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Review This Story || Author: P.Hepburn


Part 1

This story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. As the story isn't finished yet, I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me at .

If you've enjoyed this story, please write me too - then I might write more!


Norway 1940: A female civilian seduces a military leader of the German occupation forces, eventually turning him into her tool to gain power. Bus as the soldier is too paralyzed by her charms, he let things happen and soon he finds himself under the her total tutelage while her girlfriend starts playing with him for fun. What can he do to regain control of his life before he falls too far? And where would he end if he surrender to his seductresses?

<July 1940 - introduction>

Hi! I'm an average guy - who's name is not so important. I'm just very much like you! If I had a choice I would probably be a nice clerk in a bank institute or something like that. But unlike you, I hadn't the luck to live in untroubled times. You can't choose at which time and in which country you are born - so my story starts in the year 1940 when I tried to make my living as an officer of the German army.

In April 1940 the German army occupied Norway in the Operation Weseruebung and my division was sent in. At first we met some unexpected resistance. Armed forces in the north launched an offensive against us in the Battles of Narvik - the Kriegsmarine (= the German navy) lost many ships including the brand new cruiserBluecher . But we finally could force them to surrender on June 10 1940. After King Haakon and the Norwegian government fled to London the power over Norway was wielded by the leader of the German occupation authority, Reichskommissar Josef Terboven. As an officer I was the deputy commander of a platoon containing 31 soldiers. I've never been one of these heroic type of guys, therefore I was not very keen to risk my life in one of the coming battles. So I was very happy when my platoon got the chance to become part of the German occupation forces that were allowed to stay in Norway.

The  new task of our platoon was to enforce the interests of German Reich in a less important region in Northern Norway. We were sent to the main (but still very small) village of the region. The attempt of the commander Otto Maerzen and me to administer the region was to ensure economic stability. Mediating between the Norwegian civilian society and our occupation forces seem to be the key.

So we told our soldiers to consider their job more as a kind of policeman that as a kind of conqueror. Therefore we sent them in light-armed teams of 2-men on patrols to ensure security in the village and gradually win the trust and confidence of its population.

In the meantime I started to make appointments for introductory meetings with the local decision-makers. The first man I invited for a round of talks was the major. He was a kind and quite old man, and didn't speak much. So when I told him about our positions and our vision for co-operation, all he said was that only a few of his citizen were supportive of the occupation and that the vast majority of Norwegians were passively opposing our presence. But at the end he made clear, that his only desire was to avoid any troubles.

Therefore he and I had the same interest to maneuver the region safe through this eventful times and so we had a very pleasant talk sharing half a bottle of the finest aquavit.

During the next days I had very similar talks with the local police governor, the representative of the fishermen association, the priest, the headteacher of the local school and so on. It seemed that occupying a region was in very easy-going job as long as you don't bother the occupied. So I started looking forward staying some pleasing years in Norway - far away from the struggles of war.

I was nearly finished with my introductory meetings when I got an unexpected visitor. I was just writing my daily protocols when the door of my office opened. I looked at two female feet clad in elegant embroidered calf length riding boots. The feet belonged to a  tall, young woman wearing a dark blue tunic and trousers. On her left arm I recognize a yellow sun cross on a red background with two upward pointing swords on a black brassard.

Just I few weeks ago I've learned that this was the uniform of the Kvinnehird. The Kvinnehird was the female branch of the Rikshird, which was the Norwegian form of the German SA. The uniform was made of thick cloth giving her a serious looking of an reputable authority. She was around Twenty-seven years old ... maybe a little older? Certainly not older than Thirty.

After all the average looking Norwegians I had met, this stunning visitor felt kind of surreal to me. So I sounded quite surprised when I asked "Good morning. What can I do for you?".

"I am Lena Nystroem and I'm the local leader of the Kvinnehird regiment 'Haalogaland Northern Norway'. " she answered with a smile and held out her hand.

My God, she is beautiful, I thought as I looked into her face. It was a study in perfection - it was characterised by clearly defined check bones and blue eyes which sparkled with a hint of wicked intent. Just looking at her gave me a thrill.  She must have read my mind as she smiled widely at me.

As we shook hands I noticed that her lovely slender fingers felt cold.

"I've heard that you're platoon will be responsible for administrating this region and I'd like make you an attractive offer."

"And what kind of offer would that be?"

"As you neither speak Norwegian nor know much about our Nordic culture it's obvious that you need some native guide if you want to successfully manage this foreign village. I really like the idea of reestablishing National strength like you did it in Germany. Therefore I'd like to advice your work with my knowledge and maybe even support you with my possibilities as the executive of the local Kvinnehird organization."

I just looked at her for a while. Her full lips were firm and decisive. Her lithe body exuded a controlled sexuality.

"And what kind of compensation do you expect for your advice?" I finally asked.

"I'm just asking for mutual support. One hand washes the other. So we are facing a classical win-win-situation here."

I felt like a little uneasy about her offer as I knew that a ravishing woman like her would normally have been out of my league.

"You seem to be a bit shy for a German soldier. I ain't making you nervous, am I?"

The truth was I felt completely intimidated by the presence of such a beautiful and yet so demanding guest like her. But still I managed to answer "Of course not! It's just that I still have much work to do right now."

Trying to make me sound casually, I added "So thank you in advance for your offer. The idea of co-operating with you and your organization sounds interesting to me."

Her lips twisted in a vicious smile: "Oh, I'm sure that you'll soon find it a lot more than interesting."

"So want do you expect me to say… or do?"

"Say that we have a deal."

"You don't even know me. I could be a boaster or a cheater."

"Are you?"

"Of course not, no, but…"

"So what's the problem? I'm going to advise your administration work and guide you through the particular exceptions of the Scandinavian culture. In return I will ask you from time to time for certain favours that support my career. If you refuse using your influence fulfilling then, I'll find ways to make you regret it." Her smiling eyes made the threat sounded harmless but somehow I knew she meant it seriously.

"That seems to be quite a high price for your advises."

"Believe me, they are worth it!" I was disgusted by so much dauntless boldness. Shouldn't I decide the price since I represented the army that had defeated and occupied her country? But a look at her gorgeous face made me yield again. I knew I couldn’t pull back from her.

“I don’t feel I could refuse to your offer then.”.

With a victorious, flaunting smirk she stuck out her hand to seal our pact.

I took it and was surprised by her firm grip.

"So we have a deal." she stated confidently while her hand still kept gripping mine. Her blue eyes looked directly into mine.

"But why have you made this offer to me and not to commander Maerzen - I'm just his deputy, so he has even more influence?"

"I prefer to work with young and pretty partners. Besides I know that you will be much more dedicated to work with a female partner like me since your broke up with your last German girlfriend six weeks ago."

"How... how do you know?" I looked at her astonished, but she just smiled at me in a somehow conspiratorial way.

Lena shrugged and said "I just know. But I feel that your lonely days as a maverick will finally be over as we will make a great team together! And I can assure you that I will do my best to make your upcoming days in Norway not boring at all."

I was staring at her bewildered. How could she know about me last girlfriend? And what did she meant with her predictions about my upcoming days in Norway?

She just turned around, walked to the door, looked back at me with a slight smile and then closed the door.

<29/07/1940 ( Monday ) - my first operation>

I didn't had to wait long until I got the chance to validate what kind of 'team-play' her offer implied. Just at the next week I heard the dull sound of riding boots hitting the stone surface of the main corridor coming quickly closer, and the door opened. A second later I looked into the smiling face of Lena Nystroem. But somehow there was this gleam of mischief in her smile.

"Hello my shy German soldier - we need to talk!"

Without awaiting my response Lena walked over and sat down on my desk. She had dressed in a white, thin white blouse, a dark blue woolen skirt, grey stockings and highly polished leather riding boots.

"I can help you getting some credits for saving this region from saboteurs. Just a few years ago I worked part-time at a horse farm nearby. The stables are owned by Erik Angaard, who is a communist and has tendencies to found a partisan organisation in this peaceful region. I strongly advice you to search his house to secure according evidences and put him to protective custody before it's too late." she demanded leaving no space for doubts.

I could feel the gaze of her sparkling blue eyes on me, lurking for my response. I gulped with a dry throat from a dry mouth.

"But what if we don't find any evidences at his place? Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I sent our men to a unsuccessful raid without having the slightest indication for a crime?"

"The significant question is whether you are man enough to get the job done or not. You do want to prove to your platoon that you are capable bearing the responsibility your position, don't you?"

"W-Well y-yes b-but..." I stammered in response.

Her eyes narrowed coldly. "B-but..." she mocked. "But what? What can be more important at this critical phase of you new task than to meet the required leadership skills? Show me, that I wasn't wasting my time when I offered you to be my partner."

Just one more look into her eyes and I  knew that I would give in. So I managed to smile weakly and nod in reply.

Half an hour later I had already requested the small truck of our unit from commander Maerzen and ordered five soldiers of my platoon to escort Lena and me on our excursion. The men took their seat at the cargo area of the truck. But before I could enter the driving cab Lena's look stopped me, "Are you forgetting something?" She wanted me to open the truck door for her, so I went around the other side of the car to fulfill her silent wish, then got back to the drivers side.

Once they got out of the village, the road became lined with a beautiful forest of trees with occasional views of majestic mountains in the distance. But I could not focus much on the beauty of the Norwegian landscape that surrounded us as the view inside the car was even more exquisite.  I found my eyes wandering occasionally to her skirt and her booted legs.

"Keep looking at the road, soldier!" she said with joyous authority, snapping me out of my trance.

Although Lena had caught me snatching glances, she did not pull her skirt down but smiled instead at my embarrassment. For the rest of the ride I didn't dare to look at Lena again but just the knowledge that a beauty like her was sitting right next to me on my passenger side gave me a thrill. From time to time Lena gave me directions where to drive while we spend the rest of the ride in silence.

We arrived half an hour later at a small complex of houses at the end of a lonely street. The place consisted of a main house (which was a wonderful two story home that had been beautifully refurbished) and a long building which seemed to be a riding hall. Behind it I noticed two smaller buildings - probably the stables. Left of these buildings nestled a forest up and there seemed to be a path cutout of the trees that led to a lake.  I parked the truck in front of the house and once again Lena kept waiting for me to open the door for her.  For a moment Lena just stood there, looking at her old workplace, taking it all in.

I ordered Lance Corporal Goetz Goebel to take the men and surround the estate to prevent a potential escape of the inhabitants. Then Lena and I approached to the front door of the main house. There was an old style large porch that ran all along the front. As Lena knocked the door was opened by an older woman (probably Erik's wife). She recognized Lena at once and seemed to be a little shocked to see her again.  As she couldn't speak any German or English I had to let Lena do all the talking. Somehow I felt helpless because I was supposed to be the highest authority here but couldn't even follow the conversation.

Finally Lena turned back to me. "Erik Angaard is working in the stables across the yard - your soldiers can start with their house search here while we will  pay him a short visit. Now follow me to the stables." Lena said to me in the tone of voice that was to be obeyed.

Because I felt a little unsure how to react on her determinant instructions, I jokingly replied. "Your wish is my command."

"Really? I'll have to remember that." she said with a devilish grin on her face.

As Lena walked rather fast I had to hurry to keep up. She opened the old wooden door of the stable building with a loud squeak and motioned me in. Inside I found a skinny man with dusty hair and skin that must be Erik Angaard.

"Hello Mister. I am representing the German occupation forces and..." but before I ended my sentence I noticed that Erik wasn't even looking at me. Instead his eyes were focused on Lena, who stood behind me, left arm across her waist, holding her right elbow as she puffed on the cigarette in her right hand.

"Hi Erik! Are you happy to see me again?"

"Lena! What are you doing here?"

"We just came to talk to you a little."

"Really? So just tell me what you want and then get out of here again!" Erik just replied with a stern upset look on his face.

"How rude! We just came to see what a communist prick like you are doing in times like these." Lena teased.

Seeing my German uniform he began to understand what the purpose of our appearance was.

"I knew that you are a snake, Lena! But be warned : one day the people of Norway will be free again and then they will take revenge on collaborators like you!" Erik called excitedly in a cracking voice as he rushed forward.

Lena made a step forward as well, put her face close to him and blew the smoke of her cigarette in his eyes. "Collaboration became such an unpleasant word nowadays: Let's call it co-operation instead. And beside, how are you so sure that Norway won't celebrated us as the liberators that have freed this land from its rotten constitutional monarchy?" she hissed with some arrogance.

Erik wasn't able to suppress his rising rage : "Lena - you have always been such a bitch, I should have fired you at your very first day of work!"

S-L-A-P! Lena's hand shot out slapping him hard across the face. Erik felt back from surprise.

"Don't treat me like your maidservant again. This time the tables have turned! And I will make you regret how you have treated me at that time." Lena warned him in a dangerously silky voice.

"Listen, Lena! If you want to take me down I will take you with me! I might not know it, but I still have your letters. So better think twice before you start anything stupid!" he shouted back.

With that her face froze in anger. After a short moment of cold silence, she threw her cigarette on the floor. Then everything happened very fast. She stepped to me taking my Lunger  out of my gun belt. There was a loud bang and red blood shooting out of Erik's chest. He staggered off balance and tumbled to the ground with a thud. Dead!

There was a sudden, deathly silence and I was wondering what was going on here. Just a moment ago I though of this examination as standard day-work and now I found myself in the middle of a bloody mess.

"Wh..What have you done?"

Lena was still staring at Erik's dead body but suddenly a big malicious smile appeared at her beautiful face.

"Me? Every assessor would determine that it was your Lunger that killed him and that there are just your fingerprints on the weapon. Believe me - you will be in big troubles when you want to blame an innocent civilian like me for Erik's death."

Lena wasn't threatening me, was she? My face grew even hotter. But she was right. As her hands were gripped in decoratively perforated gauntlets there wouldn't be any fingerprints of her on the weapon.

"If I were you, I would better tell them the alternative truth - he has shown resistance against you and you had to shoot him in self-defence." Lena proposed while watching me with a conspiratorial smile. I felt myself squirm inside, unsure of what to do or say.

As she noticed my confusion, she spoke in a gently voice: "Now that I know what a sensitive soul you are, let me assure you that everything is going to be fine as long as you play along my rules. We will arrest Erik's wife and send her to imprisonment on remand until we have collected enough evidences to lock her up for life time. I will be your reliable witness when you report this killing in self-defence to your commander. No-one will doubt us."

I really wanted to believe her. She drew closer to me and her luscious lips nearly brushed my ear as she whispered "Do you feel the power we have now? I want you to enjoy it."

She paused for effect. It affected me all right. Lena was as lovely as she was lethal and I was as afraid of her as I was spellbound by her. I just couldn't find the courage to oppose against an irresistible beauty like her.

At this moment Erik's wife entered the stable followed by Lance Corporal Goebel and the four other soldiers of my unit after they must have heard the shoot. When Mrs. Angaard saw her dead husband lying at the floor her eyes went wide in shock. Observing her agony Lena's soft lips curled up into a wicked smile. Without a trace of mercy Lena commanded "Hands behind your back, Mrs. Angaard. You're under arrest."

Lance Corporal Goebel stared at them, puzzled. Then he looked at me  "Am I to understand that you are authorising a warrant of arrest against Mrs. Angaard?" he asked, his voice

colored with disbelief. I felt trapped. Surely there was only one answer that would save me from Lena's threat. Lena definitely had the streak of the devil in her. And I was the one who had signed a sale contract for my soul with this devil. With an inward sigh, I just nodded at Lance Corporal Goebel to authorize the detention and went out. Outside it was such a peaceful and gorgeous sunny day that the whole situation felt totally unreal...

<30/07/1940 ( Tuesday ) - writing my report>

As Lena has predicted, I had no credibility problems with my report that Erik Angaard was killed by me in an act of self-defence. Only our Lance Corporal Goetz Goebel seemed to had a suspicions that my story was not completely true.

But even he had to give up his mistrust after  my unit found proofs that convicted Erik Angaard as an active communist and organizer of recent partisan activities. Although I'm not sure what kind of role Lena was playing, when she "helped" us to find these proofs.

I also wondered what Erik had meant when he mentioned these "letters" from Lena? What was her dark secret that she wanted to kept confidential so vehemently?

Burdened with all this open questions I felt very queasy when I signed the command to deport Mrs. Angaard for further interrogations to the Sicherheitsdienst headquarter in "VictoriaTerrasse" in central Oslo.

<31/07/1940 ( Wednesday ) - making business>

Just another day later I got another visit from Lena. She just entered my office and before I could say anything, she already had shut the door behind her and leaned back against the doorknob.

"Good morning, my shy German soldier!"

"Good morning, Miss Nystroem. Come on in."

"I'm already in," she said deliberately and looked at me with her wicked blue eyes. She kept standing at the doorway, blocking the exit of my office with her grandiose figure giving me time to take her beauty and glory in. She was all dressed in her blue NS uniform again. The highest button of her blouse were open, so that I could see the silver collar that circled her neck which highlighted the creamy smoothness of her skin above her breasts. A small Mjølner-amulet in dark silver symbolizing the hammer of the Nordic god Thor was hanging on the collar.

I was grateful for the desk that built a barrier between us and hid the erection in my trousers. By seeing me blush, she walked towards me, pulled out the chair in front of my desk and sat down, carefully crossing her legs.

"I have investigated a little about a current asset law regulations : as Erik Angaard has departed this world and his inheritor is jailed in Oslo the property of the Angaards is to be managed by the German occupation force. Just by signing a confiscation order you can empower yourself the authority of disposal. With this formal act Erik's horse farm would lie in your hands and you would even be entitled to sell this estate like any other good that has been confiscated by the German Wehrmacht. I have saved some money and want to buy the estate of the Angaards from you for 12000 Norwegian krones."

The krone was pegged to the Reichsmark at a rate of 1 krone = 0.6 Reichsmark, so Lena was offering me the price of just 7200 Reichsmark. This offer was ridiculous, as the estate including a house, stables and a riding hall was worth easily a quarter of a million Reichsmark. That fact, that Lena wanted to take personal advantage of me in such an obvious way, made me feel uneasy and I wasn't sure of how I should react. So I cleared my throat first.

She smiled at me. Or was it a snarl?

"I don't know...I think that it won't be possible for me to explain such a low price to my commander...I mean...don't get me wrong should I?" I stuttered as sitting so close to a beauty like her made me nervous and my knees began to buckle.

For a mesmerizing moment she was silent, her expression unreadable. Then she said, almost to herself : ?"Oh, I? am sorry if you think that I might try to take advantage of you, but you also might want to remember our agreement. While you could harvest the fruits of our common strike against the subversive Erik Angaard, I think it is only fair that you should show a little cooperation here to balance the benefits of our relation, don't you think?"

"I appreciate that you? have been following our common ambitions very well so far - but the price is NOT negotiable. Do I not make myself clear, soldier?" " she completed with an aristocratic tone of voice. The look on Lena's face just enforced the irrevocable character of her statement. I gulped again and looked at her with a demure glance. "I see your point, Miss Nystroem." I replied trying hard not to sound like I caved in, as I didn't know what else to do.

I watch as the expression on Lena's face changed from the 'warning' expression to a soft subtle smile. I felt relieved!

"This estate includes 6 horses, 5 buildings and over 100 acres of land. How do you...I mean, what are you planning to do which such a big estate?"

"Five years ago I used to be a dressage rider and an show jumper. I'm planning to invest my ambitions to up grade this horse farm to a elite riding academy and teach both disciplines in more depth to young women of the Kvinnehird section that I will supervise. These girls have much potential that I like to direct and refine to perfection."

I flicked my gaze up at her, having a hard time taking my eyes off those shapely legs in gleaming silken stockings and those shining black boots… I thought that such a woman would have never paid any attention to me as a was Mr. Nobody in Germany. Here in Norway I had at least to offer her some of my power as a member of the occupation force.

I find myself trying to impress Lena with an intelligent questions, so I asked:

"On which breed do you want to focus you stable?"

"There are 3 different Norwegian horse breeds: The fjord horse, the North Norwegian mountain horse and the Forestry horse. I like the Fjord horse the most as it was developed for the steep landscape of fjords and mountains. Perfect traits for a hunt!" was her direct answer.

I totally had forgot to think about a following question and now there was this awkward silence. I have to stop shaking ... I have to stop shaking I was thinking to myself. Another switch in my brain had been turned to on, another junction had been sealed and I was feeling the effects of it throughout my inner being.

She looked at me, raising an eyebrow, awaiting a reaction.

“Okay, Miss Nystroem!" I gasped out. "I will sell this estate to you, but only under the condition that--”

Lena gestured me to silence with a finger to her red upper lip, which lifted slightly and charmingly off her even, white front teeth. She moved her face close to mine ... so close my senses were again filled with the wonderful scent she was wearing.

"No - there won't be any conditions, soldier! The deal is sealed now!"

At that Lena kissed me abruptly on the mouth. I felt her tongue licking the small split in the back of my now throbbing and swollen upper lip."Mmmmmm..." she purred. "Now I've tasted your blood, my shy German soldier. It's delicious! So I'm afraid this won't be the last time." I could not find words to respond to this, and let out a long, shuddering, speechless breath.

Lena smiled viciously at me, her fingers slid tantalisingly up into my hair in such a way that tingles flowed over my entire skin as every tiny hair stood erect. Her tongue traced the outline of my ear and I barely heard her whisper: "Thank you, my shy German soldier. I expect you to deliver me the documents of the property ownership tomorrow at 10 o'clock at my place."

Then she turned and walked away, smiling once at me over her shoulder. Even after she was long gone I remained silent on my chair. I still could hear the sound of her boots in my ears, still smell her perfume in my nose, still taste her lipstick on my lips and still feel the blood pumping in my erect penis. She had captured all my senses. It was the first time of my life that I fully understood what I means to get bewitched.

<01/08/1940 ( Thursday ) - handing over of the horse farm>

On the next day I knocked at Lena's door punctual at ten o'clock as she had ordered me the day before. To my surprise the door was opened by an older woman - probably Lena's mother. "Good morning. May I speak with Lena Nystroem, please?"

Without answering me, the woman turned her head and shouted some unknown words in Norwegian through the flat. Then she just left. Soon Lena face appeared at the door. She smiled at me, revealing her perfect white teeth, a deep burgundy lipstick outlining her mouth. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wore a skintight white sweater. Her waist was encircled by a flowing silk skirt of crimson, while her legs ended in black patent leather boots - once again she looked unbelievable stunning.

"Good morning, Miss Nystroem. I came to hand you out the deed of ownership for the stables. You just have to sign the contract that I have prepared."

"That's so nice from you, my brave soldier. Now I finally can move out of this lousy room at my parents flat. As you have proven your usefulness as my partner, I can call me Lena from now on."

After a short second of silence she commanded me to say "Thank you!".

"Oh, I'm sorry.  Thank you very much for trust you put in me, Lena." I stammered in confusion as I haven't expected this kind of dialogue.

A wicked heartfelt smile crossed her lips before Lena ordered me into the flat.  She conducted me through down a corridor.  I was curious as to what sort of home Lena lived in and only managed to catch a glimpse of beautiful furniture and paintings on the walls before Lena called: "Alina - come here to greet our guest!"

The door opened by a young woman with a nicely proportioned very feminine figure. She wore a ruby coloured sun dress that stopped precisely at your knees showing a pair of shiny black boots with heels and a rounded front.

"I'd like to introduce to you Alina Valaas. She is my newest member of my Kvinnehird section. - Alina, this is the German that was so kind to sell my the horse farm for such an attractive price."

"Pleased." she said and shook my hand. When her eyes met mine, I felt electricity in the air and my stomach was turning inside me.

“Hello, Ma’am,” I said softly, bobbing a bit.

She had a wavy head of brown hair that framed an young and intelligent face with high cheek bones, big brown eyes highlighted with mascara and pouting lips with sensible light lipstick giving her sweet face an innocent look.

"Alina had to flee from the military actions in Finnish Karelia." Lena continued turning toward me "And as she has no other place to stay at the moment, she will join us on our tour to the horse farm where she will move in with me as my personal assistant."

I remembered that Finland fought the Soviet Union in the Winter War of 1939–40 after the Soviet Union had attacked Finland. In this fighting Finland ceded most of Finnish Karelia so that a lot of evacuees fled these area. The last months must have been a real horror to her - I felt really sorry. But being me, I didn't have enough courage to express my feelings or even to ask her anything about her recent past.

In the meantime Lena had organized three glasses and a bottle of champagne out from somewhere and filled the three glasses. Then she asked us to sit down. I did as I was told. Her couch was as comfy as it looked. Lena sat down next to me and signed the contract of purchase without any hesitation.

"I'm so happy that I can move out of the home of my parents now. Thanks for that, soldier!" Lena commented her act and raised her glass. "So to what toast are we drinking?" I asked.

“Possibilities… Let's drink to you and your hidden possibilities…”  Lena answered. The way she said it made me feel uneasy.

Alina smiled traitorously to me as we drank. I wondered if she already knew what kind of possibilities exactly Lena was going to require from me in the near future. I was certain that Lena was going to show me soon. After we emptied our glasses, Lena asked  "Do you remember that you have noted that my wish would be your command?"

"Yes" I admitted nervously. The champagne was already whirling through my brain.

"Now you get the chance to prove me that you are man enough to stand by his word. My wish is that you chauffeur me and Alina to my new horse farm. But before I wish that you bring this stuff over there into your car!" Lena replied with a threatening tone in her voice.

The car belonged to the German army and I had told my comrades that I would return it in two hours but what kind of soldier would I be if I would break my word to Lena now. So I once again followed Lena's wishes.

While I got the stuff into my car, Lena had changed into riding gear: a black jacket, gloves, white breeches and black riding boots. Her hair was drawn back now. See stood jauntily her right hand on her hip waiting for me to finish my work. Alina soon followed behind her. This time I opened the door of the car for Lena without being asked to avoid being further embarrassed by her request to do so. But Lena paid me nary a notice as she sat comfortably down in the passenger seat. So I nervously hold the other door, waiting for Alina to get in the car. I don't know how she have reacted as didn't tried to avoid looking into her face.

After we had left the village Lena turned her head to you sitting on the backseat and stated "Just a few minutes ago I told my mother that I am moving out of her flat. She tired to act like she was sorry but I know, inwardly, she was relieved. And so am I! I waited for so long to have my own little realm." Totally relaxed Lena crouched down in the seat and extended her legs up on the dash board. Then she opened her boots and started to massage her calves. I just couldn't take my eyes off her shapely long legs and the boots that were made of the finest grade of leather. Soon my cock hardened.

"Are you enjoying the view?" she asked me.

"Eh...I… I… I’m sorry!”. I stammered.

“Sorry for what?” she asked lurking for my embarrassment.

“I am sorry for… sorry for…” I struggled to phrase it in just the right way, but it was hard with her sitting so close, glaring at me.


I groaned. “...sorry for looking at you that way at your legs and your boots.” I finished miserably.

She relented. “You see: That wasn’t so hard, was it? I accept your apology.” I felt that Lena just wanted to embarrass me in front of Alina and this feeling made me blush even deeper. All of a sudden Lena placed her hand on my lap, teasingly rubbing my crotch. I felt mortified but didn't dare to protest.

Fortunately Alina ended this awkward situation by asking Lena "So you have worked at this horse farm before?" "Yes, as an assistant riding teacher. I had really a great time there, even although Erik Angaard was such an asshole!" "I am very curious to see the rest of the house. Would you give us a guided tour when we are there?" "Of course, Alina!"

Finally we arrived at the horse farm. After I got out of the car and had opened the doors for my two passengers, I breathed in the fresh air to relax from my recent tensions. I really needed a break. I hadn't notice Lena approaching me from behind as I suddenly heard her whisper into my ear, "Ready for joining the tour for Alina around the estate, soldier?" "...Yes...of course, Lena."

So we went into the riding hall.

This riding hall was really classical. The floorboards squealed under my steps and I could smell old hay and raw wood everywhere. But my eyes kept watching Alina flipping her shoulder length black hair back over her shoulder. Her big brown eyes sparkled with delight as she looked around the hall. After a short moment Lena continued her little guide tour : "This is where the horses are exercised. A few years ago I used to be quite a good dressage rider and show jumper. I learned both disciplines in this hall. At the time I was working here there was hosted an annual hunt with more the 20 riders. I really loved it! Actually I am thinking about hosting new hunts soon."

At the very end of the riding hall leaded a door into a smaller area - the stable stalls. "In this stables are held different Norwegian horse breeds. I always ride a Fjord horse as it was developed for the steep landscape of Fjords and Mountains. It's is probably quite closely linked to the ancient North Asian wild horse, so it still has a lot of its original wildness."

S-L-A-M !

We were startled by the sound of the door slamming behind us, was there someone there? Was it the wind? All three of us became silent as we struggled to hear. Suddenly Lena took a riding crop from the nearby stable wall and walked right to the source of the sound. Alina and I just followed her.

"Knut! What are you doing here?" Lena shouted. In the corner of the next room I could see a ducked stable-boy filling water into the watering place of the horses.

Lena smiled, looking down at him. "Get up Knut!" she told him. Alina watched Knut's slow raising with a smirking grin across her face.

“Are you going to explain yourself then?” Lena continued her questioning.

"I just doing my job here as Erik Angaard has ordered me, Lena. So I clean stalls and attend to the horses."

"Haven't you notice that Erik Angaard isn't present here anymore, stupid?"

"Listen Lena, I'm employed to maintain these stables and therefore I will continue to do so until Erik Angaard is telling me otherwise! So you better let me finish my work now and leave. And don't forget to take your friends with you!"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your work ..." Lena mocked. "...but I think you won't have a chance to work here anymore until you show me and my friends some more respect."

"Ahh....shut up, bitch!"

With that Lena raise her riding crop into the air… then it comes down fast. Whistling through the air, it contacts with Knut's left knee and he goes down falling into the hay on the floor.

"You might like to know that I've just bought these stables. Therefore I'm responsible for your employment here now. And as far as I see it, Knut, you are fired!"

Lena stands right above him carrying her riding crop in her right hand. And the uncompromising appearance of her beautiful face gave the impression that she would not have any qualms about using that riding crop on him for a second time.

Yelping in pain, Knut cried "What? No! .... What happened to Erik?"

"He has departed this world. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to show resistance against the German forces. So now there is only me to deal with at this horse farm now."

"I didn't know, Lena! I mean... Please, I need this job! If you would only give me a second chance."

Lena rolled her eyes and laughed.

"A chance? You are my salaried labourer. Therefore I do not give out 'chances' to you. I deliver commands, and you must obey them."

"Come on Lena. Please, I promise that I won't question you again!" pleaded Knut.

"Really, Knut? Then kneel." Lena suggested being bemused at Knut's struggles.


"You are not the smartest stable boy, are you? If you really want to keep you job, you better show me that you are able to accept my new authority and kneel! "

Holding the tip of the riding crop on side of Knut's face, Knut went silent and knelt in front of her. Lena  lifted her foot and tapped his balls with the toe of her leather riding boot. He quivered like a frightened animal. With a satisfied grin Lena kept looking down at him kneeling on the floor.

“Now kiss my left foot and apologize for your rude words against me!”

"Come on, Lena. You must be kidding. This is humiliating."

Knut's resistance was rewarded with a short sharp jolt of electricity from Lena's crop.

"Yes, I know it is humiliating, because it is meant to be humiliating. It proves us that you don't have any choices here, Knut!"

He looked up at Lena in disbelief which just caused Lena to giggle.  Finally he crawled across the floor as she stretched her foot forward. Lifting Lena's boot with both hands towards his mouth, Knut started kissing the boot, maybe afraid to say anymore for fear he would lose this chance. I was aghast by this scene ofunreined repression, but when I looked at Alina I saw a gleam in her eyes that showed amused fascination instead. Should she actually enjoy the suffering of this poor man!?

“Have you learned your lesson, stable-boy?” enquired Lena with a stern voice.

“Yes! Lena.” Knut mumbled.

"I guess it's only appropriate to address me as your mistress from now on. So say it again, please." Lena gloated. "And this time loud enough for my attendants to hear.

Knut cleared his throat. "I am sorry, mistress. Please let me keep this job." he said.

"Apology accepted. Now fill the bins for the horses with oats and feed them carrots! Then immediately report to me to discuss the conditions for your further employment."

Without even looking back, Lena began walking into the main house. She was followed by both of us.

I was still shocked by the abuse the man had to take from Lena. I couldn’t help but feel a creeping sense of fear come over me. Alina on the other hand let out uninhibited amusement about the scene that she has just witnessed. Turning to Lena she noted "That was so amazing! You really showed these stable-boy who is his superior, Lena."

"This stable-boy is named Knut Baardseth. We used to work together at this place, when I was still a horse trainer. But while I was already making plans for my future he kept being happy with satisfying his boss.  He made the big mistake not to see that I will make it some day while he always will stay at the bottom of the system. So I just have to show him that I am the boss now." Lena laughed.

As I went awkwardly behind them, I could not help looking up Alina's ruby summer dress swinging as she ascended the stairs to the main door. Her firm, round bottom bounced and flexed under the skirt with each step. “Enjoying the view?” she turned to look down at me over her shoulder. “Well...I guess.” I croaked.

I was shocked to be embarrassed by her as I still though about Alina as an innocent young woman. But influenced by Lena's aura it seemed that she have started to discover a new, dominant streak in herself. Lena giggled and commented "He is such a lucky German soldier!"

Turning to me she asked "So, tell me: Are you trying to figure out the color of her panties yet?"

I looked at Lena, but she just smiled and turned away entering the house. Before I could enter the house as well, Lena turned to me again and just ordered:

"My next wish to you is to get my and Alina's luggage from the car and move it into the corridor. Then meet us in the Drawing Room."

It was becoming clear that Lena was manipulating me whenever she could. I had to admit that I loved to be in her company, but I didn't know whether I was prepared to become her lackey like that. I guess I was, because moments later I was carrying their luggage into the house. When I was finished, I proceed down the corridor in the direction than I had seen Lena and you proceed figuring that would be where I would find the Drawing Room. I came to a large set of double doors. As one of them was open, I could peek inside and saw Lena and Alina sitting in large leather armchairs chatting with each other in Norwegian. As I didn't understood what you were talking about, I used the opportunity to soak in the warm atmosphere of this room. It was immaculate and cozy at the same time. But with Lena and Alina inside the room became some kind of a dedicated, sacred place - it seemed to me that the whole room breathed dark, feminine eroticism.

"Ah..soldier! It's a pity that it took you so long to get the luggage in since I've shown Alina already the upper floor and her new room." Lena addressed me out of a sudden. "But as you are already standing: would you serve us a bottle of red wine from the cupboard?"

So I got two wine glasses from the upper cabinet, took a bottle of wine out of the cupboard, popped the cork, and poured three glasses for each of us. Then I put the bottle back into the cupboard, picked up two glasses and walked over to them.  Surprisingly Lena stood up as handed her one of the glasses. As I wanted to take the third glass for me I learned why. Her beautiful manicured hand cutted with a 'sloosh' through the stillness of the air in the room. I felt a stinging pain on my face even before I heard the sound of the slap.

Then I heard the harsh voice of Lena: "Let me make one thing clear for you, soldier: All the stuff in this house belongs to me now - so you will have to ask me for this little drink first."

I swallowed a dry swallow. I knew that should have immediately left the house under a loud protest to save the rest of my dignity. But then again I thought about my luck to sit here with this two beautiful women while most of my comrades were sitting in a muddy shell-hole right now. So I asked Lena as requested "May I have a drink of wine?" and after a brief pause I even added "Please?".

She chuckled softly at me, looking superb and utterly, utterly in control. "Just one sip."

I raised the glass to my lips and drank a small amount of wine before I put the glass back on the table. Watching me caving in to Lena's absurd rules, Alina just showed me a superior smile and gently shook her head in mocked pity. Then she took a boastful swig of wine for herself.

Soon the two women continued their conversation in Norwegian essentially ignoring me, except when one of them wanted a glass refilled. My mind began to drift backward. How did I get here? I felt as though I was in a light mist, so I didn't even notice that Alina had left the room to place her stuff that I've just had unloaded from the car into her new room.

In the meantime Lena had approached me silently and spoke to me in a breathy sensual tone, which I had never heard from her before:

"I know that our relationship must seem to have become a bit harsh for you lately and I apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable in any way. Please understand that I just experience a new situation. Just a few days ago my future looked grey as I planed to follow the boring steps of my mothers "career" as a housewife. Thanks to our special relationship, I've gained a total new level of power. As the owner of this horse farm I now will be mistress of my own destiny. I’ve had a desire to do something like this for some time now. And by the way: Shooting this dork called Erik was so unbelievable exciting, wasn't it?" Without waiting for my answer, Lena went to the bookshelf and took picture frame with a wedding photo of Erik and his wife in her hand.

"Erik really was a dork - he wanted to exploit my skills as a professional horse trainer on his farm without participating my on the profits." she continued, speaking stonily as if I was not there. "He believed very strongly that his workforce should be made to acknowledge his superiority and leave all the power to him. But unlike most of his staff I have never been someone who ceded her power to his dull regime. When I dedicated myself to the task of a horse trainer, I always did it on my own terms. But I had more spirit than Erik could ever handle. So one day after a heating argument he has fired me immediately. It happened just a week before I was going to take an examination to become an official accredited horse trainer. He just wanted to destroy my career perspective. How much have I hated him for that." Lena spat out.

As she spoke her face grew red with passion, making her look even more attractive. Lena suddenly seemed to realise that she was getting a little too excited. She hastily composed herself and put on her friendly smile once more.

"But at the end he has lost his life and I won his farm. I was so thrilled by the triumph when I finally saw this dork Erik dying at my feet. In fact I feel a big wave of satisfaction rushing over me each time I think about the fact, that it was me who killed him and sent his wife to prison. Knowing I could simply ruin peoples lives for the fun of it, gives me an unbelievable feeling of power. I think I always loved this feeling of absolute triumph and success. Since I was a little girl I always had to win any kind of game." said Lena cheerfully and replaced the picture frame back to its rightful place on the bookshelf.

Suddenly she looked deep my eyes. I started to feel just a little nervous under her watchful gaze.

"You can call yourself lucky that you have found in me your partner and not your enemy. So I would strongly advise you to keep supporting my ambitions to ensure my favour with you."

After a short pause she added: "I know that I might feel abused sometimes but like I already have said, this is not my intention. You have to understand that there's only room for one scoutmaster in our relationship. So if you want us to become a successful team you will have to follow my guidance."

Lena took a long sip of wine and stared boldly at me. I felt getting lost in her eyes. "Are you still serious about continuing to be my partner under this conditions?."


"This is a very serious question. Think carefully about your answer and be honest. If we continue what we have started, I'm going to exploit your skills and authorisations to our mutual benefit. You're still sure that this is what you actually want?"

"Yes, Lena." I replied in awe not only of her blossoming beauty, but her growing power and enjoyment thereof.

Lena sat down on the chair and crossed her shapely legs.

"Would you follow my guidance even if it means that you have to sacrifice your own career plans to my interests?" she dug deeper looking directly into my eye. This look sent a small chill of excitement coursing down my spine. I instinctively sensed that this was not a game being played. But still I answered "Yes, I would."

I saw a smile cross her lips, one which I had never seen before, not just playful, not just sexual, but cruel. For a brief second, her eyes filled with pity, and her expression changed "I hope you know what you are doing, soldier. But you've made your decision and I will exploit you for my personal comfort in ways that might thrill your innards." After a short pause she finished off her glass of wine  and added with a smirk all over her face "But who knows soldier, maybe you even start to like being a lackey!?! Now, go pour me another glass of red wine."

I took the glass that Lena held it out to me. Walking back into the cupboard, I quickly poured Lena another glass of wine and then returned and held out the glass for her to take.

"Very good," she commented.

Lena took another a sip of wine while her eyes kept focused on me. The tone of her voice dramatically changed as she ordered: "Now get down on your knees in front of me."

"But...what if Alina comes in to...."

Just giving me a cold look by raising one eyebrow made me shiver and kneel down in front of her. I stared down at her shining black boots. The sight was terribly erotic and I wanted desperately to touch this booted legs.

"Would you like to kiss my boots?" she asked.

I was surprised by her offer. Of course I wanted to kiss the boots of this beautiful woman. Awaiting my answer Lena crossed her right leg over the left.


"Yes, Lena." I finally answered. "It would be a pleasure to kiss your boots."

"But before I want you to place your hands behind your back and keep them there." she continued. " Do you understand?"

"Yes," I answered and obeyed.

"That's better," Lena said.

Lena finished off the wine and then set the glass down on the table. Lena leaned back so that she could watch me better. Her legs still crossed she raised the foot of her upper leg until it was at the level of my head. My lips touched the toe of her boot and I felt a deep primal stirring in the area of my groin. I imagined that my wrists handcuffed behind my back which made me feel even more helpless in front of her. Just some moments ago I've seen the stable-boy kissing this boots and now it was already up to me to show Lena my utter devotion this way, I thought to myself.

In the middle of my kiss I heard footsteps coming closer. Lena looked over where the sound was coming from. From her vantage point she must already have seen Alina coming. The fear of being discovered by Alina in this devoted position overwhelmed me, as I had hoped that she might gonna like me. Lena obviously enjoyed my rising horror. Seeing my fidgeting, she put her boot on my crotch, pressed it down on my penis and ordered me "Stay where you are!".

As I didn't dare to stand up against her will I just stopped breathing. Then Alina stepped into view. "Wow." was all she exclaimed, leaving me unsure how much shocked she really were. I kept my eyes averted. I was mortified when Lena's foot sole touched my deflated penis because I felt him slowly rising now.

"I think the soldier has just found a new commander." Alina commented the scenery.

"Indeed." Lena agreed. "Have you finished unpacking your stuff, Alina?"

"Yes. So when will we go back to get the rest?"

"This day is still young, so why don't you get it now? As I will be busy cleaning out this rooms from Erik's old stuff, I won't be able to join you. But I will borrow the strong hands of my German partner here to you." Lena offered her without even looking at me first.

Turning to me Lena just commanded me with supreme confidence: "Alina has the keys to my mothers house. She will show you which boxes have to be carried here, my soldier."

With that she even increased the pressure of her boot on my crotch for a final moment. Then she put her foot back to the ground letting me stand up again. Lena walked away, leaving me with Alina. As I looked at her, her big brown eyes looked back on mine, studying me.

"Let's go, soldier!" she said motioning to the corridor we came from.

As soon as we arrived at the car, I've heard Alina's sweet voice asking "Can I drive?"

As the car was property of the German Wehrmacht, it was strictly forbidden to let any civilian person drive. The mischievousness in her beautiful smile showed me that she knew this rule too. The fact that Alina still had the boldness to ask me this question should have infuriated me but instead all I could think of was what a cute young woman she was.

I looked at her face and noticed that this cuteness based mainly on little details like the wisp of her hair in front of the ears. It made my heart crush.

After a this moment of silence Alina implored: "Pleeeeeeeeease".

I turned red. Looking back, I think that I was even then already well on my way to become anxious to please Alina. So I just nod my head and handed over the keys into her soft little hand.

"You're so kind. Thank you." she stated innocently.

So I entered at the passengers side of the car. Before I have a chance to fasten my seat-belt, Alina already had started the engine, positioned her boot over the gas pedal and pushed it down all the way to the floor. We hit the road.

After we rode a short moment in silence, Alina turned to me and asked "So tell me: what is it between you and Lena?"

"We discovered that we both have common targets and so we support each other to archive them. That's all."

"You sure? Let me tell you a fable that my grandmother has told me when I was a little girl: 'Once there was a furry rabbit hopping happily along the forest floor when she notice the little, helpless snake that had been orphaned. Because the little snake had such a colorful and beautiful skin the rabbit began feeding the snake. The snake was very thankful to the rabbit as she was too weak to find food for herself. But as the snake grew, it started to become stronger and demanded more and more food from the rabbit. The rabbit became afraid of the snake at her poison fang had developed dangerously. So the rabbit worked all day to keep the mood of her greedy adoptive child peaceful. But as the snake kept growing so did her hunger and one day the rabbit failed to fulfill the never-ending demands of the snake. That was the day the rabbit was eaten.'."

"This is a nice story, but do you really want to hint that the tale has something to do with the relation between Lena and me?"

"I think, Lena is more woman than you can handle. And inside your heart you know that too. She's gonna exploit you until you offer no more benefits to her. At this day she will drop you."

"You are exaggerating Lena's influence over me, don't you think?" I tried to sound fairly assertive: But the longer I thought about her dark prediction the more scared I became that Alina's metaphor might not be that inappropriate. Was I really behaving so foolish as the rabbit of her tale?

"Whatever! But don't say that you haven't be warned later!" Alina stated in total confidence of being right. I felt me self-esteem drop and avoided to make any more eye contacts with her.

"So tell me, how does it feel to kiss the boots of your 'coequal partner', then?" my cheeky driver kept abashing me.

"That...was...just...a spontaneous test of courage." I managed to answer.

Alina slowly nodded, a little in skepticism.  “Your relation really seems quite odd to me!"

For a moment  there was an embarrassing silence before she turned to me again : "So do you have the 'courage' to admire me in my boots too?"

I glanced at her legs. Her summer dress was parted just enough to afford me a small view of her well toned thighs. These thighs tapered down to very beautiful calves which were encased in highly polished leather-boots. As I was not sure what kind of admiration Alina meant with her tricky question, I didn't know how to answer. But the longer her eyes lingered on me the more uncomfortable I grew with this unpleasant question.

"Well, the boots really accentuate your beautiful legs and I think that look seriously sexy in them. But I'm even more captivated by the women whose feet are inside the boots." I managed to answer this awkward question true-fully.

"How charming! You don't seem to be anything like the brutal German soldiers we have been warned for - at the end I even might miss you after you have been eaten by the snake!" Alina stated with a wide grin on her face.

I was extremely happy for this shown sympathy (or was it just sham sympathy?) and felt as though I had passed some kind of test. I couldn't say why Alina's approval was so important to me but it definitely was!

After we drove a while in silence Alina suddenly asked me "Do you know anything about the Valkyries?"

"Not very much I must confess!" I replied.

"In our Scandinavian mythology the Valkyries are divine warrior maidens mounted on horses. The shining splendour of their armour as they ride across the early morning sky is what causes the Northern Lights. The Valkyries could grab any defeated warrior they fancy and take him away to Valhalla. There have been 13 different Valkyries at all and people believe, that there are still Scandinavian women who are a direct offspring of the Valkyries and have therefore inherit their special skills. Lena for example has the same abilities as Herfjoturr who bound  warriors with a magic chain whereupon they were paralyzed by her pure beauty. What do you think of that?"

I turned slightly and found her eyeing me out of the corner of her eyes. Once again I didn't know what to reply. Although I claimed myself of being an rationalist and didn't believe in witches, Valkyries and other mythology. But her story still scared me because Lena indeed seemed to be able to paralyze my senses just like Herfjoturr.

I thought that the best way to hide my uneasiness was to ask Alina "Is there a Valkyrie that you are fitting to?"

"When I was a little girl my grandmother used to call me after the Valkyrie 'Hladgunnr'."

"And why did your grandmother gave you that name?" I kept asking.

"Hladgunnr used to set traps for her victims, just like I entrapped my nephews I was young. Sometimes I left them in the trap and teased them until they had surrendered their whole pocket-money to me. "

I stared at you in disbelief as I haven't expected a sweet looking girl like Alina to have such nasty passions. I the meantime we had arrived at the house of Lena's mother and so Alina stopped the car and looked at me with sparkling eyes and a devilish grin on your face, which gave her lovely face a new streak of sexiness.

"I'm not the innocent you might believe me to be, soldier. In fact I still like to entrap men from time to time." she said while patting my cheek gently. I must have looked like a total geek sitting there in stunned silence, my mouth hanging open.

Then Alina just got out of the car. Outside she stretched herself happily, took a deep lungful of the clean spring air and cast an cheerful glance at me and stated joyfully "It's so kind from you that you're gonna help me carrying my stuff. So let's go!". I followed her inside the house.

As we entered the room where her remaining stuff was stored, I looked at a least a dozen of packing boxes that lined the wall.

"I packed most of my things yesterday but some of the boxes are a little heavy. It would be very nice from you, if can help me with them." Alina explained to me. "Sure!"

"So let's start right now so that we will be finished earlier" she suggested.

Obediently I grab the first box and start carrying it into the car, carefully avoiding banging against anything for fear of damaging something.

"I'm glad to see that my belongings will be in good hands!" Alina commented, watching me work with her arms folded. But instead of joining me with the work, she trotted off into the next room and out of my line of sight. I heard her rummaging around in the packing boxes a bit. When I returned from the car she still didn't bother to help me. Instead I found her sitting on a bench with crossed legs and reading a novel.

Although I was happy to help you moving to Lena's horse farm, I never thought I would have to carry all the stuff alone. Her idleness was embarrassing me, wasn't it? But as Alina just kept ignoring me while I was standing in front of her and didn't know how to react on this provocation, I felt this situation becoming more and more awkward for me. So I decided to just continue carrying her boxes into the car as if everything was alright. Around 20 minutes later I had finished the last box.

Obviously satisfied that I had completed everything to her demands, Alina came to me and putting a silver tag into my hand.  "Thanks again!" she told me. "But ... um ... you don't need to pay me for taking care of you." I answered in confusion.

"I know!" Alina agreed. "But I insist to pay you and so you'll accept it. This tag shows a Valkyrie and I  want you to take it all the time with you to remember this day with me." she instructed and leaned down to kiss me softly on the cheek, making me for a short time the happiest soldier in the world.

<07/08/1940 ( Wednesday ) - a new threat arises>

Early morning I came into my office not expecting to find anyone inside. Instead I found Private Mueller standing in the middle of the room to take me to the office of our commander Otto Maerzen. The commanders office was already filled with around ten comrades.

As soon as we both had entered to room Private Schultz started his report:

"It happened near the bridge over the small brook at the western hills.  Our platoon - consisting of me and five comrades - was just going to deliver feed for the army horses when we found a partisan headquarter hidden inside a cave of the nearby hills. As we entered the cave, we came into heavy gunfire resulting in two casualties on our side. By the time we had penetrated to the center of the cave, however, the majority of partisans had already escaped. We just killed three of them, a forth partisan committed suicide as we started to capture him."

"How many men does they have?"  asked Lieutenant Lehmann thoughtfully.

"We don't know. But we encountered at least 15." Private Schultz replied.

"And what kind of weapons and equipment did they have?"

"Inside the cave we have found munition that belong to sniper rifles. Furthermore we found a "death list" with 12 collaborators they were planning to kill by sniper assaults."

"If a partisan organization had been founded in our region, then it was only a matter of time before they will begin to attack this people." commander Maerzen added and handed out a copy of this list to everyone of us.

The fourth target on that list was "Lena Nystroem - local leader of the Kvinnehird regiment for being responsible of the murder of Erik Angaard". I was shocked as my mind began to understand in which threat Lena was. Why did the partisans had sat Lena on this list - officially Lena was just a witness of Erik's death but had never been accused by anyone to be his murderer.

The next moments I fully needed to recover my composure, so I didn't listen for a while as the rest of the group discussed about the advantages and disadvantages of different tactics against this new threat. As nearly no-one of them had real combat experience there arguments sounded quite foolish to me and I was relieved as our commander finally ended this open discussion and announced his decision, that he probably had determined already since the beginning.

"We have to fully investigate their background and their infrastructure before we can begin our strike. Otherwise we won't the one who pull the strings in the background.  And we have to investigate quick - so that we can go after them before they have a chance to begin terrorizing this valley." he finished

Turning to me, he ordered "I need our best men to start looking for any suspicious activity. Tell them to do whatever it takes to get the necessary information."

As soon as this meeting was over, I directly got on my way to warn Lena of this lethal risk.


Half an hour later I ringed at the door of her horse farm. Her smile was dazzling as she opened the door.

"Hello soldier, nice to see you again. Come in." she welcomed me.

"I came to you in an urgent matter."

"Let's sit on the sofa shall we?"

The black leather sofa was long and soft, probably still a holdover from the previous inhabitant of this room Erik. I slid down into the corner while she sat herself directly on the middle of the sofa. She was wearing a navy blazer with a classic over the knee khaki skirt that rode up ever so slightly when she crossed her legs. I could make out the subtle scent of her perfume.

So I had to concentrate hard as I started to tell her about the new partisan threat and the even more threatening "death list".

Lena kept totally calm and collected while she listened my report. Not a trace of anxiety or excitement permeated her cool exterior. When I finished, she touched her own hair reflexively and reasoned “There can only be one person who had the information and the motivation to set me on that list. Do you remember the stable-boy Knut? I had to fire him after he did wouldn't comply my orders. Now he even dared to betray me. We have to make him pay for this outrageous act of disloyalty and ungratefulness. In fact this miserable man disgusts me that much that intend to smash him once and for all."

The wicked gleam in her eye made me shudder.

"But wouldn't he probably have already went into hiding?"

"So what? We will have to trace him. The man is a fool and he probably had left some traces that lead us to his hiding place. You just have to grant me access to the Norwegian archive files about 'Knut Baardseth'. " She paused after saying this and looked directly at me.

My heart beat a little faster. "Impossible I can't do that as the access to the archive room is strictly restricted to members of the German Army and the administrative stuff. No-one is allowed to take any document out of that room and I can't read any Norwegian"

"Alina speaks Norwegian and Swedish and she is a clever analyzer. If anyone can find a trace of Knut, she will. So you will hire her as your personal secretary to grant her all the access she needs. Problem solved!" Lena claimed matter-of-factly.

"I don't know if ..." I started to protest. But before I could finish my sentence Lena's hand cupped my chin, raising my head so that I was looking directly into her ice blue eyes. I lost my breath for a moment.

"....I don't know ... if I can ..." I tried to continue my sentence while she kept watching me, silently.

Then I saw her red lips moving again: "I expect you to do anything you can to solve that problem. You will do that, right?" she asked. Her eyes was paralyzing me. As I started to look away, I felt her warm, delicate forefinger on my chin, forcing me to look at her.

"Sure..." I only babbled in fear, but these words let Lena's blood red lips break into a smile and freed me from her stern gaze.

"That's what I want to hear." she smirked satisfied and patted my cheek conceitedly.

"Alina should start her new job in the administration as soon as possible. Let's say next Monday!" Lena said determinedly.

"Okay" I only agreed - I had to think of the things you told me about the Valkyrie Herfjotur and her magic ability to enthrall her victims. Lena definitely had inherited that gift.

"Alright! I will inform Alina to come to your office on Monday! If you give your best and we manage to hunt Erik down, you might even gain some military fame as well - so you should be thankful for our little partnership."

I only nodded in agreement.

"Regarding our mutual partnership I'd like to thank you once again, that you made me this attractive offer for the horse farm. I love it! Just yesterday I bought myself my first own thoroughbred racehorse. It's a black stallion and he seems to be incredibly powerful. Yet I'm sure I'll will find a way of disciplining his character and train him for hunting. Unfortunately I still have no name for him. Do you have any ideas?"

Thinking about her paralyzing blue eyes and the small Mjølner-amulet that hang around her neck, I suggested "How about a name of a Valkyries horse?".

She smiled again, revealing her white teeth.  "How did you get this idea?"

"Alina compared you with the Valkyries 'Herfjotur'.

That made her laugh.  "'Herfjotur' stands for 'army-fetter'. So do you think I could have the power to constrain an army at my will?"

"I....I have learned that your charms can be quite convincing. And regarding the partisans, I at least hope that you have the ability to impede your enemies!"

She grinned "Okay then! Herfjotur was riding a horse called Valraven sometimes.  This name means 'Raven ridden by the Vala', which fits very well as my new mare is pitch-black as well.

"Do you know how to ride a horse?"

"Just a very little, I'm afraid."

She smiled with amused indulgence. "I will teach you!"

But then Lena sighed. "But not today. We have to find Knut first! So you better go now - there is no time to loose!"

I scrambled to stand up and went out the door.  As I had reached the doorstep I turned back to Lena saying 'Good bye!'. But instead of shaking my offered hand,  I saw Lena's beautiful manicured hand reached down to grab my cock and balls and squeezed them lightly.

Enjoying my alienated look, Lena leaned in close to my ear to purr in her sweetest voice "I'm very pleased, that you came right to me to warn me. Thank you, soldier!"

Another soft squeeze with her thumb caused an immediate erection. I smiled shyly. But as I wanted to back away, Lena kept holding her hand wrapped tight around my testicles. Suddenly, her voice became cold and commanding.

"But I still expect you to focus on this threat with your full attention - let's say: with every breath you take. Do you understand me?" she added in a much firmer voice while she threw me one narrow-eyed glance.

I really became scared of her now an began to nod furiously in agreement.

"Good, you better don't disappoint me in this important task."

Then, almost as though in slow motion, her hands released me. I took a deep breath. "Now leave!"

I was shivering as I stepped over the threshold.


Just as I arrived back at my unit, commander Maerzen appeared with lance corporal Goebel at the corridor.

"Where have you been?" the commander asked me brusquely.

"Outside in the village! Where else?" I can't explain why I didn't want to let him know that I have been visiting the local leader of the Kvinnehird regiment Mrs. Nystroem. After all there was nothing wrong to warn the enemy of our enemies.

Maybe it was because I was jealous of Lena?  Or maybe I was too afraid that he might have revealed how much I was under Lena's thumb? I didn't know.

"You've been unescorted?"

"Oh! Yes, unescorted!"

The commander glanced sharply at me.

"I absolutely forbid such unreported trips in future." he announced sternly, while Lance Corporal Goebel grinned at my awkward situation.

"Good.  Now that bit of unpleasantness is behind us, we should continue gathering information about the partisans."

So saying, commander Maerzen turned and strode down the corridor toward his own office. Lance corporal Goebel gave me a guilty look and then followed our commander immediately.

Back inside my office I ordered Private Mueller and three of his comrades to investigate where munition for sniper rifles could be bought. After that I let private Schultz type a copy of his report about the partisan activities and sent it to our headquarter in Oslo asking for their cooperation in this investigation.

Now there was just one thing left to do: I had to formally require a new position for an interpreter in our administration and assign the civilian 'Alina Valaas' to it.

Getting the approval for this new position request was much easier then I had expected - but  after all I had my commander's authority to 'do whatever seems necessary' to locate the partisans, hadn't I?

Alina would start on the following Monday as an assistant of my office and so she would be subordinated only to me. Now I just had to wait until Monday.

<14/08/1940 ( Monday ) - Alina's first day at work>

Today I arrived earlier than usual at my office as today was the appointed start date of Alina's new job at our administration. On her new desk I already had placed tulips (that I had to pay myself as there was no budget for welcoming presents.) And although I was that well prepared, I still was very excited . I couldn't stop dreaming about what she would look like in formal clothes. The time fairly crawled by. Alina were supposed to start her first day at 10 o'clock, but this time came and went which mad me even more nervous.

Finally at 10 minutes past 10 I heard a soft knock at the door. What was behind that door took my breath away as she looked absolutely ravishing. Her honey-blond hair fell loosely around her pretty face that was barely touched by make-up.

"Good Morning!" she chimed in a voice all sweetness.

"Good morning!" I answered happy to see her smiling widely at me.

I opened the door wide and invited her in. She walked briskly into the room letting her eyes scanning the new surrounding.

"So this would be your new workplace, Alina." I declared.

She stepped toward the desk, which was a relic from the old days, rather a large and broad affair, the front end of it up against the wall.

Next to the typewriter on the desk she discovered the bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you." she say pleasantly surprised. She pushed her curling hair from her forehead behind her ears.

"You are welcome, Alina." I said with sincere gravity "It is my pleasure to work with you and so it's my desire to make you feel comfortable here since your first day."

Alina suppressed her amusement. "Well! I'm pleased to hear that." And with a teasing smile she added "...but be warned: I intend to take you at your word during the next days."

She slipped the strap of your shoulder bag from her shoulder and deposited it just beside the flowers on the table. Taking off her overcoat Alina revealed a loose-fitting white silken blouse paired with a just-above-the-knee-length gray skirt that gave your figure an elegant carriage. This aura of austere elegance was even intensified by a sleek pair of leather boots and a matching thin leather belt around her waist.

I was literally drooling by the indestructibly sexy sight my new office assistance confronted me with. I wondered what Alina would think if she knew what affect her look was having on me. Did she have any idea just how sexy she looked at the moment?

Alina looked around her new workplace. The room was crowded with much furniture. Boxes of files were lining the wall to wall shelves. My desk was at the end of the room facing the door. Then she sat down on her new chair and crossed her legs. As there was no other chair around I was left standing in front of her. Although I was officially your boss now, I still felt a bit inferior in her presence.

So trying to get her appreciation, I said: "It wasn't easy to hire a civilian for military administration at these times. I had to accept guaranty for you. You can consider yourself lucky to get this job.".  But as soon as I had finished my sentence, I felt slightly uneasy that I might have boasted my efforts a little to much.

Alina tilted her head just a bit and smiled at me before answering  "Let us get it straight first: Officially you might be my boss but we both know that I am just here because Lena told you to hire me. And we both know as well that it is you that should be lucky to get me."

Although I already had learned your character - I was still surprises by so much confidence when I looked in such a sweet innocent face like hers. So finally I just replied "Yes, Alina. I am lucky."

She licked her lips seductively before she continued her little clarification speech in a low but firm voice: "Formally I intend to become a proper assistant to you and to do a good job in this office. But off-the-record our most prior task is to find 'Knut Baardseth'. As this is a very ambitious task, I expect you to grant me all the permissions and freedom that I gonna need to find this traitor. Okay?"

"Sure, Alina!"

"I'm glad that we understand each other, soldier. And during business hours you better address me as 'Mrs. Valaas' and nothing else."

I couldn't hide the quiver in my voice when I asked her "So would you like to see the rest your new workplace now, Mrs. Valaas?"

"Well, that's why I'm here today, right?"

I took Alina on a walk-through through the different departments she would have to interact with and gave her brief introductions to the Commander and my comrades. Everything went fine and we were just on the way to our final station - the archive room - when we met Lance Corporal Goetz Goebel at the corridor.

"Corporal Goebel, I'd like to introduce you to our new interpreter and assistant, Mrs. Valaas. Mrs Valass - this is Lance Corporal Goetz Goebel." I explained.

Goebel stepped forward to take Alina's hand and kissed the back of it. "No-one told us that you were so beautiful, Mrs. Valaas." he told her sweetly trying hard to look every bit the gentleman inside his standard uniform.

Alina smiled at his compliment and gave him a little bow.

So Goebel boldly continued his charming attack "Welcome to our unit. You can see that it's still quite chaotic here, but I'm sure a competent woman like you will soon bring some sort of order into this mess."

"We will see, Mr. Goebel. But I'll be glad to help in any way I can." Alina explained with a seductive smile and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

Her voice had a playful kind of friendliness, with just a hint of sexiness. Was she flirting with him? I just stared at the Lance Corporal uncertainly, suddenly feeling unattractive. Goebel was a good-looking man in his mid-twenties and had the aura of a man in command. I guessed, he must have looked quite pretty to Alina.

With a bolt of pure jealousy I told Goebel in my most formal voice "Mrs. Valaas does have work to do!"

My new rival Goebel gave me an frosty look. Then he declared to Alina "It was a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Valaas. So I hope to see you soon." and for once left me alone with you again.


"This is the archive room" I informed Alina as I had closed the doors, effectively cutting us off from Goebel and any other mischief-maker who might be inclined to come disturbing me at my upcoming exclusive introduction of the archive system.

"In here are all the administrative records of the former civil office of this region. You'll find in the folders certificates of birth, marriage and death, tax computations and nearly any other administrative documents you can think of. The folders are sorted in alphabetical order, top drawer to bottom drawer. Here on the table is a Rolodex with an index of the shelves, also in alphabetical order. So looking for 'Knut Baardseth' we would have to go the shelf number 6B."

Only the pounding sound of her boots on the hardwood floor filled the silent room as she strode briskly through the room toward shelf 6B. I just followed Alina, thinking about her growing power and enjoyment thereof. I thought about the big contrast that Alina's feminine beauty built inside the boredom of this grey archive. My thoughts were interrupted by her voice that asked me all of a sudden "Tell me, why have you been so rude to the Lance Corporal?"

"I was just bothered by the fact that he started to distract us from our primary work." I lied.

Alina stopped and turned around to face me. Her cool hazel eyes scanned downward to my crotch and in an innocent sound she asked "There was nothing more to it than that?".

I was shocked when I noticed that I had an bulge in my pants that betrayed me. I was flustered.


"Maybe? Maybe what? Maybe you was jealous?" she asked sarcastically.

"Yes...I guess I felt a little jealous."

"That's touching!"

After a short moment Alina came closer and whispered in my ear "But a long as you let me take control over your sphere of authority, jealousy will hardly be necessary, my sweet soldier."

Alina's hand reached out and began to run with the fingernails on my hard shaft behind the trousers. With a smile Alina teased "I think, deep down you even like to subordinate your own objectives to mine just to enhance my pleasure, don't you?"

I nodded mesmerized, quivering with pleasure

"Say it." she commanded, making me blush slightly.

"I like to please you - even if it means to subordinate my own interests to yours."

Alina laughed mischievously "...and so do I. But wait - haven't you already promised Lena to follow her guidance only?"

I was completely dumbfounded.  "'re acting in Lena's interest."

"That's a careless assumption of you. Fact is that the promise, you just gave me, conflicts with the promise you gave Lena earlier. It's not nice to suborn me to betray my best friend Lena, don't you think?"

Well, what could I say to that?  "That...That's not fair!" I muttered.

She shot me a flattered smile.  "Nobody said that I would be fair. I've even warned you that I'm not always as innocent as I look when I told you that my Grandma nicknamed me after the Valkyrie 'Hladgunnr' due to my entrapping skills."

That was true. I should have known better as I walked right into this trap, so I had nobody to blame for it but me.

"But a long as you submit to my whims and fulfill all my fancies, I won't tell Lena that you have tried to flirt with me. It will be our little secret." She smiled with a degree of evilness that made me cower.

I nodded dumbly in surrender and went silently the remaining meters to the shelf number 6B. The folder for 'Knut Baardseth' was relatively thin and as it contained only documents composed in Norwegian, I couldn't really say how useful this records would be for us.

I was just browsing through the files as Alina asked "May I?" and took the folder without awaiting my answer. Totally concentrated she looked through the different pages while I was left standing at attention for several minutes.

Occasionally I would hear her whisper out loud as she read something to herself. As she basically kept ignoring me, I finally asked her if I could do anything to help her.

"I need a pen and some blank sheets of paper."

When I came back with the required utensils, Alina was sitting at the desk of the archive room studying Knut's files.

"You need anything else from me, before I leave you here?" I asked her bashful.

"I'll have coffee." It was more a command then a request. I dutifully went to fetch her a cup.

After I served her coffee, she looked up shortly to announced me "Okay - I think I don't need your services for now. You can pick me up at finishing time!"

"Okay!" I agreed leaving her to Knut's files, I walked over back to my office and started my 'normal' routine of daily work.

<closing time>

When it was time to call it a day, I went to the archive room again.

Alina sat still at the desk. She looked at me and smiled. But since our last conversation I still felt intimidated by her presence. So I tried to sound businesslike when I asked her "So how have you been doing?".

"I just discovered that Knut's mother died just two years ago and although Knut was her only child, the total amount of Knut's asset values hadn't changed with his last year's tax computation. That's weird somehow. I'm keen to follow this trace tomorrow."

With that Alina reclined in her chair, lifted her feet and placed them firmly crossed over on the desk, sole upturned towards me. Her snug skirt shifted higher as her knee rose above her tight, trim waistline; revealing her supple, sensuous thigh.  Her slender thighs firmly stretched the pliable fabric of her short black skirt. I felt the familiar twinge of arousal as Alina caught the direction of my intense gaze.

"Don't be so shy - come closer!" she laughed. I couldn't speak. I stepped one pace forward.

"I really must have scared you - come closer!"

I took two more steps until I was standing right in front of her.

She placed her left foot directly on my manhood and dug her blunt spur at my balls. I hardened at the sight of its unyielding authority.

"It has been a long and tiring day." she whined with a ironic twinkle in her eyes. "And as you like to please me so much - please be a dear and massage my feet, soldier!"

I stared in disbelief: "But what if somebody comes in?"

"...then he will see you in a little embarrassing position! But now that I know what a sensitive soul you are, I won’t make fun of your humiliation. And besides: isn't the feeling of being completely unprotected from getting discovered thrilling?" she said in her sweet voice, batting her sweet eyelashes at me. She enjoyed teasing me.

"...I guess." I mumbled. As her extended leg was on a too low level for me to reach, I had to squat down before I could start my job. The smell of the leather was mixed with a slight touch of her perfume.

My heart beat fast as I gripped the lifted boot with both hands. The soft leather felt very exquisite. Sliding the boot off with servile care, a pedicured white foot was revealed. I started to gently massage her toes and foot through the stockings, but soon my legs were hurting and I knelt instead. When I looked up to her, I saw her in a totally relaxed pose answering my new submissive position with a superior smile.

I palpating her foot in rhythmic patterns with my fingers and thumbs. As I slided the edges of my nails into her smooth skin, I heard first sighs of relief; then of satisfaction. 'Mm... that feels good! You really know how to please me!"

Alina's head dropped back from her shoulders in relaxation when she asked me:  "So let's talk a little. Is there anything you want to know about me?"

"Sure. Would you tell me something of your homeland, please?!" I replied quietly still awed by her demanding demeanour.

"Okay then - as a young girl, I grew up in the vast area of Karelia. I lived on a farm with my parents and my older brother. They all spend their day at the farm while I worked at the local library right to the time of my eviction from Finland."

My eyes brightened. "You were a librarian?"

"For three years! It was a great time since I really like to read!"

"What kind of books do you read?"

"I really like to read ancient novels of mighty kings and queens who ruled over great empires. I enjoy the idea that at another time I could have been such a powerful sovereign who rules over the faith of her subjects without any conditions. And since my grandma told me some stories about the Valkyrie 'Hladgunnr' I need to read all about the Norse myths, of course. As a kid I always wanted to be like 'Hladgunnr' - dressed in a shining Valkyrie armour I would entrap mortal subjects and rule over their destiny with an iron fist."

I gazed at Alina with admiring awe. She had such a gentle and gracious countenance and yet could be so demanding and mean at the same time. I could lose myself just listening to warm tones of Alina's voice.  She was indeed somehow superior just like a Valkyrie. So it still took me all of my bravery when I confessed: "If I ever have to make a movie about Valkyries - I will choose you to play the role of 'Hladgunnr'. I never met somebody to whom the image of the raving beautiful and yet so dangerous 'Hladgunnr' would fit better."

"I know... I'll bet you like that, uh?"


"I admire it!"

She simply stared at me and smiled, melting my heart. "That's sweet! And now it seems that I have indeed trapped my first warrior, haven't I?"

"Yes - I guess!"

Suddenly she pulled back her leg and extended her other foot toward me. "Now the next one, please!"

The smell of fresh leather filled my nostrils completely as I started to remove the second boot.

"So why did you have to leave Finland?"

"After the Soviet Union had attacked my country, my brother and most of the other men of my town had gone to join with our army to fight against the Red Army in the Winter War. Soon the fightings reached Finnish Karelia so that most of our neighbors fled. But my family was to patriotic to go. Soon our village came under heavy fire and a bomb destroyed our house. My parents were dead immediately. I was the only one that could escape. At first I could stay with my uncle but I hated him. Everyone else I knew was either dead or at the front. I became melancholic - so when my old penfriend Lena offered me to come to Norway, I accepted her offer happily. So since one month already I'm living at her place and work for her as kind of assistant. During these days we became close friends and I'm having one of the best times of my life."

"What makes it so good?"

"I really admire Lena's independence and wisdom. There is a magic aura of divine power that surrounds her - she is full of ideas and when she focus one a certain idea, no-one can ever stop her from making it true. She has no pangs of conscience when she choose the adequate tools for it." Alina confessed with a gleam in her eye.

"What do you mean?"

"For example: What do you think was the reason that Lena picked you as her German 'partner' to visit Erik?" she asked gazing down at me.

"I don't know. Maybe when Lena wanted to contact a representative of the German forces my commander was out of reach, while I was the only officer available?"

"Don't be so naive, soldier. Lena is not the kind of woman who leaves the choosing of her partners to chance. She really wanted to have Erik's horse farm as she always loved the idea to reign over her own little realm. She knew that Erik had communist tendencies. But defaming him would just lead Erik to prison. But to get really rid of him Lena needed someone with the sufficient authorities to back up her shady plan. So she looked for some suitable German officer who she could entice easily. Soon it became clear that your were the perfect candidate?"


"Sure!" replied Alina and put her foot under my chin to ensure that I would keep looking in her eyes.

"Lena organize her social life quite Machiavellian and so she has a lot of very useful friends in town. So after you had you introductory meetings with our local headteacher, he immediately reported to Lena that you told him about your wish to integrate yourself into our society. That's quite an unusual approach for a member of the occupation force! When Lena heard about it, she knew that she just had to offer you her advisory help to guide you at her own will. And as the headteacher told Lena that you also broke up with your girlfriend, it was clear that you would be an even easier victim for Lena's manipulations."

"She also knew about my ex-girlfriend?"

As Alina nodded at my question, I shortly stopped with the massage to think about this overwhelming background information. A moment later Alina reminded me to continue my work with a soft but determinant kick at the ribs.

"So tell me soldier : Why did you come to Norway?" she asked curiously.

"It was pure luck that my unit was ordered to take part of the Norwegian occupation. I never been in Scandinavia before but now I'm really happy that I came into such a beautiful country. At first I though I might like the feeling of being here as a member of the "winner army" but soon I mostly felt trepidations when every citizen of the village sees in me a foreign occupant and his enemy. I think that's why I told the local headteacher I wanted to become more integrated into the Norwegian society." I confessed her honestly.

"Maybe I can help you to become a little more 'integrated' into the life of certain Scandinavians." I wondered if Alina might really have regarded this ambiguous statement to her own life. Any doubt melted at the sight of her self-satisfied smile.

"Where do you live right now?"

"While most of my comrades got accommodated in a hotel, I had the luck to get quartered inside a small but comfortable room of a guest house."

"Would you show me?" She bit her lip and smiled.

"I don't I said it's a very small room and you would be disappointed . Beside it's quite inconvenient as I have to share the bathroom and kitchen with another officer who's my roommate." I tried to talk her out of her idea. The truth was that I wasn't sure how my roommate Martin Seeger would react if I bring home such an attractive guest like Alina.

But Alina didn't want to listen to my excuses - instead she crooked her heel around my neck and used her foot as a lever to pull me closer to her. Then she hissed in a threatening tone: "So would you like me to ask Goebel to show me his accommodation instead?"

"NO!" I gasped.

A slow smile of triumph spread over Alina's face.

She prepared herself already to go by taking a barrette from the desk and putting it into her loose hair to keep her bangs out of her eyes.

"Okay then! Come, help me back into my boots, soldier." Alina ordered and extended one of her beautiful long legs. But as I took one of her boots to put it back on her feet, Alina suddenly interrupted "...or wait: Maybe you want to use this opportunity to show me you respect by kissing my foot first?"

Her soft laugh sent shivers down my spine and I was much too aroused to only consider refusing her offer. So I closed my eyes and let my lips sought to kiss her feet.

After that I held the boots open for her feet to enter.  I was completely transfixed when boots finally encased her delicious calves.

As soon as both of her feet were booted, Alina shifted her position and planted the sole of her boot on my forehead shoving me back. I felt backwards and looked up at her in surprise.

She slowly stood up and smiled down on me with her smoldering dark eyes. "Stand up! You have to fetch my purse that I had left in your office room. And then let us get out of here!"

On our way out of the building, I went over the events of this day in my mind.  I couldn't believe I had allowed Alina to deprive myself of power that easily. Then I thought of her wonderful body and her wet face. I knew that deep down I loved her for the way I got deprived by her.

<hosting a special guest>

Half an hour later we stepped inside my apartment that was just barely big enough for the little bit of basic furniture that I had: a single bed with a drawer, a wooden table with one chair, a bookshelf and a wardrobe for my uniforms.

"Here we are. Like I've said: It's just a small room and I have to share kitchen bathroom with Martin Seeger who is the inhabitant of the apartment next to mine."

I was suddenly very nervous about what was going to happen. Alina was the first female visitor of this apartment and the first women I 'dated' since I broke up with my ex-girlfriend. So the feeling how her female aura entered my privacy aroused me a lot. My began to feel a flowing arousal in my cock as I heard the sound of her boots tapping on my wooden floor. She looked so unbelievable magnificent that I couldn't believe that she really was standing in this ordinary room only a meter next to me. Soon the air of this boring place would be filled with her perfume.

"Nice quiet residential you live in!" she remarked, casting a glance out of the window.

"Can I get you something to drink?" I asked, trying to sound calmer than I actually was.

"That depends." Alina replied as she slipped her coat off and threw it across my bed. "Can you provide me a good scotch?"

I was surprised by her exclusive wish, but fortunately I knew that my roommate Martin had a little whiskey left from last week. I wasn't sure whether he would mind if I took some of his expensive whiskey. But honestly I didn't care. All I cared for was how to impress Alina.

As I came back from of the kitchen with two glasses of whiskey, Alina hold my Lunger in her small hands. Aghast I stared at my empty gun belt that I had placed over the chair. This was my home and this was my weapon! How could she have the cockiness to just take it?

"Is this the weapon Erik was killed with?"  she asked without taking her look from the gun for a second. The sight of such a cute, young woman handling such a lethal weapon was kind of bizarre. Awaiting my answer, Alina looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Em...yes, that's the gun!"

"So how was it to see him die?" she whispered.

"I'm not proud of this moment!"

"Come on! You won't tell me that you didn't feel any hidden enchantment when you watched Lena shooting him!" she continued teasing me with an intriguing little smile.

"You know it was Lena who murdered him?" I asked curiously, wondering just what else Lena might had already told her.

"It wasn't hardly murder!" Alina cut me off. She put the Lunger back in the belt and declared with the finality of a judge: "Erik was a pig that took complete advantage of Lena. He had earned his death."

I was flabbergasted. Maybe Erik really wasn't worth to feel sorry for him but at least he should had get a chance to defend himself against the accusations! How could such a lovely woman like Alina have such a unscrupulously point of view.

"You’re awfully quiet, soldier. Cat got your tongue?"

"No... everything is alright..." I said in a low voice, afraid of challenging her.

Alina smiled at my fumbling of words. "Fine! ... Thanks for the drink, soldier!" she took the glass of scotch that I was still holding for her, but her eyes had already focused on the next interesting object of my room: a novel from Fyodor Dostoevsky that I had left on the drawer near my bed. Alina lowered the glass of scotch from her lips and put it an the drawer to take the book.

Then she tried to read out loud the German title 'Die Daemonen'.

"It's 'The Devils' isn't it? I didn't know that you read such classical literature. How do you like it?"

"It's quite interesting although it has it lengths."

"For me Dostoevsky is one of the most controversial and exciting Russian poets. He is brilliant. I love him - even although he is a Russian!" she commented in a superior way.

Alina was just going to return the book back to my drawer when she saw my diary that I had laid just underneath the novel. I shivered involuntarily as her small hand grabbed it and flipped through the pages of my last years in Germany. Although she probably couldn't understand my German writings, the emotional sketches that I've drawn at the side of the pages made it clear that I was writing about the bitter breakup with my girlfriend.

"So the name of your ex-girlfriend was 'Susanne', right?" Alina asked me with an innocent-looking, effervescent smile that had a gleam of mischief in it. I blushed slightly.

"How was she?"

"Please put the diary back!" I insisted as I felt my discomfort rising.

"I don't think so! I know that you want me to amuse myself here and reading this diary definitely amuses me!"

She turned forward - soon she would open the pages where I wrote about the day I first met her. With horror I reminded what I had drawn a picture of a pumping heart muscle on this page to symbolize my affection toward her. I was terrified : She mustn't see that under no circumstances!

"Alina, please, enough. This book is very personal."

"So what? Isn't this little bulging personal too?" Alina coolly replied and looked down at the crotch of my trousers.

"Could it be, that you secretly are even enjoying my invasion into the privacy?" she asked and suddenly grabbed my cock and balls in her hand squeezing it slightly.

How could I deny my enjoyment, when I melted at her gaze? So I kept speechless.

But Alina wouldn't let me out that easily. I froze as her fingernails dug into my genitals. "Well?"

I knew that I should have grabbed her wrist at this moment to wrench her hand away, but I didn't dare to touch her. Instead I just looked at her.  I looked how her delicate ears peaked out from strands of her hair. I looked how her makeup perfectly underlined the magic of her dark brown eyes. I looked how her high cheekbones framed her gorgeous lips. She was so  unbelievable desirable to me.

"Maybe....somehow...I do enjoy your invasion." I finally confessed. "It just...that I've never dated a woman that was so stunning as you are."

"Stop your charmings, soldier. You've probably said the same to your 'beloved Susanne' before".

" are really's like you are a being of an upper league for me. I've never been one of this alpha male types and..."

"...and so your cock loves it when you buckle beneath me, doesn't he?" Alina finished.

I could not think straight but a inner voice told me that Alina was right. I was thrilled at the thought of turning myself into her hands.  So I nodded.

My confession seemed to delight her: She loosened her grip and let her fingers slip away from my trouser, leaving me frustrated.

"Good! I am glad you accept my supremacy over you!" she purred before putting my diary back on the drawer and sitting on my bed.

"So now you will let me do to you whatever guarantees my pleasure, wouldn't you?" she went on asking in a gentle voice.

I nodded.

"Okay then! Come closer!"

I obeyed.

Her hands unbuttoned the fly and pulled my cock out. As I looked away in embarrassment, she placed her finger under my chin and moved my head so that I had to look at her again.  I felt her other hand wrapping firmly around my swollen shaft. It was warm and comforting.  She kept the pressure of her iron grip for a few seconds until my knees weakened from the sensations.

"He looks like a perfect toy for me!" she commented . "And since he responses so much to my charms, it's only consequent to claim the power of control over him, don't you agree?"

She opened her leather belt and slowly slipped it from her waist. Then she formed a small noose with it and pulled it tight around the base of my balls. I felt my cock swelling by the touch of her warm fingers.

After she was finished Alina took the other end of the belt in her hand and looked at me:  "There, not a bad cock-leash I would say!"

To prove her point she jerked at the belt and I felt the soft leather tugging in my most private parts. But it didn't hurt very much, which immediately raised Alina's concern.

"Do you still have the tag of the Valkyrie that I gave you?" "Yes!" "Bring it to me!"

I always kept her tag with me so I just had to walk to my uniform jacket and take it out of the inner pocket. I gave it to Alina and she placed a big kiss on its silver surface. Then she loosened the belt around my balls a little and let the tag slid right between the belt and my sensual skin. The pressure of the tags hard metal on my skin was not very intense, but this changed quickly after Alina gave the leash a slight tug. I moaned in sudden pain. Alina laughed at me and it seemed that the pleading in my eyes only excited her more. "Is my mean Valkyrie tag hurting your skin?" she mocked.

I nodded fervently.

"But you're a real soldier and will endure the pain for me, right?"

I just stared at her in disbelief, but then her smile turned sinister. Seeing her rising impatience mind quickly accepted this new shift of power between us. I swallowed my inner resistance and whispered a "Yeah" in resignation.

"Great!" she cheered. Her beautiful eyes looked deep into mine, wide and loving now.

She recrossed her legs and proclaimed "As a child I had dreamt about being as fatally as 'Hladgunnr'.  But as I grew up I became more and more considerate to fulfill the pattern of the exemplary middle-class woman. When I saw you on your knees kissing Lena's boots it was as if all my hidden desires of entrapping and dominating an inferior soul just for my fun suddenly awoke again. I think, I've secretly been looking for someone like you for all my life."

"I guess, I also have always looked for someone like you! And now I even think, that I have been falling in love to you already!" I happily confessed.

Suddenly her smile turned serious. "Be careful, soldier! I'm not going to be an easy lover for you. But I suppose that you like me not being easy. Right? After all that is what makes you so special to me!" she said in a firm voice while her expertly manicured fingers traced over the lines of my cheek.

"I'm not very used to live out the dominant side of me yet. But I have the feeling that these desires of control will grow with the time and I'm afraid that I will become quite possessive and demanding sometimes. So if you want me to become your girlfriend, I have to warn you. Once we have started a serious relationship, I will never allow you to leave me. After we have started this, you won't be able to stop my control over you." She looked at me with a deep seriousness. I looked back at her in desperation as a wave of fear washed over me.

"So do you still want to become my boyfriend" she asked softly, her fingers gently holding my face.

She silently watched how my feelings came over me, confused me, paralyzed me. It became hard to look at her, but each time I tried to avoid her gaze, I felt her hand on my chin, forcing me to let her gaze getting deeper inside me.

I thought about the fear of giving myself completely into her hands but I was even more afraid of the though that I could pass this exclusive opportunity to become hers.

I inhaled deeply before I made my proclamation "Becoming part of your life would make me more happy that I ever dreamt of. I beg you Alina, let me become your boyfriend, let me become a part of your life, let me become yours." I paused. "Forever."

She smiled.

"I really hope that you know, what 'becoming part of my life' will soon mean to you. I will keep respecting your freedom of action that you require to do your job as a soldier and to fulfill your commitment against Lena - but beside that I'm planning not only to take over your mind but also to take control over your pleasures. I'm going make you my private toy that I use to discover my hidden desires. And once I started to play with you, there will be no turning back."

"I'm willing to bear this privations if it is what it takes to allow me being around you." I answered in all my honesty.

With that Alina took a sip from her Scotch, grimacing at the taste, and swallowed the rest. With a big smile she demanded "Go and get a refill for your new girlfriend, my sweet lover! ... Or better bring the hole bottle!"

I thought, that Martin would kill me, if he finds out, that I took the whole bottle of this expensive Scotch. But then I reasoned, that Martin was only a room mate and his opinion shouldn't to bother me as long as I was pleasing Alina.

So I started to detach her belt from my balls, but Alina's hand stopped me. "Leave it on. It's more exciting this way, don't you think?"

I had to agree and so I just tucked my cock and her belt inside my pants and went to our common kitchen. While I was in the kitchen, I silently prayed that Martin wouldn't see me, as the belt still formed quite a noticeable bulge in my trousers. My prayers were heard!

My returned with the bottle was greeted by Alina's graceful smile. She really looked like a noble princess to me. I felt a wave of happiness coming over me.

Then I gave her the bottle of Scotch, although it didn't felt so much that I was giving it to her as she was more taking it from me. Now I really began to understand that things would never be the same again between us.

After Alina had placed to bottle on the drawer, she grabbed my leash through the opening in my trousers. Just a few quick tugs on the leash exposed my cock and balls again.

Her tone grew cold and demanding as she uttered: "I want to see the rest of you now. Strip!"

Soon I was completely naked and Alina rose from the bed to walk slowly around to inspect me.

"Stay where you are!" she ordered and disappeared. From the sound of the toilet flush I figured that she just had gone for the bathroom.

When Alina emerged from the bathroom she grabbed my shoulder from behind. Her body was so close to mine now that could feel her warmth and smell her scent. I shivered as her hands slowly stroked over my arms. By the time they had reaches my hands I suddenly felt her stockings being wrapped around my wrists and tied together behind my back. Alina sat on the side of the bed in front of me with her legs parted slightly. Beside the stockings she also had undressed her skirt wearing just flimsy white panties. She also had removed her make up, which made her beauty look even more natural and innocent than before.

Out of a sudden she grabbed my cock-leash and pulled it firmly almost causing me to fall forward. She watched me stumble like a predator would look at his prey. "Okay then! Let's get on the bed!"

Awkwardly I climbed onto the bed - keeping the balance with my arms bound behind my back was much harder than I had expected. She pointed at the place in the middle of the bed where I was supposed to lie down. When I reached the position Alina pushed me to turn over so that she could easily straddle herself over my chest. Then she placed her hands on her hips and looked down at me. The wicked gleam in her eyes told me how much she loved this new found feeling of power and control.

"Are you comfortable?" she asked as I kept moving anxiously under her.

"'s just that my arms hurt a little as I'm laying on them."

"I'm sure that you'll find a way to live with it! Beside it gives you these desirable look of being totally helpless. So lift your head!" she ordered to put a pillow under my head. I obediently followed her command and soon my head seemed to be at the right angle for whatever she had planned. My cock began to harden in anticipation as I watched how Alina slowly began to slip down her panties.

"It's time to worship you new superior!" she told me, before her knees moved forward to either side of my head and her shaved pussy grounded on my lips.

I felt my panic arisen as my vision was blacked underneath her and I was cut off from breathing. But my struggles were only answered by even more pressure on my head and painful tuggings on my cock-leash, so I violently tried to buck her off. She raised herself slightly, moved back a little and slapped my cheeks furiously.

"Don't you even try to knock me off, bastard!" she cried in anger.

"Alina... wait... please... I haven't done this before!" I moaned breathlessly.

She looked down at me in amazement. "You have never eaten the pussy of your ex-girlfriends?"

"No." I blushed beneath her.

"You Germans are really conventional lovers, aren't you? But maybe I can train you a little!" she reasoned.

"The first lesson would be to look upon my sex as a kind of holy temple, that you are allowed to worship. "So out your nose close to my sex and take a nice deep breath and submit your senses to its fragrance."

I hesitated as her sex was covered with her juices, but soon another harsh tug on my leash made me groan in pain and change my mind. Alina put her free hand on the top of my head and ran her fingers through my hair. Then she guided my head even closer to her sex, smiling amused at my predicament. Her smell was overwhelming.

"Now open your mouth!" Again I complied without anymore resistance.

"Good! And here is the second lesson: You will use this to pleasure me..." she explained while her other hand reached into my mouth and grabbed out my tongue.

"...or I might use this to hurt you!" she concluded with slight tug on the belt. I shut my eyes in agony.

"Understood? So lets practise it!"

"No, please! Stop!" I begged in desperation.

"It's too late to stop it now. I've warned you of my high demands before and now there is nothing you can do to get away."  she added wickedly before lowering herself back onto my face.

I attempted reply was muffled and she slowly pulled on the belt bringing some pressure on my balls. I let out a groan underneath her. But then I resigned my inner reluctance and let my tongue slowly work its way up inside her sex. It tasted sweet and salty, but I continued licking and soon she began to moan in delight.

"Not so slow!" she ordered me and hardly pressed the heels of her feet into the soft sides on my waist. So I speeded up.

"That's better! Keep to that speed."

My tongue flicked between her pussy lips, sending waves of pleasure through her body. But soon my tongue became tired. But each time I was slacking a little, she just had to apply some more pressure to the belt and my tongue became faster again.

"I love to see you so eager for me!" she commented sadistically.

Soon her orgasm was approaching and when she came, her hand violently tugged on the belt. My cries of pain was completely muffled as my head was clamped tightly by Alina's thighs. I needed to take in a large intake of air when her thighs finally let me out again. Her forehead covered in a slight sheen of perspiration.

"You are a promising learner!" she praised me. Then she leaned down to kiss me quickly on the lips, which made I indeed become extremely proud of my work.

I tensely watched how her hand released its iron grip from my cock-leash and reached around her back. Her fingertips slowly caressed my thighs and my stomach. My whole body stiffened at her soft touches. I was so excited that it felt like an eternity until I finally felt her warm finger sliding over my throbbing penis.

Her hand wrapped around my throbbing cock and squeezed it gently. I closed my eyes and enjoyed her massage. It was fantastic. Just some seconds later I could feel the sensation grow - I was about to cum. But then her hand slid down to the base and her thumb and forefinger squeezed very tightly around it. My cock twitched, but stopped just short of exploding. I opened my eyes in surprise and frustration and looked directly into her evil grin.

"Okay - it's time for your third lesson." she said in a schoolteacher-like manner. "Giving me an orgasm does never mean that you'll automatically get the right for an own orgasm. As I control your cock, you have to earn every pleasure from now on."

To demonstrate her control, her fingers barely touched my cock, making me pushing my hips upwards toward them. With each motion, her hand managed to remain just out of reach. Alina was granting me just enough contact to be frustratingly tantalizing. My whimper didn't seem to melt her heart. So I whispered a sustained "Please!".

But instead of answering my begging, Alina stretched herself back and undid the barrette that held her hair in place. She shook her hair out and tortured me with her beauty as her hair flowed about her shoulders. I would have sold my soul to hold this perfect body, but as I was helplessly bound I had no choice but to endure her teasing. She laughed at me.

After a minute her hand began to stroke me again. I felt myself slide into a near trace while she looked deep into my eyes. A quite noise of my pleasure was answered by the appearance of a caring smile of sympathy in her face. When I felt that I almost had reached the point of release, I knew that her mean game of teasing was over at last.  But then her hand suddenly left my penis again and painfully grabbed my balls instead, which brought me crashing back down to Earth with a startled thud.

"No!" I bit out. "Alina, please!"

She laughed out loud. "Oh - you really thought that I'm gonna let you gain relief this time, didn't you?!" Alina asked, batting her eyes, as if to appear innocent.

"I'm so sorry that I have to disappoint you." she chuckled deviously. "But it is just such a fun to torture you!"

I just shuddered.

"If you behave yourself, I might choose to grant you your fulfillment in the next days." The thought that I would stay frustrated for the whole night nearly overpowered my mind. I was broken, utterly destroyed.

"I think I could need a good drink now." she declared and moved her upper body over to grab the bottle of scotch from the drawer.  After she took a sip for herself, she licked her upper lip and offered the bottle to me: "Want to have a sip?"

How could such a young and sweet looking woman like Alina drink high proof whisky like that, I wondered. She scared me more and more. So I just shook my head refusing her offer.

"Come on, soldier! It's okay. I'm gonna take care of you!"

"No. Really! I don't want!" I persisted.

"Nonsense! As you are my boyfriend now and in this position you should want to do everything that I wish!" she insisted with a girlish playfulness in her words. "So just shut up and open your cute little mouth!"

As I still didn't obey her, she tugged on the belt, letting me scream out in pain. She gave me a triumphantly smile when I slowly opened my mouth in surrender. I shivered by the thought how much she already enjoyed to take advantage of my vulnerability. What had I gotten myself into?

From a height of around 30 cm Alina spilt the whisky into my open mouth. It quickly filled my mouth and soon I was forced to swallow the intensive alcohol if I didn't want to spit it up all over myself. She looked down at me and laughed lightly at my distress. A few drops of whiskey still remained on my cheeks but they were carefully mopped up by Alina's forefinger. Then she held the whiskey-coated finger in front of my lips and ordered my to clean it off. I loved to suck its skin, but when Alina was sure that her finger was cleansed of all alcohol, she withdrew her digit.

"See - that wasn't that hard, was it?" she teased while peering down at me. "And now I'd like to ask you for another favour. Would you hand me out the second key to your apartment?"

I am terrified by request. "Wwwwwhat are you going to do with it?" I stuttered.

She smiled, "Apparently, anything I want! But I guess, I'll just keep the key, so that you will have no place to fallback anymore. I want this key as a donation for the intimacy that I grant you. Can you do that for me?" she asked, biting her lip.

Was this still just game she liked to play with me? No ... she was going to invaded my very being. I felt like her prey that she was slowly casting her lethal web around. And there was nothing I could do to stop her. In fact, I didn't even wanted to stop her. When I peered up at Alina, I reminded myself how beautiful she was in her growing aura of control.

"Well, soldier, what's your answer?" she asked while her fingers stroked through my hair. "You do want to make me happy, don't you?"

I was totally unable to resist her request any further: "The key is under the pile of pullovers in the wardrobe!"

Then a tremulous smile formed on her lips. "Thanks!" she taunted, her hand caressing my warm cheek.

She got off from me, opened the doors of my wardrobe and rifled its shelves for the wanted key. Soon she had found the key and took it to her purse where she let the key drop casually inside. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from somebody in the corridor. Surprised Alina looked over where the sound was coming from. Then she looked over at me and hissed "Who is it?"

"It's my room-mate Martin, I guess." I hissed back.

The sound came closer and I found myself pondering possible disasters of getting discovered with Alina.

"Hey buddy! Are you home?" Martin shouted.

Placing her finger conspiratorially over her lips, Alina tiptoed over to the bed where she settled herself back onto my chest. I was surprised how elegant she still balanced her delicate body after all the whisky she had drunk. But I guessed that the Norse blood that run through her veins made Alina's body quite compatible to alcohol. There was a saying that the Vikings never lost a drinking contest against a member of a no-viking-tribe!

"Is anybody there?" Martin called out again.

Alina brought her head close to mine and whispered into my ear to remain quiet. So we were idly waiting for Martin to disappear into his room, but he liked to stay in the common kitchen instead. He seemed to start the preparation of a whole meal and as the kitchen was within earshot to my room, Alina and I could do nothing but stay silent.

Soon Alina grew bored. "I want another orgasm!" she whispered.

Before I could reply anything, she already rubbed herself across my face, grinding her crotch down on me. This time I was really happy to breath in her sweet feminine scent again. I stretched out my tongue as far as I could and began to lick her pussy that was already dripping with excitement. She squeezed her thighs tightly, trapping my head in a spot that she liked, forcing me to lick harder. I did without pause, while my feeling of helplessness gained a new level as I couldn't see anything and just heard the blood rushing through my ears. As if this wasn't bemusing me enough, I felt how the alcohol began to blur my perception even further.

Just a moment later I could feel her fingers tickling at my cock, her nails scratching, teasing. The her hand started to pinch my penis, causing me to buck with the pain.

"I told you to be quite!!!!" she whizzed in anger and shutting me up by putting her whole weight onto my face. But beside silencing me, her new position also made it impossible for me to breath. It was like she had no thought for my safety as she sat there atop me, using me.

Alina rubbed her sex back and forth over my nose and mouth until I almost passed out. She just let me catch a short breath before continuing. My stamina became weaker from the lack of oxygen as she kept masturbating on my face to get to herself off . The upcoming effects of the alcohol in my head made me feel even more dizzy. But Alina didn't care - she just laughed at the desperation in my eyes. So I forced myself to ignore all this thoughts and began to fully focus on worshipping her sex.

It took at least ten more minutes until Alina was satisfied at last. Alina smiled before kissing me gently on my forehead (as the rest of my face was smeared all over with her delectable fluids). Quietly she whispered "I have the feeling, that you will soon become brilliant in the art of worshipping me." Her words and tenderness made me extremely happy. As I started to reply to her words she quickly placed her soft index finger on my lips : "Shhhhhh! You better make no noise!"

Alina sank down from my abused face and stretched out on my bed while Martin was still rummaging in the kitchen.

"It's late and I want to sleep now." she whispered. Looking at the clock I was surprised how late it had become. It was still not dark in the room since the sun never sets during the summer in Northern Norway.

"But before I'd like you to be a perfect boyfriend for me and clean me up." Alina continued to whisper softly.

By now I was willing to give her everything that she wanted. So I slowly slipped down her body, caressing it’s smooth and warm curves. When I arrived at my intended destination, Alina move her thighs apart to allow me access to her warm and damp crotch. Carefully I kissed away all the remaining juices. I wanted to go up to her again but Alina put her hand on my head and stopped me. "I'd like you to stay there while you have sweet dreams of me!" she whispered from above.

Finding sleep between her tights was not that easy as the thought of staying so close at the most feminine of Alina's places kept my cock hard and my mind excited. But somehow my exhaustion let even this thought wash over me as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

<15/08/1940 ( Tuesday ) - Alina's successful second day at work>

A light pull on balls invaded my deep sleep. It took me a moment to realize that someone was tugging at my cock. I glanced at the source of the pull.

The sight of Alina's radiant face framed by her slightly mussed hair let my sexual senses awake at once. She just wore her panties and the shirt of my uniform and she looked unbelievable lovely in it.

"Get up, soldier! We have work to do!" she ordered me in a soft, yet firm voice. As my eyes wandered to the end of the cock-leash in her hand, I knew that I better followed her command quickly. But when I started to push up off the bed, my head started spinning a little.

Alina smiled at me, before she released my cock-leash and sat down on the edge of the bed starting to dress herself. Slowly she extended her perfect leg in the air and slipped it into a pair of silken stockings. I could have watched her for hours if there wouldn't have been this pressing need to pee. As I also shared the bathroom with my room mate I had to get dressed first before I could go for the toilet. So I untied Alina's leather belt from my cock and went to the wardrobe. I was just taking out fresh underwear when I heard her determinant voice: "Put it back!"

Appalled I turned around. Alina's smile was gone, instead she had folded her arms which gave are an even more rigorous look. Seeing my confusion she stood up again and went towards me. She stopped right in front of me, looking me straight in the eyes, which had an quite hypnotic effect upon me.

"After last night some things between us are going to be a little different. As my new boyfriend I don't want you to wear underwear anymore! No-one will see a difference, but it will make you feel more vulnerable underneath your trousers. And this way you will always be reminded that it's me who controls you."

What am I getting myself into, I thought to myself. But my resistance were already crumpled completely. Her beauty was just too beguiling. When I finally placed my underwear back into the wardrobe, the charming smile returned on her face. She kissed me on my lips while her fingers pinched my cheek. "Thank you!"

With that she went back to the bed. "I'll have an extra strong cup of coffee!" she ordered without even looking at me anymore. I put on my trousers and hurried to the kitchen. The urge to make her coffee let me even suppress the urgent need to pee. I had became her dumb servant now.

When I returned with to mugs of coffee, Alina was already fully dressed - except of her boots.

"Would you help me into my boots please?" she asked. I didn't need a second calling. I placed the mugs on the drawer and dropped down to my knees in front of her.

With a grin, Alina lifted her feet for me to slide the boots on. I did my task with utter care to let each of her dedicate feet enter its boot as comfortable as possible

When it was done Alina flexed her ankles inside the boots. Just looking at it turned me on. I felt some kind of grate that I was the chosen one who was allowed to stay in the presence of this proud woman. I leaned forward and kissed the tip her right boot in silent devotion. Soon I only smelled the powerful scent of its leather.

When I finally lifted my head from her foot again I quietly confessed "I love you!".

Alina just laughed softly and gave me a gracious pat on the head.

Five minutes later we were ready to leave the room. On the way out we met Martin who was just coming out of his room in a still sleepy mood.

"Hi Martin. I'd like to introduce you to Alina. - Alina, this is Martin, my room-mate."

Surprised by Alina's beauty Martins tired face suddenly turned into a nervous smile. Bemused I watched his struggles to make a good impression on her, as he even flipped his hair out of his face. But Alina just snootily raised her eyebrows and went to the entrance door. Apparently disappointed by her rebuff Martins look moved his attention back to me.

"Have you been with her in the room for the whole night, buddy?" he asked me with an appreciative smile for my stunning date.

"No...we just arrived here very probably were already sleeping when we came." I lied as I didn't want him to know that we had intentionally ignored his calls of yesterday.

"Seems that someone else must have taken my exclusive bottle of Scotch then." he spit out in sarcasm. He seemed to become really pissed about my obvious lie. I was going to think about a reasonable explanation to calm him down again. "Listen buddy - it's not as it might seem to you. I just..."

"Can we please go now?" I flinched at the insistent sound of Alina's voice. She was leaning against the wall near the entrance door, obviously bored as she couldn't understand our German conversation. I really would have liked to appease Martin, but compared to Alina's moods he had become unimportant to me. So I hurried to Alina, leaving Martin without any goodbye.

<we found him>

Back at our workplace, Alina's behaviour toward me became totally formal again. Full of ambition she started her research through the Norwegian files for more traces of Knut. As no-one of my comrades could read any Norwegian, she had the whole archive room for herself.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon I heard the hollow clump of Alina's boot-heels again, heralding her approach in my office. The door opened and in the entryway appeared Alina with a astute grin on her face. I watched my new girlfriend with longing desire as she confidently brushed toward my desk.

"I've discovered a paid electricity charging for the detached house of Knut's grandmother. The interesting fact is that Knut's grandmother had already died three years ago. For two years the house seemed to have been deserted as there was no consumption of electricity. But just as Knut has started to work at Erik's horse farm again, the consumption resumed. As Knut doesn't have anymore relatives living in this area, he can be the only one who consumes this electricity."

"It sounds logic." I agreed.

"As you are my line manager, I need your official permission to leave my workplace to inform Mrs. Lena Nystroem about this new conclusions."

"Okay! When are you coming back?"

"Oh! I think that I'm going to stay at Lena's horse-farm for the night."

"But... I thought we would spend this night together."

"Well, now you know better."

Enjoying my look of disappointment, Alina slowly opened my trousers and grabbed out my naked cock through the fly. With a tight pull she forced me to stagger closer to her.

"He feels quite unprotected without any underwear, doesn't he?" she whispered in a wicked tone, leaning close to my ear.

While stroking my dick tenderly with her thumb, Alina asked me with a gleam of joy in her eyes: "So how do you like the idea that I am the only one who shares the new secret of your missing underwear with you?"

"It makes me feel even more bound to you." I truthfully answered and shivered in arousal.

"You're horny again, aren't you?"

I nodded.

"Too bad!" she replied with an evil laugh "I'm not in the mood to let you do anything about it. Instead I want you to promise me, not to masturbate while you are alone in your bed and think of me."

"Please! Don't be so cruel to me!"

"But I enjoy to live out the bitchy side of me. And I fear for you that the development of this part of me is just beginning."

I swallowed hard, but Alina wasn't waiting for an answer anymore. Absorbed in her own thoughts she said: "I never thought that one day I would got a boss that I have so much at his balls. But after all, it seems that I'm strongly affecting your hormone levels." With that Alina just released her hand from my throbbing cock.

"...and as the hormones control your behaviour, it seems only consequent to let me fully control the time of your next relief. So don't forget to stay chaste for me tonight." she smiled before she turned and left the room.

<coming home alone>

When I arrived back home I became a little depressed as my apartment was empty again. And after this morning even my room-mate wouldn't want to spend the evening with me anymore. I felt disappointed that Alina had preferred to spend her night with Lena instead with me. So I came to the conclusion that I had to make myself useful to her if I wanted to raise my chances that she would keep me around. I would have to even more try my best to please Alina in the next days. For now all I could do to feel a little closer to her was taking her amulet in my hands.

Suddenly I noticed that my diary was gone. Instead it was replaced by Alina's panties. Just before she went to Lena's horse-farm she must have entered this room with the key I had given her in the night before. At first I was getting angry, but then I considered that it was a lot better to have Alina in control of my private life than not having her in my private life at all. I started to image how she might had browsed through all my stuff just a few hours ago. Furthermore she must have been going to the horse-farm without any panties. And maybe she was just reading my most private feelings that I had written into my diary. All this thoughts confused me, but the more I thought about them the more I became excited.

Soon I found myself consumed with an overwhelming urge to touch myself, but I forced myself to restrict the desire for relief as my new personal goddess had asked me to do so. Instead I climbed into my bed and tried hard to get some sleep.

<16/08/1940 ( Wednesday ) - the plan is settled >

When Alina came into my office on the next day, I was greeted by a slow lingering kiss on the lips. As I looked at her in surprise, she started to explain her new found sweetness: "I just wanted to say thank you for writing such a detailed diary for me!".

What could I say to such lovely cheekiness?

"Have you masturbated last night?" she whispered into my ear.

"No." I replied proudly.

"Great! I want you to keep holding on until next Monday!"

"What? Please tell me that you're not serious." I begged her in despair, feeling myself squirm inside.

"But I am! Please do it for me!" Her loving eyes just melted my heart. "It will strengthen my faith in the earnestness of your love." she added innocently.

"I'll try then."

She smiled slightly before speaking: "I know that you will! - By the way: Lena was really happy to hear that we have probably found the place where Knut is hiding. We'll ambush him tomorrow at dawn before he gets any chance to leave his house. As the German administration hasn't given its legitimation to use physical force to the Kvinnehird-organization yet, we still need the regular attendance of a German officer for this attack. Therefore Lena expects you to meet her at six o'clock in the morning at her horse-farm."

"But since the start of the partisan activities in this area, our commander doesn't allow us to go out on a mission alone."

"Oh, come on. As my boyfriend you should try not to be such a wimp!" she encouraged, smiling that beguiling, teasing smile of hers.

"Seriously - if I violate a direct order of my commander, they might send me into a punishment battalion, where I will disarm mine-fields for the rest of this war."

"If you really love me as much as you have claimed, you will find a solution just to avoid disappointing me, won't you?"

I drew in a deep breath. "I'll find a way to come then."

"That's the eagerness, I want to see from you!"

Just 15 minutes later I was filling out the official application form to request the production of a war report about the new Norwegian-German-cooperation in our victorious fight against Bolshevik partisans. This form would obligate my commander to assign a war correspondent to me, as the German minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels had just ordered every military unit to record the glorious sides of the German forces.

Thanks to this war correspondent I could avoid to go out with one of my viperous comrades (like lance corporal Goetz Goebel) without breaking the official directive that allowed no soldier to operate alone. Sometimes the best way to beat the perfect German system of orders and formalities was to take advantage of this system. I was really proud of my cleverness.

<17/08/1940 ( Thursday) - Knut-hunting >

<preparation at Lena's horse-farm>

The war correspondent that I got was a boy named Hans Meyer, who just got old enough to join the army. He was rather tall and thin and with his blond hair across his forehead he really fulfilled the pattern of a 'German geek'. Although he claimed that he had already wrote articles for his local newspaper in Germany, it was obvious that Hans was still totally wet behind the ears. But what he lacked in experience he made up for in ambition. During our ride to Lena's horse-farm he assailed me with questions and even told me that he wants to become a newspaper publisher someday.


I was surprised when I knocked on Lena's door and was greeted by another young man.

"Good morning. My mistress Lena Nystroem is expecting you. Please follow me."

I was even more surprised to hear this man referring to Lena as his mistress. Hans and I were led through several rooms until we finally arrived at a courtly furnished reading room in the back of the house. Lena was just sitting behind a big desk and maintained a shotgun. I shivered as I suddenly heard the sound of a shell sliding into the chamber of her gun.

Lena looked up and a radiant smile filled her face as she saw me standing at the door.

"Good morning, my shy German soldier. It's nice to see you again."

"Thank you for your welcome. May I introduce you to war correspondent Hans Meyer?"

"It's nice to meet you, Hans."

"It... ah… it's nice to meet too, Mrs. Nystroem" Hans managed to reply, visibly awed by Lena's beauty. Lena was looking fabulous indeed. This time she wore a white shirt, a wool riding jacket with the Kvinnehird brassard, blue colored breeches and black field boots. Her blond hair was tied back in a ponytail.

She eyed Hans curiously. "So do you already know, what's the reason for this early gathering, Hans?"

"It's... about ... tracking down Bolshevik partisans?" he answered, unsure what to say.

"That's a nice way to express it." Lena laughed.  "I prefer to call it 'a fancy hunting' - with the additional motivation that the prey would be a human traitor!" Lena added in an amused mood and turned to the young man, who had opened the door for us.

"That’s Niels by the way, the new stable-boy for this farm. But during his introduction period I also train him as a butler." Lena said in a merciful tone.

"Go now and fetch Alina Valaas, Niels."

"Yes Madam!" the young man replied and left the room in a hurry.

Lena turned her attention back to Hans: "I hope that you know how to ride a horse then?"

Hans looked at her in surprise, but managed to nod at her question after all.

"You look like a little boy to me. Are you sure you know how to do it?" Lena teased him. I was shocked to witness how merciless Lena could become and felt really sorry for Hans as it was finally me that had brought him into this pitiful situation.

"I ... know ... how to trot." he stammered.

"Alright, then you can at least 'trot' behind us to carry our equipment." she laughed at him. Why must she be so mean to my comrade? A inner voice of cowardice told me, not to intervene as I had given my promise to accept Lena's guidance in our relationship. But so far I hadn't thought that this promise might also force me to sacrifice the dignity of my fellow men.

Just then Alina appeared in the room, dressed in slippers and a red silk robe.

"Hi sweet-heart!" she greeted me.

"Hello Alina." I replied in a formal voice, trying to regain at least some of my sovereignty, that I had just lost in front of my new war-correspondent .

She looked at me surprised for a moment before her eyes discovered Hans. "Who is that?" she asked me cheekily.

"That is Hans Meyer -a war correspondent who will join us today to report about our common efforts against partisan resistance." - "Hans, this is Alina Valaas. She is a reputable member of the local leader of the Kvinnehird regiment." I officially introduced them to each other, but Alina just grinned at my struggles to act formal.

"Okay - I think, it's time for us to prepare our departure." Lena soon interrupted. "Alina - you should get into your new uniform now!"


Alina nodded at Lena's pressure and started to walk out. But before she had finally left the room, she turned back to me and asked with a twinkle in her eye: "You might want to join me so that we can further discuss the tactical questions that we had talked about last time."

I wasn't sure what kind of game Alina was playing here as we had never talked about any 'tactical questions'. But I guessed that she just wanted to see me in private. So I just ordered Hans to interview Lena for his report and followed Alina up to her personal room on the first floor of the house. Although I felt a little uneasy that I was leaving Hans alone with Lena, my thoughts were cheered up by the prospect to be around Alina again.

As we had arrived inside her room, Alina faced me and asked "I had wondered, if you would like to help me getting into my brand new Kvinnehird uniform. I just had received it from Lena yesterday!"

Of course I wanted! By the sight of my eagerness, Alina slowly unbelted her silken robe, pushed the cool silk off her shoulders and let the robe just drop on the floor, giving me a magnificent view of her luscious breasts. Except of her panties and her slippers she was fully naked. For the first time I could adore the whole glory of her blossoming body. I stared at her as if spellbound.

"Don't just stand there, stupid. Pull up the robe and put it into my wardrobe. Then you can come back and assist me getting dressed."

My cock hardened fully at the touch of the expensive and delicate fabric of the robe. Carefully not to crease or wrinkle it I lifted the robe and stepped to the wardrobe. As I opened it, I got rooted to the spot by the affluence of noble blouses, smooth panties, leathery belts, sleek satin gloves and gorgeous skirts it contented.

"I thought, you had to relinquish all your belongings as your fled from Finland." I asked in surprise.

"Sometimes I got out on a shopping spree with Lena. And she quickly gets into quite a generous mood when we discover some adorable fashion for us." Alina explained.

After I took a second gaze into her wardrobe, Alina reproved me impatiently: "So are you serving me now, or what?" She really looked annoyed with her hands poised on her naked hips and one foot tapping on the floor. Appalled by Alina's sudden anger, I hurried to put the robe on a hanger and quickly rushed back towards her.

My assistance consisted mostly in temporarily holding the individual parts of the new regimentals for her. Soon I was standing in front of a neatly uniformed woman, starring at herself in the mirror of the wardrobe doors. Snatching a riding crop from her King-sized bed, she asked me happily: "Do you think that I look appropriate for the hunt now, my lover?".

What should I say? The way that her dark blue trousers were stretched across her exquisitely formed bottom was breath-taking. Her wondrous breasts were seductively concealed by a matching dark blue blouse, combined with a black leather belt and a silver-shining buckle. On Alina's left arm shone the emblem of the Kvinnehird on a black brassard, while her left hand gripped the jet-black handle of the riding crop.

"In this uniform you look absolute powerful! ...and yet so appealing feminine. You indeed look like a modern daughter of a divine Valkyrie to me!" I reverently praised her beauty.

Alina nodded in gracious approval of my comment and spent another moment to watch herself in the mirror. Then she balanced the crop in her hands, feeling its weight,

admiring the smooth leather binding. Her left hand gripped the handle again and swung the crop to enjoy my shivering reaction.

"So let's go on with the boots then!" she hurried me, while she impatiently tapped with the tip of the riding crop against her long legs.

The boots had been standing hidden behind the door. As I reached down to pick them up, I was poked by Alina's lightly, but still commanding voice: "You better be careful. These boots are made of the most expensive leather!" Beside being expensive, the knee-high boots were really heavy! The heels and soles rested upon a solid platform and the round toecaps seemed to have been reinforced with steel. When I had returned to Alina, I kneeled down at her feet and hold open the stiff, solid black leather of the first boot. Her foot elegantly entered the boot. I closed my eyes and saw a mental image how Alina imperiously kicks the hell out of Knut while he throngs under the heavy soles of this lethal boots. Or was it myself that I was picturing instead of Knut? But before I could finish my daydream, I forced myself back into the reality world. After all I still had to fasten the boot by a long strap which circled the leg at it's front from the knee to the ankle. To see how the boot slowly sheathed Alina's shapely leg, nearly overpowered my mind. I couldn't resist to ran my fingers across the soft and smooth surface of the boot and across it's shining silver buckle.

"Does my new boyfriend like to see his beloved in this kind of boots?" Alina mocked me from above. I just dumbly nodded.

"Then kiss it." Alina ordered, shaking her booted foot slightly.

I puckered my lips and bent forward to offer their soft worship. On my lips I could feel her toes moving just beneath the boot's surface. My level of desire was on its peek.

In deep adoration I announced "I love you!" and once more I was hoping that Alina would finally reply a similar confession of love to me. But as I looked up at her, I just saw her raised eyebrows that mocked pity with me. Slowly the look of pity turned into the look of mischievous amusement. "At least you have a good taste!" she concluded her thoughts. I was aggrieved that I hadn't received a declaration of love from her yet. But maybe I would just have to wait a little longer!?!?

"So we are done now - let's go back down to Lena! I can't wait to start the hunt!" Alina cheered and stalked regally out of the room, leaving me behind on the floor. After a short moment of bafflement, I got up again and followed Alina down to the ground floor.


On my way to the reading room I found Hans apathetically standing in the kitchen and staring at nothing. His face was as pale as clay. "Hey! What's up?" I asked him, but only his lips moved, and no sound came out. What had happened to him?

Suddenly I discovered a red pressure mark on his left cheek. Lena hadn't beaten him with her crop, had she? I became enraged by her awful behaviour toward my comrade. Appalled by Hans' condition, I decided that enough was enough and that I would take Lena to task this time.

I ran into the reading room and shouted at her right away: "What happened with Hans?"

But Lena kept unimpressed. Utterly calm she folded her arms over her breasts and sighed: "It's your comrade - so how should I know?"

"Have you seen him recently? Someone had just scared the hell out of him. And then there still is this red pressure mark of an riding crop on his cheek!".

"We only had a little discussion. He told me that he would just accept orders from regular members of the German army, but not from me. I couldn't let him continue to undermine my absolute authority in this mission, could I? But after I had demonstrated him the effectiveness of my riding crop, he even dared to threat me that he would complain about me. Therefore I informed him about the increased likelihood of a perilous accident in such a case. At first he didn't took my warning serious, but after I informed him that you would back me up, he became a little pale and silent."

As I looked into the clear, blue eyes of Lena, all my indignation drained away.

"But he's nearly just a boy!"

"Isn't he sweet, Lena?" Alina's voice suddenly cracked from behind. Puzzled that she had eavesdropped on our conversation I turned to her.

"This German is so soft-hearted. That's why I fancy him so much!" she commented, making my objection feel so inadequate.

My face blushed from embarrassment.

"Alina... please..." I tried to stop her undermining my argumentation. But Alina had already moved closer and silenced me with a kiss on the lips. At first I was startled and pulled myself back, but then I just had kissed her back. I even let her tongue protrude into my mouth.

Finally she smirked and put one hand under my chin, keep my eyes looking into hers. "Stop arguing with Lena, darling!" she cooed. "As she is the horse-trainer her, she is the one with the most experience in breaking wild fillies like Hans. Therefore you should leave the handling of disciplinary actions against Hans to her. Just do as she tells you and everything will be fine."

The way she spoke didn't allow any objections, so I mumbled words of agreement. Lena shortly smirked at the sight of my caving in towards Alina, before she hurried us : "So let's mount the horses!"


Five minutes later we were standing in front of four horse that Alina's new stable-boy Niels had already saddled for us. Hans first approach to mount his horse failed as he lost his balance after he put his left foot in the stirrup. Lena and Alina just shook their heads, but the grin on their faces showed me that they inwardly enjoyed to watch the clumsiness of Hans.

"Let me help you up" I offered my hand to Hans. He thankfully nodded at me and put his foot in my hands and successfully swung his other leg over the horses back.

I became afraid that mounting my horse would also not become as easy as I had thought. And my approach to mount wasn't much more elegant indeed: after I finally managed to get myself on the back of the horse, I hugged its neck, afraid of falling off.

Again Lena and Alina watched with glee, leaving me feel like a dumbfounded fool. But as my horse seemed to remain calm, I dared to slowly move my hands to the reins and sat up.

Patting the horses neck, Alina told me: "Now nudge his side to get him trotting. Then you have to lead him with the reins to where you wish to go to."

Thankfully for Alina's help, I lightly kicked the horse's sides. It wobbled a little when the horse started moving, but I managed to stay on. Pulling gently on one side of the reins, the horse even turned into the right direction! I smiled at my success!

In the meantime Lena and Alina had mounted their horses as well. Alina sat astride a magnificent chestnut stallion, while the racehorse beneath Lena was shining in black.

I remembered how Lena had told me about her new thoroughbred stallion named 'Valraven'. In comparison to the horse I was riding, her stallion looked indeed much more powerful. But all its power was effectively restrained by Lena's firm grip on its reins. Skillfully she leaded her 'Valraven' to our direction, where she revealed us her plan: "Okay - listen! The tactic to chase our two legged prey is quite easy: You will approaching Knut's house from the west. This way, Knut will take the rear exit at the east side of the house and run directly into the little wood where his only way of escape is pressed into a narrow valley. That will be the perfect place for Alina and me to ambush him. Your task is to keep Knut on his track into the wood and cut off the possible ways of retreat. Any questions?"

"Why don't we just surround his house and arrest him while he's still inside?" Hans quietly asked.

"You are really the funniest war-correspondent, I've ever meet! Firstly because his attempt to flee will already prove his guilt and secondly chasing him means much more fun for us!" Lena answered.

<hunting a traitor>

A few minutes later Lena and Alina had left us to prepare the ambush, while Hans and I trotted to the location of Knut's house. Hans whole vitality seemed to be vanished since his encounter with Lena. Instead he kept just silently observing his surroundings. Of course I became a little anxious myself by the idea that we were just on a hunt after a real human. But after all we still had to ride around eight kilometers and so I tried to enjoy our little journey over the green meadows of Norway in the meantime.

Lena's prognosis proofed to be correct: when we knocked at Knut's front door, nobody opened. Instead we heard some noise coming from the other side of the house. The hunt hat began!

<to be continued>

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