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The Orc's Plaything

Part 2


Exhaustion wracked my body as time lost all meaning, his name a chant in my mind. I discovered that if I lay perfectly still, not even daring to breath, I could survive the battle being waged inside my tortured body. The blinding fear of everything around me was lost in the internal battle for control that I was winning. In the hour upon hour, that had passed I had learned much about myself. My will was stronger than anything they could throw at me. I was overcoming the pain. The thought became my mantra, I am Silmarwen of the great Elven house Elensar. This will wear off and I will escape.


Nazbog listened, as the others around him fought amongst themselves. It would always be this way. Clan leaders, Ashbrúg, Gâbwûsh, Dûrbwakh and Azluk had come to him. Each demanding greater shares of the plunder from last nights work Let them have what they wanted, it would buy their loyalty. He knew that in the end it wouldn't matter what they got. Tomorrow they would be on the move again and all those glittering Elven goods would loose their appeal as they had to be carried on tired backs climbing high into the mountains. Scattered through out the caves were small fires. The Hordemaster could tell which fires were tended by his own clan. No great piles of worthless Elven goods surrounded these but each of the Orc's now wore warm clothing. The richness of the fabric meant less than nothing. Quiver's that had been emptied this dawn were now full. Dagger's with blades light yet incredibly strong with ivory hilts gleamed as the gold inlays of Elven runes caught the flickering fire light. Looking across his own fire at his second in command, Búrzbad the Crippler, Stormterror let loose the unmistakable sound of a low growl of warning. He'd had enough of their bickering. Knocking Dûrbwakh flat with a swing of his massive arm, he shut them up.

"Enough…. Tell your clans they can have all that they can carry. Nothing more."

His pronouncement was law. His growl a dismissal.

The four clan leaders left heads held high. They had won a great victory for their own clans today. 'Stormterror might be the greatest Military Hordemaster of all-time but he new nothing of plunder.', they smirked to themselves. Yes, they would follow him anywhere.


Búrzbad looked towards where the half-breed bitch lay. Her continuous whimpers and moans had drawn his attention. She was on her back, the rope binding her arms up and back. The bar at her knees held her legs wide open. By now the air had almost dried the piss from her skin so the pain was abating. Her eyes were open but glazed. Her breathing ragged as she fought the fire raging in her blood. It had been almost an hour since Stormterror had finished with her. Her red cunt was open wide and weeping. The musky smell of her permeated the cave.

"Storm, … mind if I borrow your cunt for a while?"

I became aware of the newest nightmare when he grabbed the bar between my legs and began dragging me out of the cave into fading light of day. No care was taken to protect me as rock and brush scratched and bruised me. I had no idea where he was taking me, only that I was helpless to stop the progress. One moment I was moving the next I was being rolled over and the rope binding my ankles together was loosened then gone, my hands were release from their place at my neck. The final end of the rope gone from my neck. Without thought at the moment of their release my hands move towards my throbbing clit. Nothing mattered except finding some peace from the forced need.

Laughter fills the evening air as strong hands grasp my arms, forcing them together.. In the next instant the rope is again being twisted around my wrists. The rough bindings bite into my wrists. My hands bound together by the newest monster in this nightmare. Without ceremony the rope is thrown over a sturdy limb and I am unceremoniously hoisted high into the air. The hobble that held my knees wide apart is still in place. Goddess… the itch of my cunt. Hips rocked steadily as I fucked the very air.

The pain that had filled my world was gone. The only thing I could feel now was the never ending itch between my wide spread thighs. Even the brush of air from the warm breeze was almost enough to send me crashing over the edge into oblivion. Almost but not quite. The stretching of muscles and joints was lost in the power of my need. The whole of my universe centered on that single throbbing nub of flesh.

It wasn't enough that I was tied up and hanging like a slab of meat, the rough hands brought a blind fold around my eye sending me into a world of total darkness where the isolation of my need became even deeper.

Nazbog and Búrzbad stood back from the cunt and watched her movements. Her hips kept tilting forward and up. Both had seen Ragnor's Seed in action before but not with even close to the effect that it was having on this half breed cunt. She was lost to everything going on around her. Her voice a hoarse whisper of sound as she begs for release…for relief. The pleading comes from deep within her. She is so far gone that they know she has no idea what she is saying. By Ragnor's balls this was going to be fun.

Búrzbad stood back from her. The smooth perfect lines of her back before him. Her ass muscles clenching rhythmically. The whip held loosely in his hand. The long braided tail coiled at his feet.

Nazbog stood just inches before her. The bar holding her legs apart gave him a close up look at the fiery flesh. With each surge of need her cunt lifted towards him. Her deep red cunt lips open and begging.

Both Orc's could see the pearly fluid leaking from her. She was so excited it ran down the entire length of her thighs and calves. Liquid need puddling on the ground. The musky smell of her sex saturated the warm evening air touching off instincts older than time in the Orc's. Cruel blazing eyes looked upon the half-breed bitch.

Búrzbad stepped back then with a grace belying his build and race let the whip fly…

Nazbog watched her. Listening to the words she spoke. Listening to her cries for release. He was doing nothing just waiting until that perfect moment, then stepping forward, the covered razor sharp tip of his tusk just before her rampaging sex….

Velvety darkness cocoons my world as blood being forced though constricted veins and arteries sets the tempo of my need. With each heart beat, I can feel the tight stretching of tender flesh. A touch… just a single touch is all I want. All I need. There is a sound filling my ears. A voice… a woman's voice… begging… humming… pleading… Her words lost on the night air.

It felt as if thunder and lightning struck as one. White hot pain exploding along nerves even as the sound of my own scream clashed with the
concussion from the crack of the whip. It filled my ears, drowning out the grunt of pleasure from the Orc behind me as he hit his target, a small dimple which was instantly bloodied. As the whip strikes, my world goes red. Excruciating pain surged through my body. Every instinct inside me screamed with one voice to escape the inflictor of it. Without thought my entire body arches in a vein attempt to escape swinging me slightly forward to encounter another sensation. Smooth, hard and cool, it brushes my clit. Instant gratification wracks my entire being as ecstasy and agony converge, becoming one within me. There is no beginning or ending. A perfect circle of sensations held me in its precious grip. Every nerve in my body alive in that moment. I am no longer a thinking Elven women with a keen intelligent who had be taught by the visionary Master's of our time. Something long denied awakens deep within me. The beast inside me shakes off its fetters. I cum. It doesn't stop. This pleasure, stronger than anything I have ever felt, shares each nerve in my brain with the pain. Blood pools in my body yet somehow it also surges outwards becoming trapped in tissue. Nipples become so hard they feel as if they could bursts. God, my clit, hard and unhooded is filled with pleasure so strong it lives on the knifes edge of pain. I was going to die from the sensations and yet if they ended I would do anything to find it again….anything… anything….

Nazbog and Búrzbad watched as she went totally ridged. Hands fisted tight as her nails bit into her palms. Seeping blood runs down until it is caught by the rope at her wrists. The muscles in her arms flex, lifting her slightly. Her head is thrown back, blue sightless eyes hidden Teeth clenching on the last note of the agonized scream.. The sound of air rushes past white even teeth as starving lungs are fed. Her slender neck is arched in smooth even lines.. Her breath now trapped force her breast out. Her hips are thrust forward by the arc of her back. Her legs fighting to close on the feeling to hold it close and never let go. Her already dark green skin darkened further. He nipples became diamond points on her breathlessly still chest. The arc of her back throws her sex forward so that her vulnerable clit is totally exposed as it searches for another touch.

" Anything…please… more " it was a whisper that change my universe…

It's said that while the sight of a smiling Orc is enough to fill even the stoutest warrior with dread, the sound of their laughter enough to shake the halls of the Gods….

"Well , well, well cunt… then listen closely" through the hazy cloud of my mind I could hear a slight scraping but couldn't place the sound. Then the tip of my breast felt the daggers edge so softly caressing it. Next, the little nick as it just broke the skin. I couldn't hunch my shoulder…couldn't bring my arms down to protect my nipple. The whole of the weapon lay under my breast. Lifting the flesh the sliding away… it wasn't a daggers. It was the smooth cool ivory of his tusk. The tip unsheathed.

"Here is the game we play…. You can cum as much as you want… but the only way you can is to touch that nasty clit of yours to my tusk,, now bitch… its going to be a tough call for you. Rub too hard and you're going to loose that little piece of flesh. Okay so go… "

I try to arch my body. God it's just there. I know it. I can feel the heat of him. The breath of him hot and moist touching my flesh. I can hear him and feel him…

"Well cunt… what are you waiting for…" his sardonic laughter filling the air.

Try as I might I can't reach it.. I can't touch it.

"Cunt are you sure this is really what you want? It doesn't seem like it. I mean come on cunt if you really wanted it you just do it wouldn't you?. I'm starting to think you don't really want to cum Well do you?"

"yeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssss… god please Master Terror let me cum…."

"Cunt that is up to you. You have my permission. All you have to do is just move that cunt forward just the tiniest bit and you will have everything you need to cum. What's the problem?"

"Please… Master…I…. can't…reach… "

"Cunt are you asking for help?"

:"Yessssssssssssssssssssss" my voice fades.

"Well cunt imagine this, a high born Evlen bitch… begging to cum on the tusk of a Orc… but there is an old saying among our kind" his smile purely wicked as his red eyes blazed. "Cunt, where there's a whip there's a way"

The words had barely left his mouth before they became a reality. Pain radiates out from the chosen spot. The tip of the whip kissing my flesh with lethal precision . Smooth flesh welted and broken by the wicked caress. I was driven to the brink of madness. My body surging forward and onto the tusk. My poor clit nicked again and again. Ragnor's Seed did its job well though. The pain had no impact on my ability to release.

My broken wails echo off tree and rock.…

"See how easy it is cunt. You just have to know what to ask for. Maybe you should thank Búrzbad for his help. Show him some of those pretty elf ways."

I couldn't think.. couldn't breath… could do nothing but feel as cruel fingers reach up and twist my nipples..

"Cunt, your not showing any appreciation for the wonderful gift we are giving you"

My voice quivered as the unwilling words left my mouth. "Thank you Búrzbad for helping me find the touch of the Master…"

His growl was my only reply as he watched the blood seep and run. Stormterror's hand reached down an took the wide belt he was wearing, doubling it up as he spoke

"Cunt, see if you were really an Orc, you'd take what you want but doesn't seem like it does it. Weak worthless elf-bitch. You want something lets hear you beg so prettily for it."

"Please… I need to cu…"

I could hear him moving away…

The belt caught me across both breast

"Cunt you don't need us to cum. What you need from him has nothing to do with cuming. You want to feel the inspiration of the whip to move that fucking ass of yours don't you?"

I could feel the hot breath of him on my clit with every word. God.. just a little more..


"Please what fucktoy?"

"Please use the whip on me."

His laughter filled her would with dread… .

"Move cunt or I'll let you hang here for hours with no relief as you are slowly driven insane by that insatiable cunt."

The whip flew through the air. The snapping bite of the tip prelude to high pitched cries. Pain.. Relief. It's amazing how much those sound are alike.

On it went as evening turned into night. Grunts and groans mixing with screams and wails yet nothing drowned out the satisfied laughter of my Orc conqueror.

Without warning I dropped from the air landing on the unforgiving ground. My arms are so tired from the long hours of taking my weight. My fingers hurting as blood rushes back into the deprived flesh giving renewing the feeling in them. The rope loosens as strong hands releasing my legs from the hobble. Hips stiff from disuse stay widely parted, useless legs obscenely falling open even wider. I can't stop the instinctual reaction as hands and fingers reach for the nub of flesh.

Bigger stronger hands trap my wrists as Master Terror comes over me. Ripping the blindfold off, his eyes capture mine. He is sitting on my stomach. Holding both of my hands trapped in one of his, his other hand reaches between back between my gaping open thighs.

"Cunt, understand this, this filthy starving nub of flesh is mine just like the rest of you is mine. If you touch it without my permission I will cut it off your body and feed it to you. Your will is now mine. You will obey me in all things."

Merciless finger's close on my clit, ferociously twisting it. Nothing I had suffered so far came even close to preparing me for the instant decent into total and complete madness as I was driven wild by his cruel unrelenting touch. His fingers dug into my clit crushing the tender flesh. Even in this I couldn't deny Ragnor his pleasure. As suddenly as he was there he was gone. My body curled in upon its self. Hands closed into tight fists as I fought the need to reach between my thighs to comfort the abused flesh.

"Now cunt before we go any further I think it is time you properly thank
Búrzbad for his timely assistance."

Warily, I look to where he sits on the ground. He is naked except for a cloth covering his loin. His back against a boulder. His body relaxed. On knee raised as his arm rests on it. Even as I feel the blood drying on my back, I crawl to his feet. I lower my head to the ground.

"I thank you Búrzbad for helping me find my Master's touch."

His voice is low and full, "Elf whore, your words mean less than nothing to me. Lets put that mouth to work where it might means something."

With that he reached forward, strong calloused fingers buried in my hair as he pulls me towards his goal. His other hand throwing the covering off his cock.

"Open up bitch"

My mouth is opened and filled. No pretense of care or gentleness existed. He fucked my face. His cock going deep into my mouth, into my throat. I gagged time and again. The tightening of my throat giving him even greater pleasure. Repeatedly my nose was buried in the hairless flesh of his groin. He cock stretching my lips. The rough texture of his Orc cock acting like sandpaper on the soft smooth flesh. Soon my lips and throat were raw yet on it went. His cock surging in and out. How many times did I come close to dying with the cock blocking my air way?

"Cunt, spread your knees"

The voice of my Master was a soft purr as he came over my back. My knees spread wide. His between mine. Stretching me open even further. His cock slid easily through the slimy glistening need flowing from my cunt. He did not enter me. He was just caressing me. Sending me over the edge.

The cock in my throat felt the vibrations of my muffled scream. The sound traveling through it. With a roar Búrzbad buried his cock as deep as he could and shot his seed deep. My scream was totally cut off as his cock blocked my airway. I could feel the pumping of his cock as it went on forever. My world stared to go black as he let my hair loose and I reared back taking a breath.

Master Terror gave me no time to recover. His hands were wrapped in my hair.

His cock is rammed home. The angle he chose was insidious. His cock stretched me wide. His cock like Búrzbad is thick and textured. He pounds my cunt but doesn't touch my clit. His balls are high and tight. His hand holds my hair using it as a leash. His knees between mine keep me from moving. He is in flawless control of my every move. His movement becomes torturous. He pulls his cock out until just the tip is teasing me. When I try to take control away from him attempting to impale myself on his cock he brings the belt down across my ass. A shiver passes though my body.

"So cunt you like that did you?"

I moan at the words…the sound quickly turning to a whimper as he goes totally still with in me….

His voice just a soft breathe in my ear. "Cunt, answer me."

"Yes Master… god Yes"

At my words his hips rammed forward. His cock pounding into me, buried so deep I don't know where he ends and I begin. His hands release my hair and grab my hips. He pulls me even tighter onto his rampaging weapon. He forces me to dance to his song. In and out he moves His body promising
deliverance from the never ending torture of need. His cock made of flesh feels like rough hard metal. Just when I think it can't get any bigger it does. His body lunges and he lets loose. His seed bathing my insides. Extinguishing the fire as it coats me. For the first time since he bathed my pussy in Ragnor's Seed I am out of its grip. I am free at last. The need is gone. My mind clears for the first time.

He rolls away from me. His eyes closed. I am forgotten as his body relaxes.

By now my bladder is full to over flowing. I have to go… I have to let the fluid that has built up in me go. I had been holding it so long in fear of the pain.

"Master… please…" His eyes open and he seens my hand cupping my stomach and knows…

"Okay cunt…. Over there" He points to a place on the edge of the ring. Hurrying I squat but am brought up short by what I see as I peer out over the edge. My eyes widen in sudden horror as I look out onto the valley. The fires still burn from the decimation of the village. My mind clear for the first time realizes that I have not been in the Orc's care for days. I have only been in his care since this morning…Dear Goddess it's only been hours… not days… not weeks… . I have to escape. The need was now gone. The monsters seed still dripping from my body had put out the fire his God had ignited in me. Looking over my shoulder I see the two Orc's resting peacefully. Now's my chance. The pressure on my bladder reminds me of why I had come to the edge of the clearing. I let the stream of hot liquid slip from my body…

Pain… "God…" I'm on fire from the pain between my legs. Tears streak my face… this can't be… Without thought I run across the clearing… Búrzbad dagger lay on the boulder behind him. I grab it as I run. When I get to Stormterror I sit on his chest. The knife I hold at his throat. His eyes open but show no fear. White hot rage tears through me.

"You lied" my voice filled with conviction. "You said it would go away. That your seed would stop the fire. You monstrous bastard… you lied…. " The tip of the knife nicked his throat.

One moment I was sitting abreast, him the next I was flat on my back. The knife I had held on him buried in the earth just inches from my head. His body above me. My legs were splayed as he rested in the cradle. His pelvis rocking against mine. His eyes blazed with fury. Blood dripped from the tiny wound landing on me…

"Cunt… you had better listen well because you will never be told again. If you dare to pull a weapon on me or one of mine again you will die. Believe it for I do not lie. I told you that you would have relief… and you will… till the seed dries or is washed away. Once you have been touched by Ragnor's seed cunt there is no going back.

The horror of what had been done to me sunk in… a moan of despair escaped from my lips. He watched as it all became real to me. His smile was a promise of degradation and humiliation….

"Cunt… you are free to leave anytime you like but if you stay… you are mine… my property. The choice is yours."

His eyes never leave mine, "Búrzbad, its time we find our fire. We move out at daybreak. We need sleep."

With that he stands and moves towards the mouth of the caves. Without a backwards glance, Búrzbad and he walk away…. His voice floats on the wind…"coming cunt?"

His answer was the sound of my scream as I pulled the dagger from the ground and charged his unprotected back….

With reflexes honed on the battle fields he spun his massive fist connecting with my head…a single snap.

Búrzbad looked down at the sightless eyes and laughed…

"Damnit Storm… you broke another one"

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