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Princess's Court

Chapter 2 Pre-trial Proceedings

                        PRINCESS'S COURT, CHAPTER 2

                          "Pre-trial Proceedings"

                                by Plainman


Trooper: Hey, kid, how's things?

Judy: Hi, Troop - okay, except Dave's been working too hard
on the book... You?

T: Well fine - the princess has been in Denver, and the kids
are getting a little whiny.

J: Awwww, they miss their mommy! Well I miss her too - we
haven't seen each other in an age...

T: Yeah, well she's getting back tonight.

J: Give her a hug and a whatever for me. When are we going
to get together?

T: Well that's why I was calling - I've got quite a big
whatever for her.

J: Oh you sweet man... don't brag!

T: But nothing I can supply by myself is gonna be enough for
this one.

J: What... you don't mean she's been naughty again?

T: Called me in the middle of the night last night. Get this
- she TAPED herself, and played part of it to me over the

J: What do you mean - she taped a solo?

T: No - definitely not a solo...

J: Unbelievable! That woman is awesome... God I bet she'll
be calling to tell Dave - he'll be coming home all hot and
bothered ...


Princess: Dave - sweetie?

David: I can hardly hear you...

P: I'm calling from the plane.

D: I've never used one of those things - 

P: Well, I have to keep my voice down or everyone can hear.
My seatmate just got up to go to the john...

D: And you've got a date to follow him?

P: Don't be disgusting, you silly boy! Actually he's kind of
a cute older guy - started talking about his wife - he would
have told me everything about their sweet little sex life if
I'd given him the slightest encouragement. You men! No
regard for decency, or privacy, or the sanctity of

D: Okay, okay... what have you done?

P: [Sighs theatrically] Oh you just know me too well... the
lord and master is talking about convening Family Court, and
I just wanted to let you know.

D: Whooeee - tell, tell!

P: Well I was in Denver to close this deal, and I worked my
tushie off for three days - it was the whole bit, long
hours, meals in, faxes back and forth. So then when we
finally got it done this associate who was working the other
side asked me if I wanted to get a bite to eat.

D: Oh lord, here we go...

P: He's pretty cute, looks a little like you about ten years
ago, and guess what? His name's David!

D: I can hear you now - Hey mister, you remind me of my
brother - wanna fuck? 

P: Sweetie! You know I'm never vulgar like that, at least in
the early stages, and I would NEVER profane our sacred bond
that way...

D: I'm just grateful you care about staying a partner in
that stuffy firm - otherwise there's no limit what you'd say
to any stranger when the devil gets in you. 

P: Well, sweetie, who was it who first put him in there! And
don't say I was born wicked - YOU are the one who should be
in state prison right now - for incest and child sexual
abuse - and you'd be spreading your cute little cheekies for
all those big buffed-up hunks - oooooh, makes me shiver!

D: Princess, I don't know how you get away with the
incredible shit you pull ... honestly, in a civilized
country you'd be burned at the stake.

P: Honey, please! I'm just a modern professional woman ...
with an air of cool competence on the surface and a hint of
banked fires beneath - so the boys all think THEY are the
one to set me ablaze.

D: And that's how you manage to get the client, the deal,
the partnership, et cetera, et cetera...

P: No it is not, you asshole - I've worked my butt off while
the old boys and the bubbas are out playing golf and FUCKING
THEIR SECRETARIES ... Oops - sorry ma'am, I'll try to keep
it down... Anyway, what little I can do with my poor
feminine charms doesn't BEGIN to offset the depths of piggy
male prejudice I've had to deal with. 

D: Yeah yeah, I know, it's your little affirmative action

P: [giggles] That's it - you got it! Anyway, I can see my
seatmate just got into the john, and he'll be playing with
his wee-wee for a minute, but he'll be back pretty soon... I
just wanted to let you know that the Big Trooper is on the

D: He IS awful cute when he's mad...

P: Yep - I'm looking forward to tonight - he'll be SO hot -
and as I was saying I think Family Court may be on the

D: God it's been ... how long?

P: Well, we'll have to arrange to have both kids stay
overnight somewhere, and that may take a little doing, but I
thought I'd get your batteries charged -

D: I can't wait.

P: Well you'll have to - in the meantime, you've got that
hot old girl friend of mine to play with...

D: You know, I tend to forget the old girl friend part -

P: See - if I weren't around to remind you of all the fun
naughty things, you guys would end like Ozzie and Harriet -
I can just see it - five minutes of missionary-style
grunting in the dark, every other Saturday night... Now
remember me to Judy, and you remember - she just loooooooves
to be nibbled and breathed on all around it while she BEGS
for the main event... and just when she's ready to come, get
it in your mouth and suck it and swirl your tongue on it ...
Oh here comes Mr. Man back, all depleted - talk to you
later, sweetie.


P: Troop, that was soooo .... ooooooh, you're a tiger.

T: I like the flattery, Princess, but you know it won't get
you out of trouble. 

P: Sweetie, no, I wasn't even thinking of that [giggle] -
and I know you won't be too mean to my little tushie when
the time comes, because I love you soooooo much and give you
such great wet pussy - and I whimper and come like a slut
when you fill me up with your big manly cock - and I
squeeeeeeze down on it - and you squirt your hot sticky
stuff way up inside me - and later I smear it all slimy on
my titties for you ...

T: Princess, you are the greatest piece of ass in the
western world, and fucking you is like dying and going to
heaven. But justice demands retribution, and you WILL BE
PUNISHED for your transgressions - nothing is gonna change

P: Oooooooh, my big strong trooper ... remember when we were
first going out, and you were an assistant DA - I always
imagined you a highway patrolman, pulling me over in my
little red sports car ... I'd been speeding, and I'd act
like a rich bitch, and you would come up in your big strong
stiff way, with that bristly mustache and those tight twill
pants showing off your legs and your butt and your manly
bulge, and those scary silvery shades so I couldn't see your
eyes ... and I'd be fresh, I'd mouth off at you a little...
and you would tell me in that harsh calm way to get out of
the car and lean my hands against it and SPREAD MY LEGS --
ooooohhh, I used to tell Judy about my fantasy and we'd play
with ourselves - and I would tease David about how butch you
were, how hot you'd get all his gay friends with your
leather motorcycle boots and your big bulge ... oh sweetie,
you went away! 

T: Well, honey - I just got little and it fell out.

P: Oh - maybe me talking about gay stuff pushed your homo
panic button? Naaaaah, I don't think so - doesn't feel so
little to me - you're still half hard - you know you are
much hotter tonight, and it's because I've been bad...

T: So tell me about it.

P: No, sweetie, a girl has her privacy. That young man and I
had something very beautiful together and it would defile it
for me to tell you the hot details just to get you hard
again... Stop that! you bad boy ... 

T: So I guess I'll have to whip it out of you, detail by
detail, with David and Judy looking on. Princess, picture it
- you are bent over the chair, your legs spread a little, me
working on you with my thickest leather belt, a nice
striping of red welts across your white asscheeks and the
backs of your thighs, and you wailing and begging and crying
for me to stop just so you can tell me everything, but I'm
having so much fun ... and I ask David and Judy whether I
should stop and let you tell... and they are getting it on
themselves, and Dave says "Naaah, give the slut twenty more"
and Judy says "Make her scream."

P: Sweetie, I know you don't mean any of that, but I am
shocked that you are getting hard again while you talk in
that vile disgusting way about hurting your little Princess
and taking pleasure in it...

T: Oh I mean it all right, and you knew just what you were
bringing on yourself when you had your fun last night...

P: Mmmm, sweetie - let me get on top and slip you in and
lets just wiggle a little.

T: Oooh, yeah - that feels good - are you gonna come again?

P: I think so sweetie - I'd like to have one more little O
after that great big O, and then I'll sleep like a baby -
and know that my trooper will protect me and be fair to me
and not be mean to me... Can you feel that?

T: Oh yes - your squeezer is working pretty good - but I
don't think I'm going to come again...

P: Well you boys ARE inferior to us girls that way ... as in
so many others.... But it's OK - your cock is nice and big
and hard and feels so good and fills me up... Mmmm, that boy
wasn't as big as you are.... Ohhhhhhhh, ahhh ... there ... I
love the way we fit together... I've never been able to come
with another man from just straight missionary fucking like
tonight... not without being eaten, or fingering myself... I
think you have a little ledge down there that catches hold
of my clitty and and pushes it up and rubs it around - if I
tilt up to meet you at just the right angle... And when
you're on top of me and you kiss me and press down on me and
I feel your weight and your hardness and you push up into
me... it makes me want to scream and I have to bite
something or the kids will hear us.. ooooooh, you're the
best, trooper... 

T: That's it baby, do it... ride me! fuck me!

P: Ooooh, pinch my nips sweetie - I'm almost there...
aaaaaaaggghhhhh!!!... ... Oh that was a nice one - not so
little after all... You sure you can't come again?

T: No sweetie, I've had it. 

P: Mmm, let's get some sleep. I love you, Trooper.

T: And I love you, Princess.

                        PRINCESS'S COURT, CHAPTER 2
                          "Pre-trial Proceedings"
                                by Plainman

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