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My Weekend with George and Alice

Part 1

I took a deep breath and reached for the doorbell. I could hardly believe I was really going to go through with this. And I was still pretty sure that they would back out at the last minute. But what the hell, I pushed the button.

Let me give you a brief overview of how I got to this point. Not long ago my live-in girlfriend of about five years had run off with a mutual friend. Some friend! And since then I hadn't met a woman I was even interested in enough to get to know well. I was stuck in a dead end job, in a city that 'we' had moved to recently for her career; so I didn't even know many people. Basically I was mad at the world and wallowing in enough self-pity that I just didn't give a shit. I was also horny. Sex with her had been great and regular, and I wasn't used to going without.

I'd started cruising the net. I went to various forums and chat rooms that had a variety of themes, but were always sex oriented. That's where I met Alice. We were in private chat and I'm still not sure how, but she ended up telling me about her sexual frustrations with her husband. As I said I was in a foul mood lately; so somehow I found myself getting a vicarious thrill out of this her poor husband's problems. At the end of that first chat I found out when she was usually online and told her I'd look for her again.

I did so, and we chatted several more times. Each involved her giving me more and more intimate details. The short version is that her husband was really pretty much of a wimp. She ran their lives, especially when it came to sex. And he actually seemed to enjoy being subservient. Like many men who are powerful in their daily lives (I gathered he was very successful in business) he was happy to have her run their private life together.

Finally after several chats she told me that they both had a fantasy of her getting fucked by another man while he watched. Frankly, I could never imagine wanting something like that and I told her so. I thought he must really be an incredible wimp if he was serious. Then, as an afterthought, I added that I wouldn't mind being the guy who did her though. To my amazement she asked if I was serious.

My mind ran a million miles an hour. I could sense that she was serious and felt I'd better be sure what I really did think before I answered. I thought so long she finally asked if I was still there. I told her I'd been thinking, but yes I would be interested. I quickly followed up with a rather lame comment that there were probably a hundred reasons why it wouldn't work however. Nevertheless, she was quickly warming to the idea. We chatted a bit longer and then made a date to meet online again.

By the next time it was clear she really was interested in pursuing the cuckolding of her husband right before his eyes, with me as the instrument of his suffering. I must admit I was getting rather turned on by the idea myself. We talked at length about the idea over several more chats; about what we were each like, how we looked, ages, backgrounds and finally I knew she was totally serious when she asked where I was located. Funny, neither of us had ever even thought about that part, but the Internet does that to you.

Hot damn! It turned out they lived about a two-hour drive from me. This was starting to get real! At the end of that chat we had tentatively agreed to proceed. Alice and I promised to email each other pictures of ourselves, and to exchange phone numbers. The next step was to be by phone. We were getting close to fish or cut bait time. The last thing she asked for on that final chat was that I also email her a picture of my fully erect cock and balls next to a ruler so that she could be sure I'd told the truth.

Several chats earlier she had asked about my size. She bluntly told me it was an important factor in whether or not she would actually go through with this. I'd been completely honest and told her I was very average, maybe a bit more than average, but not much. She actually had me measure my hard cock and give her the measurements. It wasn't difficult to do, because I'd become so enthusiastic about this that I was rock hard all the time when we chatted. The fact that I'd had no sex for quite some time contributed too.

Believe it or not, I'd never actually done this before. It turned out that measured on the top from pubis to peehole, I was just shy of seven inches and the circumference just below the glans was four and a half. I thought that was pretty normal (and I'm positive it is) but she assured me that, compared to her husband, I was a monster. I could hardly believe that.

To summarize about the three of us, I had described myself (honestly as I saw it) as reasonable looking, though I don't think of myself as really handsome. 32 years old, six foot, 190, light brown hair, hazel eyes. Physically, in good shape. That's it. She had described herself as 43, pretty her word, 5'6', 130, nice figure, light brown hair and dark brown eyes. That sounded like a nice package to me. She described George as 47, barely taller than her at 5'8", small frame and slightly overweight and out of shape at 175. She didn't describe him further and I really didn't care what he looked like. She told me that they were quite wealthy and a well-known couple in their community.

We exchanged the pictures as agreed and that was my first shock. She'd sent a close-up of her face and a full body shot in a swimsuit, a one piece interestingly. She was quite pretty and while no model, had a very nice figure. She had been very accurate in her description, but that wasn't the real shock. She could have been my recent ex's 10 year older sister, she looked that much like her. Somehow that made it all the better, but gave me a slightly new slant on this whole scene.

We'd had one phone conversation and covered most of the ground rules. My hands were shaking a bit and my palms sweaty as I dialed her number for what was going to be the final phone call, one way or the other. Part of me hoped it would fall through, but I was extremely turned on and ready to go for it if she was still game. She answered the phone and I started the conversation with the bottom line, "Well, is it yes or no?"

A pause and then what was obviously a very nervous, "Yes." Nothing else.

"You've told George and he has agreed?"

Another one word response, "Yes" again.

I was getting bolder. "Tell me exactly what he knows and expects, in detail."

She was clearly still very nervous, but was getting slightly more confident. "As we agreed, I told him only the very basics. That I met you on the Internet, that we've talked by phone, and that you will be coming over some Saturday afternoon soon. You and I will have sex and he will watch while tied to a chair. That's all he knows or is going to know until it happens. He doesn't know how long you will stay or anything else. He knows nothing about you. I'm not even going to tell him when, until the day before."

"Okay, I've thought long and hard and I'm willing to do this, but now I have some rules that you must agree to or the deal is off." She'd wanted to just tie her husband to the chair and then tell me what to do while berating him and making him watch her have sex with me. I had a slightly different idea. I think it was because she looked so much like my ex.

"Your goal is to berate and mortify your husband, right?"

"Yes," she said with a wary tone.

"Okay, then you will be my slut for the rest of the weekend once I arrive. You will agree to do anything, and I mean anything sexual that I tell you. I won't injure you, but that's the only condition I have. You will have to tolerate a little pain, nothing severe I promise, but some. Spanking, nipple clamps, dildos, butt plugs are all fair game. Okay?" My heart was pounding and my cock throbbing. I didn't know for sure if I'd gone too far, but if she agreed I knew I was going to have the time of my life and she would certainly get what she wanted for her husband, in spades!

There was a very long silence, but I knew if I spoke it would be over. Finally, "It would be the perfect humiliation for him, but I'm really not into pain. Would you at least promise nothing worse than a spanking and easy on the nipple clamps? I've never done that before."

I had her! "Does the idea excite you?" I was sensing she was ready for a man to take charge and have his way with her after all these years with that wimp.

"Kind of, I have to admit, but I'm very nervous about it at the same time." BINGO!

"I'll take it easy, I promise. So do we have a deal?" I asked, knowing what she would say.

"When?" was her only reply.

We set the date for two weeks later. And that's how I got here.

"Bing, bong," I heard from inside the door.

It was only seconds before she answered the door. Evidently waiting, excited for the adventure to begin. Her pictures hadn't fully done her justice. She was a very attractive woman, especially for her mid forties. She smoothly came to me, I set down my bag that contained some "items" I would need later and she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We held each other at arm's length and looked each other up and down. We were both smiling with pleasure.

I looked up and saw what had to be George.

He was even mousier looking than I had imagined.

He stood erect and moved to introduce himself. "Hello, I'm..."

"Georgie, I'm sure," I cut him off. I looked at his outstretched hand and made no move to take it. I looked up to his eyes and back to his hand. He lowered it. I looked back at his face with my most evil grin. The air went out of him and he slumped, well on his way to defeat already.

"Georgie, just let me be sure we understand each other. Your beautiful wife has invited me here to fuck her while you watch. She needs satisfaction from a real man and you can't give it to her. So you have agreed to let me have my way with her and you're going to just sit and watch. Do I have that right?"

He was silent. Alice still hadn't spoken a word. "George, answer the man!" The way she emphasized the word 'man' caused George to shrink a little more.

Scarlet with embarrassment already her husband finally squeaked, "Yes, that's right."

Just to rub it in and take full control of the situation I said, "So let me be sure, you actually want me to fuck your wife while you watch?"

This time he didn't wait for Alice to yell at him. "Yes," he said even softer than before.

I was surprised at myself. I was getting marvelously turned on and the feeling of power was positively narcotic.

I turned to Alice and put my arm around her, she put hers behind my back and I slid my hand down and cupped her nice round ass. "Where to?" I smirked.

She led me toward the back of the house; George scuffed along behind as she said, "This way. Come along George, let's get started."

We reached what was obviously the master bedroom. It was large. There was a four poster oversized king bed that dominated the room. There was also a strait-backed chair sitting next to the bed. Obviously not its normal position.

"Okay everyone, last chance." I looked straight into George's eyes, "You sure you want to go through with this Georgie?"

He looked miserable, so much so that I almost felt sorry for him, almost. But he responded right away, though quietly, "Yes, I'm sure."

I turned to Alice and looked right into her pretty face and asked the same thing.

She enthusiastically replied, "Oh yes! I'm sure." And then she turned and smiled at her husband.

I continued, still looking at Alice. "Exactly as we agreed?"

George's face developed a puzzled look, but he said nothing.

This time she hesitated for a minute, but took a deep breath and then, "Yes, exactly as we agreed."

Alice continued, "All right then, let's get started. George, get undressed."

While George was disrobing, Alice started to tell me more about their life. "This is probably going to be really hard on George, he hasn't had his dick in my pussy for months. In fact it's been a few weeks since I last even let him cum. I just love teasing his little pee pee and making it ache to cum, and then denying him. You see, most nights I make him lick me to an orgasm or two and either before or after, or sometimes both, I tease his little penis until it just about squirts, but not quite. His dick is just too small to make me cum, so I almost never bother letting him put it in me.

"You see, George really likes to please me, it's because I can be, and am, such a terrible bitch if I don't get my own way. Can't I George?"

George realized no answer was necessary. I was starting to understand this whole situation better.

"That's why George is going along with this. He will do almost anything I ask. Besides I promised him I'd consider letting him cum when this is all over. Usually I don't even consider it!" she laughed. She had a wonderful laugh.

By now George was totally naked and, much to my surprise, fully erect. Well, if you could call George's hard-on 'fully' anything. He had one of the smallest penises I'd ever seen. I couldn't help but chuckle, "You weren't kidding about his dick, it really is tiny! That definitely doesn't qualify as a cock, just a dick, maybe even only a dickie!"

George seemed to deflate once again. However miserable he may have been, he was clearly being turned on by the whole situation. Something I most definitely did not understand.

"Sit in the chair George. I've told our friend that he is not allowed to touch you once you are tied up, but I did ask him to do that part since I'm not very good with ropes."

George sat, and in minutes I had him very securely attached to the chair. Arms behind his back, knees spread so Alice could have good access to his cock and balls, waist held back against the chair. He was comfortable (I didn't want anything to distract him from observing closely) but very immobile. He was going to be there a good, long time.

"Alice, are you going to give him a little tease just to get this started?"

"Oh yes!" she said as she went over and kneeled in front of George's chair and started to stroke his dickie. She had him pulling against the ropes in no time.

"There, that should make him enjoy watching all the more," she said as she stopped.

"Oh, please don't stop!" George whined.

"Since he asked so nice, why don't you push him just a little closer?" I egged Alice on.

"Well, my aren't you nice to him, okay," and with that she went back and stroked him some more, going slower and slower as he moaned. Finally when I could see his little dick start to twitch she stopped again. "There, that ought to make him think twice about asking for more next time," and indeed George just groaned, but didn't say a word.

I dropped the bombshell. "Georgie, you probably think I'm going to fuck your wife while you watch, and then leave. Wrongo! Alice is really a bit of a slut you know. What's caused your problems is the fact you're so nice to her. She really wants a man to take charge and make her stop her bitchy ways. And that is exactly what I'm going to do, for the whole weekend!"

George's eyes went wide. "What! Alice, this isn't what we agreed at all!" It was the first sign of manhood he had displayed. Too late of course.

Alice smiled rather wickedly, "George, we didn't AGREE to anything. I told you what was going to happen. I just didn't tell you the whole story. Now sit quietly unless we ask you something or you will ruin any chance you have of cumming, before we even start."

George was evidently quite desperate to cum already because he instantly shut up.

"I may as well tell you the whole story George. You are going to see your wife used any way I feel like. And with this sexpot, I'm going to feel like using her a lot, and in many different ways." Then I went on to tell him the details of the agreement that Alice and I had made.

Finally I gave him one last thing to think about. "And Georgie, Alice has agreed to endure a bit of pain for me, I really have a bit of a sadistic streak. But she did tell me she really isn't into pain much, she's just doing it so I'll fuck her good and hard. As I said, I think we'll find she really is quite a slut. Anyway, I'm going to give you the opportunity to convince me not to do some of the things I have planned. I won't, and I won't ask or tell Alice to do anything to you that you don't ask for, but I'm sure the more successful you are at helping Alice avoid pain, the more inclined Alice will be to let you cum at the end of this, won't you Alice?"

"Hmm, that's quite a good idea. I really don't like pain. The more you can spare me George, the more I'm likely to be nice to you at the end."

"Well, enough of this talking, I want to get a better view of this package. Come here Alice

and let me take off your clothes," I said. She complied instantly.

We stood facing each other, close in front of George so he would have a clear view. I started by slowly unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her pretty lace bra. As I stepped forward to remove her blouse from her shoulders, our bodies were gently touching and I could feel the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed. Once the blouse lay on the floor, I stepped back and admired her. Perhaps it was the lust, but I found her more and more attractive as each step proceeded. Next I unsnapped the button at the waist of her slacks and zipped down the fly. I slid them over her hips feeling her soft roundness as I did so. They dropped to her ankles and she stepped out of them and her shoes in one motion. She now stood before me in nothing but a very sexy set of matching bra and panties. I glanced at George for just an instant to see if he was watching. He was mesmerized. His eyes glued to the scene. If it was painful for him, he still wasn't going to miss anything I could tell.

The bra was my favorite kind, one that fastens in the front. I undid the clasp and as I spread the cups apart I brushed the backs of my fingers over Alice's nipples. She gave a little involuntary shiver. Her breasts were more magnificent than I had realized. They were larger than I had originally thought, and as I finished removing the bra I realized how firm and full they were. They barely sagged at all even without the support. I couldn't help myself, I had to feel them. And feel them I did. As I brushed her nipples some more they began to stiffen.

"My but these are sensitive nipples. I've barely touched them and they are already becoming quite erect." I pinched them very gently and even that elicited a gentle gasp from her. "Later I imagine that pinching these harder and even biting them would get you even more turned on and feel wonderful, but right now before you are fully aroused I think they are so sensitive that if I pinched them hard it would be rather painful, wouldn't it?"

Alice looked a bit apprehensive, but the gentle fondling I continued doing must have reassured her somewhat. She simply said, "Yes, it would not be pleasant yet."

"But I feel like pinching them rather hard right now. Let me think. Alice, do you think Georgie would receive the pain to spare you from it?"

Alice began to see where I was going. "Oh yes, I'm sure he would, wouldn't you George?" she said turning to him for the first time in quite a while.

"Yes, Alice, I'd do anything to spare you the pain," he said with evident apprehension, but I'll give him credit, he didn't hesitate.

"Tell you what Georgie, this is the first opportunity for you to demonstrate what I was talking about a few minutes ago. You ask Alice real nice to squeeze your balls hard while I count to three and I won't pinch her tits, at least not for now."

George swallowed hard, but again didn't hesitate. "Alice, will you please squeeze my balls hard so he doesn't pinch your breasts?" I doubt George ever used words like tits, cunt or even pussy.

Alice had a bit of an evil grin herself as she replied, "Of course I will George, and thank you for sparing me this pain."

"Alice, if I don't see a clear sign of pain on his face the whole count, I'm going to pinch your nipples anyway, and even harder than I had in mind before, clear?"

"Very, shall I start now?"

"Yes, once you start I'll count. Don't stop until after I say three."

Alice kneeled in front of George and grabbed his balls, "Okay honey, here we go." He yelped immediately and I could tell by his face she wasn't risking her nipples, she was squeezing hard.

I counted slowly, "One......................Two.........Thr..e..e"

Only after I was completely done did Alice release his now very tender nuts. I could tell she had enjoyed the little game I'd just directed. Though I'm quite sure George hadn't. His eyes were watering and he was breathing very fast and shallow.

"You do things like that to him regularly, don't you?" I asked rhetorically.

"I must admit, it turns me on even more to give George a little tweak from time to time!" If that was her idea of a 'little tweak', then there was a bit of sadist in this bitch too. It would make me feel even less guilty about things I had planned, as if guilt was a problem anyway.

"Here, let me get rid you of those panties," and as she stood I removed her panties slowly, sliding my hands down over her hips and legs. She had a well-trimmed bush, about the same color as her head. As she stepped out of them I surprised her by putting my hand on her pussy. This bitch was already dripping. My hand was glistening with her juices.

"My God, you really are a slut," I laughed. "Georgie, she's already sopping wet. Does she get that way for you so quickly? Here look." I held my hand out and George couldn't help but see her wetness on it. I wadded up the panties so the crotch was on the top and held them to his face. "Take a deep whiff Georgie." And damned if he didn't!

"Oh God, I can't understand a man with a wife as sexy as this being such a total wuz Georgie. I'd damn sure never let this happen if she was my wife, that's for certain!"

"Well, let's move on."

"I just think those nipples are going to have to have a little punishment, they are just sticking out begging for it." And with that I went to my bag and got out a pair of nipple clamps.

"Come here my dear," I said to her and I could see the lust in her eyes as she did. She was both excited and apprehensive at once. I saw that I'd have to start pushing her buttons soon, but I had one more 'treat' in store for George first.

"These are the kind that bite a bit, but they are adjustable. I can make them bite just a little, or a lot. Are you ready?"

She swallowed and said, "If you want. I promised and I won't back out." I was impressed, but still had to crush George a bit more.

"She just like that for you George?" I snickered. Of course he didn't reply.

"So you really want to feel these on your sensitive little nipples? If so, I think I'll tighten them to the max, okay?"

Now she was more reluctant, "I really wish you wouldn't, please."

"Well, maybe Georgie will help you out again."

Her relief was clear. "Oh yes, I'm sure he will. You will won't you George?" The way she asked, she wasn't as confident as before. After all his balls still had to be pretty tender. He had no idea how much worse it would be soon if my plan worked.

But just like the dog that you kick over and over, he was nothing if not consistent, "Yes Alice, I'll help. How?"

"Well Georgie, if you ask Alice to put these on your titties, I'll let her. And since they are the only ones I have, until we take them off you I can't put them on her. Simple as that."

Again he didn't hesitate, "Alice, would you please put those nipple clamps on my titties?" George was used to following directions, that was for sure.

I showed her how they worked and pretended to set them on the tightest setting, but actually only put them at about 50%. She clamped them on George and you could tell it was a first for him. He was in significant discomfort.

"Well, that's a start, but I just can't resist these tits of yours," I said as I played with them some more. She was moaning now, as I teased her nipples to a harder and harder state. They were just begging for some pain.

After a little more attention to her tits, I went back to the bag. This time I retrieved a short chain and a one ounce fishing weight.

"What I had planned to do after putting on the clamps was hang this weight from them and swing it. It tends to pull on the nipples rather strongly and, uh, 'enhance' the experience. So unless Georgie wants this too, I think we'll remove the clamps from him now and I can proceed."

I'll be damned, but George didn't even wait to be told this time. "Please let Alice put the chain and weight on me. I don't want her to have to wear these."

I wanted to see just how far George was really willing to go. I adjusted the length of the chain the way I wanted it and slid it through the weight. I directed Alice how to attach it to the clamps and had her hold the weight in her palm in front of George's face.

"Georgie, the way this works is when the weight is on the chain it pulls on the nipples pretty hard, but if it is dropped or bounces it really pulls on them. Since you can't move the only way for you to experience that, instead of Alice, is for Alice to drop the weight. When it reaches bottom, believe me you'll know!"

"So what will it be Georgie, do you want Alice to drop the weight or shall I have her just take the clamps off you and I'll put them on her? Before you decide there are two more factors to consider. I was only kidding about putting them on the tightest setting, that's only half, but if I put them on her now I WILL put them on full tight. You can imagine what that would feel like right Georgie? Also, the weight would make Alice's nipples pretty miserable. And second, I'm afraid I've done a really mean thing. You see if I adjusted the chain just right, and I'm pretty sure I did, when Alice drops it, not only is it going to pull on your titties real hard, it's going to swing square into your teeny, tiny, testes! I know an ounce doesn't sound like a lot, but it will feel like a pound, trust me." I laughed at my own little joke.

"In the shape your nuts are already in, I think that is REALLY going to hurt!"

George visibly paled. Alice looked a bit concerned for the first time too. It was time, I'd decided, for her to realize she'd made a bigger step than she had probably intended.

But she was still game and she didn't like the sound of what her tits would go through if George didn't agree. So damn his problem, she nearly begged, "Please George, ask me to drop the weight. I really don't want to feel those clamps on their tightest, please!"

George wasn't nearly as quick this time. Quite some time went by, but finally George managed to say, "Alice, please drop the weight."

The moment he did you could see his entire body go tense, and damn that selfish bitch, she didn't hesitate a second. The instant the words were out of his mouth she let it go, as if to be sure he didn't change his mind. Right then I decided it was going to be harder on her than she thought.

George let out a short, but very loud, high pitched scream when the lead made contact with his poor balls. His eyes rolled back in his head momentarily, and I really thought he was going to faint. I could see, almost feel, the dull ache that was spreading throughout his abdomen after the initial shock, that happens when you get hit a good one in the balls. I hoped he wouldn't throw up. Fortunately he didn't.

I didn't want to go on until George could fully 'appreciate' the action; so I took off my shirt, kicked off my shoes and socks and pulled Alice close to me. The feeling of her body against mine was fantastic. Here she was, completely naked and I'm standing there with nothing but my designer jeans, and briefs underneath, holding her close to me. My cock was understandably rock hard and as we kissed, she ground her mound against my straining fly.

We continued this way for quite a few minutes, kissing and me running my hands all over this luscious body. She continued to hump my cock through my jeans every chance she got.

I knew I couldn't take much more without blowing my wad. I glanced over at George. While he was a long way from recovered, he was intently watching us. His color had returned and his breathing seemed normal again. It was time to move on.

"Georgie, I want you to watch while Alice finishes undressing me. Study her face real close when she sees a real cock. How long has it been Alice, since you saw a cock? You know, I mean a real one, something other than Georgie's dickie?"

She giggled, "If you mean in real life, you know, other than a picture, it's been a long time. Since before George and I got married, almost 20 years."

"Well then you should be ready! Take off my pants."

She started to undo the fly. Once that was complete she peeled them off, leaving me standing in my briefs, with little hiding my erection. She smiled and with her fingernails, traced the outline of my cock through my underwear, sending chills up my spine. Without me saying anything further, she pulled the waistband out in front and started to expose my cock and balls by pulling down my shorts. She stopped momentarily as soon as I was fully exposed and softly gasped, "Oh my God."

She cupped my balls in one hand and wrapped her other around my shaft. Then she removed the hand holding my cock and just touched it all over with her fingertips. I nearly exploded, but she sensed that and was careful not to stimulate me too much. It was my turn to gasp.

I had one more thing to accomplish before we got really serious and I figured I'd better do it right now.

I went to my bag and got out my digital camera. I set it on the tripod and came back to Alice, who looked puzzled. "You kneel right here," I said as I positioned her between George and the camera. I went back to the camera and checked the viewfinder. I had her move slightly. It was perfect. I could see Alice from the waist up, and right over her head was George, tied to the chair, stiff as a board, and wearing nipple clamps with a chain and weight. It was a perfectly clear shot. I set the camera to take three timed shots.

I moved back to stand in front of Alice and instructed her to take my cock in her mouth and look at the camera. She seemed to hesitate. "NOW!" That did it, she did exactly as I'd said. "Look at the camera and smile everyone," I said as I did too, and brushed her hair back to give a very clear view of her face. "Now, hold my cock and put your tongue way out and hold my balls up with it." This time she didn't wait. And for the last one I bent over and had her kiss my ass while she smiled at the camera again.

I checked the pictures. They were perfect. I went to their computer on the bedroom desk, fired up the Internet, transferred the pictures and emailed them to myself. It only took a few minutes in total, during which time they both just looked at me.

"There, that was so neither one of you changes your mind before I decide this is over, especially you Alice. When this gets a lot harder on you, I don't want you getting cold feet."

She giggled nervously, "I won't back out now. You have me so excited that I have to see this through." I could tell she meant it. I just wondered if she'd change her mind as it got more difficult.

"One more toy to use, and then I have got to get my rocks off!" I told them as I headed for the bag again. I heard George groan rather loudly.

"Oh don't worry Georgie, this one is for Alice no matter what. It's time she got to have some fun too," I joked. "But you can make it easier for her if you want, with no discomfort yourself this time." And with that I held up a butt plug. A small one to be sure, but big enough.

"Alice, have you ever had anal sex?" I asked, genuinely wondering what the answer would be.

"No, never," she said, somewhat defiantly I noted.

"Ever had a butt plug in your ass before?"


"Well there is always a first time for everything. I'll look forward to taking that ass cherry, but that's for later. For now, we'll just warm you up with this little anus stretcher.

"Do you want Georgie to help you again?"

A wave of relief came over Alice's face. It was becoming very plain that her avoiding discomfort was her first priority, regardless of how much more suffering George would have to withstand. "Yes, I do. George, will you help me avoid this please?" she grinned.

George had a look on his face that indicated he was not sure how much more he was willing to take to keep his wife from enduring anything uncomfortable.

"Oh Alice, you misunderstood. Georgie can't keep you from experiencing this one. This little guy is going up your tush, but if it is lubricated it will be far less painful than if it's dry. So Georgie, do you want to suck and lick this rubber plug so it slides up Alice's ass a little easier, or should I just shove it in dry?"

The look on Alice's face was quite amusing, at least to me. She was worried about what I could sense in George, the desire to start to get even, if only vicariously. But Alice was persuasive.

"George, I promise, I will consider letting you cum really hard if you keep helping me. Please make this real wet. It would hurt a lot dry, I know." She was baiting him and all three of us knew it, but it worked nevertheless.

George didn't hesitate this time either. "Please let me suck and lick the butt plug for Alice."

"Okay Georgie, if that's what you really want. Damn, Alice, he is really good to you," I chuckled. I couldn't help it.

"I think he really needs to cum. When he gets that way a sort of desperation develops in him. He'll do ANYTHING if he thinks there is any chance it will help earn him an orgasm," she giggled. Damn, this woman was really a Bitch to her husband, but that wasn't my concern. George seemed to be a very willing recipient. As sexy as Alice was, I could see why, even though I couldn't begin to understand his willingness to put up with most of this.

Time to move on, I decided. "Okay, I'm going to count down thirty seconds. That's how long Georgie has to make this baby slippery. When I say stop, you take it out of his mouth. If you don't, I'll wipe it dry before I insert it! Once I say stop, you take just as long as you want to move to the bed, spread your legs wide and rest your head on the mattress. I want your little rosebud staring straight at Georgie. Clear? The reason you can take as long as you want, is that the longer you take the drier that plug will get. I'll wait until you tell me you're ready, and then I'll put it in right away, it's up to you." With that I handed the soft latex taper to Alice.

"Ready, GO."

Alice immediately offered it to George's mouth, in fact she was nearly fucking his face with the thing.

"Twenty-five . . . twenty . . .fifteen . . ." George was slobbering frantically on the thing, and Alice was encouraging him.

"Get it real wet honey, come on, you can do better than that. If it's not real wet it will hurt me. Lick it some more!" Alice kept up the banter for the entire time. It was evident she was really worried about what this was going to feel like up her virgin ass. I strongly considered skipping the plug and taking her anal cherry with my cock right then, but decided to stick with my original plan. There was plenty of time for that later.

"ten . . . five . . . STOP!"

Alice instantly snatched it from his mouth and hurried to the bed, handing the butt plug to me on her way. I had to give it to George, he put serious effort into doing things for her. The thing was dripping wet! She positioned herself exactly as I had instructed. "Ready!" she said. All this within seconds of me having said, "Stop."

I couldn't help tormenting her a bit. I dragged out the ordeal. "Legs a little wider."

She quickly complied. "Ready!" she said again.

"Not so fast. Head all the way down on the mattress, not on top of your hands."

Again she moved instantly. "READY!" She was exhibiting a little desperation to get this over with, and while the plug was still wet.

"Okay sweetheart, relax, here it comes," and with that I placed the tip against her asshole. I could see her tense all over. I was pretty sure that if I handled this right, she'd actually like it and eventually want me to fuck her ass, but I damn sure wasn't going to let her know that yet."Alice, if you don't relax, this is going to hurt. I don't want it to hurt, really, so take a couple of deep breaths and I'll go real slow, but you have to relax!"

She tried. She breathed about three good deep breaths and I saw some of the tension disappear. I started to slowly and gently apply pressure. She tensed again, but not as much.

"Relax." I kept pushing steadily but gently and started to rub her ass with my other hand at the same time. It seemed to work, she was relaxing a bit. It took awhile, but finally the fattest part was almost inside.

"Relax some more, deep breath." Since this was a first for her I knew that when the fat part passed her sphincter and the whole thing popped into place it would shock her. I wanted it to be as easy on her as possible; so I told her what was coming. "It's going to pop into place now, stay very relaxed." And with that I gave it a final, firm, shove.

"OOH!" she shivered, and started to get up from the bed.

I slid my hand from her nice, smooth, round ass cheek, up to her back between her shoulder blades and gently, but firmly pushed her face back to the bed. "Not just yet my pet. Hold still for a moment."

I started to speak to George as I slid my finger back and forth over the outer lips of her very wet pussy. "Oh Georgie, she is hot to trot. Does she get this way for you Georgie?"

I lightly tapped on the base of the butt plug, eliciting a couple of grunt/groans from Alice. I fingered her cunt a bit more and made a couple of brief contacts with her clit.

"Oh GOD!" came from her lips, and not nearly as quietly.

"I know you won't be able to see this very well Georgie; so I'll describe it for you," I said, as I stood close behind that gorgeous ass.

I did describe it in detail to George as my cock and Alice's cunt had first contact. I first laid my rock hard cock in the crack of her ass and worked it up and down a bit. She moaned loud enough that I didn't need to describe that to George. Then I took my cock and let the head slide back and forth between her labia, slowly, back and forth.

I could feel the flow of her juices increase, and her ass was starting to gyrate.

"Georgie, she wants me to fuck her already," I said as I let the head just barely slide inside her.

"OH YES, fuck me. Put that big hard cock deep inside my cunt. PLEASE FUCK ME!" she nearly screamed.

I could hardly believe it, this was a very horny woman who already was desperately begging me to fuck her. This was going to be better than I could have dreamed!

"Oh not just yet sweetheart, I have other plans first, but soon. Very, very soon!"I stepped away from her and slapped her hard on the ass. She jumped. "Okay, you can stand up now."

She was clearly shaky and a bit unsteady.

I glanced at George and I could only interpret his expression as one of amazement. He had evidently never seen Alice anything like this before. I still couldn't understand how a woman this sexy was hooked up with this guy.

"Alice, have you ever sucked cock?"

She suddenly seemed a bit shy, which surprised me; "yes." She paused, but then went on without any further inquiry from me, as if she knew what I would ask next. "But never George's. It was back in college, before I knew him. And only once."

I could tell it wasn't something she was interested in pursuing. This slut was happy to have her snatch licked to her heart's desire, but putting a cock in her mouth (or even a little dickie) wasn't appealing to her. We'd change that! "Did you swallow?"

She didn't stop to think, but just blurted out, "No way!"

I could tell she regretted tipping her hand so clearly just as soon as it was out, but it was too late.

"Hmmm... I see. Well, always a first time. Looks like many firsts for you before this weekend is over," I gloated.

I moved and stood sideways about a foot in front of George. "Come over here and kneel in front of me."

She knew what was coming, but did as I directed.

"My balls are aching to cum. This has me tremendously turned on. You are one very sexy bitch, my little slut. I think I need some relief for these aching nuts of mine. How about you Georgie, balls aching to cum?" I made fun of him.

"I purposely haven't cum for several days. I wanted this first load to be a real big one that I could deposit in your mouth. You want to swallow every drop of this cum that I've built up for you, right?" I teased.

She was serious, "I would rather not."

"Hmm, well we'll see. I want you to give me the best blowjob I've ever had. I want you to catch every bit of my cum in your mouth and just hold it there. Whether I make you swallow it will depend on how good a job you do. But I promise, if you spill a single drop, you'll not only swallow it all, you'll lick up anything you spill and swallow that too!"

I had been rock hard since I started undressing Alice quite some time ago. I needed to cum badly, from both the physical and the mental excitement I'd been experiencing. I was ready for Alice to begin, but I thought I'd torment George just a little more first.

"Damn, my balls are really aching to cum, how about yours Georgie?" Of course I neither expected nor received any response. "I think cumming is going to relieve my ache, would it help your ache do you think Georgie? Well, it's probably gonna be a while longer before you find that out, but I'm going to get my rocks off right now. You watch how this slut wife of yours loves to suck a real cock Georgie. Okay Alice, it is way past time!"

She didn't hesitate for a second; she held my balls gently in one hand and pointed my cock straight at her mouth with the other. She stuck her tongue out as far as she could and laid my cock right on it, and then slid forward so her tongue was stroking the underside of my shaft and her lips were sliding over the glans. Soon she had my cock head in her mouth and then started a very slow in and out motion. Slowly but surely she took more and more of the shaft in her mouth with each stroke.

I was not going to last long the way she was going. And that was okay; sometimes holding back or prolonging an orgasm is an enhancement, but not now. I was ready to cum, and quickly.

She kept taking me deeper and deeper. She was gently pulling my balls forward as she did so. God damn, this bitch was some kind of cocksucker! For a woman who claimed to have given one blowjob in her entire life and hadn't sucked a cock for years, she was an obvious natural. I decided right at that moment that I would partake of this luscious mouth again this weekend, when I could last much longer. Probably several times.

She was now taking me so deep that at maximum penetration her tongue was licking my balls. That was too much, I started to explode. I was gushing cum in that pretty mouth for all I was worth. She was still sucking and making sure neither to swallow nor spill any. It was quite a while before my cock stopped spasming cum between those lips. Finally I did stop and she let my equipment slip from both her mouth and her grasp. I was having trouble standing and it took a minute or so for me to regain my composure.

I could tell she had captured a very large load; her cheeks were puffed out as though her mouth was quite full. I looked over at George. He had a look of pure amazement on his face.

"I have to admit Alice, that may be the best blowjob I've ever had!" I said, meaning it. "Let me see the size of that load."

She had to tilt her head back to keep from spilling cum as she opened her mouth. It was every bit as full of cum as I had suspected.

"You must show Georgie the size of that load."

As she obediently turned to show him I added, "Georgie, you ever in your life put out a load like that?" Again a response wasn't expected or received.

I moved so I could see her face. "Change your mind and decide you want to swallow that?" I asked trying to sound serious. I could tell by her look that not only did she not want to swallow, she wanted to spit it out quickly. I wasn't ready to let that happen just yet.

"Well, I'd let you get rid of it, but I don't see anywhere in here to dispose of it and you can't just spit it on the floor." I was looking at George as I said this. From the look on his face I could tell he knew what I was thinking. No matter how big a wimp George was, he didn't get to be a very successful industrialist without being quick and smart. Alice hadn't quite made the conclusion he had yet.

"Georgie, got any idea where Alice could dispose of that mouthful?" BINGO, that did it. She moved directly in front of George's chair. George let out a little noise that was half whimper, half groan, but this time he didn't say anything. The look on his face had turned to revulsion.

Alice was very ready to get rid of my cum. Since she couldn't talk with that load in her mouth and George wouldn't volunteer, she did the next best thing. She picked up the weight on the nipple clamp chain and bounced it on her upturned palm right in George's face.

George turned white again. That weight slamming into his nuts must have been much worse than I thought. He instantly said, "Alice, please let me swallow that load of cum for you." He was almost frantic.

Being the selfish bitch I'd come to realize Alice really was, she instantly leaned over and while George opened wide and tilted his head back, she drooled the whole thing into his mouth.

I really thought he'd gag for sure, but he didn't. He hesitated a couple of seconds and then swallowed hard. He had his eyes screwed shut and kept them that way for quite a while.

"Damn Georgie, there is no limit to what you'll do for the woman. You know, I really think she would have slammed your nuts again if you hadn't done that, then she'd have made you do it anyway!"

George's expression said he agreed, but his mouth was silent.

"I think you should do something nice for Georgie, Alice. He's been so good to you. Why don't you remove those nipple clamps? His nipples] have to be pretty sore by now."

She slowly did as I had suggested, still not having said a word. She was obviously as unfamiliar with these toys as she said, because when George yelped loudly when she removed them, she looked puzzled.

"When they've been on that long," I explained, "the blood flow stops. Taking them off starts it again and it's nearly as painful as when they first go on. You'll probably have a chance to see what I mean before we're through. Georgie can't protect you from everything I have in mind."

I thought of something that George was going to love and hate. "Georgie, it just isn't fair that I'm enjoying the pleasures of your wife's ample talents and you are just sitting there in misery suffering. I want you to see that I'm a regular guy and we guys have to stick together, don't we?" Again no response. "Your wife has never put your cock in her mouth, yet you just had to watch her give me a killer blowjob. Wouldn't you like to feel what that's like?"

He couldn't help it, it was like offering cocaine to an addict. "Uh, well, of course I would," he said, so hopefully it was rather pitiful.

"Alice, I want you to give your husband a blowjob every bit as good as the one you just gave me"

She looked at me to see if I was serious.

"Really, get going," I added.

She started in. I said, "Georgie, how does it feel to have your wife suck you off for the first time ever, with the cum of another man still coating the inside of her mouth, huh?" I was really being cruel to George, I just couldn't stop myself. It was turning Alice on too, I could tell. For one thing as soon as I said that she started going after George even more so.

"Oh, and Alice, I have a riding crop in my bag too, and if Georgie cums, I'm going to use it to blister your nice white ass!"

The body language in each of them was startling. George looked as if he was going to go nuts now that the 'catch' was clear, and Alice got into it even more.

It was only another minute or so and Alice let George's little dick pop out of her mouth loudly. George groaned quite loudly too!

"Are you sure you couldn't get him any closer?" I asked.

With a wicked smile she leaned over and slid her mouth up and down on his shaft exactly twice, "Well, maybe just a little bit closer, but any more than that and he will cum. He has no control and cums very easily."

There was no doubt that with all the stimulation George had received, the pleasant and unpleasant physical stimulation plus watching the scene around him; his nuts had to be aching severely right now. Exactly the kind of situation that would make what I had in mind next make him ache like never before.

"Well Georgie, it's almost time for what you really want, to watch me fuck your wife. But I need to recover a bit more first and after all Alice has done for you, I'd think you'd want to give her some warm up so she's ready for a real fucking. Wouldn't you?"

I don't think either one of them knew what was coming.

"Confused? Here let me show you." With that I grabbed a couple of pillows off the bed and laid them on the floor behind George's chair. As slight as he was the next part was easy for me, I tilted the chair all the way back until the chair as well as his head rested on the pillows. He was still 'sitting' in the chair, but lying almost flat on his back with his head raised just slightly.

"Perfect, now he can get you ready for a good, hard fuck Alice."

Alice smiled, she liked this idea. I was being even more devious than it might first appear. More than the humiliation of licking his wife's pussy in preparation for another man to fuck her, if my assumption was right, I was going to completely crush what little was left of George's sex life right now.

They had both given clear evidence that they wanted me to be the instrument of his total humiliation and of her total sexual gratification. I intended to give them everything they had bargained for and quite a bit more!

"Georgie is a pretty good little cunt lapper, isn't he Alice?"

"Yes, he is actually," she replied.

"You really enjoy the way he licks you, right?"

"Yes," she said a bit warily. She was beginning to understand that there was often more than appeared on the surface with me.

"So you'd probably like it if I had you squat on his face and he warmed you up while I finish recovering, wouldn't you?"

She smiled, "Yes, I think that would probably be nice."


He was back to his totally sub role. He would regret it this time. "Alice please squat on my face and let me lick you."

She did and he started. I watched.

I've always been fortunate that I can recover rather quickly from cumming and get fully hard again, usually at least through three, on occasion four orgasms. The intensity of this night and the drought since I'd had a real sexual encounter would probably help that be four, hell maybe even more. I would of course last longer and longer each time, a trait that had always pleased my partners. I was sure Alice would be no different.

I could tell that I was close to that point of being able to get hard again.

I just watched, or studied would be more accurate, the two of them for a few minutes. I could tell the assumption I'd made was correct. Alice was obviously enjoying George's tongue, but she was not frantic and certainly nowhere near cumming yet. As long as he had been at it, and especially considering her libido's condition by now, she should have been screaming her head off in multi-orgasmic bliss. George couldn't even give head for shit, and Alice just didn't know any better.

By now it was obvious that Alice had had a very modest amount of sexual experience when she and George got married all those years ago and just had no frame of reference. George I was certain had been totally inexperienced. What she had seen in him that got her to marry him was beyond my comprehension, but that was a whole different matter.

I waited about ten minutes total. He was just getting her going to the point that she was seriously reacting.

"Okay Alice, time for the main event!"

She jumped off George as if his face had caught on fire!

"Oh yes, I AM READY!" she nearly yelled.

"Don't you want to get rid of that butt plug first?" I reminded her. I think in her lust she had nearly forgotten it was there.

"Can I?" she asked a little bit skeptical.

I decided to see how far this could go, "Only if George will help you, otherwise it stays in."

Unbelievably George jumped to it again! "Alice, let me help you remove that plug."

Alice didn't see it, "How..."

I interpreted, "Squat over his face again, and this time spread your ass cheeks as far apart as you can." Now she got it, and did as I'd suggested.

I guided her, "Lower, ... a bit toward his feet, ... THERE!"

George had his teeth around the base of the plug, however was having a hard time getting a good grip, but not for lack of trying. I had Alice lower herself a bit more. His lips were damn near up her ass and his nose was stuck in her cunt. I couldn't help laughing out loud. He finally had a solid grip and I told her to pull up slowly.

"POP!" out it came, George holding it in his teeth.

"Okay Alice, but actually you really aren't quite ready. Georgie, that was the most pitiful exhibition of pussy eating I've ever even heard of. Alice, I want you really ready. Come lie down on the bed." She damn near ran and then flew through the air to the bed.

I went over and easily righted George. "Watch this George, and pay close attention." He was still holding the damn butt plug.

What I was about to do would crush George and, I knew, change the relationship he and Alice had. Tough shit! This was what they had wanted.

I positioned her so that she was lying back with her lower legs hanging over the side of the bed. George was looking straight at her twat, at least that was the view he had for a few seconds until I knelt between her legs and grabbed her hips, put her thighs over my shoulders and slid her toward me so I could get my mouth at her cunt.

In addition to her beauty and body, Alice had something raw that made her extremely sexy. I couldn't define it, but I damn sure was turned on by it.

I touched her with the tip of my tongue, just in front of her little anal rosebud. She shivered. I laid my tongue as wide and flat as I could and dragged it up over the outer lips of her pussy, ending the stroke with a little flick of her clit with just the tip of my tongue. I did this several more times, slowly. She was moaning loudly and squirming. Her clit was getting turgid and starting to peak out of its hood. Something that evidently hadn't happened the whole while George had been at her.

She smelled wonderful and tasted divine. I'd never had a more erotic experience giving a woman oral sex before. I could see why George would do anything to keep this woman, even though he had no idea how to enjoy her or really pleasure her. They were both about to get an object lesson on that subject.

I moved on to running my tongue between her outer and inner pussy lips, from back to front, sticking my tongue as deep into the fold as I possibly could. First one side then the other, then repeating again and again.

"O H H H! GOD! O H H H!" She was getting quite vocal, something she hadn't done until now.

When I moved to running my tongue around the opening to her vagina, just rimming it continuously for a while, she started to move so much I had a hard time holding her still enough to continue.

"OH GOD! YESSS! YESS! OH PLEASSSE! O H H H! YESSSSSS!" She was unquestionably getting enormously turned on.

I finally probed as deep into her pussy as I could, sticking my tongue deep, licking the inside of her pussy walls. Fucking her with my tongue the best I could. This drove her even more wild!

After a couple of minutes of this I stopped totally and lifted my head to look at her. Her face had a dazed look. She was flushed. As I stopped her eyes flew open though and she looked straight at me, "GOD don't stop, oh PLEASE don't stop. That feels soooo DAMN good, don't stop! I've never felt anything close to this before. PLEASSSSE!"

Exactly what I thought, exactly what I wanted to hear, exactly what I wanted GEORGE to hear. I was very lightly stroking her clit back and forth with my one thumb while slowly fucking her hole with the other.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I have NO intention of stopping. I just wanted to ask you something. This is not quite the same as when Georgie does this, is it?" I smirked. I could not seem to help myself. For reasons I don't understand to this day, tormenting poor George was dramatically adding to the sexual rush I got from just using Alice's extraordinary body.

"Oh God no! Even when he makes me cum it doesn't feel as good as what you are doing already. PLEASSSE, PLEASSSE make me cum!" she said with a combination of desperation and animal lust!

"We'll see," I teased, and went back to work.

I resumed rimming her hole and alternately sticking my tongue deep inside her, sliding it in and out a few times before going back to the rimming again. She was getting very worked up. Once again I had to struggle to hold her still enough for me to continue. She was humping her cunt forcefully against my face. I could tell she was close to cumming. Her body was starting to quiver. Her moans had become incomprehensible. Her clit had swollen dramatically and her juices were flowing freely. All than even though I had almost totally ignored her clit so far. It was time to change that. It was hard and sticking, fully emerged from its protective hood. I licked up one side, then the other, then down the front, careful all the while to avoid the very sensitive tip of it as best I could, but just grazed it occasionally.

She was thrusting her hips even more. She had strong pelvic muscles and it was becoming increasingly difficult to hold her hips somewhat still so I could control the situation. I wasn't quite ready to let her cum.

Finally I started to lick her whole clit hard, including the tip. She wouldn't last much longer. When her orgasm was both inevitable and imminent, I started sucking on her clit at the same time I kept licking it. That was it.
"AAHHHGGGGGGGGGG! SSHHIITT! I'M CUMMMMINNNNGGGG! AAAHHHHHH!" she was screaming, mostly incomprehensible noises, as she came. I switched to sucking and biting gently during her orgasm. As she would spasm and scream, I would bite a little harder for a second as each wave hit her.

I didn't let up until the tension had completely left her body and she was nearly motionless. Then I went back to the flat, broad licks over the outside of her pussy, but even more gently than before. In her state, I didn't want to spoil the moment by stimulating her overly sensitive parts so as to make it unpleasant. I was pretty sure this was the most intensely satisfying orgasm she'd ever had. I wanted her focused solely on that fact. For a few more minutes I kept very gently licking her. As she came back to a more conscious level she started to respond again.

That was my signal to move on to the next step. I physically moved her around so she was lying the normal way on the bed, and then lay down next to her. I entertained the idea of saying something to George, but didn't want to interrupt the mood.

We embraced. I kissed her mouth gently, and she responded with a much more passionate kiss than the one I initiated. God! This woman could kiss. As you can well imagine, my cock had become fully hard during my time between her thighs, but it was starting to throb and drool as she kissed me.

This went on for some time. I was caressing her wonderful breasts and playing with her nipples constantly. I occasionally would place my hand between her legs and stroke her there too. She was paying a great deal of attention to my balls, as if to be sure they were fully primed again, and was sure to slide her hand up and down my shaft sporadically, but I sensed she didn't want to get me too wound up because she wanted what was obviously next to go on as long as possible. I couldn't stop thinking about how utterly sexy this woman was.

Finally I whispered in her ear, "Ready?"

"Oh yes, totally ready!" she whispered back.

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