Chapter Seven
The dreaded gated driveway, the imposing facade of the mansion looms upon the rise, draws disturbingly closer. Circling past the front curved stone steps with its ominous display pillars to either side now empty, parking near the rear entrance of the estate, Jodi’s assisted from the limousine by the chauffeur, led beneath the gild trimmed canvas awning. Glancing around in the daylight, she realizes the back facade of the house is even more impressive as the front. Stately with its stone pillars and large leaded glass paned doors melding with the similar leaded glass paned walls of the dominating great room; it overlooks the manicured grounds, other stately structures through the tress and shrubs. Affixing the end of the leash to the small ring hanging from the intricate golden molded head of a horse on what appears to be a hitching post to the side of the double doors, the chauffeur nods as he rings the bell.
“Danni obviously upset the Mistress earlier… And she paid the price!” He whispers. “Besides, she hasn’t been in much of a mood lately… Be careful… She’s been on a kick to inflict some serious pain…. She just got done really punished Danni’s breasts all last night.” Nodding down toward Jodi’s near naked body, her breasts jaunting out over the top of the corset, he adds. “And yours sure stand out there as perfect targets!”
Glancing up, seeing the silhouette of the Mistress stepping through the room toward them, he steps away toward the limo, silently. The thick glass paned door swinging open, the Mistress in what appears to be immaculate riding attire remains silent as she watches the limousine slowly roll forward, turn toward the driveway’s exit. Brake lights flashing, exiting around the side of the manor, just the two women are left remaining together by the back entrance.
“Turn!” The crisp voice rings out stern and cold, also sends a shiver up her spine, a knot in her stomach as Jodi instantly obeying, turns a good half circle until her leash tenses on the post. Her unprotected, thrust out breasts sway sideways as she jerks to a stop, her wrists crisscrossed up behind her neck, affixed to the collar. “Now… Back around toward me!” Hearing the same cold tone, turning back; she faces the Mistress while keeping her eyes downward, between her own swaying globes already somehow aching. Reflexively biting her lower lip, her breasts seeming to always be everyone’s focus for her torments, the apprehensive anticipation of their abuse causes a psychosomatic reaction as she senses her stiffening nipples quiver from her puckering areolas.
A moment of silence as they stand so close together, she can sense the woman’s fragrance resonating from her classic but elegant riding attire. Catching a glimpse of the Woman’s garb, the tucked pants into the long shinny black boots, the almost tuxedo style blouse and blazer, even the satin finished riding helmet, Jodi remains silent, apprehensively obedient, not daring to even think of what’s ahead.
“Well… I see you’re no worse for wear… I guess at least that rehabilitation bill won’t be that expensive for me this time around.” Slowly stepping toward Jodi’s side, she mutters to no one in particular. “Certainly not like Danni’s going to be… The little slut!” Taking her time inspecting Jodi’s glistening body, the constant ‘thump’ of the black riding crop against the side of her riding boot echoing as she takes small, hesitant steps, she adds. “Yes… You do heal quite nicely young lady…. Quite nicely indeed.” Holding the tip of the crop beneath Jodi’s chin, forcing her face to tilt upward, she adds in an ominous tone. “That’s a good thing, Hon!”
Letting the flattened tip of the riding crop drop, glide across the rounded curve of Jodi’s left breast, press into the flat areola, she forces the bud of the nipple inward, inverts it into the swelling mound before slowly twisting back and forth. “I do adore youthful titties.” The woman states, again to no one in particular as she watches the firm tit flesh flatten across the top of the corset as a good couple inches of the stiff crop sinks into the globular mound. “Especially yours… They’re so firm… Yet so large for such a slender body.” Lifting back, letting the crop slide across to the other breast, lifting it upward from the underglobe with the leather tip as the nipple stands out from the flattening areola, she adds. “I have friends who’ve spent well into five figures on their racks without this result… Oh yes… How good it is to be young and busty!... Yet for you… How deliciously painful too!”
Raising Jodi’s breast upward with the crop, stretching it above the hemline of the corset, and then letting it drop as she withdraws her hand, she gives her wrist a firm backhand. “Thwack!”
“Oomph!” The flattened tip of the crop smacking the outer globe of Jodi’s left breast on the second bounce, just beside the puckered nipple, she squeals as a red welt instantly rises across the firm flesh.
“Oh hush… For goodness sake… That young tittie can take a lot more then a little smack like that.” The Mistress smirks as she watches it still quivering from the rather harsh blow. “We both know that… Don’t we dear?”
Unhooking the end of the leash, turning and stepping from the rear of the mansion toward a path leading to the stables, the Mistress gives a jerk without speaking, the leash stretching taut between hand and collar. A gentle winding crushed red gravel walkway enclosed by smartly trimmed hedgerows leads toward the stately stables sitting behind neatly trimmed trees as Jodi gingerly follows, her breast really aching around the imprint of the reddish welt. A brilliant white with green trim exterior combination beneath the matching metal roofline, the multiple stable doors evenly spaced in smart, neat rows surrounding the main entrance and the structure looms impressively into sight.
Led into the heart of the stables, its interior as elegant as the exterior, a dominating center wooden beam rises upwards through the rafters from the red cobble brick flooring. Crossbeam rafters span outward simulating the spokes of a wagon wheel a dozen or so feet above. Hooks, ropes and chains are either mounted on pulleys or hung from the circular timbers in neat rows well above the floor. A partially open wooden cabinet stuffed with leather or tack sits adjacent to the imposing supporting beam as Jodi’s led to the center of the arena sized space.
Silently positioned under a series of pulleys threaded with ropes, Jodi glances toward the floor as the Mistress steps behind her, flips open the other side of the cabinet. That side filled with a more sinister supply of equipment, also mostly leather, but consisting of whips, cuffs and other bondage and sadomasochism articles, she rummages until finding a version of a horse halter. Slipping it over Jodi’s head, spreading her mouth, forcing the cinch between her parting lips, she tightens the straps until the shinny black leather molds snuggly into place, even a pair of eye blinkers aligned on the sides.
Obviously a well practiced routine by the Mistress, more leather straps, simulated horse halters, cinches and such and Jodi’s body begins to transform into the vision of a pony girl. Straps above and below her thrust out breasts, cinching her waist, spreading across, parting her thighs she finds herself forcing her feet into a pair of unique tall leather boots. Her body turned by the Mistress, she glances straight into an imposing mirror aligning an outer wall, taking in the reflection of what she’s yet to realize is just the basic gear of her ongoing transformation.
“Look at my new pony girl taking form!” The Mistress smiles, the leather strapped outfit snug, colorful. Seeing the odd resemblance to a pony, something she’s only seen photos of without actually giving them a second thought, something kinky, certainly never to her taste, Jodi’s most private parts are so prominently exposed from between the leather straps, the pit of her stomach stirs with that ominous feeling again.
“So far so good… My goodness… You do fill out this outfit so well!” The Mistress praises as she appreciatively inspects her work. Cupping Jodi’s left breast, round, firm, hard, she tweaks the puffy nipple, alternating to the right globular melon, its thick nipple, manipulating it, glancing toward the red welt, she also reaches down, slips a couple fingers between Jodi’s moist labium, twists between the taut leather straps spreading her thighs apart and pinches the nub of the clitoris. “Now for our fun part… We’ve still got to decorate these nipples with bells… So they jingle when you prance!... Then maybe… If you’re a bad pony… Also this puffy little clit … Oh!… And of course they’re going to be pierced to mount the bells!… And finally we’ll add the tail for your butt hole, a very special tail at that, dear!”
Patting Jodi’s butt cheeks, a slight smile, she points toward the small carriage in the corner and adds. “You’re going to look so magnificent pulling me in that sulky around the grounds while I lead you… Of course you’ll be guided with a nice whip flicking across these magnificent titties when you misbehave!”
Eyes widening, her teeth almost gnawing on the cinch stuffed between her lips, Jodi’s heart pounds, her mind races. Glancing toward the Mistress again rummaging through the cabinet, staring back toward the carriage, knowing all to well the pain of the impending piercings, imagining the feel of a whip flailing across her breasts, she tries to comprehend being hooked up to that thing, struggling to pull her around the grounds in it, attired in these impossible boots and leather straps.
“Here we go!... Just the things… Let’s see.” The Mistress smiles, turns with three, four sets of various sized silver bells, their matching ominous mounted hooks. Stepping toward Jodi, bells in hand, she holds the largest one out and nods. “These hooks are rather thick… But you don’t mind… Do you dear?... After all these biggest bells here are rather large and heavy… But then just about right for those big ‘ol titties of yours… Don’t you think?” Reaching out, cupping Jodi’s right breast, lining what appears to be an oversized fish hook connected to the bell, she smiles, a sparkle in her eyes as she glances into Jodi’s.
Laying the rest of the bells back down, she smirks. “Hold still… This might take a little effort.” Pressing the tip of the hook against the outer edge of Jodi’s nipple, forcing the razor sharp barbed tip against the tan flesh, her expression changes into a scowl as she orders. “I expect you to watch the whole thing and as much as a groan… The next one pierces your clit… Understand?”
A terrified nod, clamping her teeth against the cinch in her mouth, Jodi’s welling eyes widen as she hesitantly obeys, stares toward her cupped breast, the sharp point pressing into her tender flesh. The piercing pain mounts as the tip of the hook disappears inward, deeper and deeper, until finally, it punctures the distorting nipple. “Oomph!” The faintest of a whimper, her teeth clamping into the cinch as she feels the hook pressing through her tit flesh, her body tenses as her breast reflexively jaunts outward with the searing pain. Heart pounding, perspiration beading across her forehead, seeing the surreal outline of the point still pressing, probing outward from the inside of her stretching nipple, the burning pain like a hot poker jabbing her breast, she grinds her teeth back and forth on the cinch as she feels the Mistress jamming the hook harsher, finally after a couple more forceful jerks, ramming it completely through. “Oomph!” Another muffled whimper, she hazily watches the trickle of blood drip off the hook, onto the jiggling bell hanging below it as the Mistress drops it from her hand.
Her stomach cramping, lightheaded, the pain of her heartbeat pulses in her chest, worse in her throbbing nipple as her crossing hands tense behind her neck distorting into flexing fists.
Realizing she’s about to face the same unimaginable treatment to her other naked breast, tears streak down off her cheeks, saliva drools from the cinch spreading her lips as she struggles to hold back her whimpers. Her stomach muscles rippling with each forced breath, the bell swaying, jiggling from her stretching nipple, brushing across her ribcage, she clenches her eyes shut, grinds her teeth.
“Okay Jodi… Good girl!... Now that wasn’t all that bad… Was it?” The Mistress sarcastically smiles, watching, enjoying her obvious pain. “Now for the matching bell…. Okay… Thrust that other tittie out here for me to pierce with this hook… Right now!... That is… Unless you’d rather wear this here bell from off your clit!... Now go ahead and push it out here………… There now… That’s much better!” She smiles at Jodi’s swift reaction contorting her body, agonizingly forcing her other breast outward, the horror spread across her face knowing her other nipple’s going to be skewered. Cupping the jaunting out left breast as the freshly mounted bell jingles from the right one, pressing the hook across the flattened areola until the point rests against the nub of that nipple; she again glances at Jodi’s swollen eyes. “Okay… Open those pretty eyes for me now… And keep watching… And remember… No whining young lady!”
Squinting, rasping for breath as her nostrils flair, Jodi glances downward toward the sharp prickling sensation as ordered. Seeing her breast lifted upwards, squeezed by the woman’s clenching fingers and thumb, the sharp pronged hook pressing against the bulging nipple, the pointed tip sinking inward, she grunts as her teeth clamps into the cinch.
“There now… Hold still… Don’t jerk!” The woman admonishes, deliberately taking her time, jabbing, probing the spiked tip of steel against the firm but tender tan flesh. “Get ready!” A harsh thrust, the hook sinks inward, its tip disappearing into the swelling flesh.
“Oomph!” Unable to hold her groan completely in, clamping down with her teeth, Jodi’s teary eyes flash toward the woman’s face, back toward the hook being sadistically jammed through her pulsing nipple. Trembling, the bell jiggling from her already pierced breast, she takes another deep breath as mucus drips from a nostril, mixes with the saliva drooling from the edge of the cinch spreading her lips apart. “Oomph!” Her knees bending, pressing together as she twists at the waist, yet another whine’s barely blocked between rasping breaths as the hook rams deeper into the thick flesh, its outline visible pressing outward against the stretching nub.
“Oomph… Aaaggghhh!” The hook catching, jerking, finally ‘plopping’ through, she again more then whimpers, the searing pain burning through her chest as the Mistress keeps a firm grip on the bulging melon. Head tilting back, twisting from side to side, she feels her breast released, the bell dropped, stretch the freshly skewered nipple downward as it too jingles of the front of her arching chest above the hollowing of her rippling stomach.
“I’m a fair person…Sweety!” The Mistress smiles as she cups both bells, checks their alignments as she speaks. “That last piercing was kind of harsh… So I’ll give you a choice for not controlling yourself.” Letting the bells again drop free, watching them bounce as they jiggle beside one another, she adds. “For the punishment I promised you… We can pierce that little clit of yours right now… Or I’ll just give it a few lashes with the crop!” Patting Jodi’s clit with her fingertips, staring into her swollen eyes, she finishes. “Now what is it?... Should we pierce your clit?
Watching Jodi give a feverish shake of her head back and forth, the Mistress smiles, asks again. “Spank your clit?” A pitiful moan, a hesitant nod, Jodi’s tears streak off her cheeks as the bells jingle out off her chest.
“Okay… But remember!” The Mistress scowls as she pinches the nub of Jodi’s clit. “Cry out when I whip it and I’ll have no choice but to pierce this thing!... Now... You know what?... I’m actually kind of excited just looking at you!... I think I might want to go for a ride first!... If you do a good job of being my ‘pony’ and draw the sulky behind you just like I know you can… Then I’ll only give you a few harsh lashings across that pussy when we get done with our ride… Otherwise… You won’t be able to close your legs for a week!... Understand?” A final inspection of Jodi’s colorful gear, she glances toward the carriage.
Leading her to the sulky, spinning her around, slipping a prepared wide black strap around her waist and snapping each end to the pair of long handles stretching outward from between the seat and spoke wheels, the Mistress, picks up the black glistening crop of horse hair from the seat of the sulky and steps behind her ‘pony’. “Bend.” A single order, Jodi immediately obeying, the Mistress forces the oval tip of the curved handle on the binding end between Jodi’s thighs. Forcing it into her rectum, twisting the handle, forcing the bulb on the end to enlarge, she continues to adjust the mechanism until it balloons firmly inside the stretching orifice.
Stepping back, the shimmering black hair fluffs upwards from Jodi’s butt cheeks, flows back behind her arched back swaying across her thighs. Clipping the double leash to the eyelets on either side of Jodi’s cinch spreading her lips open, the Mistress steps into the sulky, seats herself. A final glance of her ‘pony’ in front of her, a well placed flick of the long riding crop across her left shoulder, the tip of the cord nipping across the jiggling bell. “Oomph!”
“Giddy-up!” The command, a jerk to the left on the leash and Jodi prances forward in the high heeled boots. Tugging at the sulky, stepping, ‘clicking’ across the stables brick floor, the sulky rolls freely behind her as the leather strap stretches at her waist. Breasts jaunting outward, wrists crisscrossed behind her neck, the bells jingle with each step. “Thwack!” Another well placed lashing across Jodi’s left shoulder, the tip of the whip nipping her jerking breast, she hears the Mistress order. “Time for a nice ride around the paths of the estate… Pick it up!.” ‘Thwack!.... Thwack……… Thwack!’
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