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Review This Story || Author: Jay

Eating Erica

Chapter 7 Preparing the Meat

Chapter 7 ***Preparing the Meat***

	Now Pierre was a master chef and received only the best meat to prepare
for his employer. He knew every way to cook a girl, and how to make her come out
tasting delicious to the last bite.

	Usually he would put a spit through the girl's pussy and push it out her
mouth. Then he would roast her over an open fire and season her, to the
enjoyment of the crowd. It always came out tasting great and the show was

	This time, however, he would be preparing a more formal meal. He would
be using an industrial oven, and she would be cooked like a thanksgiving turkey.
It takes a little more effort and patience, but the end result is always much,
much better.

	The oven was clear, so that the audience could enjoy, and there was a
near-boiling pot in the corner. First, however, the meat would need to be made
tender. He gave Erica to the crowd to be fucked in every orifice while he cut
vegetables and pre-heated the oven.

	Once they were done, her hands were handcuffed to her ankles, and she
was forced to curl into a ball, with her head at her knees. Pierre picked her
up, grabbing her soft, plushy hips, and dropped her into the pot. She grabbed a
mouthful of air and used all the effort she had to avoid screaming from the heat
as she hit the water. Because of her position, she sank like a rock, and she sat
on the bottom of the hot cauldron for a good minute and a half. This would make
her meat tastier and more tender.

	Just when she thought she could take it no more and was about to pass
out, a hand grabbed her and brought her back up out of the pot and placed her
onto the table. She was placed onto her back, and Pierre grabbed a cutting knife
and prepared to get started.

	Tears welled up in her eyes, and her muffled moans could be heard by
everyone in the room. The chef grinned wide and slowly, carefully began stuffing
Erica's anus and pussy with stuffing. He seemed to stick his entire arm into her
each time, and the pain the excruciating for her. When her belly was good and
hard ("stuffed" with stuffing, if you will), he patted it and admired his
handywork. Her slightly plumper yet still attractive sixteen year old body
glistened as he positioned her into a baking pan.

	In the pan, she was forced to sit on her knees, with her ass jutting out
from behind, and her body leaning over so that her tits touched her knees. This
is the only way she would fit into the oven. Vegetables and garnishes were
placed around her, and she was basted and covered in butter and a light layer of
barbeque sauce. She was pleading the entire time, crying and begging not to be
eaten. Pierre was patient, however, and just only now stuck the apple in her
mouth, like she was a suckling pig. She shook her head no, but he paid no heed.

	Next he patted her plump ass, watching as it jiggled just a little bit.
He grabbed the meat on her thigh and nodded to himself. Next he prodded her
juicy belly, and grabbed a handful of her buttered breast. It would taste
delicious, and he couldn't wait for her to cook, all alone, struggling in vain
against her restraints as the oven cooked her to a perfect golden brown. One
last slap of that ass, and then he was ready. He had done his work, had his fun,
and now it was time.	

	And then he slid her into the oven and closed the door, getting a
sadistic pleasure out of her pleading doe eyes; she was indeed the venison


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