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Aubree's First Apartment Author: Doc Sexaday
(Added on Jun 8, 2008) (This month 176790 readers) (Total 261683 readers)
Aubree was young and on her own. She had her first apartment and a promising college education ahead of her. The bad news for Aubree was Winston. He had dirt on Aubree and blackmail was in order.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 12
10 Votes
10 Votes
10 Votes
10 Votes
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0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 83%
Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
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Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: littleone__ (Edit) Rating: May 18, 2012
Are we ever going to get another chapter?????? I hope so and soon. Help Help, I need more chapters! This is red code emergency

Reviewer: DaveDet78 (Edit) Rating: Mar 28, 2012
If you're into the whole BDSM genre like me, you'll find this guy is as good as they come. The vivid and brutal scenes in this one really make you want more (10/10)

Reviewer: aliciaasu (Edit) Rating: Mar 18, 2012
Introduced to this guy by a girlfriend of mine. I love the sex, scenery, and emotion that is written here. When the hell is this guy gonna give us something new! (10/10)

Reviewer: missymd78 (Edit) Rating: Mar 18, 2012
I've been introduced to this author by a friend and have to admit, he's one of the best I've seen. He consistently brings the reader to the scene of the crime and leaves you wanting more. (10/10)

Reviewer: joss1862 (Edit) Rating: Dec 6, 2011
IT is a great story so far. The way the gisrls are humilated makes ones dick hard. It takes longer to have them broken, though. (10/10)

Reviewer: littleone_ (Edit) Rating: Oct 20, 2011
definitely professional quality. I hope the next chapter comes soon But pretty please,Sir don't make it the final chapter.
I just read the next chapter and it is even hotter then the others. I can't believe I had to masturbate THREE times while I was reading it. Thank you, Sir, for writing such a great story. I hope there are many more chapters to cum (oops I mean come, LOL)
Respectfully submitted
littleone_ (10/10)

Reviewer: 8115 (Edit) Rating: Feb 6, 2011
Thank you for a very entertaining tale. I really hope the next bit isn't the last. I think there is more we could read from your trainers. More from you :-) (10/10)

Reviewer: dariadar (Edit) Rating: Jan 18, 2011
Excellent plot. The story could be developed even further. The author has got a talent and should try bringing in more characters into the story. The girls should be humiliated publicly in order to get really submissive. Next chapter should not be the final one! (10/10)

Reviewer: sedmwif (Edit) Rating: Apr 12, 2010
Very well written, nice moving story that works well. (10/10)

Reviewer: Tracylean (Edit) Rating: Jan 3, 2010
This is a fascinating story. you need to go on writing it. It will be a shame if you stop now. (9/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 23, 2009
As a European, I have a hard time going along with the blackmail just because a little Mary Hu was found. I guess in the US people are still scared shitless for being accused of possession.
Anyway, once the scene is set, we are in for a nice treat.
Very good story once more.
JJ (9/10)

Reviewer: alicesubmale (Edit) Rating: Sep 14, 2008
the effect of a strong persistent personality on a weak, submissive one makes this story exciting. it flows well, is believable (considering the subject matter), and catches Aubree's feelings. Looking forward to the third installment. (10/10)

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