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Review This Story || Author: Harry Kuntz

Letter to a Cuckold

Part 1

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Letter to a Cuckold

by Harry Kuntz

Dear Wimp,

	So you are Mary's husband, the loser, the wimp, the shrimpdick that I've
heard about.  Well, I've got good news and bad news for you, wimp.  The good
news is that until last week, Mary had been faithful to you.  Faithful for five
years of marriage.  That's almost a miracle.  That such a drop dead, knock-down
gorgeous babe like Mary could have remained faithful to a wimp like you for five
minutes is hard to believe.  It just shows how religious she really is. And to
think that a girl like that was a virgin when she got married.  By the way, she
told me how with your limp dick, you tried and failed several times to break her
cherry on your honeymoon, and she finally had to do it for you with her own
finger.  Even with her religious devoutness, how could she have remained
faithful to you?  Of course, she really didn't know any better.  You couldn't
turn her on, so she figured she just wasn't highly sexed.  Oh, brother!
	Anyway, the good news for you is that until last week, your wife had
been faithful to you.  Until then, you were the only man who had ever fucked
her.  Which is to say, she had never been fucked by a MAN.  The bad news, you
can probably guess.  Last week, I cuckolded you, wimp.  That's right, I gave
your beautiful Mary the kind of fucking she deserves and couldn't get in a
million years from a wimp like you.  Mary's still your wife, but she's my woman
and I'm her man.
	Right now, you probably think this is some incredible hoax. But if it's
a hoax, how did I know about you being unable to deflower your wife?  To set
your mind at rest, why don't you take this letter right now to Mary.  Ask her to
look at what an incredible prank someone is trying to play on the two of you by
sending you such a letter.  Go ahead and ask her.  Then you can read the rest of
the letter in the proper frame of mind.....
	Okay, Wimp, did you show her the letter?  And the minute she saw it,
those beautiful blue eyes of hers dropped to the floor, and you saw tears
rolling down those soft, soft cheeks, right?  And finally she looked up at you
through those eyes sparkling with tears, and in a voice you could hardly hear,
she said, "Yes.  Yes.  I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry, but every word is true. 
God knows, I don't want it to be true, but I just can't help myself."  Am I
right?  Right.  And then you felt your stomach drop to the floor, right wimp? 
Oh, how I regret not being able to see your shit-eating face when Mary dropped
that blow on you just now.  But don't feel sorry for me.  I'm getting pleasure
just thinking about it, and thinking about how you are going to feel, reading
all the wonderful details I'm about to give you.
	First, a bit about myself.  I think that's only fair, so that now that
you've lost your wife to another man, you can assess your chances of winning her
back.  Do you think you can compete with me, wimp?  (By the way, when I say
you've lost her, I don't mean you won't be able to live with her.  It's just
that as I said above, she'll be my woman--one of my women, I should say--and
I'll be her man.  Her only man!  And you'll be shit!  At the end of this letter,
I'll lay out the conditions under which you'll be allowed to go on living with
Mary.  They aren't conditions that any real man would consider accepting for a
minute.  But obviously, what a real man would do has nothing to do with what you
will do.  You're so attached to Mary, that she's certain you'll agree to
anything, no matter how humiliating.)
	To start with, I'm 42 years old.  So, perhaps you think you have the
advantage of youth, since you are only 34.  But then, Mary's only 25, so the
difference doesn't seem that great from her perspective.  And I'm so much more
fit than you are. You are five feet, five inches, five inches shorter than Mary. 
And your five feet, five inches, are composed of pure flab.  Mary showed me a
picture of you in a bathing suit.  What a shapeless mess you are!
	I am SIX feet, five inches, a full foot taller than you.  Literally as
well as figuratively, Mary looks up to me and down at you, wimp. At 190 pounds,
I'm the same weight as you.  But what a difference!  You could look with a
magnifying glass and you wouldn't find a speck of flab on my body.  I have dark
hair with just a dash of gray, and people tell me I have movie star looks.  But
perhaps you think I'm exaggerating..  Why don't you go ask Mary to show you the
picture of me in my dress suit.  Go ahead, before you read any further....
	Why the crestfallen look, wimp?  So I wasn't exaggerating a bit!  In
fact, I was being modest, wasn't I?  Guess what, wimp?  Throughout this letter
you are going to be thinking I must be exaggerating, but you are going to find
out that every word is the truth.  The painful, stinging truth, wimp.
	Well, looks aren't everything.  Let's see, Mary told me you graduated
from junior college, with a degree in bookkeeping.  You've got a crummy job as
an insurance actuary, earning $30,000.  Your chances for promotion to any
significantly better job any time in your career are nil.
	I went to college at Yale, got a Ph.D. in economics at the University of
Chicago, and a business degree at Harvard.  I finished first in my class by a
substantial margin at each of those places.  I then went into venture capital
and hit Silicon Valley just at the right time.  I think I can claim to have been
a success.  Successful enough, at any rate, to retire seven years ago at the age
of 35, after I had made my third billion.
	Not that I've completely detached myself from the world.  CEO's of
Fortune 500 companies and politicians in both parties are always kissing my
ass--sometimes literally--because they want my help or advice on one thing or
another.  And I'm well known in the world of cultural affairs.  Every major arts
and cultural organization in the country has asked me to be on its board, though
I've accepted only a select few of the positions that were offered.  So when
she's around me, Mary meets the most successful, the most glamorous, the most
sophisticated people in the world, and she participates in  conversations that
you wouldn't even be able to comprehend, wimp.  Now let's compare.  Mary tells
me your main interest in life is your bowling league.  You think you are going
to win back Mary's affections by impressing her with your bowling scores, wimp,
when with me she meets Senators, CEOs, movie stars, and Nobel Prize winners?
	Even though I keep a hand in world affairs, my main pursuit since
retiring has been man's greatest pleasure: Seduction!  I love the feel of women
and of sex.  I love the desire that women feel for me.  I love overcoming them
and holding absolute power over them, the sense that I am irresistible to them. 
And the power they give me over their men!
	Now you may find this hard to believe, wimp, but I've never failed. 
I'll target any beautiful woman I see, and I always fuck her.  Always.  So I
look for challenges.  Virgins, of course, are lovely.  I guess I've popped a
couple of hundred cherries, probably more.  But people who think seducing a
virgin is the ultimate pleasure are wrong.  Very wrong!  The ultimate pleasure
is being the first to seduce a married woman.  Especially if she's
extraordinarily beautiful.  And if, out of religious or moral convictions, or
love, she's never dreamed of cheating on her husband.  If the idea of even
thinking of having sex with another man would strike her as incredible and
repulsive.  In short, if she's a woman just like Mary.  So seducing Mary was a
rare pleasure for me, wimp, and now I'm going to tell you all about it.
	Mary has told me that in order to maintain even a semblance of a
middle-class lifestyle, she had to go to work to supplement your measly income,
wimp.  Since she's got much more intelligence and energy and imagination than
you'll ever have, it's no surprise that soon she was earning more than you.  And
getting more responsibility.  Including business travel.  Of course, you never
worried about those business trips Mary was always taking.  There was no need
to.  Prim Mary, so religious and so moral and not even aware that she was
married to one of the all-time wimps, would never think of being unfaithful. 
Well, you were right to be confident, wimp, because she never, never would have
thought of it.  Not until she met me, that is!
	Remember that business trip she took back in June?  She was part of the
team trying to sell consulting services to a big city government.  It was a deal
in the tens of millions, and the mayor asked me to come along to give him some
counsel.  Since I had fucked the mayor's wife and plucked his pretty 14-year-old
daughter's cherry the day before, I figured I owed him something, and I sat in
on the meetings.
	The meetings were dull.  I could see in five minutes what the issues
were going to be, and what the solutions were.  It took the rest of those bozos
five hours to figure it out. If Mary and I hadn't been there, it would have
taken them five weeks.
	I was attracted to Mary immediately.  First of all, she was obviously
brighter than anyone else in the room.  Second, she was a babe.  That silky
brown hair, hanging straight down to her shoulders!  Her beautiful baby blues! 
The softness of her skin and the sweetness of her mouth!  Her neck!  You know,
Victorian novelists used to talk about women having beautiful necks.  (Actually,
you probably don't know, since it's unlikely you've ever read a novel, other
than porno perhaps.)  I don't think I've seen more than five women in my life
who I'd single out for having a beautiful neck.  But Mary is definitely one of
them.  Her neck is so long and graceful.
	Now underneath her neck, she didn't show much.  She wore one of her
typical dresses, one that covered everything.  But a tent couldn't entirely
conceal Mary's charms, and the prudery of her dress was a great sign, so far as
I was concerned.  This woman wasn't on the prowl.  It would take overwhelming
desire before a woman like her would succumb.  And that was fine with me.
	When the meeting was over, I asked Mary to have dinner with me.  She
refused point blank.  I mean, wimp, she really was being faithful to you!  But I
told her I had the penthouse suite in the ____________ Hotel and that she really
ought to see the view from my rooms.  She knew that was the best hotel in the
city and had never been inside it, much less in its most expensive suite.  She
couldn't resist the bait.  She agreed to come up for a drink only, and on the
condition that I not misinterpret her going up there.  I assured her my
intentions were strictly honorable.  And wasn't I telling her the truth? 
There's nothing dishonorable about cuckolding a wimp like you.
	Mary was suitably impressed by the suite.  The living room, she said,
was larger than your entire house.  And the view is as fine a cityscape as you
can find anywhere in the United States.  There were a large number of phone
messages that had piled up during the day.  I didn't know what they were but I
played them on the speaker, figuring Mary might like to hear them.  They
included a message from the President of the United States--it was his
voice--two Senators, three CEOs, a Pulitzer Prize winning writer, and two
well-known movie stars, all imploring me to get back to them ASAP.  There were
also several messages from women, begging me to come see them soon because their
husbands just couldn't satisfy them the way I do.  A couple of those were also
movie stars, probably women you've fantasized about while jerking off.  Some of
them used very explicit language and graphic descriptions, and Mary blushed like
crazy.  But I appreciated the free advertising.
	It would have been the easiest thing in the world to fuck Mary right
there in my hotel suite, wimp.  But she was special, and I wanted to enjoy some
anticipation.  I contented myself with a long, loving French kiss.  Oh, how
sweet was the taste of her lips!
	"Harry," she said, when we finally broke that kiss, "I've never met
anyone like you.  I've never felt this way."  She hesitated but then,
struggling, said, "You can do as you wish with me."
	I kissed her again.
	"You're one of the most beautiful women on earth, Mary," I said.  "And
very special.  I don't want to lead you into doing something you'll regret."
	She was moved by my gallantry.  What a joke!  She kissed me again,
passionately, invading my mouth with her tongue.
	"But I must see you again," she said.
	I told her to tell her husband--that's you, wimp--that she had another
5-day business trip the next month.  I'd meet her at the airport in your home
city, and we'd skip over to Italy for a few days in my villa over there.  She
was thrilled.
	So a week ago Monday, when Mary told you she was off to Chicago to work
on another deal, in fact she met me at the airport.  We entered the newest and
most luxuriously furnished of my three Gulfstream private jets and took off for
Italy.  Aside from the pilot and co-pilot, there were four gorgeous stewardesses
just to take care of the two of us.  Mary was impressed.  She looked even more
beautiful than I had remembered.  To think that this priceless gem of female
beauty had lived for twenty-five years and been wasted on you, wimp!  Well, that
was about to change in a hurry.
	The only thing that bothered me slightly was that seducing your wife
would be so easy.  She had already told me in my hotel suite a month earlier
that I could have her.  Don't get me wrong.  Fucking your wife Mary was going to
be a rare delight, under any circumstances.  I just would have liked some more
resistance, that's all.
	So I was delighted when, after we had taken off and were sipping glasses
filled from a newly-opened $1,500 bottle of French champagne, she said she had
something serious to tell me.
	"Harry, I've hardly been able to sleep from the shame of what I said to
you last time.  Thank God you were gallant enough not to take advantage of me
when I lost my head.  For that alone, I'll never stop admiring you, Harry.  You
see, what I said about how wonderful you are, and how wonderfully I felt, that
was all true.  But I'm a married woman, Harry.  I've never been unfaithful to my
husband.  Except for that crazy moment, I've never thought of being unfaithful
to him.  I never, never will do it.  Please understand.  If you want to order
the pilot to turn the plane around you'd be completely within your rights."
	These words were music to my ears.  Oh, fucking your wife was going to
be such a pleasure, wimp.  I knew at that moment that I'd be remembering the
words she had just spoken when she begged me to put my dick in her pussy.  And I
knew she would.  They all do!
	"Darling Mary," I said.  "Wonderful Mary, your company is all I need to
delight me.  How lovely it will be to be in Italy with you.  And as I told you,
I wouldn't dream of pressing you to do anything your convictions tell you not to
	She gave me a warm, lingering French kiss.  Oh, what a beauty she is! 
It was a struggle to keep my dick from growing.  But I have complete control of
my equipment, and I wanted to wait for the right moment for her to become aware
of my hard-on.
	We landed on the private airstrip on my estate in northern Italy, which
is on the Riviera near Genoa.  I have twenty-five luxurious estates or
residences in various major cities and resort areas, but I picked the one in
Northern Italy for seducing Mary, because I figured she'd like one of the cozier
ones.  I won't go into details, which you wouldn't understand anyway, wimp,
about the villa.  Suffice to say that if you go to the public library and check
out almost any textbook on the history of art, you'll see it pictured as the
finest architectural example of the baroque style in Italy.  It has forty rooms
and I maintain a staff of 35, including about a dozen strikingly beautiful young
women who provide.... Well, let's say "special services."  The rest of the staff
is high priced and highly professional.  Mary had two ladies' maids on duty
through her entire visit.  Her every whim was immediately attended to.
	We landed late in the afternoon and it was a beautiful summer's day on
the Italian coast.  I dismissed the Rolls Royce and driver, and drove Mary the
five miles along the Mediterranean coast to the villa in one of my Jaguars.  Our
luggage was brought right up to our rooms and unpacked, and we followed to
freshen up.  When I rejoined Mary in the dining room a half hour later, I asked
her if her suite was suitable.
	"Oh, it's simply marvelous.  I've never even seen such luxury, much less
experienced it.  And the view of the coast is simply breathtaking."
	"And were the servants satisfactory," I asked, struggling to avoid
smiling.  She blushed.
	"I- I- I'm just not used to that kind of service," she barely managed.
	"Why, what do you mean?" I asked, feigning ignorance.
	"Wh- When I went to the bathroom, they came with me, and they...."  She
was bright red, and couldn't go on.
	"Yes, they cleaned your most intimate parts, didn't they?  They are well
trained.  But did you object to that?"

	She wasn't sure what to think, but she must have assumed it was a
European custom, and didn't want to seem unsophisticated.
	"Oh, no.  It's just that I'm not used to such luxury."
	I gave her a long, wet kiss.  I knew that in addition to gently washing
Mary's pussy and asshole after she used the toilet, the maids also had fluffed
up and lightly powdered and perfumed her pussy hair, just as I like it.  My
staff is always impeccably trained.  As for me, in addition to receiving similar
servicing from my two regular maids, I had dumped a couple of huge loads of
sperm deep in the cunts of two particularly lovely members of  the special
staff.  I needed some relief after all those hours, especially being stimulated
by the sight and the kisses of your wife. 
	We sat down for dinner.  She said it was the most marvelous meal she had
ever had.  Which, of course, it was!  We were enjoying an after-dinner drink, a
rare brandy.  Each drop was more expensive than the entire bottle of champagne
we had had on the plane.
	When we were finished, I led her into the living room.  The room is
almost three times as large as the living room in the hotel that she had admired
the previous month.  The furnishings are in the baroque style, but perfectly
maintained in every detail.  The view of the coast faced in a different
direction than the view from her bedroom, but was equally magnificent.  We sat
on the sofa, which, she said, is larger than the bed she has shared with you at
home, wimp. 
	We had another hour or so of small talk. Mary is intelligent and enjoys
talking about many things.  But you wouldn't know, wimp, because she doesn't
seem to care much about bowling scores, and what else would she talk to you
	But after about an hour there came a moment when our eyes met, and there
was a pause.
	"Mary," I said, "you are one of the most attractive women I've ever
met."  I gave her a long, affectionate kiss, enjoying the sweet, sweet taste of
her mouth.  Can a wimp like you even appreciate such a woman?  And what a woman
she is!
	That kiss was the most loving we had shared yet, and must have lasted at
least two whole minutes.  Each of us was using our hands now, stroking the other
intimately and affectionately.  Then she broke away.  There were tears in her
beautiful eyes.
	She said, "Harry, I'm so attracted to you.  I guess I never knew an
attraction could be this strong.  But you are so educated, so sophisticated. 
What can you possibly see in me?"
	Can you imagine Mary saying that to you, wimp?  Oh God, I almost hurt
myself, I laughed so hard as I typed that question just now.  Anyway, I kissed
Mary again and said, "What I see in you is a beautiful, intelligent, soulful
woman who has never been loved as she deserves."
	She kissed me, very passionately this time.  Then, more intensely than
you can imagine, wimp:
	"Oh, Harry, how I wish I had met you five years ago.  But I'm married."
	"And does that matter so very much," I asked.
	She sobbed, and responded emphatically, "Yes.  Yes."
	After a pause, she continued.  "I admit my husband has never made me
feel as I feel right now.  Never, not even remotely.  He never has and he never
could.  He's not in your league as a man, Harry.  Just an ordinary guy.  But
he's been good to me over the years.  A provider.  As much as he could be, at
least.  And loving and considerate.  And faithful.  I couldn't cheat on him.  I
just couldn't.  It would be wrong.  And it would crush him."
	All the while, she was sobbing hard.  When she had calmed down, I kissed
her again.  Her desire was transparent.  In her own mind, she was absolutely
determined not to give me anything more than kisses. But I knew that seducing
her from here would be child's play.
	"Mary," I said quietly, "does your husband satisfy you?"
	Do you think that was a low blow, wimp?  Does the mere thought of that
question being put to your beautiful wife turn your stomach?  Give her credit,
she tried valiantly to defend you.  She was obviously trying to hold back tears
and, after a long pause, she said, trying pathetically to be casual, "Oh, yes,
we make love twice a month.  And we DO love each other."
	I let out a loud laugh, wimp, I just couldn't help it.  "Mary," I said,
" if I were married to you and didn't fuck you more than twice in a single DAY,
you could figure there must be something wrong with me.  Only twice a month! 
Imagine letting a beautiful sensuous woman like you go with so little attention,
so little satisfaction.  It's a crime."
	With that, I gave her another very long, very affectionate kiss.  Her
cheeks were streaked with tears, but soft and beautiful as I stroked them gently
with my fingers.  We continued to kiss and I gently stroked her glossy brown
hair, then her back.  She was partly on my lap, now, and I was able to move my
hand down to her fabulous ass cheeks.  At the same time, her hands were busy on
my body.  As had always been the case before, she touched me only above the
belt.  But she was enamored of my chiseled body.  It must have been quite a
change from your flab and pot belly, wimp.
	"How do I compare with your husband?" I asked.
	Did you wince when you read that, wimp?  Your wife winced when I said it
to her..  "Don't ask me that," she said.  "It isn't fair.  You've never seen my
husband, but you know perfectly well that he can't compete with you as a
physical specimen.  What 35-year-old man could?  You know damned well that there
are twenty-year-old athletes who'd sell their souls for a body as firm and lithe
as yours."
	I don't mean to be immodest, wimp, but maybe it's true.  Enough women
have told me so.  And enough twenty-year-old athletes have looked on enviously
as I made love to their wives or girl friends.
	Anyway, it was at this point that I took her hand, which was lovingly
stroking my chest, and gently moved it to my crotch.
	"Feel how much I want you, Mary," I said.
	Her jaw dropped.  Literally, wimp, her jaw just dropped!  I guess she'd
never known what a real man would feel like.  How could she, being faithfully
married to you, wimp?
	"You're so huge," she whispered.  "And so hard.  My husband doesn't feel
anything like this."
	"Mary, you are gorgeous.  Wonderful.  As fine as any woman on earth. 
For once in your life, you deserve to know what it's like to be with a real

	While I said this my other hand, the one that wasn't holding hers
against my hard penis, was stroking her crotch.  Her panties were wet.  Sopping
wet.  She was mine!

	A few minutes later, I had her dress and bra off.  I stood her up and
slid her panties down.  Well, you know what I saw at that moment, wimp.  But
pardon me if I rhapsodize.  What an ass!  Globes so perfectly round and soft and
firm, and divided by a perfect, deep cleft.  And peeking up from her crotch at
the base of that gorgeous anal valley was a thick patch of pubic curls.  I
turned her around so that I could enjoy the frontal view.  Her pubes were dark,
darker than the already dark brown hair that framed her beautiful face.  But not
quite black.  Her pubes were a rich mahogany.  And such a thick, lush, perfectly
formed triangle.  I could smell the powder and gentle perfume the maids had used
to anoint her pussy, mingling with the much stronger natural fragrance of her

	She must have been nervous or embarrassed, standing there naked as I
admired her genitals.  "I've so much hair down there," she said.  "Do you think
I should shave it or trim it like some women do?"

	"Mary," I said, "this pussy is perfect.  Don't you ever dare cut a
single hair of it."  And I planted a loving, wet kiss right on the entrance to
her pussy.  Just think, wimp.  Another man tasting your wife's cunt!

	I spent the next half hour exploring her beautiful pussy with my mouth,
with occasional excursions up that mysterious cleft to her cute little anus. 
Women tell me my oral technique is exceptional, wimp.  Mary must have thought
so.  She said you had lapped her cunt a few times, but she never responded and
the two of you had given it up.  She had thought it was her fault.  But she
found out otherwise.  She came at least five times during my oral ministrations. 
And those were hard orgasms, wimp.  The hardest she had ever experienced, she
said.  But I told her things would get a lot better than that.  She stood up and
gave me another deep kiss, tasting her own sweet woman-juices from my mouth, and
pressing her naked body close to my still fully clothed self.

	When she finally let go, I took my shirt and undershirt off, and then my
shoes and socks.  She hugged me again, pressing her tits against my now-naked
chest.  I realize her breasts are only about average in size, but wimp, can you
appreciate their shape?  So perfectly round, such sweet nipples, so pert.  They
are gems.  I wanted her to keep pressing them into my chest forever, but she
pulled away.  She had spent plenty of time by now stroking my chest, but this
was the first time without clothing.

	"Oh, Harry," she said, "you're such a beautiful man.  This strong chest
feels so good, compared to my husband's flab.  I never knew what I was missing."

	"Why don't you see what else you've been missing?" I asked.

	She laughed a wicked laugh.  She knew exactly what I meant. Are you
getting nervous, wimp?  I don't suppose this has been pleasant reading so far,
but even your dim intellect can probably guess that it's about to get a lot

	"Let me take the rest off," she said.  So she unbuckled my pants and
pulled them down.  She let out a gasp, when my underwear came into view.  I have
to have all my underwear made to order with oversized crotches.  But Mary had me
so hard by now that even the triple-sized pouch could not begin to accommodate
me.  The projection of the shorts out from my body took her breath away.

	She collected herself and got my pants off.  She spent a few seconds
admiring my legs, but couldn't hold her attention away from my crotch.  It took
some effort for her to work the elastic over my hard-on, but she finally
managed.  She was rewarded with her first sight of my manhood.  Actually, with
her first sight of ANY manhood, considering the only other naked male she'd ever
seen was you, wimp.

	Usually, I like to let a woman first see my dick when it is soft and at
its smallest.  Even then, it's likely to be bigger than any hard-on she's ever
seen, and she can get even more amazed when she sees it grow.  It's a pleasant
reaction to watch.  But I was so aroused by your wife's beauty and from watching
her resolve to remain faithful dissolved by the force of my sexual power, that I
was at full size.

	Do you want the stats, wimp?  At full size, my penis is just over
fourteen inches long.  As for sickness, let's just say I pass the beer can test
(as in, thicker than a beer can) with LOTS of room to spare.  And I get hard,
wimp.  Iron hard.  Remember, Mary was used to your limp dick that couldn't even
pop a cherry.  There wasn't the tiniest bit of give or flexibility in the big
shaft she was staring at hungrily from a distance of only a few inches.  She
could feel the radiant heat from my manhood.  She had a dazed look, as if she
was in some sort of mystical trance.

	Before she knew it, her hands were all over my shaft.  Both her hands
together hardly covered half the length.  And when she tried to close her hands
around the base, there were two inches between her thumb and fingertips.  How do
you think we compete in the manhood department, wimp?

	"You're so much bigger than my husband," Mary said.  "I had no idea a
man could be this big."

	I asked her how big her husband was.  Cheer up, wimp, Mary actually
tried to protect you.  She said you were about seven inches long.  A couple of
days and about fifteen fucks later, she admitted that you were less than five
inches.  And then, on the flight home, she told the truth.  Under four inches,
and no thicker than Mary's index finger.  Wimp, you can't believe how much we
laughed together over that!

	After Mary spent several minutes just trying to get used to the size and
hardness and heat of my shaft, she noticed my testicles.  "Oh, sweet Jesus," she
said, "they're enormous, too.  My husband's balls are smaller than marbles."

	Would you say balls as large as the most jumbo eggs you can get in the
grocery store are enormous, wimp?  Well, mine are a bit larger than that.  But
maybe you still think I'm exaggerating.  Why don't you go ask Mary to show you
the photographs of me standing in the nude?  Go ahead, right now!....

	Even more downcast, wimp?  Are you beginning to believe that I don't
exaggerate?  Why should I?  I don't need to.  But maybe you are unhappy for
another reason, wimp.  When you saw the picture of my dick, thicker than your
forearm, standing proudly at attention above my washboard stomach and extending
well up to my muscular chest, did you think about how often you've dreamed in
your most secret dreams of having a big cock and a powerful body?  Did it
trigger your deepest fantasies?  And did your pitiful shrimp dick get hard at
the thought?  Harder than it ever gets?  Am I right that at this moment,
inspired by the sight of a real man, you actually could pop a girl's cherry?  If
any girl were stupid enough to let you, that is!

	Anyway, Mary must have spent another twenty minutes or so fussing over
my manhood with her hands and her mouth.  It was hard to resist coming in that
sweet mouth of hers, but I wanted something else even more at that moment.  I
wanted to fuck that beautiful furry pussy of hers.  And she was READY, wimp. 
She said she had never been nearly that wet in her life.  I wasn't surprised. 
Was a five foot, five inch flabby shitpile like yourself going to make her wet?

	I positioned my cock at the beautiful furry portal and began to enter. 
Oh, it was sublime.  Like I said, wimp, there's nothing like taking a man's wife
for the first time.  Especially one so beautiful and so virtuous.  That was the
moment, wimp, the moment you became a cuckold!  Oh, how I savored it.  I'll bet
right now, you too are savoring the thought of it.  Eh, cuckold?  Why don't you
stop here for several minutes and think about that moment, when my penis, so
much bigger and harder than yours, penetrated Mary's pussy, the pussy that no
other man had ever enjoyed.  Think about it, and when you've finished this
letter, come back to it again and again.  The moment you became a cuckold!

	Wonderful though that moment was, I pushed right on.  From the first, my
cock was spreading the lips and walls of Mary's pussy as they had never been
spread before.  For a few seconds, she was uncomfortable.  "You're too thick,"
she whispered.  "I can't take you."

	But she was so wet, that I slipped in fairly easily, despite the
thickness.  And by spreading her cunt walls I was also exposing nerve endings
that had never been stimulated before.  Her discomfort didn't last more than a
couple of seconds.

	"Oh God," she moaned.  I realize it's a cliche, but I'm telling you that
your wife MOANED, wimp.  "Get it in, get it in.  Fuck me, fuck me."  Can you
imagine with what satisfaction I remembered her little speech on the plane,
about how she'd never, never be unfaithful to you, wimp?

	At this point, I had only a couple of inches more than the head inside
her cunt, but I was already deeper inside Mary than you had ever been or ever
will be.  From here on all the way up her channel it would be virgin territory. 
And I was spreading her open as you could never dream of doing.  She came, HARD,
and I wasn't even a third of the way inside her.

	She had never had an orgasm like that, and was out of breath.  But I
didn't give her any rest.  I just kept on pushing forward, slowly and inexorably
into that divine love channel of hers.  But what would you know about it, having
barely been able to touch the walls of the entrance with your shrimpdick?  So
I'll tell you, wimp.  Deep inside, Mary's cunt is wet.  And it's soft.  And it
has a million little places that rub a big cock like mine in wonderful little
ways.  And it's tight.  No, it wouldn't be tight for you, wimp, no cunt could be
that tight.  But as I pushed in, her beautiful cunt grabbed my penis as if it
was holding on for dear life.

	Inch by inch, I entered your wife.  Six inches.  Eight inches.  Ten. 
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," she started yelling.  She was going crazy, and then
she came again.  I felt her cunt walls clutching my hard dick, and her newly
secreted cum juices sloshed around, providing more lubrication.

	On I pushed.  Twelve inches, thirteen.  There was about an inch to go,
when I felt my hard tip pressing against her cervix.  I had hit bottom, wimp. 
Mary's told me how you can't impregnate her because your sperm count is too low,
so that the two of you long ago gave up on the possibility of a child. You won't
have to worry about that any more, wimp.  Here I was, pressed right up against
her very womb.  And I pushed again, stretching her cervix to the limit.  I was
in all the way, my own thick, black pubic hair mashed against her beautiful,
dark brown curls.  Her cunt was stretched and stuffed to its absolute limit in
every dimension.

	Then I started pumping her.  Slowly at first, then very gradually with
faster in-and-out strokes.  She had another hard orgasm, much stronger than the
ones before.  And another.  They started coming closer together.  I lost count
around nine or ten, but soon after that they became impossible to count anyway. 
Her orgasms were overlapping and had become continuous.  To tell you the truth,
wimp, I frequently get women to that state of continuous orgasm and it's
something to behold.  But I've seen very few women get as passionate as Mary
did.  There was a huge voltage of electricity running continuously through her
body, emanating out from her fiery cunt.  When I started stroking her she was
speaking.  Nothing much, just "fuck me, fuck me," and "yes, yes, yes," and that
kind of thing.  But the words gradually got incoherent and then, when her
orgasms became continuous, the sounds converted into a steady, low moan.

	I was pumping away, loving it as much as I'd ever loved fucking a woman. 
And I really do love fucking women.  But your wife was too much, wimp.  Usually,
my first time fucking a woman, I go forty minutes or an hour.  (Mary tells me
that on those rare occasions when you can get it up enough to penetrate her at
all, you never last more than half a minute, wimp.) It was only about
twenty-five minutes after starting to fuck Mary that I knew I wasn't going to be
able to hold out any longer.

	All of a sudden I came.  My orgasms are always REAL strong, wimp, but
this was something else.  Every nerve in my body was running with electricity,
and it felt like my big cock was a cannon.  BANG!  BANG!  BANG!  BANG!  BANG! 
BANG!  BANG!  I just kept on coming until it seemed like it would go on forever. 
And with each explosion, massive bullets of white hot liquid manhood propelled
with tremendous velocity and power from close range right up against Mary's
stretched cervix.  My extra-potent man-fluids were headed special delivery for
her fertile womb.  That's right, wimp.  Check your calendar and you will see
that the days Mary spent with me in Italy were the peak of her fertility cycle. 
I hope you have fun raising my child, wimp.  And you can be sure, there will be
plenty more children that I'll be planting in Mary's belly for you to bring up
after this one.

	Mary had never felt anything like what she felt when I fired my load
deep inside her pussy.  Remember, she was already in a state of continuous,
highly intense orgasm and had been in that state for over ten minutes.  But my
discharge brought her to a completely new level. Of all the thousands of women
I've fucked, I've never seen one have such a violent orgasm as your wife climbed
to at that moment.  The force of my iron hard shaft erupting in orgasm had begun
jerking her body around the bed, but now her own orgasm wrenched her body even
more violently.  The repeated clamping of her vagina on my cock was a sensation
I'll never forget.

	Her last throes must have lasted at least two minutes.  Then she found
rest.  One of the things I love to see when I fuck a woman well is the look of
complete, unprecedented contentment that comes over her face after the final,
violent orgasm.  It's as if she's gone to an undiscovered country, a place of
complete tranquility and gentle pleasure.  And the man who brings her to that
place is the man to whom she will belong forever.  If I hadn't already known,
one glance at Mary at that moment would have told me that I had succeeded
royally.  The look of complete calm, complete happiness, complete adoration on
that beautiful face!  It's not something you could ever dream of producing wimp. 
But you'll get to see it, directed at me after you've been watching me fuck her. 
How do you think you'll feel when you see your wife gazing with pure adoration
at another man?

	She was in that state for a long time, just gazing at me with complete
love and worship.  Finally, she stirred,  turning over and lying partly on my
body.  She gave me a more loving, affectionate kiss than you could possibly
imagine.  While she was kissing me, a river of thick cum-cream flowed from her
pussy onto my thigh.  I rang for the maids, one of whom licked my thigh clean
while the other tended to Mary,  licking and swallowing the copious amount of
cream that had remained inside her.

	"What would your husband say now?" I asked her, while the maids were
doing their quiet cleaning of our bodies.

	"I don't care, Harry," she said.  She gave me a warm smile, a smile of
radiant contentment.  "I don't care at all.  I can only feel pity for him now. 
He does the best he can, but he's not a man.  I know that now."

	She was quiet for a while and then continued, "Harry, I know it's
foolish to say this.  But I'm in love with you.  And I'm in love with your
wonderful manhood."

	She held it.  She was looking at it, not at me.  "Harry, for the first
time in my life, I know what it is to be a woman and what it is to be with a

	She went on for quite some time, talking quietly and deliberately about
how she loved me, about how she adored my penis, about how she was my woman
forever and no matter what, about how there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for

	You'll never know, wimp, how sweet it is to be able to fuck a woman into
a state where she will talk to you like that.  I've heard it a thousand times. 
Believe me, wimp, I don't exaggerate and I'm understating it here.  I've heard
words like those a thousand times.  And I'll never get tired of it.

	Mary was still talking.  "Harry, I've never felt anything comparable to
the way you've made me feel.  I swear, I'll do anything you want me to do.  Tell
me to become a whore, and I'll do it.  Tell me to be your lowest servant, to
serve you and your other women.  Tell me to be your toilet slave, like these
women here.  Tell me to cut my husband's balls off.  Whatever you tell me to do,
I will do.  But please, please let me be your woman."

	Yes, you read right, wimp.  Mary, your faithful wife Mary, actually said
she'd cut your balls off if I asked her to, as long as I promise to go on
fucking her.  Fortunately for you, I'm not into violence.  But causing maximum
humiliation for the husbands of my women, the husbands of the women who had been
completely faithful to those husbands before I seduced them.... That's something
I can take pleasure in, and I'll have no compunctions about enlisting Mary's

	Do you doubt that Mary said she'd cut your balls off, if I asked her to? 
Do you doubt that she meant it and would do it in five seconds if I gave the
word?  Do you want to ask her?  No?  I see, you now recognize that every word in
this letter is the truth.  Good.  For the first time in your life, you are
starting to learn something.

	We fucked pretty continuously for the next three days, with only a
little time off for an occasional meal and a drive around parts of the estate
she hadn't seen.  I offered to show her more of Italy, but she said she
preferred to fuck me.  I didn't keep score, but I probably dumped about twenty
more loads deep into Mary's pussy, maybe ten in her throat, and three or four in
her rectum.  Or to be more precise, past her rectum and into her colon.  But
that's not the kind of distinction you'll ever need to worry about, wimp.  Of
course, the maids were always nearby to remove with their pretty tongues any and
all substances from our bodies after each fuck.  That's a function you will have
the honor of serving many times in the future, wimp.

	We also had some parties.  A few of the neighbors came over, but mostly
we partied with the hired help.  Both Mary and I took plenty of enjoyment from
the "special services" my young female staff were happy to provide. Mary really
took a shine to one of those girls, Carlotta.  She's 18 years old, blonde,
stacked, and cute as a button.  Mary's first-ever taste of cunt came between
Carlotta's legs, though I guess she got to taste each of the dozen not to
mention several of the neighbor women.  I wonder if she's continued to eat pussy
since she's been home?  But she especially liked licking a pussy that had just
been filled with a half-cup or so of my thick man-cream.  I hope you share that
taste with your wife, wimp, because the only contact with any pussy, your wife's
or anyone else's, that you are going to get in the future, is when you are
sucking a man's cum from it.

	But do you think it's impossible that I could have come so many times,
not only in Mary's various receptacles, but in the pretty hired help and the
neighbors as well?  If you won't take Mary's word for that, I can refer you to a
couple of articles in respected medical journals, in which my sexual powers have
been written up.  The docs think the size and unusual weight and density of my
testicles is the big factor.  Those jewels produce hundreds of times the amount
of sperm and male hormones as the average man.  Which means thousands of times
as much as a sub-sub-average wimp like you.

	On the last day, I flew back with Mary on the Gulfstream.  To say that
it was a tearful parting when we landed would be an understatement.  She begged
me to let her move in with me, even if only as the lowliest of servants.  Every
day since she's been back, I've received at least one letter from her, sometimes
two or three, telling me how much she loves me, begging me to take her back.

	But I've made it clear to her that I won't fuck her again behind your
back, wimp.  You can't say I'm not fair!  The conditions are simple.  If you,
her wimp of a husband, get down on your knees and beg me to fuck Mary in the way
she deserves, in the way that you could never hope to do, then I'll consider it. 
But you will really have to beg, and the begging will have to be sincere.  How
will I know you are sincere?  I'll let you prove it in lots of ways.  For
example, by cleaning my ass with your tongue after I shit.  By worshiping my
testicles, sucking my rod and swallowing the loads of cum-cream that you can
only envy.  Those are just a few examples.

	You'll always be there when I fuck Mary.  Each time, you'll have to beg
me to fuck your wife, to do what you can't do.  You claim to love Mary, and she
thinks you do.  If you do, you will be grateful to me for letting her experience
being fucked by a man, a real man.  Of course, if YOU were a real man, you
wouldn't stand for any of this.  You'd win Mary's affections back.  But you are
a wimp, a shrimpdick, a natural born cuckold.  So we don't have to worry about
those possibilities. 

	Of course, no matter how much you and Mary beg me, I won't be spending
too much time with you folks. Don't let that statement get your hopes up, wimp! 
It will be my order to her not to ever let you touch her, for any reason, except
when you are swallowing my cum-cream from her pussy.  And I don't have the
slightest worry that Mary will cheat on me.  She is a very faithful woman, you

	But even for someone as delectable as your sex-hungry wife, I won't have
time for more than, say, a weekend or so every month or two.  Remember, the real
pleasure in life is seduction.  There are so many men just waiting to be
cuckolded.  Ah, the pleasures of the chase.

	I'm sure you and Mary will always be waiting impatiently for your times
with me.  But don't worry.  You'll have plenty to do between times.  I mean the
work you will be doing providing a loving home to all my children.  Just think
how for the rest of your life, every time they look up at you with childlike
eyes, every time they call you "Daddy," you will know they are the children
another man planted in your wife's belly.  A real man, not a cuckold.  Oh, you

					Studfully yours,

					Harry Kuntz

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