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Review This Story || Author: Clare de Luna

Champion of the Kingdom

Part 3

[b]The Betrayer[/b] by Hypnohypno

[b]Chapter 4[/b]

When she awoke, she was back in her own tent, in the armys camp.  She was lying in her makeshift bed, which was nothing more than a pile of animal skins, the last of which was draped over her.  She could sense that her body had been washed, and her dark curls were no longer in the disheveled state that they had been in during the battle.

It was night, and Asiara could only see by the light of two candles that had been set at the foot of her bed.  She could hear sounds of subdued revelry as the surviving members of the army celebrated their victory, yet mourned the loss of so many of their comrades.  The first thought that crossed her mind was, once again, the extent of their losses far more than ever should have happened.

What would the Queen think?  Asiara shuddered to think of it.  Still, she would have no choice but to return to her Queen and inform her of what had happened.  It would be a long march, much like another march that she had once made to the Queens castle.  But Asiara decided not to think of that.

“I see youre awake.”  Asiara sat bolt upright, her hand instinctively reaching for the dagger that she always had beside her bed.  Her hand found the hilt of the blade, but relaxed when she saw who was speaking to her.  Sitting in the corner, mostly covered in the shadows that the candles in the tent cast, was Calean.  As Asiara realized who it was, she became aware that her chest was exposed, displaying her nakedness and her rock hard nipples that still felt the thrill of battle lust that had inflamed her earlier.

Still, Asiara did nothing to cover herself.  After all, Calean had already watched her writhe in orgasm, and seen her fight in the light of day with not  a wisp of clothing covering her.  And besides, if he was distracted by her naked breasts, that could be to her benefit.  Calean had always proven loyal to Asiara, but he was a magi nonetheless, and Asiara had to be careful to keep the upper hand lest he use his magic to try to control her mind or her will.

“I see that you are a voyeur,” was Asiaras response to Calean.

“I prefer to think of myself as a concerned and protective ally.  You went through quite the ordeal today.  I didnt think you should be left alone.”

“I thank you for your concern,” Asiara said sarcastically while allowing the wry smile that had disarmed so many men and women to spread across her face.

Her body was still charged with sexual energy, and she began to look at Calean as a possible way to discharge it.  He was unlike most of the men that she had taken to her bed.  They were usually warriors, tall and powerful, with thick muscles and broad shoulders.  But Calean was slight.  He was by no means short, nor was he skinny or weak.  Instead, Asiara could see that underneath her robes he was probably muscular in a wiry manner, his physique the product of casual exercise meant to help sharpen his mind rather than the result of intense physical training.

It would be a welcome change of pace, Asiara mused, though she would have to keep her guard up.

“So tell me,” Asiara purred, “what did you think of the battle today?”

“Well, you were quite the sight to behold.”

“Yes, I imagine so.  Its not every day that I get to experience having a Goddess inside me.”

“And if what I saw on the battlefield was any indication, shes left some traces of her… invasion, inside you, too.”

“Yes, indeed, I think my body is capable of things it never was before.”

“Thats impressive Ive heard some rather intense stories about what your body was capable of.”

“Im sure you have.  Do you believe all of them?”

“Im sure there were elements of truth to what Ive heard, but from what I saw on the battlefield, those stories are obsolete now.”

“I suppose.  Although I still dont know exactly what Im capable of now.”

“And how do you propose finding out?”

Asiara flung the pelt that still covered the lower half of her body off of the bed, revealing her entire naked body to the mage sitting in the corner.  “I guess well just have to learn from experience.”  Calean slipped from his chair and knelt on the bed.

“Lets start by exploring the changes to your senses.”  With that, he slid his hand slowly, sensuously up Asiaras leg, causing her to gasp.

“Well, if were going to start there then we should explore all of my senses.  Why dont you disrobe so that my eyes can have something to stimulate them as well as my skin.”

With that, Calean quickly pulled his robe off, revealing his naked body and erect member.  Asiara took in the sight before her for just a moment.  Calean looked as she had imagined he would slim, yet strong.  She was going to enjoy this.  She just had to be careful not to enjoy it too much.  She was quite certain that Calean hadnt been waiting in her tent out of genuine concern, and though she was sure that he was looking forward to whatever sexual adventures they were about to embark on, she was also quite certain that his interest in her went beyond physical gratification.  She would have to keep a look out for any signs of his spellcasting, as she knew that, if he had the opportunity to cast one of his charms, she would find it very difficult to resist.

The danger of the situation, though, only added to the appeal and as she pulled Caleans body against her own, she found herself panting quickly in anticipation of what was to come.  Her sex was already slick with her need, and neither one of them saw any purpose in delaying what they both wanted.  With a quick thrust he entered her, causing them both to moan.

Aware of the vulnerability of her position, Asiara held Caleans hips, keeping him planted firmly inside her, as she rolled over.  Now straddling him, she began to rock her hips back and forth, tipping her head back slightly in ecstasy, yet keeping a wary eye on the mage below her.

At the moment, though, she sensed no immediate danger, as Calean seemed to be as focused on pleasure as she was.  He had begun to thrust his hips upwards, spearing further into her and increasing the pleasure that both of them felt.  His hands went to her breasts, rolling the yearning, sensitive nipples between his deft fingers.  This wasnt the brutish mauling of her breasts that she was accustomed to from the many warriors she had bedded, nor was it the delicate caress of the many women she had enjoyed.  This was something strong, and yet subtle, as hands that had the dexterity to cast complicated spells now worked their magic on her flesh, drawing sensations out of her that no other hands ever had.

For just a moment, Asiara lost herself in the pleasure, but she quickly recovered.  Calean was staring up at her, but the look in his eyes was one of lust, not of betrayal.  They continued to thrust their sexes together, each reaching new peaks of sexual need, both approaching climax.

But Asiara was finding, once again, that the Goddesss lasting legacy in her body was both intense and powerful.  She was responding to Caleans attention far more than she would normally have expected to, regardless of how deft he was at drawing out her passion.  The fire that Dathaka had left inside of her was igniting and pushing Asiara towards her sexual peak much faster than she had expected.

This was the most dangerous time, Asiara realized.  If Calean planned to try to cast a spell on her, the moment of her climax would be the most likely time for him to make the attempt.  As she felt the familiar levels of arousal flowing through her, and heard her moans reaching the tell-tale pitch, she did everything she could to maintain enough focus to react if Calean tried anything.

But then, she was rocked with another surprise.  Just as she had experienced while Dathaka still inhabited her body, Asiaras capacity for pleasure was now greater than it had previously been.  She crossed the threshold that would have usually resulted in a powerful, quivering orgasm, but this time, it only resulted in a greater level of arousal.  She closed her eyes and her concentration slipped as she was overwhelmed by this surprising sensation rather than achieve release her body simply craved climax to a still greater and greater degree.  She moaned in frustration, and tried to will her body to orgasm, but instead her need simply grew.

In the meantime, there was an odd chanting in her ears, and this only seemed to fuel her passion still more.  Opening her eyes, she saw that one reason she was being so deeply affected was that she was having sex with the most beautiful man she had ever met.  She didnt know why she had never noticed it before, but Calean was simply overwhelming, and she suddenly wanted him more than anyone else she had ever seen.  He was staring at her intently, and his mouth was forming words strange words, in a language she didnt know and this only added to his allure.

Her arousal continued to grow, and she could feel Caleans member driving her sex wild with desire.  Meanwhile, the words that Calean was speaking seemed to penetrate Asiaras mind just as deeply, filling her hazy, lust saturated thoughts with passion, need, and… love.  Yes, Asiara realized, she was falling in love with Calean.  Perhaps that was why her body was achieving such epic levels of erotic need Calean was more than just another sexual partner he was the man that she had been waiting for.  She would be his, not just physically, but emotionally as well.  Tears streamed from her eyes as the pure joy of this realization spread through her, spurring on her erotic need still more even as her feelings swelled with a new sense of completeness and fulfillment.  She would love Calean.  She would give him her body and her soul.  She would obey him, and be whatever he wished.  He was more to her than her own climax.  He was more to her than her own power.  He was more to her than… her… Queen?

That thought momentarily shook Asiaras mind out of its trance her devotion to her Queen was so deep, so ingrained in her, that thoughts of another replacing her gave Asiara a moment of clarity.  Calean, for all of his beauty, and for all of Asiaras deep love for him, was casting some sort of spell on her that she had to break.  Fighting to regain her focus through her lust starved and love inspired mind, Asiara knew that soon she would give in; soon his spell would have such a strong hold on her that even her devotion to her Queen wouldnt be able to overcome it.  In her last, flashing moment of clarity, she realized that there was only one way out.

She loved Calean.  She craved Calean.  And she wanted, more than anything, to please him.  Yes, she would please him.  She would show him how much she desired him.  She began focusing her need, timing the quaking of her hips and thighs with his thrusts.  She utilized the muscles inside her to further stimulate his member, channeling all of her sexual energy; utilizing the new levels of erotic bliss that she had discovered; to please the one man that meant more to her than any other.  The brief moment of doubt that she had had was gone thoughts of her Queen had vanished all that she would take from that one hateful moment when she had believed that someone other than Calean could be important to her was that pleasing him was the only way to do her duty.

Clamping down on his member, she began lifting her hips, letting him slide partially out of her, then thrusting herself back down on him.  She repeated this, letting the friction spur her own need on, even as it had an obvious effect on him.  His chanting still filled her mind, and she reveled in it, coming closer and closer to the climax that she had been craving for quite some time.  But her climax was secondary right now she was only there to please him, and so she used all of her experience, all of her passion, and all of her love to stimulate Calean as powerfully as she could.

And then, the chanting faltered.  She heard the mysterious words dissolve as Caleans body tensed beneath her.  Looking down, she saw that he was no longer the perfect specimen of manhood that she had seen moments before he was attractive, sure, but certainly not worthy of her awe.  She heard him starting to moan deeply and, in a flash of realization, she pulled herself off of him, rolling to the other side of the bed just as his shaft erupted, spewing his seed harmlessly into the air, his voice, previously so magical and entrancing, was now nothing more than a series of panting moans.

The spell broken, Asiara acted quickly.  She reached for the dagger at her bedside and quickly brought it to Caleans throat.  Still quivering in his own orgasm, his eyes bolted open when he felt the cold steal pressed against his skin.

“Nice try, you bastard!”  Asiaras rage poured out of her with an intensity that could almost match the desire that still coursed through her veins.

“I, I… just…”

“I know what you wanted.  You wanted to turn me into your slave.  But dont even think of trying to cast a spell now.  One word of magic and Ill cut your throat.  I might do it anyway.”

“You… you cant,” Calean was still struggling to speak following the intensity of what he had just experienced, “you… you need me.”

“Your little spell is broken, you fool.”

“N, no… I mean, you need my skills.  Im the only magi you have left.  You cant afford to kill me.”

Asiara knew that he was right.  “You might be right about that.  But rest assured, if you ever try something like this again, whether you are the last mage in my army, or the last man in the realm, I will slit your throat without a second thought.  Do you understand?”

“Yes.  I understand.  Now, please, can I go.”

Asiara thought for a moment.  She knew she couldnt do anything to jeopardize her one remaining mage.  That meant she couldnt cut out his tongue or remove the appendage that she most wanted to, as either of those possibilities would ruin his voice.  She couldnt cut off his fingers, either, as those were crucial to spellcasting.  As much as she hated to admit it, she needed his abilities at least until she could return to the Queen and get reinforcements.  Withdrawing the blade from Caleans throat, she heard the young magi breathe a sigh of relief.

That sigh was short lived, however, as Asiara suddenly plunged the dagger deep into Caleans thigh, severing the muscle tissue, and causing him to scream in pain.

“I wont weaken you ability to cast spells, but a mage doesnt need to be able to run.”  As she said this, she reached for his robe and tossed it over his wounded leg.  “Dont bleed on my bed.  Wrap yourself up, and take yourself to a healer… NOW!”

Clearly filled with rage, but helpless to do anything about it, Calean crawled clumsily to his feet and half limped, half dragged himself out of Asiaras tent, groaning in pain the entire time.  When he had closed the flap to the entrance, Asiara flopped back on her bed.

Her body was still aflame with intense arousal she had never gotten to reach climax, and now her body screamed with its need for release.  Still, the anger surging through her, as well as the shame she felt at having come so close to falling for Caleans betrayal, caused her to lose the motivation to finger herself to orgasm.  Besides, that seemed anti-climactic given the heights to which her arousal had brought her.

No, she decided, what she needed was some fresh air, and a chance to collect her thoughts.  After all, she hadnt had a chance to think over the events that had occurred in the past day, nor had she had time to contemplate how to regroup her remaining forces and make her way back to the Queen.  Though her body was practically shaking with need, she decided to put off her release and go for a walk.  Pulling on a simple pair of breeches, her boots, and a loose fitting shirt, she strapped her swords to her waist and stepped out of her tent.

She could hear Calean screaming in pain a few tents away as the camps healers removed the dagger from his thigh.  Even in her intense state of frustration, that sound brought a smile to her lips.  Calean would walk with a limp for the rest of his life and he deserved far worse.  Taking a deep breath of the cool night air, Asiara walked through the camp before reaching its outer limits.

A couple of guards saluted her as she passed.  They looked at her with puzzled glances as she made her way outside of the camp.  She just laughed as concern slowly entered their expression.  She wondered what stories they had heard about the Goddess that had been inside of her.

“Dont worry, boys, Im in my right mind.  I just need some time to think, thats all.  Ill be back in a little bit.”

“Yes, Captain.”

With her heart still pounding and her sex on fire, Asiara made her way into the wilderness.  It was a dangerous place, but she had Phyxilir and Finisher, and the power and lust of a Goddess still pulsing within her.

She was ready for anything that might cross her path.

(To be continued…)

[b]Authors note:[/b] If you are enjoying Asiaras story, there is no need to keep waiting for future installments.  The entire story is available for a very low price as an eBook at and (under the pseudonym Clare de Luna), and should be available on most other major eBook sellers soon.  My other works will soon be available as well.  I hope youll check them out!

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