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Review This Story || Author: Julia McLoughlin

The Solution

Chapter 1 Ishbel's revenge

The Solution.

By Julia McLoughlin

Chapter 1 - Ishbel's revenge.

Black boxlike taxis were standing in rows in front of one of the entrances to
Glasgow's Central Station. The taxi drivers were waiting patiently, like anglers
trying to make a catch. Casually they observed the stream of humanity pass by,
without showing the slightest signs of interest. Nobody should think that the
drivers were sitting in their cabs for any other reason, than minding their own
business. That is exactly what they were busy doing. Some were eating in the
process, while others were just sitting.

One of the taxis was not like the others. Two persons were sitting in front and
they were not looking at people. Instead, they were watching an ugly black
statue of a man in a gas mask on the corner of the street. They were waiting for
a different reason.

The driver of this taxi was clothed in a neat black uniform. Her auburn hair
cascaded from under her cap, down onto her shoulders. A silver brooch, in the
shape of the letter S, glinted in the light of the afternoon sun. On closer
inspection, one would notice that the S was actually a figure of a snake. 

The other person was a petite blonde-haired person in a red sweater and a
matching red skirt. She was also wearing a silver snake brooch and hers was
provocatively pinned over the point of her left boob. Let no man examine that
too closely! The snake was the logo of "The Solution."  This organization was
always ready, just like a snake, to strike with venom.

They were both specially trained members of this underground organization. They
were now waiting for someone who had asked for their help.

Their small advertisement simply read: 'Any rape victim, who wishes to take
revenge, should contact The Solution at number...' A small logo of a snake was
in the corner of the advertisement.

Both women had arrived two days earlier from London, so that they could make all
the necessary arrangements. They had checked in at the hotel on the corner,
which was quite a historic place. The first live television broadcast was
transmitted from this hotel to London. The bronze commemorative plaque in the
hall said so. Now London was giving something back to the hotel. Of more
importance to the women, was the discovery of the ruins of an old abandoned
castle in the countryside. The girls had since made some minor alterations

The petite woman's occupation was veterinary surgeon, and the other one was
actually what she appeared to be - a taxi driver.

"What's that girl's name again, the one that we're waiting for?" asked the blond
woman. The other woman frowned and thought for a moment.

"Ishbel. It rhymes with - It's a Bell."

"Just look at that statue! Every part of the man's body is covered. I think
that's how men should always be." The blond's pretty face scowled, as painful
memories seeped from hidden crevasses in her mind. Her hatred for men came from
way back.

The sounds of the taxi's compact disk player filled the cabin with the beautiful
haunting melody of a cello playing the classical music of the blind female
composer, Maria von Paradis. The cellist was the world famous British musician,
Jacqueline du Pre.

"Men believe that no female composers ever existed. Pompous idiots!" Then the
woman in the red sweater again thought of Jacqueline du Pre. At the pinnacle of
her career, Jacqueline had become ill with MS (multiple sclerosis), and she
suffered a slow, protracted death. During this time her loving husband, Danny,
abandoned her, and started a new family in Paris. Men are such despicable

"That must be Ishbel, exactly on time," and the taxi driver pointed to a young
woman with red hair, standing next to the statue. She had a slightly oval face
and was smartly dressed. One could see that she was from the upper class. She
was looking around, as if searching for someone. The two women got out of the
taxi, locked it, and went over to her.

"Are you Ishbel?  Nice to meet you." The taxi driver introduced herself as Liz
and the woman in the red sweater said her name was Rose.

Ishbel recognized the logo that she had seen in the advertisement and shook
hands with the two women.

They discussed the nice warm summer weather, as they slowly strolled through the
entrance of the station. They went past the backdoor of the hotel, which opened
inside the hall of the station, and entered an adjacent coffee shop. A table in
the corner was vacant. Liz fetched three large mugs of coffee and they sat down.

The three women sat there talking quietly, and to casual observers they were
just like three old friends who were busy with everyday women-talk. No one would
guess how deadly serious they were.

In almost a whisper, Rose said: "Tell us about yourself, Ishbel. Why did you
contact us?"

"Well, where shall I begin? It's so embarrassing. I'm a first year student and I
don't know many people in the city. On Saturday nights, I frequently visited a
pub near Georges Square. It's usually full of people and I made some nice
friends. On several occasions, I saw this handsome man chatting to some girls.
He's really very good-looking and has a great body. One day he caught my eye,
before I could look away, and he came over. He was quite nice and bought me a
drink - said his name was Donald. We talked for some time. Then suddenly I
started to feel woozy and dizzy. I think the drink was too strong for me. I
can't remember what happened next.

I woke up late that night, somewhere outside in the bushes. I hurt terribly down
there, you know. I walked until I reached a road. I could see the glow of the
city in the distance and it took me ages to get back home. In the bathroom, I
used a hand mirror and examined myself to see why I was so sore. I was bleeding
and it wasn't time for my period.  I believe that I have lost my virginity and
that Donald must have raped me. It's a pity I can't remember anything.

Next Saturday I returned to the pub. Donald was there again. I told him that I
had been a virgin before and asked what he had done to me! He was very sarcastic
and told me to go and fix myself with sticky tape.

I went to see a doctor. He tested me for venereal disease and the tests were
negative. I was worried about falling pregnant, but he said that doesn't happen
after just one sexual encounter. He was wrong. Two months later, I had an
abortion. That caused infection and I almost didn't survive.

Well, that's the pathetic story of my life. I was thinking of suicide, but then
I saw your advertisement."

The other two women looked at her sympathetically. They had heard similar
stories many times before. More than ever, they believed in biblical justice -
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Rose answered in a friendly voice, "he must have dropped a knock-out drug in
your drink - also called a 'Micky Finn'. Don't worry! We'll help you and we know
how to take care of scoundrels like that. We'll teach him a lesson he won't
forget and you can help us with his punishment, if you wish. First, you must
help us to catch him. All you have to do is point him out to us. We'll have to
disguise you in some way so that he won't recognize you. We have just the right
stuff in our hotel room."

Ishbel took a brown envelope out of her handbag and passed it under the table to
Rose.  Rose put it away without looking at it. The money would cover their

The three of them finished their coffee in silence, each of them in deep
thought. They were like three musketeers, on the brink of a big adventure. At
least, that's what Ishbel thought.

Later, in the hotel room, Ishbel and Rose changed into punk outfits. Glasgow has
many of those and the girls would hardly attract any attention. 'The Solution'
had provided a suitcase full of clothing and other paraphernalia. Ishbel had
found a black miniskirt and boots of the right size. The girls powdered Ishbel's
freckled face and coloured it a pale white. Dark mascara and eyeshade, maroon
lipstick and black nail polish completely transformed her appearance. She put on
a black wig. False 'piercing' rings were attached to her earlobes and lip. Those
were semi-closed rings and when put on, looked just like the real thing. Rose
dressed in a similar way and now even their mothers would not recognize them.

Liz drove her taxi to the pub and found a parking space right in front of the
entrance. She patiently waited there. Several people asked her for a ride, but
she gruffly told them to find another taxi. Her behavior hardly surprised
anyone- taxi drivers in Glasgow are like that.

Rose prepared an automatic injecting syringe and filled it with tranquilizer, as
she had done many times before to immobilize animals, and humans. She made a
mixture of ketamine and midazolam and calculated a dose that would sedate a
large man, without knocking him out entirely. Donald had to appear completely
drunk. She put the syringe in a large handbag, on top of a change of clothes.

It was already after eight that evening, as the two punk girls walked to the
pub. They ignored Liz sitting in the taxi and greeted the door attendant, as
they climbed the stairs. It was extremely crowded inside the large room - at
least fifty people, perhaps even more. Everyone was talking at the top of his or
her voice and the noise was quite deafening. The two girls pushed through the
crowd and at first could not find Donald. After some searching, Ishbel saw him
through the glass windows of a side room, standing with a large glass of beer in
one hand and, as usual, chatting to some girls.  Ishbel showed Rose who Donald
was. The two punk girls squeezed their way towards him and began to flirt with
him. He turned his back to the other girls and greeted the new arrivals. He
showed no signs of recognizing Ishbel and offered them both something to drink.

They pretended to sip their drinks, but did not swallow any of it. (You just
couldn't trust Donald.) He gulped down his beer and fetched another one. Ishbel
giggled and pressed her body against him. (Damn, how she hated this charade!)
Meanwhile, Rose had unobtrusively removed the syringe from her bag, and now
pressed it against Donald's thigh. A quick press of the button and the deed was
done. His attention was so focused on Ishbel, that he did not feel anything.
After a short while, he started talking with a slurred voice. Then he started
swaying on his feet. The girls loudly informed the onlookers that he was drunk.
The girls supported him on both sides and they half-dragged him down the stairs.
They asked the door attendant to help them put the drunken man into a taxi.

Liz drove off with her victim and the two punk girls went back into the pub.
They thanked the door attendant profusely and thus made certain that he would
remember that they went back inside, if ever the police made any enquiries. They
entered the Ladies, removed their makeup and wigs, removed the false rings and
changed back into normal clothes. They put all the punk stuff in Rose's bag.
When they left the pub minutes later, in the midst of a group of people, the
door attendant did not recognize them.

Liz was waiting for them, just a block away, with the taxi's engine running.
They climbed in and Ishbel almost sat on Donald's head. She would have liked to
smother him, just there and then. They drove off in the dark, towards the ruins
of the old castle.

At the castle, Rose opened the boot of the car and took out her bag of tricks
and a flashlight. Ishbel noticed that the boot also contained a box of tools and
a battery-powered drill. The women escorted Donald to a rectangular room that
only had four walls of stone, but no roof.  A new metal ring was already
attached to one of the shorter walls. It was only shoulder high, because the
girls did not have a ladder, when they drilled the hole for it. Donald's eyes
were open, but he had a glazed look and did not blink when they shone the
flashlight into them. Liz tied his wrists to the ring, while the other two kept
him on his feet. Rose rummaged in her bag of tricks and took out a sturdy pear
shaped gag, made of leather. She took a bottle with liquid soap and poured it
all over the gag. With a twisting motion, she inserted the gag into Donald's
mouth and fastened it with leather straps at the back of his head. He made some
gurgling sounds, but continued to stare with unseeing eyes. She then put a
canvass sack over his head. This would serve as a blindfold and muffle any
sounds. She had a slight misgiving, that the gag and soap could cause nausea.
His vomit could suffocate him, if he were unable to spit it out. However, that
would be just too bad.

Rose explained to Ishbel that the drug would take another hour or two to wear
off.  Donald would have an interesting experience during the rest of the night.
She had one more surprise for him. She produced a mean looking alligator clip
from her bag. She had especially selected it for its sharp teeth and strong
spring. She opened Donald's fly and took out his penis. She opened the alligator
clip, inserted one half of the beak into the hole, and then let it snap shut,
with the other half on top of the head. Then she returned his penis and zipped
up his fly. Donald would have the rest of the night to figure out what was
causing the pain at the tip of his penis, without being able to examine himself.
The girls decided to leave him like this until the morning, when they would
start his real punishment. They let go of him and he slumped to his knees, with
his attached wrists preventing him from falling over.

Ishbel asked Rose if she could stay with her for the night. Rose sneaked her
into her hotel room and said they could sleep on the same bed. Ishbel was
slightly dazed and bewildered by the events of the evening and Rose slipped out
to the bar and returned with two bottles of beer. They sat on the bed and
enjoyed their drinks. Ishbel could not help noticing how pretty and petite Rose
looked in her red outfit. When Rose undressed, she also saw her sexy red bra and
panties. Ishbel could not keep her eyes off Rose's attractive body. Both of them
then showered together.

That night Ishbel slept blissfully, snuggled up to Rose, but not before learning
that you do not really need a man to experience the subtleties of love.


The following morning, the three girls got together in Rose's room and discussed
their plans.

Rose explained that they would have to cover their tracks carefully. Police
sometimes made plaster casts of footprints and tyre tracks. They would use old
shoes and burn them afterwards. The taxi was also fitted with old tyres.  Liz
would later change them to new ones and discard the old ones. Back in London,
she had her own equipment to do so, and for balancing wheels.

Almost everything they used, were common objects that would not arouse any
suspicion if the car were searched. Electric cable and rope were effective
substitutes for whips and cuffs.

They requested Ishbel to remain silent during the punishment session. They would
communicate only with signals, to prevent Donald from recognizing anyone's

Rose opened her veterinary bag with instruments and medicines. She had an
implement that she wanted to show to Ishbel. The gelder was made of shiny
stainless steel and had two rollers that could be squeezed together by means of
two long handles. Rose demonstrated how to use it. She placed a piece of string
between two sheets of paper and closed the gelder. Ishbel was amazed to see how
the string was cut in two, without damaging the paper.

It was still quite early on the Sunday morning, when they drove back to the old
castle. They found Donald standing there, with his back towards them. The sack
was still tied over his head and his hands were attached to the ring in the
wall.  He was tripling and squirming. The alligator clip on his penis must have
been hurting like hell.

Now that it was light, Ishbel could see that two winches with handles and nylon
rope were bolted, shoulder high, to the adjacent walls, one on each side of
Donald and about six feet from the corner.

Rose fetched her bag of tricks from the boot of the taxi and took out two
lengths of electric cable. They were about five feet long and three quarters of
an inch thick. Rose and Liz undressed the top part of their bodies. They knew
that they would soon be sweating a lot. Liz had large tits, but Rose was a
smaller woman and had smaller proportions.

Rose looked quite stunning with her red skirt, pale naked chest and an electric
cable held menacing in her small hand. Ishbel noticed that both women had well
developed arm muscles.

Donald still did not know why he had this terrible burning pain in the tip of
his penis. He had a terrible night and was in agony all the time. He stood with
his body stooped forward.

Rose sneaked up behind him and suddenly the cable struck him ferociously across
his ass. This took him completely by surprise. He did not know who was there.


"ARGGGGH!"  His scream was muffled by the leather gag in his mouth and the sack
over his head.  It felt as if a red-hot iron had burned him.

Liz unfastened Donald's trousers and yanked them down, together with his
underpants. They could see a vivid red stripe across his pale bottom. Donald
started kicking and the girls could not get the trousers off over his feet. Liz
pointed to the winches. They unwound the rope on both sides and tied the ends to
his ankles. Then the girls turned the handles. The ropes slowly drew tighter and
dragged Donald's legs apart, until his trousers prevented them from going any

Liz opened a pocketknife and cut Donald's trousers and underpants off. The girls
then resumed the turning of both winches. Donald's legs were slowly pulled
apart, until they formed a V, and then his feet lifted off the ground. He was
facing down. Most men are too stiff and are unable to split widely. They would
help him loosen up a bit. They winked at Ishbel and continued turning the

"AAARGH"   An animal-like groan came from the sack and Donald vigorously shook
his head from side to side, while his legs were slowly being pulled apart. The
sinews in his groins stretched as if they were going to tear. The women kept on
turning and showed no mercy.  His legs were forced further and further apart.
The muffled groaning became loader. Gradually his body was lifted high off the
ground. The girls continued turning the winches. The bolts in the wall remained
firmly attached and they were able to take the strain. Donald's body was not.
His legs stretched out, until they were practically in a straight line. The
muscles of his thighs and buttocks bulged. Eventually, Liz was satisfied and

Rose pulled on the alligator clip that was still chewing on Donald's penis. Yes,
it was still holding on. She tied a weight to it and let it swing to and fro.
Another "MRRMFF" came from the sack. Ishbel thought it was a pity that they
could not see Donald's face inside the sack.

Rose took another item from her bag of tricks. It was a box of cigars. She
lighted a large one. Men like to play with cigars, even presidents do, and now
she was going to demonstrate what cigars could do to men. She puffed to produce
a nice red ember and held the tip close to his anus. She singed the hairs off
and he groaned as he felt the heat. She waited and let him suffer. Once more,
she sucked on the cigar and made it glow. This time she made contact and burned
his delicate skin, all around his hole. His taught body trembled like an
earthquake and another unearthly noise came from the sack.


Cigars are much hotter than cigarettes.  Liz and Ishbel also lighted some and
the three of them started to burn him in the most sensitive areas. Although
Ishbel did not smoke, she soon got the hang of keeping the ember glowing, by
just using her cheeks to suck.

 The howling inside the sack went on and on, as they systematically pressed the
embers between his buttocks, on his balls, and on the base of his penis. Ishbel
finally had enough of this and extinguished her cigar on the area just next to
the attachment of the alligator clip. She was astonished to see how much his
chest heaved when she did that.

Rose and Liz each took a piece of electric cable, and like tennis players
serving a ball, hit his outstretched thighs with tremendous force.


"ARRGGGHHH" The howling increased.

The girls stood next to each other, and each had her own outstretched leg and
buttock to service.



The gag and sack stopped most of the noise, but could not restrain all the
sounds of his agony. The girls were happy with their results and they were
continuing with vehemence.

Each thigh and buttock had now received more than a hundred lashes. The women's
muscular arms did not seem to become fatigued, but sweat glistened on their
naked torsos. Liz's naked boobs bobbed up and down as she swung the heavy cable.

Donald's legs were stretched out too tightly for them to move, but his body
shuddered uncontrollably. His bawling turned into a roar. Ishbel started to feel
pity for him, but the other two women showed no signs of compassion. They
continued to strike the same bleeding and raw areas.

Eventually they stopped. The two women got dressed again.

The three of them then sat outside on the grass and had some refreshments. Liz
had brought a picnic basket with her. They drank cold ale and ate pastries. Rose
whispered that they would administer the final punishment and then clean up all
the evidence.

They went back to Donald. He was a pitiful sight. Rose handed the gelder to
Ishbel and signaled that she should do the honors. Ishbel opened the rollers and
with shaking hands applied it to Donald's scrotum.

"AARRRGGGG" She tried to lock the handles, but they would not close. Rose took
over from her. She noticed that Ishbel had accidentally caught the left ball
between the rollers. Rose re-applied the gelder above the balls, firmly locked
the handles and permanently cut Donald's cords. (Let him fix that with sticky

"BBAARRRGGHH"  Apparently this was not so painless either. The thought entered
Rose's mind, that Donald made almost the same sort of sound, as young bulls when
they are castrated. Just to do a good job, she twisted and pulled the instrument
a couple of times.

Rose then injected Donald with a tranquillizer and he passed out. She had to do
this to prevent him from identifying them when she removed the sack. She then
removed the alligator clip and unclasped the gelder. The girls untied him,
removed the sack and the gag and left him on the floor. Soapy froth was coming
out of his mouth.

They unbolted the winches and the ring from the wall. They plugged the holes and
smeared them with dirt. The ropes, the gag, and Donald's cut up trousers were
put in the bag - they would later burn the whole lot.

After removing all the evidence, they drove back to the city, dropped off Ishbel
and departed for London. Ishbel decided to move to another city.


Later that afternoon, a young affectionate couple was looking for a secluded
romantic spot.

They came across a groaning man without any pants on. They were shocked, forgot
all about their hidden desires and used their mobile phone to call the police.
An ambulance took Donald away.

The police made a thorough investigation of the old castle, but could not find
any evidence. As they were walking back to their car, the inspector noticed
something shining in the grass. He picked up a brooch with a S shaped snake and
put it into a plastic bag.

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