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Review This Story || Author: Haelix

Mikael\'s Crossroads

Part 1

[This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities

[This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.  Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on.  This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.]

[***Special Author Note: This is the back-story of a character in another story of mine, The Perfect Vengeance Fuck Plot.  If you like his character here, check out my other story to read more.  He comes into play in Chapter Nine of that story. **]


Mikael’s Crossroads

By: Haelix Xileah


            “Do you want to play Truth or Dare?”  Dom asked me smiling.  It was late and we were supposed to be asleep.  My aunt and uncle, Dom’s parents had already called ‘lights out’ and tucked us in, closing the door softly behind them.

There are times in life that you can look back on and knowingly say, “Oh, that’s why I am the way I am.”  I was 12 at the time, around 5th or 6th grade.  These are the years that most boys are starting to notice girls.  Oh they’ve always been there, but more as someone NOT to pick for your football team on the playground.  Now, football was split 50-50 in time actually caring about the game, and time glancing over at the girls congregating around the monkey bars, hoping they were watching you being awesome.  It was a different time then, when dating consisted of secret notes, check boxes, and trying to figure out who sent you the secret love note. 

I had never been much into that.  I figured girls weren’t really that interesting.  They couldn’t throw.  They couldn’t run fast.  They really just got in the way.  A damned nuisance if I had known that word then.  But I didn’t.  I was 12. 

“Well do you?”  He asked again.  The only times I had ever played truth or dare with my friends, it had resulted in me having to run around the outside of the house in my underclothes or other stupid things like that.  Why not?  Dom was my cousin.  He was a few years older, maybe 17 at the time.

“Sure, I guess, but aren’t we going to get in trouble if we’re loud?”  I asked.  Dom’s parents were strict.  They had spanked me a few times, usually for things Dom did.  But he was their son.  And perfect as well.  Anything broken in the house was done by me and I got punished for it. 

“Yeah, if we’re loud.  That’s why we have to keep quiet, see?” his reassurance resting very lightly in my mind.  But reassurance nonetheless.  And anything coming from your older cousin equated to the words of god.

My older brother was in the next room over sleeping.  He was also older, but he was the type of “older” that meant that he was too cool for me.  He never cared to hang out or play with me.  But for some reason, even though Dom was older than him, Dom always wanted to hang out whenever I came over.  I liked that Dom wanted to hang out with me.  It made me feel special and in a poorer Scandinavian immigrant family, anything making you feel special was a gift.  My parents worked their ass off at crap jobs to afford our small apartment.  My mom had just lost her house cleaning job and things were tight.  They rarely had time for me anymore and they sent me to stay over with Dom’s family more and more often now


I spoke, “Ok, so we’ll be quiet and play.  Who goes first?”

“You can go first, Truth or Dare?”


“Pussy.  Ok, have you ever been naked with anyone?”

I blushed, I wasn’t comfortable with sex or girls or anything at this point and I turned bright red, I was surprised I wasn’t glowing.  “Whaaa?  No I’ve never been … naked… with anyone!  Truth or dare?”  and he smiled.

“Ok, dare.”  He said. 

I thought for a minute, and then spoke up, “You have to go steal a bottle of hair conditioner from your parents’ bathroom!”  And without a word, he hopped off the bed and left the room, I was tense with excitement, waiting at any time to hear my aunt and uncle yelling or coming in to spank us.  They were very strict and used spanking a lot as a method of punishment. 

I was holding my breath as he slid into the room and shut the door quietly.  Air escaped forced thru clinched teeth, a dam of anxious tension broken and he was back with a smile and a bottle in his hand.

“Easy, nothing to it.  Alright it’s your turn.”

“Dare” I said uneasy.

He lay back down on the bed and got in between the sheets, setting the bottle to the side of the bed.  “You have to kiss the front of my boxers.”

“What?? Eww!” I said trying to keep quiet about something gross. 

“I thought you wanted to play Truth or Dare?  Come on man just do it.”

“Fine” I said with a little bit of weirdness in my voice.  It wasn’t too bad; it wasn’t like I had to touch anything.  Dom laid back and put his hands behind his head.  There was something moving around under his boxers and it kind of scared me.  I had seen my penis, but it didn’t compare to his older dick.  I put my hands on either side of his hips and bent my head down.  His cock was rising up to meet me as I was lowering my head.  I guess he was getting really turned on by all of this.  It stood up like a tent pole.  I lowered my head and with thin, pursed lips, I kissed the front of his boxers, which, by now was really the tip of his cock.  It twitched and bonked me in the nose.  I recoiled laughing quietly with him like it was an uneasy joke. 

“Very good Mikael.  Now, it’s my turn, dare.”

“Ok, ummm, let’s see.  Ok!  You have to go pee in the shower!”

He sighed and said ok.  After several minutes he came back with a smirk on his face.  I was giggling with delight at the thought of him peeing in the shower and getting in trouble for it.

“Alright Mikael, truth or dare?”

“Dare.”  It was the crossroads.  With that one word, I began a world of pain and sex and a lifetime of change.

Without missing a beat, like he had planned it, he said, “Put your hand in my pants and hold my dick for the rest of the game.”


“You heard me Mikael, if you don’t want to lose, you have to hold my cock.”

I didn’t want to lose but this was weird.  I didn’t want to touch his cock.  “Um, that’s weird; I don’t want to do that.”

His tone changed, and it was on.  “Mikael, I just pissed not only in the shower, but on the floor as well.  When I went to my parents’ room, I also left one of your socks, so they’ll think you were in there.  Do you know how much trouble you’re going to get into if you don’t do exactly as I say?”

I was speechless.  He continued.  “Now, the game has just changed, its only Dare, and you’re the only one that’s playing.  Now wrap that little hand around my cock or you’re so going to get busted.”  With a pained look on my face, I slowly reached my hand out as he pulled his boxers off. 

I was big.  Like really big, maybe 6-7 inches.  I wrapped my hand around the base of it.  It was warm and throbbing, twitching every second or two.

“That’s good Mikael.  Very good.  Now take your clothes off.”

“WHAT?”  I yelled in a whisper.

He slapped me hard; I saw stars in the darkness.  “If you don’t do exactly as I say, my parents are going to find out and you’re going to be in big fucking trouble.  If you do exactly as I say, I’ll go clean everything up and we can sleep and not have to worry about it.  Do NOT talk back again or this is over and you’re in trouble.” 

I pulled my hand back from his cock.  My hand still felt warm from where it had been warming on his cock.  In the darkness, in between the sheets I slowly pulled my shorts down.  I wasn’t the best looking kid in my class, my bright blond hair and blue eyes got me a few looks from girls.  I had high cheekbones and a cherubic face thanks to my Scandinavian heritage.  I had just started getting some pubic hair, but it was sparse, short, and blonde as well.  I pulled my shorts past my small 5 inch cock.  It was not hard at all.  This was fucking weird. 

“Good, now throw them over across the room.”  I did as I was told.  He put a hand on my head and started playing with my hair.  “Now, put your hand back on my cock.”  Hesitant, I reached out and took hold of the weapon of my undoing again.  I wrapped my fingers around it, and stared off into the darkness.

A cold hand made its way to my knee and I started to protest, “Hey... what are you...” and out of nowhere I saw stars again.  I fell back into my pillow and his hand slid from my knee, up my pale white thigh onto my penis.  He took it in between his fingers and rolled it around, tugging on it gently.  I reached down and tried to push his hands away and he slapped me again.  His hand was cupping my balls and still flaccid cock in one hand.  His other hand made its way up to my right nipple and he pinched it.  I squirmed trying to be quiet.

“Now, I want you to lick my asshole”

“…. …what??”  All of this was so new; why the fuck would anyone want to lick that?  That’s where poop comes from!  He got up on all fours with his butt facing me.  “I don’t know man; can’t we just stop this game and go to bed?”

He swiveled his head around to look at me, “I’m fucking serious Mikael, this is the last time.  If you don’t do exactly what I say, I’m going to tell my parents you pissed on the floor.  The longer you take doing what I tell you, the more the chance that they’ll wake up and see you’ve been in their room as well.  So, hurry the fuck up and if you yell, you’re brother is going to come in and see that your pants are across the room and he’s going to think you’re a faggot and he’s going to beat the shit out of you.  You really have no options to get out of this safely but to do exactly as I say.”

I started crying quietly.  Small tears welling up in small eyes.  I put my hands on his butt cheeks and moved my head closer.  He had just showered, so there was no smell, but it was just weird!!  He put his head down on the bed and reached his hands back to pull his butt cheeks apart.  In the small amount of light coming in from the window, I saw a darker area between his cheeks that had a small area with a lot of lines.  It looked like the inside of a balloon’s knot.  I stuck my tongue out and moved closer, expecting to smell shit at any second.  He jerked slightly when my tongue found its mark.  It was a rougher bumpier skin than his butt cheek that’s were touching my face. 

“Now, massage it with your tongue.  Lick it.”

I moved my tongue over the rough texture of his asshole to the sounds of his moaning.  I don’t know why he would be moaning like that.  I kept swirling my tongue around it several times.  After a minute or so he got up and turned around.  He pushed me back against the bed and I feared what was next. 

“That’s a good Mikael.”  His face descended to my private areas.  I’ve never felt anything quite like it when his lips took my cock into his mouth.  It was warm and wet at the same time.  Hot but the wetness made it feel somehow cold.  He rolled my loose cock around in his mouth with his tongue and my eyes closed. 

His lips made a tight grip on the base of my cock with his nose poking into the area just above.  With what seemed like vacuum type suction, he moved his head back, baring the extent of what made me a man.  It hurt a bit as hard as he was sucking and pulling.  When he reached the tip of my penis, it was starting to get hard completely on its own.  I didn’t want it to.  It just was.  I couldn’t help it!  It felt good but I knew it was soooo wrong.  After he pulled his lips off the tip (which was so sensitive it hurt), he looked up with predatory eyes and slowly lowered his lips back to the tip.  He swirled his tongue around it in a mix of pleasure and too-sensitive pain.  Then just as slowly, his mouth descended my tiny, young cock.  I saw the inches disappear slowly into his hungry mouth.  And by the time he was at the base again, I was hard. 

“I want to do so many things to you Mikael, I hope we have enough time tonight.  Now I want to taste your asshole.”  Without another word, he flipped me over onto my stomach, I panicked and started squirming.  He punched me in the back of the head and yell-whispered, “Fucking quit!”

His hands found my ass cheeks and pulled them apart.  A quick, uninvited breeze made my hole involuntarily pucker several times.  Then, that same warmness that was on my cock earlier, erupted on my most intimate spot.  It felt incredible.  I was torn.  The feeling was amazing but this was not right and if anyone found out, I’d probably get beaten.  His tongue was trying to work its way into my hole.  It squirmed around in circles with increasing pressure to make its entrance. 

I jerked when I felt his teeth raking across the area.  Then his tongue traced up the inside of one of my ass cheeks, swirled at the base of my spine, then traced back down the other side.  I felt his nose sliding over my ass hole as I heard him breathe in. 

He quit licking my asshole and moved to the other side of the bed.  I fell over to my side and quickly crawled under the covers and pretended to play asleep.  My butt hole felt slick and moist from his attentions. 

“You can’t escape that easily, little Mika.”  He began kissing my shoulder that was out of the covers and made his way to my exposed ear.  He bit it with increasing pressure until I whimpered in pain.  “Get back into position with your ass in the air, quit lying around.”  When I didn’t move, he stuck his finger into my mouth and grabbed me by the cheek pulling me up with my terrified assistance.  The pain was intense.  He grabbed my hair and shoved my head hard on the sheets with my ass up in the air. 

“Dom please quit… we can go to sleep!  Just let’s go to bed please.  I’ll go clean up your piss let’s just quit man come on!” 

“Oh I know you’re going to clean up the piss.”

I heard the top to the bottle pop open and a second later, something really cold and liquidy was being dribbled onto my ass crack.  I could feel its arctic trail sliding down at a glacial pace from the base of my spine, down the ravine, warming up as it passed over the hot spot of my ass hole.  By the time some of it got to the top of my ball sack, I felt a finger sliding around in the goo around my butt hole.  He couldn’t be serious could he?  Nothing is supposed to go in there!

His finger pressed against the tension of my sphincter and I cringed but didn’t say anything.  I didn’t want to get slapped or hit again. 

“If you relax, it will go easier for you.  Push out with your ass like you’re shitting.” 

I don’t know what the fuck he was talking about, I wasn’t thinking at all or thinking about how to do anything or push anything or flex anything.  I was terrified and his finger was starting to hurt as it was wiggling into my butt.  He wiggled it around and with a deep grunt by me, he finally worked it in.  “God damn you’re tight, this’ll be over real quick.” 

With a finger in my ass, I started crying again into the covers.  I had to lick his asshole, hold his cock, and now he had a finger inside me!  This was not right!  He was rolling his finger around like he was trying to make my hole bigger.  It felt like I had to shit so bad.  His one finger was sliding in and out.  I could feel every wrinkle on his knuckle as it passed my exit.  When I felt the pressure of another finger on my, now, entrance, tears turned to panic again.  I tried to turn to see what he was doing and move my ass away, but his finger hooked in the cavity and his other hand grabbed my balls gently.  “Do not fucking move or I’ll crush your balls.”  He applied a little pressure which hurt terribly but I quit moving and didn’t say anything.  His second finger scissored its way in to a high-pitched squeal from me.  My asshole hurt so bad.  Then his fingers found something deep inside me that made the pain not hurt so bad.  I don’t know what he was rubbing on inside there, but his fingers moved back and forth.  Then he slowly slid his finger almost out of my ass, and then slid them back in, brushing against whatever that spot was inside there.  He kept doing that.  I was grunting in rhythm with his fingers moving in and out of me.  This wasn’t right! 

He pulled his fingers out and I felt empty but glad he was out of there.  It was hurting and boys weren’t supposed to do this.  I sighed and relaxed thinking it was all over when something bigger pressed against my asshole.  It was about as big as his two fingers, maybe wider.  “How does it feel to be my little bitch Mika?  I’m about to fuck your ass so hard and if you scream, your brother will beat the shit out of you and my parents will make sure your parents know what a bad boy you are.”

I buried my face into a pillow and tried hard to muffle a scream as his cock pierced my entrance.  The head of his cock was inside me and my hole was constricting and trying desperately to expel the foreign object.

“Now I want you to count out the inches as I bury them in you little Mika.  There are six inches here, and when you feel like I’ve gone in one inch, I want you to say “Thank you sir for one inch.  Thank you sir for two inches.  Do you understand?  DO YOU?”  He slapped my ass hard.

“Yes yes yes I’ll do it!  It hurts so bad!” 

He pushed a little farther in and stopped, I guess that was my cue.  “Thank you for one inch.”

He slapped my ass hard again making me scream into the pillow again.  “You didn’t say sir you piece of shit.”

“Thank you Sir for one inch.”

He pushed in a little further and stopped.  “Thank you Sir for two inches.”

He continued his descent.  My hands started grabbing at sheets by the time he stopped again.  “Thank you… Sir… for three inches.”

His hands wrapped themselves around my hips and he pulled himself a little deeper.  My breathing started coming more in pants and my hands were gripping sheets hard.  My eyes were squinted shut, a look of pain painted on my face like 5 dollar clown makeup. 

“Thank… you Sir… for four inches.”

As he began again, I started squirming trying to get free.  This was too much.  Too deep.  It hurt too bad and I screamed into the pillow in coughs.  It felt like his cock was pressing against my lungs and he wasn’t near done yet.  He grabbed my arms as I was flailing them around and pinned them behind my back, my face buried crying into the pillow.  When he stopped, I screamed into the pillow, grunting and panting, “Thank… you… Sir… for… Five… INCHES.” 

He punched me in the back of the head.  “Quit fucking screaming bitch.  You’re lucky I’m being nice and going slow you piece of shit.”

With a hard thrust that blew my eyes wide open, he lunged forward, burying his whole cock deep inside me as I buried my whole head in the pillow and screamed again.  He had my arms pinned behind me.  I couldn’t move and his cock was buried six inches into my ass.  I was crying hard. 

“Yeah that’s right, do you know how far I’m inside you?  No girls like boys who have had cocks in them.  No one likes that.  You’re a useless little bitch and now I’m going to fuck you so hard.” 

I felt his cock retreating until just the tip was left in me.  I could feel a ridge on the side of his cock as it traveled in and out.  I prayed it be over, but with those prayers came another thrust and another cough and another grunt and he was sawing in and out of me.  His balls slapping against mine but not really hurting. 

It snaked its way thru my insides and it hurt terribly.  In and out.  He let go of my arms and grabbed my hips again.  With a firm grip, he thrust hard, pulling me even harder towards him and I screamed again.  He HAD to be poking my stomach or lungs.  It hurt so bad.  But as he continued it hurt less.  Then it would hurt more.  It was the ultimate mix between incredible pain, and in the light absence of it not hurting so bad, it almost felt… good.

He was drilling into me very hard, slapping my ass every few strokes or so.  Then while he was fucking me, he reached around and grabbed my cock and started stroking it.  It was incredible how much you can hurt and feel good at the same time.  It’s like pain and pleasure are almost the same thing, but just… different. 

It seemed like hours but it probably was really only like five minutes, his strokes got stronger, deeper, and more painful for me.  With his fingers almost drawing blood as they gripped my pale hips, he let loose an animalistic growl and plowed hard into my ass.  During one of his strokes, I felt a huge warm explosion inside my ass.  I knew I was going to shit.  I felt so full and wet and hard.  So many conflicting and weird feelings were coursing thru my body.  He quit jacking me off, and with a sick sucking sound, his cock slid out of my traumatized asshole.  I jumped up and started for the bathroom, clinching my ass cheeks hard to keep the fluids in.  I flipped on the light, shut the door, and sat hard on the toilet.  It was one of the sickest shits I had ever had. 

As I was sitting there, wiping tears from my eyes, I had a small sense of… satisfaction?  As horrible as it was, I had made someone else feel good.  That had to count for something.  I was useful!  Even though I didn’t get to cum, I really felt good that he had enjoyed himself and enjoyed me.  Then the next minute I was repulsed by the reality of my cousin having just fucked me.  I was so torn with emotions and feelings and thoughts.  I just wanted it all to go away.

After I was done, I cleaned up and walked naked back into the room.  He was lying on the bed still breathing heavy.  A lion lying in the place that I wanted to sleep.  I looked around for my clothes but couldn’t find them. 

“You’ll get them back in the morning, if that’s what you’re looking for.”  

My head dropped and I walked sullenly to the bed, and slid in the side.  His arm wrapped around me and he pulled me close.  I could feel his limp cock against my ass cheeks and I prayed to god it wouldn’t get hard again as I fell asleep.

Review This Story || Author: Haelix
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