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Review This Story || Author: Clare de Luna

Champion of the Kingdom

Part 5

[b]The Lady[/b] by Hypnohypno

[b]Chapter 6[/b]

When Asiaras eyes fluttered open, and she found herself back in her tent, lying in her own bed, her first thought was that it had all been a dream a wonderful, satisfying, erotic dream.  But that was impossible the tingling warmth between her thighs was evidence that her climaxes had been real, and no sexy dream could have ever made her orgasm with such raw intensity.

Sitting up, she saw still more evidence that what had happened had been real.  Her shirt was draped around her shoulders, ripped clean in half in the front, and it was still wet.  Her hair, too, was still quite damp, the dark curls pressed against her skin were as disheveled as she should feel at the moment.  But somehow, despite her confusion, the warm afterglow prevented any feelings of anxiety to seep into her mind.  She just felt too good for that.

After a long, languorous stretch, she sat up in her bed and tried to make sense of how she had gotten back to the camp.  The dim light of dawn was slipping in through the bottom of the tent, so she knew that some time had passed.  Still, she had no memory of walking back to the camp.  Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, which kept straying to her last conscious memory which in turn caused her to feel wetness start to gather between her legs Asiara rose from her bed and slipped off her tattered shirt and the pants that she was somehow wearing again.  As she drew a robe around her shoulders, she saw that her swords were lying next to the bed, as were her boots.

Still quite confused, she left the tent, not concerned that her robe left so much of her body exposed.  After all, the army had seen her naked on the battle field recently, and she was quite certain that her troops respected her quite thoroughly.  Giving them a glimpse of her beauty would only help to keep them under her thumb a bit more.

As she looked around the camp, taking in the quiet bustle that accompanied the morning duties of her soldiers, she saw a young message boy run up to her.

“Partheon would like to speak with you, MLady.”

“Very well, lead me to him.”

Asiara knew what this was about.  Partheon was her second in command in military matters, and she hadnt spoken to him since the battle with the Sersiphi.  He would be anxious to go over the details of the battle and to discuss their plans going forward.

But Asiara found such topics somehow distasteful at the moment.  Normally, military strategy would get her blood boiling only slightly less than her exploits between the sheets, but today it seemed oddly unimportant.  Every time she tried to think about her responsibilities to her army, even to her Queen, she couldnt help but let the tingling in her sex bring her mind back to the lake; to the beautiful water nymph; to submitting to that nymph.

And these thoughts turned her on.

No, military matters were the furthest thing from her mind.  Right now, all she wanted to do was to find that lake again, and give herself to the nymph that lived there.  And that is exactly what she would do when night fell once again.

Before then, though, she would have to face Partheon.  Stepping into his tent, she greeted her trusted friend and advisor.

“Hello, Parth, how have you been?”

Partheon turned his balding head towards her, the grayness of his beard looking particular pale in the morning light.  “Better than you, apparently.  The watchmen told me they found you lying on the ground outside the camp early this morning in a state of… well, you know.”

“The battle yesterday was quite the ordeal, especially for me.  I needed a little… well, you know.”  Partheon grinned.  Asiara was always glad to have Partheon around.  The age difference between them helped to diffuse the sexual tension that made it hard for her to work with so many other leaders in the army.  Without that tension, they were able to banter with each other quite freely and Asiara suspected that Partheon found her frequent sexual adventures to be quite entertaining.

“I see,” was all he said, though his grin showed that he was using his imagination to fill in the details of Asiaras most recent exploits.  “Well, according to Calean, you had a pretty good bit of fun even before you left the camp to do whatever it is you did out there.  Hes been bragging that he drove you so wild that you had to stab him to keep from dying from the pleasure.”

“Is that so?  I seem to remember it slightly differently.”

“Of course.  No one in the camp would ever believe him.  I dont know why you felt the need to stab him, but Im sure it wasnt because you couldnt handle him.  If anything, Im guessing he wasnt enough for you.”

Asiara just gave Partheon the same mischievous, sensual grin that had won the hearts of so many men and women before but that, with Partheon, was simply a sign of her affection for her advisor.

“Lets get down to business, shall we?”  As much as she enjoyed Partheons company, she wanted to get this conversation over with.  She knew what he would have to say, and she knew that he wouldnt like her response.

“We need to decide what were going to do and get the army on the move, Asiara.  The Maurial army is aware that we were planning to attack, and theyre already marching.  I dont know if you still plan to engage them or not, but either way, we need to pack up and head out as soon as possible.  Im told that the men could be ready as early as mid-day today.”

“Were not going anywhere.”  Partheons mouth dropped in disbelief.  “I want to stay camped here tonight.”

“Why?  Thats madness!”

“The Maurial forces dont know where we are.  They wont have heard of the Sersiphi uprising.  If anything, theyll be expecting us to be on the road headed directly to their kingdom.  Well be safe from them here.”

“But even if they dont attack us, theyre marching north, into the Queens lands.  We either need to engage them or start recruiting more soldiers and planning where well take our stand against them.  Either way, we cant stay here.”

“Parth, have I ever led us astray?”

“Not so far, MLady.”

“I have my reasons, Parth.  We stay.”  Not wanting to hear any more protests, Asiara swept out of the tent.  He was right, she knew.  They needed to leave this place.  But Asiara couldnt help but think about what had happened last night, and what further ecstasies might await her in that glade should she return.

With these thoughts in her mind, she returned to her own tent.

Flopping down on her pallet of hides, Asiara let her mind drift.  She imagined being back at the lake, feeling those hands running over her body, leaving trails of wetness behind the water droplets snaking over her skin, adding to the erotic intrigue.  Her sex grew wet at the thought, and her own hands began to roam over her body, teasing her and filling her with an erotic tension that she knew could only be released by the nymph whom shed discovered the night before.

And so she spent the day, fantasizing about what the water spirit would do with her.  All day she teased herself, slowly building her sexual need, allowing herself to simmer in a powerful state of arousal.

By the time the sun had set and the green moon had risen, she was practically bursting with anticipation.  She didnt even bother to bring her swords this time.  Still wearing her robe, she sauntered out of her tent and made her way past the guards her withering look preventing them from questioning her as to her purpose or her attire.

Once in the wilderness, she made her way back to the small forest that she had entered the night before.  She felt as though she were in a dream as she walked through the hills, the tall grass feeling wonderful under her bare feet.  She knew that she was moving of her own free will, yet there seemed to be some pull that took her directly to her destination, without her even having to think of how to retrace her steps.

Before she knew it, she had entered the forest.  And, as she did so, a familiar and welcome sensation flowed into her ears and washed over her mind.  The singing added to the dreamlike state that Asiara already felt, taking away any need for her own thoughts and guiding her where it willed.  This time, Asiara made no effort to fight the controlling power of the song she made no attempt to hear words in its syllables, or to make sense of its rhythm or melody.  She simply obeyed.

Slowly, she walked through the forest the grass quickly being replaced with the gentle crunch of old leaves.  Before long, she had arrived at the lake, and there, ready to greet her, was the nymph, sitting in the middle of the water, resting on the surface as though it were as solid as the ground under Asiaras bare feet.

And the water spirit was singing, providing the glorious sounds that continued to coax Asiara forward.  Asiara didnt break stride she walked towards the water, peeling off her robe as she did so.  As her feet entered the water, she felt an erotic thrill dripping through her body, and as she stepped deeper and deeper into the water, she could similarly feel herself falling deeper and deeper under the spell of the lovely song that had claimed her mind.

As she waded closer and closer to the nymph in the middle of the lake, the spirit stood and started to move towards her as well.  Asiara stopped moving when she was in the water up to her waste.  The nymph was standing before her, but, since she still stood on the surface of the water, she towered over Asiaras naked body.  The warrior woman looked up at the beautiful body standing over her, taking in its lovely curves and sensual, fluid beauty.

After a long pause in which Asiara felt herself submit to this enchanting creatures power, the nymph stepped forward and draped one leg over Asiaras shoulder.  Asiara felt water sliding down her skin and dripping over her breasts.  But more importantly, she gazed at the smooth, beautiful, perfect woman before her.  Whether acting on instinct or on command Asiara didnt know, but without hesitation she leaned forward and thrust her tongue into the moist feminine folds before her.

The sound of the music continued, but it seemed to raise ever so slightly in pitch and intensity.  This new timbre of sound urged Asiara on, and she focused all of her own need for pleasure and release into her pleasuring of this wondrous nymph. 

As her tongue worked over the soft, wet skin of the nymph, Asiara struggled to breath, as water seemed to cascade over her nose and mouth.  But she didnt relent.  Gasping for air whenever she could manage, she channeled all of the erotic feelings and thoughts that had danced through her all day into the actions of her tongue, knowing that her own ecstasy would follow.

The more her tongue worked, the more intense the nymphs song became and so, too, did the intensity of her watery secretions seem to increase.  Asiara found breathing to be more and more difficult.  As water flowed around her nose and mouth, she realized that she would drown soon if this continued so, in a last ditch effort to save herself, she pushed her tired tongue to work its magic with all the fervor she could muster.

The sound in Asiaras ears seemed to settle into a long, enchanting note of pleasure as Asiara felt the nymphs body tense, and then begin to quake.  Still, Asiara didnt let up, holding her breath, she licked and sucked as furiously and desperately as her tired mouth would allow.  And then, finally, just as she was sure she could hold her breath no more, the nymph pulled back.

Asiara looked up to see the nymphs blissful face, smiling even as she continued to sing her enchanting song, and felt her own arousal grow from the knowledge that she had succeeded in her ministrations.  Pulling her leg off of Asiaras shoulder, the nymph reached down and began to stroke her lovers drenched hair, soothing Asiara with her cool, slick touch.

Then, the character of the nymphs song changed.  Though still complex and enchanting, it now became softer, more subdued.  It reminded Asiara of a lullaby, relaxing and gentle.  And, indeed, it was having the lullabys effect on her.  As the soothing sounds caressed her ears and her mind, Asiara felt tension dissolve from her body.  With the water swirling softly against her skin, she felt herself swaying slightly, and her eyes were becoming heavy.  Arousal still ebbed through her body, but now fatigue was also influencing her, and the lovely song was lulling her to sleep.

It was more than Asiara could have resisted, even if she desired to disobey the nymphs spells.  Instead, she gave in to it, letting her eyes slowly flutter closed, and feeling the lake as it seemed to creep up her body.  With a quiet, relaxed, and blissful sigh, Asiara let herself drift into sleep at the feet of the water nymph…

When she awoke, she found herself in a rather different situation.  She was lying on a sandy embankment, beneath a large tree whose low lying branches and mossy leaves dipped into the water around her, forming a kind of natural bower.  She was just at the edge of the lake, so that her legs were under water, and her upper torso was half submerged.  Only her head was completely on dry land.

As her eyes fluttered open, she squinted in the moonlight as a small gap in the branches allowed the green orb of Neda to shine directly into her eyes.  Turning away from the bright moon, Asiara looked around her, taking in the full erotic nature of her predicament. 

Lying on her back as she was, she tried to look down to see her naked body, lying half submerged in the cool water.  Moving her head proved difficult, however, as she suddenly realized that her movement was extremely limited.  The roots of the tree towering above her had wrapped themselves around her arms, holding them away from her body and pinning her upper body to the ground.  Similar roots had claimed her legs, keeping her trapped in a spread-eagle position.  Snaking down from the trunk of the tree was a thick vine that had wrapped itself around her neck, limiting her ability to move her head, and making any motions on her part dangerous, as it caused the root to tighten, cutting off her breathing.

Lying helpless in this position, Asiara felt her nipples, already hard as the cool air chilled her damp skin, begin to throb as the arousal that she had been building all day continued to churn within her.  And beneath the water, the subtle currents of the lake were driving her already aroused sex wild with desire. 

Asiara struggled futilely to move, feeling the hard bark of the trees roots holding her in place.  But her struggles werent aimed at escape she was merely reinforcing in her own mind how helpless she was.  The more aware she became that the tree had claimed her had taken control of her body the more incredibly turned on she became.  She continued to pull and struggle, feeling her arousal grow all the while as she moaned desperately into the night air.

After several minutes of this, Asiara felt as though she had worked herself to a fever pitch.  And then, a welcome and stunning sight arrived before her: the water nymphs head emerged from the water between Asiaras legs.  Slowly, enticingly, the nymphs features came to hover over Asiaras prone form, with a wicked grin on her lips, and a glistening sparkle in her eye.

For quite some time she simply stared at Asiara, holding the trapped womans gaze.  Then, she lowered her head slowly back into the water, stopping when only her eyes were still visible above the surface.  Asiara was struggling to breath as she strained to look down towards the spirits lovely face.  The cold green light of the moon was bright enough to penetrate the water Asiara could see her own legs, straining against their wooden bonds; she could see her sex, so saturated with desire; she could see her hips, quivering as the waters surface teased them.

But she couldnt see the water nymph.  It was as if she didnt exist below the water only the teasing eyes, and the top of the head, with its lovely silver hair, gave indication that the nymph even existed.

But if Asiaras eyes struggled to verify the spirits position, her sense of touch had no such difficulties.  Suddenly, Asiara felt firm, confident hands take hold of her own strong legs, gripping her inner thighs and causing Asiara to let out a long and lustful moan.  Then, the eyes positioned themselves near her sex, which was just below the surface of the water.  That was when Asiara felt the tongue begin to tease her, penetrating her feminine folds and causing new sensations of pleasure to ripple through her.

Desperate for the contact to continue, Asiara thrust her hips up, causing them to break the surface.  As she did so, the water nymphs head moved with them.  For a brief instant, her entire face came into view, including the delicate, dexterous tongue that was driving Asiaras need for climax.  But then, with a powerful push, the water spirit forced Asiaras lower torso back into the water, and, at the same time, her own form, other than the top of her head, which was still above the surface of the water, seemed to dissolve once again.

But the physical sensations in Asiaras sex certainly did not stop.  Losing control of her body, she tried to raise her hips once again, but suddenly found that that motion, like so many others, had been taken from her.  A new vine had looped itself around her waist, trapping her body in its current position.  She could do nothing to increase the pressure of the water nymphs invisible, submerged tongue.  All she could do was close her eyes and let the feelings wash over her, driving her closer and closer to climax, but always relenting right before she achieved release.

The water nymph seemed to know exactly how to stimulate her.  Like waves in the ocean, she brought pleasure crashing down on Asiaras body, only to then gently recede, eroding her self control but never quite submerging her in complete physical climax.  Again, and again Asiara felt herself on the brink, but always, just as she braced herself for orgasm the tongue would ease up, leaving her desperate and frustrated.

Then, without warning, the vine around her neck tightened.  Asiara heard her own moans slowly become choked off as the vine made it harder and harder to breath.  At that same instant, the water spirit redoubled her attack on Asiaras sex, licking hard at her most sensitive areas, and finally bringing her to the point of no return.

As her orgasm crashed over her body, Asiara felt the vine closing around her, making it impossible to take in a breath.  Unable to moan, it was as if all of the erotic energy being released inside of her had no outlet, and her whole body began to shake and spasm as the erotic energy spilled over her sex and flooded every part of her being.

The spirits tongue caused climax after climax to cascade out of her, drowning her in pleasure and causing her to lose awareness of anything but her passionate ecstasy.  She lost awareness of the vine around her throat; she lost awareness of her need for air; she lost awareness of her bodys bound state; she only knew of the pleasure that the water spirit was giving to her.

And then, as both the climax and the lack of air pushed her body beyond what it could take, she was aware of nothing…

(To be continued…)

[b]Authors note:[/b] If you are enjoying Asiaras story, there is no need to keep waiting for future installments.  The entire story is available for a very low price as an eBook at and (under the pseudonym Clare de Luna), and should be available on most other major eBook sellers soon.  My other works will soon be available as well.  I hope youll check them out!

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