. We walk to a corner where we’ve fixed a wide ladder so that it is almost completely vertical and is well clear of the wall. Kicking off my heels, I climb to the height of my head, and, with my Daddy supporting my weight from below, bring my feet up and slip them one at a time between the rungs, at what had been my shoulder height. I spread my legs as far as the ladder would allow, and support my full weight with the back of my knees as he carefully lowers my body until I am hanging upside down, completely naked and with my legs wide apart.
My open cunt is level with his throat, so he can look down on it easily, and my tits are level with his cock. The female body is a wonderful thing, and even although I am upside down, I can feel my bladder filling as the beer works its way through me. I am beginning to feel sexily full of piss but want to be much more full before I empty myself for my Daddy’s pleasure. (Remember that I’m upside down; I told you this was to be dirty!)
Now, you may remember from the very beginning of this series of stories that before wanking using my tits, my Daddy had been admiring and gently stroking the stripes on the cheeks of my arse. These were the deep, rough marks left after he’d given me a dozen good hard strokes with the heavy cane on each one as I had stood, bent double in front of him. Do I need to tell you that I was naked except for my heels? I thought not. Apart from situations like this one, when I’m completely naked, I always wear just heels when we’re playing. (Actually that’s not true; sometimes I have to wear securing straps at my wrists and ankles too, but more about them later.)
With my arms were hanging down from my body my hands are just touching the grass. Lifting them up, I interlock my fingers behind my head and say:
“Get the heavy cane, Daddy. I want you use it to put marks, weals, stripes and bruised ridges all over my tits. Cane my tits. Keep hitting them until I piss myself all down my body for you.”
I smiled: “It may take a while.”
Looking up at him from where I hang upside down, I can see that he is as stiff as a pole. His cock is as hard as I’ve ever seen it. This is going to be a real treat for him, and for me too, of course. I’ve just asked my Daddy to hurt me, and it really will hurt, but I think I love it even more than he does. I love to be a defenceless toy for him, to be degraded, to be abused, and to suffer pain. We both get off on my pain!
He doesn’t argue. He just walks over to where the cane lies where he’d dropped it, picks it up, and strides back towards me, his erect cocking bobbing and swaying in front of his body. The heavy cane is usually reserved for my bum, it’s really too hard and inflexible for my soft, defenceless tits, but I want him to really hit me, to leave some deep, dark marks and ridges on my soft skin. I want him almost out of control when he canes me, so I say:
“Let me kiss you between each stroke, please, Daddy.”
He knows what I mean, and he squats in front of me, bringing his cock to my lips. I kiss it, he stands up, and I flex my shoulders to prepare myself for the wanton, painful, wonderful ordeal I am about to endure.
He knows I’ll complain if he doesn’t do it right, so with no warning he brings the stiff cane down hard on the soft skin of my tits. I’m upside down remember, so this first stroke hits their pale underside, which, when I’m the right way, up normally escape punishment. It hurts like hell and I cry out, tears already starting to flow. He squats in front of me and I kiss his rigid cock once again.
Then, through my tears I whisper:
“We forgot the bite, Daddy. I’m going to need it,” and I kiss his cock again.
He walks back to across the grass and picks up a smoothly polished piece of branch, which is about two inches in diameter and about four inches long, and brings it back over to me. This is my bite. It already has my teeth marks in the middle, and has been my friend on a number of occasions when I’ve been in great pain, so it fits comfortably when Daddy slips cross wise in to my mouth. I nod to him and he straightens, brings his arm up high, and brings the cane down brutally on the same place on my tits. I grunt and cough, and feel the drool start to trickle from my mouth to join my tears. The pain deep in the underside of my tits is wonderful.
He squats once again, slips the bite from my mouth, and sobbing, I kiss his cock deeply and lovingly. I suck hard and try to force my tongue into the slit in the tip of his cock. He puts the bite back in my mouth, stands up, and once again lashes out with the cane, this time changing his angle of attack so as to cross the underside of one tit with a deep blow which brings the tip of the cane to smack right down on the nipple of my other tit.
The pain is quite fantastic, and I bite down hard on the wood between my teeth, drool trickling quite freely from my upside down mouth. I am now weeping continuously as my Daddy squats in front of me, removes the bite, and offers me his stiff cock to kiss. I take it deep in my mouth, moving my head the full length of his shaft a couple of times before releasing it go and whispering:
“Do the same to my other nipple, then hit me on the sides of my tits, in the valley between them.”
Daddy knows that when I give him instructions I mean it, that in this case I really want him to cane me across my tits the other way, so as to hit my other nipple. He replaces the bite, changes sides, and as I’ve ordered him, brings the cane down very hard on my once lovely, smooth skin. I can feel the skin on the underside of my poor tits hardening and changing colour as the hard, deep blows of the cane start to leave their more permanent marks and ridges.
He removes the bite once again, and in his excitement pushes his cock hard into my throat. I choke slightly, recover, and kiss and lick his balls, enjoying their fullness and their tight weight as they fill my mouth. I look up at him again.
“I’m very full, Daddy. I’m ready to empty myself. Give me four more on the inside of each tit. No kisses, but then get the bite out, quick.”
For the last time, he slips the piece of wood between my teeth, and with no warning gives me four vicious strokes with the cane on the inside of one tit, then without pausing gives my other one the same treatment. The pain is simply excruciating, I can hardly breathe, but he quickly removes my wooden gag and I simply let my overstretched bladder go. I release the hold that has been becoming ever more difficult to maintain, and just let my sweet, hot, fragrant piss fountain up from my overstretched bladder to splash down on my cunt lips and the whole area between my legs, my private parts and pubic mound. I am instantly soaking wet and between my legs, in my pubic hair, and all down my flat stomach.
I scream when the hot, acid fluid reaches the ridges and weals of my abused tits. There are no open cuts, but the skin is so sensitive. I’m still weeping as the burning pain of my fresh, hot piss continues to pour down over my body. My face and hair are once again soaked in fresh piss, this time my own, and I thirstily lick my lips, savouring the wonderful, dirty mixture of my nudity, the deep pain in my caned tits, the hot, burning pain of my abused flesh as my piss splashes over the ridges and weals my Daddy has just given me, and the sexy taste and aroma as my sweet, fragrant, stinging salt piss flows from my overstretched bladder, runs down the length of my upside-down body, and fills my mouth and nose.
When it stops, my Daddy says:
“Thank you, Baby Girl, that was a wonderful show.”
“Daddy, it’s not over yet. Now I want you to wank against these wonderful marks and ridged weals you’ve just given me. I’ll squeeze my tits together for you. Wank against my stripes.”
The pain in my tits is wonderful as he thrusts his stiff, hard cock deep into the soft valley between my tits, then pushes his whole body forward, being as rough as hell on my poor, abused flesh, as his lust takes over his whole mind and both our bodies! He thrusts himself vertically against my chest as I tightly grip my tits, squeezing them like a huge soft pair of cunt lips round his cock and balls, so that the fiery, piss drenched hard ridges he has lovingly created with the pain of the cane on the soft flesh of my tits excites him to a complete frenzy. He is rutting against my abused body like an animal, for no reason other than his own dirty pleasure.
I am again crying continuously, groaning and quietly screaming with every thrust of his over-excited body against mine. It only takes him about four or five thrusts before the hard skin of my stripes work their magic, taking him completely by surprise, and for the second time that hot, sunny afternoon my sweet, loving Daddy holds me tight in his arms as his spunk erupts from his cock, spraying up between my tits and all over my stomach. He continues to thrust and our bodies are coated with his sweet, sticky fluid, sliding smoothly against each other as he satisfies his lust, his most basic of desires, mindlessly wanking against my tortured and punished body.
I love him, and this is my special treat for him; to get him to hurt me, to punish me, to make me cry, then to degrade me and use me, solely for his pleasure and to satisfy his dirtiest and most primitive needs.
Eventually it stops, and we are completely still, frozen in time and space, apart from my deep, wracking sobs. But eventually they diminish, and our hearts gradually slow as one, until his cock softens and slips from the artificial, ridged cunt he and I have created with his cane and my soft tits.
Then another treat for us both; I lick his softening cock clean, carefully pulling his foreskin back and sucking it hard to get every drop of his goodness from it, swallowing it and greedily sucking his soft fullness again. I am delighted that I have obviously pleased him so completely; no matter how hard I try with my wicked lips and tongue, I can’t feel him stiffening at all. He is completely spent.
I feel proud; I did that for my Daddy.
He leans forward and licks and sucks my cunt, licking between every fold of my lips, kissing them, then licking my juices from them again. He then slowly licks and kisses the whole the front of my body from my cunt to my face, cleaning it of my piss, his spunk, savouring every fragrant drop of our combined fluids. Then he helps me down from the ladder and helps me to stand. I stretch one hand and support myself on his shoulder as he kneels down to fasten my high-heeled sandals to my feet. He stands and wraps his arms tightly round me and we kiss each other’s lips, smiling and swallowing every tiny drop of each other’s dirty fluids that we find there.
I told you it was going to be dirty.
My dear, darling reader, I am fingering my cunt as I sit here naked, writing this; I so wish I that I could watch you as you wank too, but be sure that what I have to tell you will get dirtier, because now there’s three of us who like it really deep down and dirty, I do, my Daddy does, and so do you!
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