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Review This Story || Author: Kylan

Ann's Interlude

Part 2

ANN'S INTERLUDE! 2nd half.

Being the second interlude between parts 5 and 6 of "Ann's Afflictions"


Taking the events in chronological order, if you follow the chapters and the first Interlude concerning Hassan and the Beginning, you will know that although I had now had a short pornographic video clip sent to me revealing the fact that mom was indeed sexually tortured at the police station of our initial arrest, I still had nothing to directly tell me if she had "given something in return" to Hassan, for information about the local police and their torture of detainees.

The indications pointed to it. The odd behaviour of the two and their conversations. The flirting, plus the suggestive note and doodle about him left by Dr Shangwal, on a previous essay of Mom's. The things Jackie had whispered about him and the suspicious way my normally demure and sweet stepmom had behaved, including applying extra make up on the last night before our arrest, when I was mysteriously taken with sleepiness and went to my room early.

The word prostitution is debateable in this instance of course. It implies it's done for money and sometimes unwillingly. Neither of those apply here. I have no doubt they wanted each other. The respectable, attractive, pale skinned mature Western mother and the handsome but lecherous dark young Turkish wifechaser.

Now at home, I'd been sent the video clip of Mom's interrogation, by him I guessed. I was working out how to find out more. I knew it might come in fragmented pieces but I wanted to know. I was going to go crackers otherwise. I knew I'd only seen pieces of a jigsaw.

I decided I'd try the straight road first, it was only decent to try and broach it with Mom, but how? How do you ask your Mom that? I knew that she was mainly keeping it from me out of love and wanting to cushion me in her protective blanket because it would upset me.

I waited until she'd been out partying a bit. She was doing some sort of bellydancing or burlesque classes with some lady friends and workmates, and they had a girls night out. She came home quite tipsy and happy. I welcomed her with a hug, sat her down with a coffee and encouraged her to chat and wind down.

She was wearing some of her classes stuff now, which gave me a way in to touch on bellydancing and draw the talk back to Turkey. We laughed about the holiday, and I brought up Hassan. She had played a few games of snooker with him as he perved over her in the hotel too. She was discarding surplus clothes to change for bed as we spoke, and she said yes, he had been a nice boy. I squirmed and covered my crotch as she teased off a stocking from her foot and began the other.

"Yes, Hassan..Rude big Willy! He was a perfect poppet. Pop it in, pop it out!" She fell back on the sofa in fits of giggles at her joke.

"Yes, he certainly played snooker with me! His Rude Willy Snooker. Pot the Red, Pot the Brown!" She collapsed in giggles again. "Ooohh, and his other games too!" She laughed drunkenly, and stretched out her bare leg, flicking her last stocking off her toes like a vintage stripper. "My Dirty Kinky young Casanova! He's a Naughty, Dirty Boy!"

I helped her to bed, then rushed to my room. I knew she might deny saying that the next day but now I knew something had happened! Her words conjured all the right images to make me spurt myself in torment and elation! Her Bum, too?! Did she really let him have his way to that extent? "Ooohh, Mom! Oh No, MOM!" I muttered to myself!

She did get cagey again the next day, when I mentioned we'd talked about our holiday. She more or less denied remembering any drunken talk. I didn't mention the content of the conversation, naturally.

It was almost Easter, and I happened to be in when a box came for her in the post. I saw it was stamped from Turkey. I wasn't often in to see post, I was usually at college. I didn't know what post she got, she always took them to her room. I waited until she went out and I knew I had to look.

The open box was in her wardrobe. In the packaging was some type of gift, a carved wooden egg, with a little latch. There was also a card of some kind. On opening the latch, the egg separated in half and a little figure popped up of a man sporting a big oversize penis! The card was a homemade printed one, and on the front was My mom Ann. Naked except for a pair of red ankle warmers and posing shamelessly on her belly, on her hotel bed! She was almost submissively offering herself, with her bare feet lifted up to the camera and kinkily showing the red straps across her soles, and her bare bottom and pussy exposed!

Written on the reverse were the words, "Remember Me! What a night, and these were my favourites on you! Think of the Turkey Stuffing you had, HA HA!  Yours, HASSAN!"

Well, you can imagine my reactions, if you've read this far into my saga! There was no doubt now, he had porked my mom good and proper. I couldn't help laughing to myself at his jokes, despite everything. I couldn't get my head around it all, it was getting more bizarre all the time!

I knew it was a bad thing to do, to snoop about like this, but I needed to know. I looked about the room still more. In Mom's briefcase, I found a large folder. It had some of the worksheets Dr Shangwal had set her. The latest was one that said she should make, in handwritten scrapbook form, her experience with the contact, and what she gave in exchange for information. It should include photographs too, extra marks for more detail. Yes, there was a big scrapbook there in the briefcase.

It was indeed handwritten, and presented as "The Lady and the Lusty Scamp!" I had heard that phrase before. It had been a photo story in a 1970's sex magazine, where a pirate seduces a woman. Was that what Hassan was, a self-serving duplicitous opportunist, with sex and immorality added on?

The first pages began with descriptions of how they met up, and how she got her information from him in word and coded form. Soon enough, the night of sex he wanted with her had been arranged.

He had sold and given to her, various items of clothing from his stall. Including raunchy underwear and all kinds of things. She had taken another tip from Shangwal that Hassan had a foot fetish too, among other things.

On to the night in question. Mom was right about him. He certainly was a rude, kinky lover. His cock was big too, maybe nine inches. Plenty of printed photos were stuck in to the pages, illustrating as instructed.

Mom was wearing various items of seduction, and sometimes nothing. She looked so good in sex play with him, the contrast of her mature motherly pale body and his hard brown and black haired form was a kinky treat to see. He'd dipped his dick in wine and had her suck him, he rubbed cream and chocolate over tits and shoved his cock into them, they showered together and she'd knelt and licked his dark bottom like Venus worshipping Adonis. The sight of her tongue going into his asshole put shudders of arousal and disgust through me.

He laid her across his lap and spanked her. Mom's bottom went red as a tomato.

The copulation pictures were really hot. Pics of her legs wrapped around him, pics of her riding him on the coffee table, pics of her in missionary position on the floor.

The ankle warmers did seem to be his favourites. He'd stuck his hard cock on to the soles of her feet under the red straps and rubbed it up and down. He'd tickled her feet with feathers in them.

He'd had her in the bum in them! Yes, Mom let him sodomize her outrageously.

He'd had her standing up against the window, with one of her legs up and foot resting on a chair, as he shoved his big Willy up her dirtbox. It showed his cock throbbing up her asshole. He had her from behind on the bed, locking in to her and her white body accepting his arrogant assault. Several other positions I don't quite have names for he bollocked her arse in. It was full on, he did almost everything.

She had indeed knelt before him and given him an incredible blow job. Yes, right out from Mom's bum. She actually seemed to like it. Mum actually winked at the camera, with her tongue stuck straight on his cock head!

Rolling her tongue around his cock head, tickling his tight dark balls with a feather and exploring his asshole with a finger, as he smiled at the camera. He did indeed spurt his thick spunk onto her willing tongue, and splash it over her tits!

Mum's comment for this included "What a dirty, dirty boy he really was! Bum to tongue! I climaxed as my tongue touched his hard arrogant Turkish dick!

I think I'd seen enough at that point! I went and did my private business, after packing her stuff away as discreetly as I could!

Two days later, I looked at it again. There on the inner cover, in pride of place, Mom had glued the picture of herself from the card he'd sent!

One thing about this night I coudn't figure out still, though.

Who took the photographs!?

Review This Story || Author: Kylan
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