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Review This Story || Author: Harry Berg

Slave To Corsairs

Chapter 16 Transformation

Chapter 16 - Transformation

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


  "Stiff upper lip," whispered Major Huntington to himself as he felt the
jailer's spit land on his butthole. The Major, Captain Dashwood and Lieutenant
Eversole were shoulder-to-shoulder bent over a wooden bench. They were about to
experience their afternoon sodomy session courtesy of their jailers. The Captain
and Lieutenant had already been penetrated but the Major's partner was taking
his time using his finger to work his spit into the Major's anus. Relax and
think of the Empire the Major told himself as he experienced the not unpleasant
sensation of jailer's index finger loosening up his anal ring.

  Viscount Chumley was less than a yard away noisily providing oral pleasure to
one of the jailers who preferred mouths to assholes. Major Huntington groaned as
a cock forced his sphincter and occupied his butt. There was a brief moment of
discomfort and then his rectum relaxed and accepted the intruder. Hands grasped
his hips and began the motion that had become part of the captives' daily
routine for the last three weeks. The jailers jabbered and laughed in Arabic as
they fucked the British officers.

  The officer's limited knowledge of Arabic allowed them to decipher only a few

  "Yasmina's asshole feels like the Captain's," said one jailer referring to the
wife of a fellow. 'Except the Captain's is tighter and hugs my cock."

  "Yasmina does not suck cock as well. The Captain's mouth is like warm butter."

   This could be much worse the Major told himself as he moaned from the
sensation of his prostate being massaged by a sizeable cock. The Major reached
his hand down to take his own cock in hand and began stroking it.

  "Ah, that feels good," said the Lieutenant stroking his cock as he rocked back
and forth on the jailer's penis.

  As had been the custom for the last week, another jailer appeared in front of
the Major pushed down his trousers and presented his hairy cock to the Major's
lips. The Major opened his mouth and accepted the double-ended buggery. Refusal
would possibly mean a beating; however, none of the soldiers had ever refused.
Major Huntington had to admit he and the others had been a docile lot since
Kedif cut one of their nuts off.

  His peripheral vision informed him that his fellow officers were similarly
engaged. He noted that Captain Dashwood was making little moans of pleasure as
he vigorously rocked back and forth to maximize his and his penetrators'
pleasure. Good old Harry, he could always make the best of a bad situation
thought the Major.

  The Major recalled that in London Captain Dashwood was always up for buggery
when they attended parties hosted by the city's gay gentlemen, parties that were
known to be attended incognito by male members of the royal family.

  Even Lieutenant Eversole was moaning and showing enthusiasm for double sodomy. 
He was the one who swore he would rather die than be buggered by a filthy Muslim
recalled the Major. Kedif's knife had produced a complete change of attitude in
the young lieutenant. For the remaining Lancers and the Viscount, daily sessions
of cock sucking and butt fucking had become part of their regular routine. The
routine had become so predictable that there seemed to be some plan behind it.
The Major and the Captain Dashwood had discussed the idea but could not figure
out why their jailers were making such a regular practice of buggery.

  "Honestly, you'd think they'd get tired of us," said Captain Dashwood.
"Everyone of them has fucked me a dozen times."

  "There has been a noticeable decline in enthusiasm among them. I had to suck
Abdullah's fat cock for half an hour before he ejaculated," said Major

  "I think they are acting under someone's orders," said the Captain.

  "I agree but who and why are the questions."

  The fact that the Lancers had been left with one testicle was something of a
mystery too. Kedif had certainly promised them that the second ball would
shortly go the way of the first. However, instead of being completely gelded the
following day, they were taken to a larger and cleaner cell that was above
ground and therefore not subjected to the putrid air of their previous abode.
They were given fresh water to wash and clean water to drink. The food improved
in quantity and edibility and the Lancers regained their strength.

   As soon as his scrotum healed, the Major suggested they test their equipment.
The eight had sat in a circle each man masturbating the fellow to his right and
then his left until the welcome result occurred.  Viscount Chumley had
obligingly offered to orally stimulate anyone who had difficulty but that proved

   "It may have taken twice as long since we have only half as many balls but we
definitely performed," announced the Major to his comrades.

  "Right," added Captain Dashwood who had been pleasantly surprised that he
functioned at all. The Captain had quietly assumed that his days of bedding
young London males and females were done. Dashwood's plan was that if he ever
reached England's shores, he was going to drink himself to death as quickly as

  After the healing was completed, the sodomy by jailer began. It was regular as
clockwork. And in spite of the initial distaste for having heathens stick their
cock in their bums, the Lancers recognized that sodomy was much preferable to
another encounter with Kedif's knife. Each afternoon they were lead in groups of
four to a nearby cell that was equipped with a wooden bench whose construction
lent itself to the act. The prisoner's bum was elevated so the jailer could
perform the act standing.

  Unlike before, the guards were not unnecessarily brutal and as long as the
Lancer's cooperated, the whips and club remained unused. Major Huntington had
noticed that during the last week, he found himself looking forward to the break
in the tedium provided by the sodomy. In fact, several of the Lancers had
adopted the practice of stroking their own cocks while being sodomised and
timing their ejaculation to match that of the jailer.

  Major Huntington had doubts that sodomy was completely new to any of his
fellow soldiers. Back in England the enlisted men's barracks was rife with
buggery.  Sucking the Sergeant Major's cock was a rite of passage for a new
recruit. Any young soldier with a girl's features and slender hips was kept busy
after lights out servicing the needs of the others.

 As for the officers that had attended formal military training, sodomy was a
rite of the underclassman's life at the academy.  The Major recalled his days at
the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. It was questionable whether any
subaltern ever completed the course without being penetrated by the bulk of
upper classman. The Major recalled how he and the others were lined up and
buggered as a group by the upperclassmen their first day at the academy. That
particular session had also involved drinking the upperclassmen's piss straight
from the source so to speak. The Major had gotten it down all right but most of
the cadets were left retching in pools of their own vomit. It had been quite an
introduction to his military education.

  Punishment for infractions of the rules at the Academy involved rituals that
were decidedly homosexual in nature. The Major remembered Captain Gaines the
officer who taught map reading and the use of a compass to navigate unfamiliar
terrain. Cadets who failed in the field exercises had to present themselves at
the Captain's quarters where they not only received additional tutoring in
locating compass north but also oral stimulation of a delightful sort. The
instructor was so skilled in his oral administrations that cadets purposely got
lost for the pleasure of his remedial instruction.

   Punishment for serious infractions of the rules involved restraining the
cadet over a wooden frame during punishment parade. This was done on Saturday
afternoon when the entire core of cadets plus the staff were drawn up in
formation. Everyone bearing witness to the miscreant's execution of sentence was
considered essential to good military discipline.  As the drummer beat out a
tattoo an upperclassman lowered the cadet' s trousers. That in and of itself was
an exercise in supreme humiliation as several hundred students were staring at
your naked bum. After your list of offenses were read aloud by the
superintendent, one of the prefects would step up with a cane and land from ten
to thirty blows on your bottom. The cadet would be judged on how well they bore
the pain without crying out. Cadets who screamed their bloody lungs out were
judged unfit to be leaders of men. Cadet Wesley Huntington had never cried once
even when he was caught sneaking three of the local trollops into the barracks
for a bit of fun. For that offense, he was subjected to the full thirty strokes
by the prefect known to have the strongest arm at the academy.

  After the caning was complete and the cadet's bottom striped like a Bengali
tiger, they restored their trousers and the military formation dismissed. The
cadets would be left overnight in the stocks to shiver in the cold and
contemplate the virtues of military justice.

  The shenanigans began after dark when the academy staff had retired.  The
shivering and sniveling cadet would stiffen when he heard sounds behind him.
Some unknown person or persons would tug down his trousers then spend some time
playing with his cock and balls. The next step involved a large gob of spit or
butter from the mess being worked into the cadet's rectum. This was invariably
followed by penetration with as many cocks as were willing to brave sneaking out
of the barracks at night. An infraction that would land the perpetrators in the
same position as the cadet they came to sodomise.

  Major Huntington fondly recalled those moments when his cock was buried in a
cadet's stripped bum. He remembered feeling the heat on his groin from the
raised whelps. If the cadet was crying and begging for mercy it added to the
pleasure. If the cadet had not made a good show by keeping silent during his
caning, the others expressed their displeasure by pissing on him. Major
Huntington recalled that his personal favorite was to piss in the cadet's
asshole immediately after ejaculating. The Major would then restore the cadet's
trousers leaving him to add to his disgrace by shitting himself. It made for a
pretty sight when the prefects showed up the next morning to release the cadet.

  He himself had stood up bravely to numerous appearances on the punishment
frame. He had conducted himself as would be expected of an officer and a
gentleman. He particularly remembered the night that his good friend Harvey
Dashwood had sucked his cock while a Scottish cadet named Ian Macneil possessor
of the largest member the Major had ever seen had sodomised him. Major Wesley
could recall how the sweat poured from his brow as slowly and inexorably Ian's
giant member had traveled up his bowels packing his shit into a single massive
turd that emerged three days later. The Major still considered that his greatest
achievement in at the art of defecation.

  Poor Ian recalled the Major. His Sepoy regiment had revolted near the Khyber
Pass. Ian's penchant for harsh discipline had not endeared him to his charges
and they had turned him over to a tribe of Pushtun's for torture and amusement.
The women of the tribe were notorious for their skill in providing a long and
painful death. The finale was watching your own castration. The Pushtuns females
had removed Ian's eyelids thereby insuring that he watched as they went to work
with their knives on his manhood.

  Rumor had it that the females had been so impressed with Ian's penis they cut
it off and presented it to a local village headman who preserved it in a jar of
glycerin. The headman showed it to all his visitors, claiming that it was his
most prized possession. 

  Major Huntington's reverie of his days as a cadet was interrupted by the taste
of semen in his mouth and the realization that the jailer at his rear was about
to finish. The Major swallowed then sucked vigorously to capture the remaining
ejaculate and swallowed again. Major Huntington licked the withdrawn cockhead
experiencing a touch of regret that he had finished. The Major managed to squirt
his own semen on the stone floor just as the Jailer's body motions and loud
breathing indicated that additional semen now occupied his rectum.

  When the jailers were done, Major Huntington was startled to hear a female
voice say, "Bravo, bravo, weren't the splendid? I think they will do very

  "Wonderful, I couldn't agree more."

  The Major looked up to see Estelle and Eloise standing in the cell door
watching the proceeding. Several well-armed guards accompanied them. The twins
were smiling and clapping.

 "Hello there, how are you two getting on?" said Viscount Chumley taking a
jailer's cock out of his mouth.

  "Very well, Roger, how have you been?" asked Estelle.

  "Good, quite good really considering," said the Viscount.

  "Can you gather everyone Major, we have something we need to discuss," said

  Major Huntington wiped off his own chin got to his feet, restored his trousers
and summoned the rest of the soldiers. Moments later, everyone was seated on
benches in front of the twins.

  "Mohammed Khan has decided to spare your lives provided you cooperate," said

  "The normal practice for captured British soldiers is mutilation and
castration followed by being torn to pieces by the mob. But you know that since
you were in the square that day when they executed half of your company," said

  The fact that the twins were smiling as they talked about such matters rather
surprised Major Huntington. In London, he had met his share of women who had
peculiar tastes but Estelle and Eloise seemed a breed apart.

  "Mohammed Khan has commanded my sister and I to conduct a little experiment
with you," said Estelle.

  "We have been working very hard and have overcome many difficulties on your
behalf. You have no idea what we have been through to locate the items needed.
We have now acquired the necessary clothes, jewels, wigs, make-up and even a
nearby palace to allow us to proceed."

  "Pardon me but proceed at what?" said the Major.

  "Becoming women to entertain Mohammed Khan's court," said Eloise.

  "They won't exactly become women. It's more dress up and act like a woman,"
said Estelle.

  "I don't understand at all," said Captain Dashwood.

  "Luckily for you, when Mohammed Khan was studying in Cambridge, he attended
what he refers to as chiffon balls. Are any of you familiar with that?" said

  "I am," said Major Huntington.

  "I also," said Captain Dashwood.

  "Excellent, that's important because neither of us had any idea at first what
he meant," said Eloise.

  Actually chiffon balls were a regular but unpublicized feature of the London
social season. The Major recalled that he and Dashwood had attended a
spectacular chiffon ball in Charring Cross several months before they were
posted overseas. It had been a very enjoyable evening. Chiffon balls were very
elegant affairs where London's homosexual set dressed up like women and invited
masculine men to come and be their partners.

  To the casual observer, a chiffon ball resembled a normal London ball except
the presence of women was expressly forbidden.  Homosexual men who had the
inclination dressed in ball gowns danced and flirted with the men. Champagne was
liberally consumed and the evening ended in male orgies that went on to dawn.
Major Huntington recalled having the devil of a time finding his clothes when he
finally awoke holding a MP from Devonshire in his arms. He had passed out while
engaged in a sodimising the young men dressed in the latest fashion of
provocative lingerie straight from Gay Paree. The Major felt his cock twitch at
the memory of that night.

  "It's like a normal London ball except that instead of women you have men
dressed as women and we danced with them," said Captain Dashwood.

  "And afterwards?" asked Estelle.

  "We committed sodomy," said the Major never one to mince words.

  "So you understand what is required," said Eloise.

  "Yes, but there are some of us who are too masculine to succeed as women,"
said Major Huntington referring to himself. Dashwood and Eversole were slender
young fellows but the Major had a definite male physique, taller than average
with broad shoulders and a powerful build.

  "True, Mohammed Khan who is truly a genius when it comes to such matters has a
solution. Are any of you familiar works of the Marquis de Sade, Major?" asked

  "Yes, by reputation," said the Major. The Major literary endeavors were
limited to the manuals required to complete Sandhurst. He could say with pride
that he had never read a book for enjoyment. However through experience, he had
become a devotee of the Marquis's philosophy and had on many occasions spent a
pleasant hour applying the lash to a screaming female's backside as a prelude to

  "Our pleasure palace will include a dungeon. We plan for you Major and
Corporal Worthy to be dressed as Dungeon Mistresses. We'll keep the lighting
poor. Mohammed Khan plans to introduce the Marquis's practices to his
courtiers," said Eloise.

  "And of course, there will be courtiers who enjoy being sodomised by a soldier
of the Empire," said Estelle.

  "If I understand you, correctly, Mohammed Khan is establishing a residence
where we will dress as women and perform acts of sodomy and Sadism with members
of his court," said Captain Dashwood.

  "Correct, you will be well treated, actually pampered as long as you behave.
But if even one of you refuses or tries to escape, then all of you will be
returned to Kedif," said Estelle.

 "So we are in agreement?" said Eloise.

  "Ladies, we are at your disposal," said Major Huntington bowing his head

Review This Story || Author: Harry Berg
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