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18/male/slave seeks mature mistress in New York Author: RopesTom
(Added on Oct 29, 2010) (This month 123907 readers) (Total 156456 readers)
College student posts an add at at slave/master site.. His life is changed when Mistress Samantha answers the add.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
2 Votes
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2 Votes 1 Vote
2 Votes 1 Vote
2 Votes 1 Vote
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 67% 33%
Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: chuck (Edit) Rating: Jun 5, 2012
This is one of the most enjoyable stories I've read. The attention to detail and the character descriptions are outstanding. I would give it a 10 but for the need to proof read it for several typos. I've only read Part One so if the proofing has improved with the other parts, I will bump the rating to 10. I look forward to reading the other parts, but I prefer to wait a bit to savor what I have read. (9/10)

Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: May 23, 2011
PARTS 1 & 2:
Hopefully there is going to be more about Tom and Mistress Samantha, especially about the three times he was naked with Cindy.
PARTS 3 & 4:
Excellent continuation of this enjoyable story. Wonder what Cindy and any other of his artist friends are going to say about the whip marks. Also where are the bondage drawings to be done, at Mistress's home or at the college? The latter would be down right humilating ....... hmmmmm lovely. (10/10)
Replied by: RopesTom (Edit) (Dec 4, 2010)
The next part will be out in about a week. The title is "The Interrogation"

Reviewer: thndrnghrd24 (Edit) Rating: Nov 4, 2010
this story was amazing. (9/10)

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