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Dixie Author: Allene Blake
(Added on Apr 19, 2001) (This month 56145 readers) (Total 76274 readers)
She meets a football player who, after marriage, shows he is a srtrict dominant.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
2 Votes
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2 Votes
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Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (6/10)
Highest Rating: (6/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 19, 2009
good but not on pat with your other stories (6/10)

Reviewer: hyphen666 (Edit) Rating: Apr 24, 2001
This rather lengthy tale appears to have been written very early in the author's career. The dialogue, especially Dixie's, is quite stilted. The husband who seems to have unlimited resources (physical as well as financial) is not too believable. His type usually exists only in the minds of teenagers. Dixie takes to her new life as fast as a nitro fueled funny car does the quarter mile; a minus to this reader. Once one gets beyond these obstacles there are many good moments such as the trials that our now totally uninhibited heroine goes through with a great deal of enthusiasm and perhaps too much enjoyment. Allene (of RPP fame?) shows a good knowledge of the art of whipping with emphasis on the implements used to inflict the pain. I am intrigued enough by this story to take a look at some of the other work that she has suddenly posted on this site. (6/10)
Replied by: Silverfish (Edit) (Apr 28, 2001)
Yep. It is the same Allene from RPP. As you can probably tell, if you didn't already know, her best stories still haven't been posted to the bdsmlibrary.

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