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Chapter 11 Complicity

Chapter Eleven: Complicity (Steffi & Mandy)

(MMFF/f, humiliation; MFM/f, spanking, severe, humiliation)

The ride home from Mandy's house was miserable for Steffani. She was humiliated to have been beaten like that in front of Mandy, and she was utterly mortified that Daddy had made her walk from Mandy's front door to the car, naked from the waist down! Her face was still burning from the shame. And the pain! Steffi was sure that Daddy was purposely driving over every bump in the road. Her bare, blistered bottom felt like fire against the worn back seat of the car, and the bumps only made it worse.

Even through her pain, though, Steffi was replaying the evening's other events in her mind. It had happened less than an hour ago, but it already felt like a dream. She had had sex with Mandy. And she had liked it. Really liked it. Oh my god, maybe I'm a lesbian! she wondered to herself. But she had no time to think any more about it, because her father was pulling the car into their driveway.

When Steffi and her parents arrived at home, she was relieved that her father pulled the car into the garage. At least she wouldn't have to worry about the neighbors seeing her half-dressed. When they all got out of the car, Steffi's parents made her walk ahead of them into the house.

Once inside, Steffi fell to her knees in front of her father. Weeping, she begged, "Please, Daddy, no more spanking!" Her sobs became stronger and louder. "No more! I'll be good forever! It hurts so much! I can't take any more spanking! Please, Daddy? Please?"

Jacob glared down at his sobbing daughter, and he relented. "All right. I think you've learned your lesson. We won't spank you anymore for this."

Steffi breathed a big sigh of relief. "Oh, thank you daddy! I promise I'll be extra good from now on! Thank you! Thank …" She stopped when her father held up his hand.

"You still need to be punished for running off. But we'll take care of that tomorrow. Just so you know, I'm going to call Mandy's parents tomorrow. I'm going to tell them what happened tonight. I'm sure Aaron and Cheryl will do the right thing and give her the punishment she deserves for her part in your little escapade."

"Daddy," Steffi begged, "please don't call them! It wasn't Mandy's fault!"

"It wasn't her fault that you went over there, but lying to me was her fault. She should have told me the truth. She didn't, and now she'll pay the consequences. Now, as for you…"

"You promised no more spanking!" Steffi wailed.

"I did. I also said you still needed to be punished. Take off the rest of your clothes."

By now, Steffi was growing accustomed to this, so she offered no objection. A moment later she stood completely naked in front of her parents, head down in shame.

"For your information, young lady, wearing clothes around this house is going to be a privilege from now on. For the next two days, you are not allowed to wear clothes." While Steffi stared at her dad, dumbfounded, he continued, "You will eat every meal with us naked. You will do your indoor chores naked." He paused and smiled, then said, "Privacy is also a privilege. For the rest of the weekend, you will leave your bedroom door open at all times. You will also use the bathroom with the door open. That includes using the toilet."

"B-but Daddy…" Steffi stammered. She started crying again.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to watch you go to the bathroom. But you will be reminded, twenty-four hours a day, no matter what you're doing, of your disobedience. I want you to think about your behavior all weekend. This punishment will end on Monday morning, when you will get dressed for school. Do you understand me?"

"Y-yes, Daddy," Steffi mumbled. Tears were trickling down her cheeks.

"Good. Now, it's late. Go to your room and go to bed." Jacob and Gail watched their crying daughter run up the stairs to her room.

When Steffi was out of sight, Gail wrapped her arms around Jacob from behind. She reached around for his crotch and squeezed his package through his jeans. "You're hard again," she said coyly. "Do you want some help with that?"

"And how." Jacob and Gail hurried to their bedroom to continue what they'd started after the first series of spankings they'd given Steffi.

"You know, Jake, you're right. She isbuilt just like I was in high school." Gail began stripping off her clothes.

Disrobing as quickly as he could, Jacob replied, "Well, she'd better not act like you did in high school." He winked at his wife, acknowledging her own sexual activity with him when they were teenagers. "If she thinks she's being spanked severely now…"

"Let's cross that bridge when we come to it, Jake. Now, we've got better things to do…"

Steffi, lying facedown on top of her bedspread in her darkened room with the door wide open, started thinking once more about her tryst with Mandy. Until that encounter, Steffi had never even masturbated much. And never to orgasm. But what Mandy had done, licking her… down there, had made her come. It felt so good, and yet she wondered if it was wrong. She knew Daddy would whip her terribly if he found out. But it felt so good. Steffi wondered again if perhaps she was a lesbian. The thought frightened her. She had always liked cute boys, but now, she wasn't sure. It felt so good, and it took her mind off of the pain of her spanking. It felt so good.

Knowing that her parents were probably occupied with each other in their room, Steffi slipped a hand under herself and between her legs. She found her clitoris with her fingers and started to rub it lightly. Soon, she felt a warm, tingly sensation in her loins. With her other hand under her, she squeezed one of her breasts, then lightly pinched her nipple. In her mind she replayed her scene with Mandy, and a few minutes later, she gasped as a gentle orgasm rocked her.


Steffi and her parents sat around the table eating lunch on Saturday afternoon. The young girl couldn't help noticing that her father kept glancing at her nude body. He was trying to be discreet about it, but Steffi could feel his eyes on her little boobs. Embarrassed, she pretended not to notice.

When he finished the last of his soup, Jacob got up and went to the phone. He dialed the Clark's number. A moment later Steffi heard him say, "Hello, Aaron! Jake McAllister here. Oh, I just needed to discuss a problem with you. Last night, I was punishing my wayward daughter. I decided to give her a break from her spanking and sent her to her room."

Steffi's felt her face reddening as she listened to her father casually telling Mr. Clark about her spanking.

"While she was alone," Jacob continued, "She decided she would run off! And it seems she thought your house was the best place to go. Yes, your daughter Mandy hid her there." Jacob paused, listening to Aaron. "Well, my wife caught Steffi sneaking out your back door while your daughter was at the front door lying to me, telling me she hadn't seen Steffi all day!" Another pause. "I thought you'd see it that way, Aaron! I'll talk to you later!" Jacob hung up the phone and turned back to Steffi. "You'll be interested to know that Mandy is going to be punished for her lies." He went the the living room and tuned the TV to a college football game, then relaxed in his recliner.


Steffi was lying on her bed that evening after dinner when her mother walked into her bedroom. "We want you to come downstairs, Steffi." Wondering what was going on now, Steffi stood and reluctantly followed her mother down the stairs. She looked up as they reached the bottom.

Her eyes wide, Steffi jumped back up a few steps. "Mom, I can't! Mandy's parents are there! Please don't make me go out there naked!" New tears welled in Steffi's big blue eyes, pleading with her mother.

Gail just took her daughter's arm and said, "This is part of your punishment for running away. Maybe the embarrassment will teach you a lesson. But you won't just be letting Doug and Cheryl see you naked. They have something in mind as well."

"Oh god! You're gonna let them spank me!" Steffi said in a horrified whisper.

"No. Let's get this over with. Now!" Still holding Steffi's arm, Gail led her into the living room and made her stand beside Jacob's chair. Now Steffi saw that Mandy was present, too, sitting in another chair.

Already thoroughly humiliated at being seen naked by Mandy's parents, Steffi felt her face burning even hotter when her father said, "Turn around and let Aaron and Cheryl see your bottom." Fighting back her tears, Steffi slowly turned her back to the guests.

After a few moments of silence, Steffi heard Aaron say, "Very nice work, Jacob. I see you know how to handle discipline quite well! It just so happens that Cheryl and I know a thing or two about punishing wayward girls as well. Shall we proceed with our demonstration?"

"Please," replied Jacob, "I'm interested in seeing your technique." To Steffi he said, "Turn back around, Steffi. You're going to watch this! I hope that seeing your friend getting what she deserves will teach you that your actions affect other people, not just you."

Steffi turned around to see Mandy now standing in the center of the living room with her head down. Mandy was trembling slightly. At Aaron's command, Mandy began to disrobe. She pulled her T-shirt off over her head, folding it neatly before laying it on the coffee table. Next she unfastened her skirt, removing and folding this as well. She paused, looking nervous, until her father ordered her to quit stalling. Quickly, she unsnapped her bra and took it off. Mandy then hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties. Bending at the waist, she lowered them to the floor and then stepped out of them.

Cheryl slid over so she was sitting right next to Aaron, on his left. Aaron spoke to his daughter. "Mandy, go to the table and bring me the small and the medium paddle."

Obediently, Mandy retrieved the specified implements from a nearby table. Steffi saw that Mandy's parents must have brought their own spanking tools with them. Mandy handed both paddles to her father, who placed them next to himself on the sofa.

"All right, Mandy, do you know why you're being punished?"

"Yes sir. For having company without permission, and for letting Steffi hide at our house."

"Yes. Now, bend over our laps. We already discussed the position." Aaron patted his thigh for emphasis.

Steffi and her parents watched with interest as Mandy lay across both parent's laps. Her hips bent over her father's right thigh, and her chest was on her mother's lap. Cheryl opened her legs and Mandy's breasts fell between them. Then Cheryl closed her legs, neatly squeezing her daughter's dangling boobs. With Mandy in position, Cheryl pulled Mandy's wrists behind her back and held them there.

Now Aaron began Mandy's punishment. His hand cracked across his daughter's raised bottom, striking it solidly at dead center. Mandy let out a soft gasp. Aaron continued spanking with his hand, smacking Mandy's bottom hard and steady. It wasn't long before the girl's butt acquired a rosy glow and she was obviously in pain. Though her cries were limited to gasps and grunts, her face was twisted in a grimace. Aaron didn't limit his spanks to the center of Mandy's rear – he covered her nates completely, not missing a spot. The spanking went on and on, not stopping until Mandy had endured one hundred solid blows and her ass glowed red.

Without a word, Aaron picked up the small wooden paddle. He let it rest momentarily on Mandy's warm behind, and smiled grimly when he saw her glute muscles tense up. Then he raised the paddle and brought it down soundly on her right buttock. A yelp escaped the girl's throat when the second blow struck her left cheek. The paddling proceeded rapidly, alternating back and forth from one cheek to the other. Mandy started kicking her legs and struggling but she was held firmly by her mother. Each blow from the paddle sent a resounding CRACK! through the room and Mandy's cries came more frequently. When he had administered fifty wallops Aaron set the small paddle aside.

While he rubbed and squeezed his daughter's bottom, which by now was obviously marked, Aaron said to Steffi's parents, "I think that should be a sufficient warm-up! Now I can begin the real punishment!" With that, he took the second paddle in hand and once more let it rest for a moment on Mandy's butt. Steffi and her parent's watched Mandy trembling, anticipating the pain of the heavy wood hitting her sore bottom.

The first blow came suddenly, making Mandy scream in pain when the hard wood crashed into her aching rear end. Both of her legs kicked straight out; she tried to raise her shoulders but was stopped when she remembered her breasts were still clamped solidly between her mother's thighs. Again and again and again the cruel paddle pounded her ass!

WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Mandy was now shrieking in agony with each blow, and her ass was showing more bruises. Aaron covered her butt well, taking special care to paddle the area where her buttocks met the tops of her thighs. She wouldn't be sitting comfortably for a few days! Finally the paddling stopped, and Mandy had taken another fifty.

"Get up, Mandy." Cheryl opened her legs to free her daughter's tits, while Aaron guided the girl to her feet. Turning back to Jacob and Gail, Aaron said, "That should punish her sufficiently for breaking my rule about having company without permission."

"Excuse me, Aaron," Jacob said. "I was wondering — do you always spank Mandy in the nude like this?"

"No. We always spank her on the bare butt, but most of the time that just involves lifting her skirt or dropping her pants, and taking her panties down to her knees." While her father spoke, Mandy wept quietly, giving no indication that her father's words were embarrassing her. "We only strip her for the most serious offenses. I feel the nudity adds some shaming to the punishment, and makes it more effective. The punishment is enhanced without having to necessarily spank her any harder."

Aaron looked at his wife, then at Mandy before returning his gaze to Steffi's parents. "I believe she is also guilty of lying to you. Would you two like to do the honors of punishing her for that offense?"

There was a moment of uncertain silence before Jacob spoke. "Are you sure, Doug? I should warn you that Gail and I spank just as severely as you do."

"Yes, I'm sure. Mandy has been more naughty than usual tonight. I think the added humiliation of being spanked by her friend's parents should teach her a lesson she won't forget! And as often as Mandy gives us behavior problems, she's quite accustomed to harsh punishment."

"Then we will be happy to punish her."

Aaron said to Mandy, "Go to Steffi's parents. You will follow their instructions well, or you will get even more when we get home!"

"Daddy, please…"

"That's thirty with the belt when we get home, for arguing. Would you like to make it more?"

"No, sir." Mandy turned slowly and walked to stand before Jacob and Gail. "I'm sorry I lied to you. I know I deserve whatever punishment you have for me. Please, punish me."

"Since you've already been warmed up, I thought I'd just proceed directly to the severe punishment," said Jacob, "but then I decided I'd like to feel the results of your father's spanking for myself. So, if you'll bend over my lap I'll give you a second 'warm-up' with my hand."

Trembling and blushing, Mandy positioned herself for yet another whacking. She lay across Jacob's lap and placed her palms flat on the carpet. She didn't understand why this situation felt so humiliating. After all, she was no stranger to being spanked in the nude, and had no problem with being seen naked by other people. Maybe, she thought, it was because she was being forced to strip and submit to this — to being spanked naked by Steffi's dad, of all people. There was fear mixed with the humiliation. Mandy had already witnessed Jacob's cruelty. Nervously, she waited to see how Steffi's dad spanked. The wait was short.

Before he started spanking, Jacob took the opportunity to run his hand all over Mandy's red bottom. He heard the girl whimpering while he felt her hot, bumpy, well-spanked ass. He also couldn't help noticing that Mandy's butt was even shapelier than his own daughter's – no doubt it was because she was a little older. I hope she doesn't notice I'm getting a hard-on, Jacob thought.

Finished with feeling Mandy's butt, Jacob raised his arm and brought his hand down solidly on the center of her blushing cheeks. WHACK! He slapped her bottom again, and again, and again, making her kick and squeal with each blow.

Steffi had been watching all of this in wide-eyed horror. She couldn't believe her dad was spanking her friend! And so hard! Was he going to punish Mandy as badly as he spanked Steffi? She watched her best friend's butt turn darker and darker. It was one thing to be punished herself, but watching somebody else get it from her dad was a new experience for Steffi. From her position right beside her father she had a better vantage point than she'd had while Mandy was being spanked by her own dad, and she realized she found it fascinating to watch the way her dad's hand sank into the soft flesh each time it struck, and the way Mandy wiggled and jerked with each blow. Is that how I look when I'm getting spanked, she wondered to herself. Poor Mandy! How embarrassing!

But as she continued to watch Mandy's bottom bouncing under her dad's hard hand, she began to notice how attractive Mandy's butt was. Even bruised and battered, she thought it was a nice butt. And each time Mandy's legs kicked, they spread apart slightly, allowing Steffi glimpses of her pussy, the same pussy that, only the day before, Steffi had explored with fingers, lips, and tongue. Steffi's mind returned to that scene, and she remembered the exciting, pleasurable sensations she had felt for the first time. Now, she suddenly felt a stirring deep inside herself. She was surprised when she realized that she thought Mandy looked very sexy, draped over her father's lap, squirming and kicking and squealing.

Steffi longed to touch herself, to give release to the churning sensations inside of her, but she didn't dare. She didn't want to risk anybody seeing her doing it; she would have to wait until she was alone.

Jacob finished the hand spanking at fifty, delivering the last blow as hard as he could to the center of Mandy's flaming red ass. He helped Mandy to her feet, then addressed her father. "With your permission, I'll finish with a new strap I recently picked up. I was saving it to use on Steffani, but I think I'd like to go ahead and use it now."

Mr. Clark replied, "May I examine it, first? I prefer to be careful, because I don't want to do any serious harm when I spank my daughter."

"Of course." Jacob left the room for a moment, returning with his new tool. He handed the razor strop to Aaron for his approval.

"Very nice, Jake. Already broken in and everything. My own father kept one of these around, and used it on me and my brothers and sisters from time to time. None of us sufferered any permanent harm. Go ahead." He handed the strap back to Jacob.

"Since you've had experience with a razor strop," Jacob said, "do you have any suggestions about the best way to use it?"

Aaron chuckled and said, "You'll need some help if you want to use it the way my dad used it." He pointed to the arm of the sofa. "Get yourself bent over, Mandy. Now."

Mandy, staring at the big, heavy strap, sobbed, "No, please, no, Daddy!

"Young lady, if I have to tell you one more time…"

Resigned to her fate, Mandy slowly walked to the end of the sofa and draped herself over the padded arm. Tears poured from her eyes, and she continued to plead. "No, Daddy, don't let him! No, no!"

Ignoring her, Aaron took her wrists and held them firmly. "No more than ten strokes, Jake. That strop's a serious tool. And trust me, ten is more than enough."

Jacob turned to Steffi and said, "Stand on the other side of your friend. I want you to see this." When Steffi had moved to the specified place and Gail was also in position to watch, he rested the strap on Mandy's bottom to gauge the distance. Satisifed with that, he was ready.

The strop came back, and then it was sailing through the air in an arc that finished with a resounding slap across Mandy's buttocks. The intensity of the blow was evident; Mandy's scream of pain was louder than any of her previous cries. She thrashed and struggled to escape, but her father held her arms firmly. Jacob discovered that, because the strop was so heavy, he didn't need to put a lot of force behind it. He just needed to swing it, and the weight would do most of the work.

"Aaaaaaiiiiiieeeee! Please, no more!" Mandy's sobs shook her body.

The next stroke smacked Mandy's butt just as hard as the first, and her scream was even louder. Jacob paused before the next blow to allow Mandy's struggles to stop, then whipped her again. He had to wait a bit longer after each stroke. It was clear that the strop was an extremely severe implement! Perhaps,he thought, this demonstration will be enough to keep Steffani in line from now on.

The fourth and fifth strokes maintained the same strength with which Jacob had delivered the first three, but when he saw the marks the strop was leaving, he relented and held back on the remaining five blows. Still, the ten strokes left Mandy's ass bruised and blistered. Jacob actually felt a little bit sorry for Mandy. She deserved it, though,he thought to himself.

"Well, Jake," said Aaron, "I trust that you're satisfied?"

"Yes. I think both of these naughty girls have learned their lesson. Let's hope that they remember it for a long time!"

"I think they will."

Mandy, when her father had released her wrists, had slumped to the floor, where she now knelt next to the end of the sofa. Her forehead rested against the arm of the sofa, while she sobbed. She was gingerly rubbing her blazing bottom, trying to massage away the worst pain she had ever felt. Steffi just stood and stared at her friend's damaged butt, and she was crying almost as hard as Mandy. She cast several horrified glances at her father, and at Mandy's father.

"I guess we'll be going now," said Aaron. "I assure you that, in the future, Mandy will think twice before lying to you. Or anybody else, for that matter." Turning to his daughter, he said, "Get dressed, Mandy."

There was silence all around while Mandy dressed herself. Everyone watched while she gingerly struggled to pull her panties over her well-beaten bottom. At least she's got a skirt to wear, and not tight jeans,Steffi thought. As soon as Mandy was dressed, she and her parents took their leave.

"Daddy?" Steffi said.

"What, Steffi?" Jacob replied.

"Were you really going to use that strap on me?"

"If I think you deserve it, yes. But if you stay out of trouble, and do what you're supposed to do, then you don't have anything to worry about." Jacob looked at his naked daughter and continued, "Now, don't you have some chores to do?"

Mandy: 260

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