The Captain's Lady
By Katherine English and Captain Dee
I trembled...ever so slightly.
Sitting on the wet tiles, I watched Him labor between my thighs in the muted
steam of the shower. His fingers were gentle... so gentle as they slipped
between my "lips", stretching them outward as he passed the blade over my sex,
erasing my auburn thatch and leaving my pink flesh bare before His gaze.
Had it been only five days since my fateful jump into the icy water...only five
days? It seemed a lifetime. The old Katherine would never have done
this...never even considered this...and yet there I was.
Slowly I pressed my back against the shower wall and allowed myself to drift
with the sensation, replaying the torrent of images that whirled through my mind
like visions in a dream.
I'd wanted to end it all that night, to take what little dignity remained in my
life and preserve it in the frigid water beneath the bridge...but fate had other
plans. Instead I'd been reborn...a metamorphosis...a miracle.
Life with the Captain was good.
I shivered with delicious anticipation as His fingers slid sensuously between my
thighs. What would tonight bring, I wondered...what?