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Review This Story || Author: BDSM Bill

A Game of Torture

Part 1

A Game of Torture

There were three of them, and one of them had a gun.  The gun was pointing at
me.  Well, to be more specific, the gun was a sawed off shotgun, and it was
pointing at my crotch.  They had my undivided attention.

I had stopped off at the supermarket to pick up a carton of milk and some bread
on the way home from work.  Since my car was a brand new Land Rover, I didn't
want it scratched, so I parked way out from the store.  It only took a minute to
pick up the items I wanted, and the only people ahead of me in the express
checkout were three women.  One was a real looker, but her two friends were
average at best, so I didn't pay much attention.  Besides, I've never had ANY
luck trying to pick up women in groups.

Anyway, after I paid, I walked out into the parking lot and put my little bag of
groceries on the back seat.  I shut the door and turned to open the front door. 
That's when I saw the woman with the shotgun.  The one with the gun was the
looker, and her two friends were now behind and beside me.  I was trapped
against the side of my car.

The looker said softly, "Shhhh.  I'm trying to be really quiet.  If you yell,
then there won't be any reason for me not to shoot, will there?"  I shook my
head.  "Good, now be a good boy, hand my friend the keys, and put your hands
behind your back."  I did it, and felt the cuffs click into place.

"Back up a bit," was her next instruction, and she illustrated it by pushing me
back with the shotgun barrel in my groin.  After I had stepped back a step, she
opened the rear, driver's side door, moved the groceries over to the middle, and
told me to get in.  I did.  When I was sitting down, one of her friends reached
in and fastened the seatbelt.  The looker shut the door.  With my hands cuffed
behind me, there was no way for me to reach the seatbelt buckle.  Two of the
women got into my car.  The looker was in the driver's seat, and one of her
friends was in the back, with me.  The friend now had the shotgun.

Holding the shotgun in one hand, she reached over with the other hand and
slipped a black hood over my head.  I was now blind, and since my Land Rover has
very dark tinting, I knew nobody could see me.  It was hard to see into the back
seat during the day, much less at night.  In a matter of seconds, I had gone
from being a successful computer network administrator on my way home, to a
helpless captive in my own, now stolen, car.  My evening was not getting off to
a good start.

The drive was fairly long.  I didn't have a way to be sure, but it seemed like
an hour or more.  Finally I heard gravel under the tires, and felt us climbing
up a winding road of some kind.  Then the gravel noise ceased, and the car
stopped.  I heard doors opening, and then I heard my door open.  The hood was
pulled off, and looker undid my seatbelt.  She told me to get out.  I did.

I was in a very large garage.  It had two two-car doors, and a lot of other
space as well.  In fact, it was deep enough to park two cars one behind the
other, but the only car in it was mine.  Besides the two garage doors, there
were two regular doors.  One was right in the middle of the back wall, and
looked like heavy-duty steel.  The other was up a flight of stairs in the rear
left of the space.  A few moments later, that one opened, and the third woman
rejoined up.

All of these women looked to be maybe in their mid to late thirties, and all
looked fit.  I don't mean just watch-your-weight kind of fit, either.  These
women looked like they worked out.  Looker was about 5'6" tall, with a medium
figure, brown, shoulder length hair, and brown eyes.  She was one of the
prettiest women I had ever seen.  One of her friends looked Asian.  She was
about 5'4" tall, slight figure, short, black hair, and black eyes.  She couldn't
have weighed more than 90 pounds with wet clothes on.  The third woman had her
dirty blond hair in a French braid.  She was short, maybe 5'1" at most, but she
was buff!  She had more muscles than Arnie and Sly put together.  She had a
chest, but not breasts, if you know what I mean, and I didn't like the way her
blue eyes looked at me.  She looked like she was eyeing up a nice steak.

Looker seemed to be the leader.  She said, "Let me make the introductions.  My
name, for the purposes of this meeting, is Candy.  My small friend is Ming, and
my muscular friend is Hannah.  Those are our last names.  We all have the same
first name.  Our first name is Mistress.  Do you understand?"

"I guess so," I managed to stutter out.

Candy nodded to Hannah, who took one step and planted a solid right into my
solar plexus.  I went down, and I think it was about an hour before I managed to
breath again.  Candy said, "Pick him up, Hannah."  Hannah grabbed my upper arms,
picked me up, and set me on my feet.  Maybe I should mention that I am over 6'
tall, and weigh over 200 pounds.  She didn't seem to put a lot of effort into
picking me up.

I was still doubled over trying to get my breath sorted out when Candy said,
"Next time her punch is going a few inches lower.  Imagine how that will feel. 
Now, do you understand?"

Computer nerds aren't as stupid as we look.  I answered, "Yes, Mistress Candy."

"Good, that's much better.  Now, apologize to Hannah for making her hit you."

"I'm sorry, Mistress Hannah.  Please forgive me."  It was obvious that these
women had kidnapped me for some weird ritual, and going along seemed like the
safest thing right now.

"You are a pretty fast learner," Candy said.  "Now, don't bother Hannah while
she gets you undressed.  You won't like what happens if you do."

Hannah came over and smiled up at me.  I didn't like the smile.  Then she said,
"Kick off your shoes."  When I did, she knelt down and took off my socks.  Then
she reached up and undid my belt and button, and slid my pants down to my
ankles.  She pulled my briefs down right on top of them.  Then she had me lift
up one foot at a time and removed my pants and briefs completely. 

Next, she went to a cabinet on the wall and got some rope.  First she used a
short piece to tie my ankles together, and then tied the middle of a longer
piece around my scrotum above my balls.  Each end was about 10' long.  Ming and
Candy each took hold of an end and stood to my sides.  This meant they were each
10' away, and each had a rope connected to my balls.

Hannah then went behind me and unlocked the handcuffs.  My shirt was a polo type
pullover, and she pulled it up and over my head.  She then went back to the
cabinet, and returned with two very strong looking leather cuffs.  She put these
on my wrists and locked them together behind my back, using a piece of chain
maybe three inches long to connect them.  She then untied my ankles and retied
the rope above my knees.  I didn't resist while my hands were free because with
my ankles tied and two women holding ropes attached to my balls I didn't think I
had much chance.

At this point, I would have to say that the evening was really in the crapper. 
I was standing butt naked and surrounded by three women.  My hands were fastened
behind me, my knees were hobbled, and two women had ropes tied to my balls.  In
addition, I was so scared that my mouth felt like cotton and I had to pee in the
worst way.  My penis, normally fair sized, had shriveled to about the size of a
breakfast link.

Candy handed her rope to Hannah and came over.  "Having fun yet?  We sure are. 
Now, come along."  She turned and walked toward the big, steel door, and her
friends followed her.  Since they were holding the ropes attached to my balls, I
decided to tag along, too.  With the rope above my knees, I was having a bit of
trouble keeping up, but Ming and Hannah encouraged me by jerking their ropes.

They led me through the door, which led into a storeroom of some kind.  At the
back of the storeroom was another steel door.  Inside that was a short (4')
corridor, and then yet another steel door.  That one opened up into a large
room.  This room had painted concrete walls.  It was at least 40' by 40', and
had a 10' ceiling with large, steel I-beams that obviously held up the house
above.  The steel door was the only entrance.

The ceiling was black.  The walls were red, and the floor was dark gray
commercial-type carpet, with a lot of pad under it.  There was a bed that looked
queen sized, and another one that looked kind of like a hospital bed.  There was
a toilet, sink, and shower stall in one corner, and a cage in another corner. 
There were also a lot of strange looking devices.  They looked like torture
equipment.  I really didn't like the look of the room.  It had a look of
permanence that made me think I was going to spend some time here.

The first thing they did was lead me over to the toilet.  Hannah held my penis
while I peed.  It was the most humiliating moment of my life until then.  When I
was done, she took some toilet paper and wiped it off, and then washed her
hands.  Then they led me back to the center of the room.

When we reached the center of the room, Candy took a chain that was hanging down
and hooked it to the chain connecting my hands behind my back.  Then, she picked
up a remote from a nearby padded table and pressed a button.  The chain started
rising.  Before long, it was pulling my hands up behind me.  As it did, I was
forced to bend over at the waist.  Soon, my upper body was horizontal to the
floor, and my arms were pulled up enough to cause some pain.  Then the chain

Ming and Hannah dropped the ropes connected to my balls and went behind me. 
Candy had put down the remote and was untying the rope from above my knees.  As
she finished, Ming and Hannah arrived with a flat board.  It was about a foot
wide and three feet long, and had eyebolts attached at the ends and in the
middle.  After making me step up onto the board while they slid it under me,
they each put a cuff on one ankle and then used double-ended clips to pull my
legs apart and fasten them to the eyebolts.  Candy then took the ropes tied to
my balls, fed them through the center eyebolt, pulled them snug enough to make
me bend my knees a bit, and tied them off.

I had never felt so helpless.  I was naked, captive in a locked room, legs
spread, hands pulled up behind, and balls tied down.  I could wiggle, but that
was about it, and I couldn't even wiggle much.  I asked the obvious question. 
"What are you going to do to me?"

"All in good time," was Candy's answer.  "First, we want you to understand your
situation.  Ming, do you want to do the honors?"  Ming just giggled, but I
didn't take that as a good sign.

Ming went to a cabinet on one wall and took out a stick of some kind.  She
brought it over and showed it to me.  She said, "This is a fiberglass pole from
one of those little tents."  It was about three feet long, 1/4 inch in diameter,
and one end had been taped to form a handle.  I was pretty sure I knew what it
was for.

"Please, don't do this.  I haven't done anything to you.  I'm a nice guy. 
Please, just let me go, OK?"

I heard the swish of the first swing, and when it hit, it hurt worse than
anything I had ever felt.  She put it right in the middle of my butt.  Even
worse, I involuntarily jumped and pulled really hard on the rope holding my
balls down.  A few seconds later, I heard another swish and it hit the EXACT
same spot.  A few seconds later she hit the same spot again.  Then she moved a
bit and did three on another spot.  She continued like that, moving between the
backs of my thighs and butt.  I was screaming, crying, begging, and trying not
to move so I didn't tear my own balls off.

I don't know how long she kept doing this, but when she finally stopped, I was
begging to do anything they wanted if she would only not hurt me anymore. 
Somebody let my arms down, and I collapsed on the floor.  My legs were still
pulled apart, and my arms were behind me, so I just kind of curled up forward as
best I could.  My balls were still tied to the board.

Hannah said. "Did you like that?"

"No Mistress," I answered.  "Please tell me what you want.  I'll do whatever you

Candy said, "OK, here's the deal.  You are our toy for a while until we tire of
you.  What we do with you then depends entirely on how you act while you are
here.  We like to play games.  The three of us are very competitive, and you are
the game board.  We call the first game the torture game.  Let me tell you how
it works."

"We are going to play seven rounds.  That means each of us gets seven turns. 
For each turn, we will roll three dice.  The first die tells us what area on
your body we can torture.  The choices are butt, cock, balls, cock & balls, we
choose, or roll again and add two minutes.  The second die tells how many
minutes.  The time is the die roll plus three minutes.  The third die tells us
which implement we can use from a chart we have.  The total of the three dice is
our score for that round."

"So, after each of us rolls the dice, she will fasten you in whatever position
she wants and torture the specified area for the specified number of minutes
using the specified implement.  Then the next one of us will roll the dice, and
so on.  When all seven rounds are finished, we total our scores for each round
and whoever has the highest total wins.  The winner gets to do anything to you
or make you do anything she wants for two hours."

I looked up at her in disbelief.  "You're going to torture me just for some

She just smiled and said, "Hannah, I believe you are first."

Hannah rolled the three dice.  She got a three, a five, and a one.  She
explained to me what that meant.  "A three means I get to torture your balls. 
The five is for time, and we always add three minutes to the roll, so I get
eight minutes, and the one is a small paddle."  She held up a leather paddle
with a head about 3" in diameter.

"OK, give me a hand," she said to her friends.  "I want him on the table." 
Candy and Ming unhooked my feet from the board and untied my balls.  Then they
unhooked my hands from the chain and, with Hannah's help, carried me to a
narrow, padded table.  They placed me on the table, and clipped my ankle cuffs
into place.  Then they undid my hands, stretched them over my head, and clipped
them in place.

The table had a bunch of straps connected to it, and was about the same width as
my body.  They wrapped the straps around my legs, body, and arms and snugged
them down tight.  There were six straps, and when they were done, I couldn't
move at all.  The next item I would describe as a small-scale stocks for men's
genitals.  It was wood, and it had a hole for my cock to go through in one
board, and then a second board slid into place against the first, leaving a
narrow gap for my scrotum.  The result was that my balls were trapped on top of
a wooden platform, and my cock came through a hole in the same platform.  There
was a Velcro strap to hold my cock out of the way.

Once I was secured, Hannah rolled a stool over by the table and sat down. 
"Start the timer," she said.

"OK," Candy replied.  "Go."

Hannah started smacking my balls with the paddle.  She didn't hit too hard.  It
was just hard enough to hurt a little.  I would estimate she was hitting about
twice a second.  She never got harder or softer, and she never got faster or
slower.  At first I thought, "This isn't so bad."  However, after a couple of
minutes, it suddenly started getting much worse.  By halfway through, I was
straining against the bonds and begging her to stop.  A minute or two later, I
found I couldn't catch enough breath to beg.  I would have done anything to make
it stop, but she just kept up the tapping.  When the timer finally went off, all
I could do was lay there panting.

Candy was next.  She rolled a six, a two, and a three.  The six meant she had to
roll again for the area and add two minutes.  The second time she rolled a 1. 
The area was the butt, the time was the two plus three minutes plus the two
extra minutes for rolling a six the first time, and the implement was a riding
crop.  The three women tied me face down over a padded horse, and the seven
minutes seemed like an eternity on my already sore rear.  The only saving grace
was that Candy was nowhere as good with the riding crop as Ming had been with
her fiberglass switch.

Unfortunately, once Candy was done with the riding crop, it was Ming's turn.  I
was really afraid of her.  She had seemed to really enjoy using her evil switch
on me, and had giggled the whole time.  She rolled a five, a six, and another
six.  Candy laughed out loud when she saw the roll and told me, "Boy, you are in
so much trouble."

Ming wanted me on the bed that looked like a hospital bed.  The five she rolled
let her choose the area to torture, and she said she was going to do my cock. 
The six she rolled for time meant nine minutes, and the six for implement meant
she got to choose her weapon.

They tied me stretched out face up on the electric bed, and then lowered the
head and foot.  Then Ming connected a leather cone to my balls.  She called it a
parachute.  It had three cords coming off of it to a ring.  She tied a rope to
the ring and then ran the rope through a pulley that was attached to a frame a
few feet above the foot of the bed.  She pulled the rope down snug to the foot
of the bed and tied it off.  My balls were now pulled up and toward the foot of
the bed.  I couldn't even wiggle without pulling on them enough to cause pain.

After a visit to one of the cabinets, Ming stood over my head and showed me a
small stick.  "Do you know what this is?" she asked.  "No, Mistress," I replied. 
She told me it was called a genital cane.  She said it was made from one of
those bamboo skewers about 8" long sold in bags in any grocery store.  One end
looked like it had been dipped in that liquid rubber stuff they sell to coat
tool handles.

She said that to use it, she would just hold the rubber end in one hand, pull
back the tip with her other hand, and let it snap.  Then she said, "It works
better if your cock is hard.  You don't mind if I get your cock hard, do you?" 
She started giggling, and also started fondling my penis.  She was using both
hands, and she was really good at it.  I would give her a 10 for manual
dexterity.  Surprisingly, given the situation, my cock started responding right
away.  In a few minutes, it was as hard as it has ever been, but she didn't
stop.  She kept it up until I was close to exploding, and then suddenly stopped
and said, "Start the timer."

Candy said, "OK, go ahead."

Ming picked up the bamboo skewer, pulled it back, and let it go.  It hit right
across the slit of my cock, and I thought the top of my head would burst -- it
hurt that bad.  I involuntarily jerked so hard that another pain shot through my
balls.  Then it hit again, and in the SAME SPOT.  I found out she was very quick
with it, and very accurate.  I don't think she ever missed the spot she was
aiming for.  In a matter of seconds, the entire head of my penis felt like
someone was holding a blowtorch to it, and then it just got worse.

It went on and on and on.  I thought it would never end.  I was screaming and
pleading.  I thought I was going to faint, but then I was choking.  Hannah had
broken one of those ammonia smelling salts things under my nose.  She said, "You
don't want to pass out and miss it, do you?"  Ming was giggling the whole time. 
The most amazing thing was that my cock never went limp.

About half way through, I quit struggling and just lay there.  I was still
screaming, though.  I had jerked so much my balls felt like somebody had danced
on them, and the pain in my cock was so bad I almost didn't notice my balls.  I
lay there screaming and knowing that they had broken me.

When the timer finally went off, Candy said, "That's it for round one.  Only six
to go."  Ming was still giggling.  Then Candy said, "You know what the worst
thing is?"  I shook my head no.  "Well," she said, "the worst thing for you is
that Ming is ahead.  Believe me, you don't want her to win."  Ming was still

They took a break and then continued with the next round.  I was sore
everywhere, so the second round was worse.  I won't bore you with the details,
but every round got worse.  By the fourth round I was a basket case.  These
women could have given lessons to the Inquisition.  The worst thing was that
they were having a great time.  No, that's not quite right.  The worst thing was
that Ming won.  Now she could do whatever she wanted to me for two hours.

Ming and her buds put me on a low, bench-like thing made of welded steel.  It
had padded places next to the head, and it took me a moment to realize that it
was designed so that a woman could kneel on the pads and be perfectly positioned
over the mouth of whoever was fastened to the bench.  It also had padded
extensions so the woman could lean back or forward and be supported.

Once I was in place, Ming unzipped her shorts and let them drop.  After she
stepped out of them, she pulled her tee shirt over her head.  Since she wasn't
wearing a bra or panties, this left her totally naked.  Although she wasn't
beautiful, I had to admit she had a good body, and she was certainly in shape. 

She had nicely rounded tits and butt, and her hairless pussy was obviously wet. 
Her nipples were erect.  I got a real good look, because she came right up and
stood over me.  "OK, torture boy, here's how it will work," she giggled.  "I'm
going to sit on your face and you're going to lick and suck my pussy.  While you
do that, Candy and Hannah are going to take turns torturing your cock and balls. 
Whenever you manage to make me cum, they will give you a five-minute break from
the torture.  Don't even think about taking a break from your tongue work.  Any
time I think you are slacking, I will signal my friends, and they'll do
something special.  Show him, Hannah."

Hannah swung the riding crop HARD across my balls.  My lungs gasped in air, but
they wouldn't let it back out, so I couldn't breath.  My body was trying to
double over, but, of course, I was tied stretched out and couldn't move.  The
pain shot right up into my abdomen.  It was several minutes before I could
breath normally again.

Without further ado, Ming got on the bench and lowered herself over my mouth,
spreading her pussy lips with her fingers as she did.  I got busy with my
tongue, but so did somebody down at my cock and balls.  By this time I could
recognize their individual styles, so I knew it was Candy.  She was using the
small, leather paddle, and she was smacking me on the balls every few seconds.

I tried hard to concentrate on what I was doing.  I alternated between running
my tongue up and down her slit, sticking it into her cunt, and flicking it
across her clit.  It couldn't have been more than 3 or 4 minutes before she came
hard.  Candy immediately quit smacking my balls.  I just kept licking.

A couple of minutes later, she came again.  I had discovered her weakness.  Put
a busy tongue into Ming's cunt, and she just can't stop cumming.  I had never
seen anything like it.  She came over and over again, and the orgasms kept
getting closer together.  Before long, they were almost continuous, and her
friends stood on each side of her, holding her up so she didn't collapse.  By
the time the two hours were up, she must have had 40 orgasms.  By then she was
moaning constantly.

When the timer went off, Candy and Hannah had to pick her up and carry her to
the bed.  She just kept moaning and writhing around on the bed.  Candy said,
"She isn't really conscious.  She'll be fine in a little while."  Like I cared
after what they had done to me.

"OK, Hannah," Candy continued.  "You had low score."

Hannah didn't look happy.  "Don't rub it in."  She walked over toward me.

Candy said, "Hey, you know the rules.  You didn't think I'd forget, did you?"

Hannah stopped and gave Candy a nasty look.  I was trying to figure out what was
going on.  I noticed that Ming had recovered and was sitting on the edge of the
bed, watching Hannah.  Hannah was wearing a jogging suit.  She took it off, and
then took off the sports bra and panties she had on underneath.  She had the
best muscle definition I have ever seen on a woman.  As I had suspected, her
tits were small and flat, but her pussy was nice, and her pubic hair was shaved
into the shape of a heart.

She looked at Candy and then stuck her tongue out at her.  Then she suddenly
took the two steps toward the bench where I was still fastened, knelt, and
sucked my cock into her mouth.  It only took me a few seconds to get hard, and
then she gave me the best blowjob I had ever had.  She could deep throat as well
as any porn star, and she sucked like a Hoover.  Her tongue was flying.  It was

It wasn't long before I could feel my orgasm coming.  I must have cum a bucket,
and she never missed a beat.  Her tongue kept flying, and the vacuum kept
working.  She kept going until she felt my cock deflating in her mouth.  Every
other blowjob I'd ever had, the woman had either finished me by hand or pretty
much quit moving and sucking while I came.  Not Hannah.  Bring on your favorite. 
I would put Hannah up against anyone in the world when it comes to blowjobs.

When she was done, they took me off the bench, cuffed my hands behind me with
leather cuffs, and locked me in the cage.  As they were leaving, Hannah said,
"See you in the morning."

The cage I was in was made of rebar set about 2" apart.  The bottom was open,
but bolted to the floor, so the room's carpet was also the floor of the cage. 
It was a cube about three feet on a side.  I couldn't stand or lie down, and
with my hands behind I couldn't sit comfortably, either.  Besides, my butt was
on fire from all the abuse it had taken.  I tried to bring my wrists past my
feet to get my hands in front, but the cage was too small.  It had been designed
to keep someone miserable, and it was working fine.  I maybe managed to sleep an
hour all night.

The next morning, Ming was the first one downstairs.  She opened the cage and
took me over to the toilet, where she made me do my business.  She had brought a
bowl of cold oatmeal with her, and she made me lap it up like a dog.  By the
time I was done, the other two had returned to the room.

Candy said, "I bet you want to know what we have planned for today.  Well, it's
going to be a lot of fun for you.  Really, you'll like this one.  We drew lots
for the order.  Ming goes first, then me, and then Hannah.  Each of us is going
to give you a handjob, but there are some special rules.  Once we start, we can
slow or speed up, and we can go harder or softer, but we can't pause.  We go as
long as we think we can without letting you come, and then we stop.  The one who
can go the longest without you coming wins."

"There are a couple of special rules.  First, to make it even, we are going to
get you real excited, and then wait two hours to start.  After Ming's turn, we
are going to wait another two hours, and then I will have my turn.  After my
turn, we'll wait two hours again before Hannah starts.  When we're done, the
winner can do whatever she wants to you for two hours, and you already know what
the loser has to do.  Oh, and if one of us accidentally lets you come, they
automatically lose big and the contest is between the other two of us."

Well, I had to admit, this didn't sound so bad.  OK, the two hours at the end
could be pretty grim, but the rest sounded pretty good.  They tied me down to
the table, and then they took turns playing with me.  Candy started, and she
mostly tickled me with her nails, running them up and down my cock and swirling
them around my balls.  Just when I thought I would go mad, she stopped, and a
few minutes later, Ming started.  She grasped my cock in both of her tiny hands
and then started moving them up and down and kind of fluttering her fingers at
the same time.  In a few minutes I was arching my back and gasping for breath. 
Then she stopped.

A few minutes later, Hannah started.  After a few strokes with her fingers had
me fully hard again, she slid her mouth over my cock as smooth as a space
docking.  She slid up and down, and every time she slid up, her tongue played a
polka on my glans.  Every time she slid down, her throat grabbed me with ripples
of contractions.  Like I said yesterday, she's really good at this.  What seemed
like a millisecond before I came, she stopped.

Hannah stepped forward and looked down into my face.  She was smiling.  Ming was
giggling, and Candy was laughing out loud.  I was moaning and arching my hips. 
Hannah smiled a little wider and said, "Close, wasn't it?  We'll see you in two

I fell asleep for most of the two hours.  It surprised me, as frustrated as I
was, but I was still wiped out from the lack of sleep in the cage.  I woke up to
Candy shaking my shoulder.  "Wakee, wakee.  It's time for Ming."

Ming started running her hands up and down my cock so lightly I almost couldn't
feel it.  It was oh so slow and like a feather.  Up and down, and never touching
the head.  She kept on and on like that, and my excitement kept building and
building.  I thought it had been much longer, but when she stopped, Candy said,
"22 minutes, 17 seconds.  Not bad."  As they left, she said, "See you in two

I slept again, but fitfully this time.  I was dreaming, and in my dreams I was
doing some very interesting things to the three women.  Hannah shook me awake
this time.  I looked up to see Candy spreading lube on her hands.

She came over and stood over me.  Her technique was something I had never
experienced before.  She wrapped one hand around the base of my penis and slid
her hand toward the end.  As soon as there was room, she wrapped her other hand
around it and continued the motion.  When the first hand slid off the end she
just moved it to the base, grabbed ever so lightly and continued.  It was like
she was climbing hand over hand up a slippery rope.  It was like I was pulling
out of the world's longest cunt.  Never in.  Always out.

She just kept doing that, slowly and lightly.  It never changed.  After what
seemed like hours, I was finally getting close, and then she stopped.  Hannah
said, "28 minutes, 44 seconds.  You're in first place."  Candy looked at me and
winked.  "See you in a couple of hours."

This time I didn't sleep at all.  All I could think about was sex, and how bad I
needed to come.  My balls were throbbing from the pressure.  I couldn't wait
until they returned.  When they did, I was already hard, waiting for Hannah.

Hannah climbed up on the table and straddled my chest, facing my genitals.  She
used two fingers and the thumb of her right hand, and she ran them up and down
my penis ever so slowly.  Then, after a few strokes, she would suddenly do two
or three strokes much faster.  There was no pattern.  Sometimes there would be
only two or three slow strokes, and sometimes there would be ten.  Then she
would do the fast strokes again.

After only a minute or two of this, I was right on the absolute brink of coming. 
I have never been so close, but I couldn't get over the edge.  The random
pattern somehow prevented me from mentally taking that last step.  I yelled and
bucked and moaned and tried to come, but I couldn't.  Hannah kept me like that,
right at the very edge, until I thought I would pass out.  When she finally
stopped, Candy said, "34 minutes, 12 seconds."  And then I came.

Ming started giggling, and Candy just said, "Too bad, Hannah."  Then she started

Hannah said, "No way, I was done."

Candy stopped laughing long enough to say, "You know the rules.  If the guy
comes within one minute of your stopping, you lose big."  Candy started laughing

Hannah had her mouth open like she was going to say something, but she didn't
say anything.  She looked like she was going to cry.  I didn't know what this
was all about.

It didn't matter anyway.  Candy had me tied onto the same device where I had
spent two hours serving Ming's cunt.  She stripped, and I finally saw the
gorgeous body.  She knelt over my face on the padded benches, and told Ming to
get a riding crop.  She said, "Swat him hard across the balls every three
minutes, and don't stop until the two hours are up."

Then she lowered her cunt over my mouth, and the first blow fell.  I screamed
into her cunt, and Candy laughed.  It was the longest two hours of my life. 
Candy came maybe 10 times in the two hours, and Ming just kept bringing that
crop down over my balls every three minutes.  When Candy got up after the two
hours, I was sobbing openly and begging them to please not hurt me any more.

When Candy was done, it was Ming's turn.  She stripped and started licking my
balls with her tiny tongue.  It was heavenly.  After a long time, she moved to
my rising cock.  Hannah was more direct, but Ming was skilled and subtle.  She
spent an hour, and when I finally came, it was great.

That was when I got the surprise of my life.  Ming and Candy took Hannah over to
the electric bed.  She stripped when they told her to, and then they had her get
on the bed and put the restraints on her.  When she was fully secured, they came
over to me.  They took me off the device and cuffed my hands together.  Then
they led me over to the table.  There was a ring of keys on the table.

Candy looked me in the eye and said, "OK, it's 7pm, and she's all yours until
tomorrow morning at 9am.  If you kill her or injure her permanently, we'll
torture you to death, but, except for that, you can do anything you want to her. 
The keys on the table fit everything in the room except the exit.  Have a good

After Candy and Ming left, I walked the few steps to stand over Hannah.  She
looked scared.  I just smiled.  "Well, where should we start?  Do you think I
should whip your tits first, or your cunt?"

She looked up at me and tried to smile.  "You don't have to hurt me.  I'll blow
you all night if you want.  You know I'm good at it.  Please."

"What if I want to hurt you?  I owe you ladies something for the past couple of
days.  Wait right here.  I'll be right back.  I need to get something."

I went back to the table and stood there for a couple of minutes.  Then I
laughed evilly and picked up the key ring.

When I got back to Hannah, she was shaking, and there were tears in her eyes.  I
smiled down at her for a minute or so, as she got more and more frightened. 
Then I took the keys and let her go.  She stood up on the other side of the
table from me, and just stared at me.

I told her to take her pick of places in the room and to leave me alone until
morning.  She stared at me in amazement, and then started laughing.  She laughed
until tears were running down her cheeks.

I was turning red.  I asked her what was so funny.  She said, "It's just like
the joke."

"What joke," I answered.

"You know," she said, "The one about what do you call a fierce warrior who
captures 10,000 women and doesn't rape any of them?"

"So," I said, "What do you call him?"

"Attila the schmuck!"  She started laughing again.

Now I was getting angry.  I had tried to be nice.  "OK," I shouted, "maybe I
will rape you, since that's what you want."

"Too late, sissy boy," she answered.  Then she came over to me.  Without warning
she slapped my face hard, and then kneed me in the groin.  Then she punched me
right in the jaw.  I went down.  Everything was suddenly very fuzzy.  I rolled
away from her, under the table, and got up on the other side.  As I got up, she
was still laughing at me.  "Still think you can rape me, sissy boy?"

I shook my head to clear it, and started mentally reciting my personal mantra. 
"Fear is the mind killer."  I had read it years ago in the book, "Dune."  It had
served me well.  As I recited it to myself, it was like a cold wind hitting a
fogged bathroom mirror.  Things cleared.  I moved into the open area behind me.

"Come on, bitch.  You want to fight, let's fight."  She was still laughing as
she approached me.  I had never actually had to fight a person before, not a
real fight, and judo is the gentle art, but suddenly, it was like I was in
tournament.  I could almost feel the tatamis under my feet.  Although naked, I
could feel my judogis.  I am godan, and the black belt I could imagine tied
around my hips is 5th dan.

She approached unwary.  I stepped in a bit with my right foot, grabbed her
shoulders, and my left foot swept her feet, landing her on her back.  It was
okuri ashi harai, a sliding foot sweep.  I sprang back.  When she stood, I
stepped into her, putting my left foot behind her right, and pushed her over
backward.  Ko uchi gari.  This time she was wary as she got up.

She charged, and I let her come.  As she struck, I brought my right knee up into
her belly and wrapped around her back, letting myself fall backward, and flipped
her over my head.  Sumi gaeshi.  She leaped up and tried to come in low.  As she
tried to put her head into my gut, I lay over her back, wrapped around her
torso, and went over backward, again flipping her over my head.  Tarawa gaeshi.

This time she got up and stood waiting for me.  I moved toward her, then swerved
to her right side.  My left hand grabbed her right elbow, and my right arm went
over her right shoulder.  I pressed my right upper arm into the side of her
neck, and with my right leg I stepped behind her right leg and hip.  Then I
brought her over my leg and hip and threw her to the floor on her back.  O soto
makikomi.  And this time I followed up my advantage, dropping my right knee into
her solar plexus, and knocking the wind out of her.

By the time she got her wind back, I had locked her hands behind her back with
leather cuffs.  I grabbed her hair and pulled her to her feet.  I held her head
down by my hip, forcing her to walk bent over at the waist, and led her across
the room to a chair.  I sat on the chair and pulled her across my lap.  Then I
spanked her.  I started slow, but once I got warmed up I spanked her hard and
fast, and I spanked her for a long time.  At first, she struggled and yelled at
me, but soon she quit struggling and just sobbed.  When I was done, she was
crying out loud.  I pushed her off my lap, dumping her onto the floor, got up,
and left her there.

I took the bed, and left her sobbing on the floor.  I fell asleep almost as soon
as my head hit the bed, but I was awakened sometime later by a wonderful feeling
on my cock.  I sat up and grabbed Hannah by the hair, pulling her off. 
"Please," she said, "I need you.  Please take me."  I stood up, but pushed her
to her knees.

"Why should I do what you want?" I asked, holding her head back by her hair so
she was looking straight up at the ceiling.  I'm not a passive guy by nature,
and being held captive and tortured for a couple of days had me a bit on edge. 
I was definitely starting to lose my good mood.

Hannah was crying again.  "Please, I'm begging.  Nobody ever made me feel like
this.  I want you so bad.  I want to make love to you.  I'll do whatever you

I told her to get on the bed.  When she did, I promptly went down on her.  I'm
pretty good at that, at least that's what I've been told, and I'm persistent. 
Over the next 40 minutes I brought Hannah to at least five huge orgasms, and
when she was close to a sixth, I started teasing her clit with my tongue.  I
kept her on the edge, never giving her quite enough to come.

Finally, I stood up and pressed the head of my cock against her cunt.  "Beg me,"
I said.

I made her beg for it for ten minutes, rubbing my cockhead against her clit just
enough to keep her close.  She was sobbing in frustration.  I had never seen a
woman so out of control.  "So," I said, "are you going to help me escape?"

"I'll do it, I promise.  I didn't want to do this to begin with.  I'll help you. 
I will.  Please let me come."

I slammed my dick into her right up to the hilt.  She started coming
immediately, and she just kept coming the whole time I was stroking in and out
of her.  I took my time, and when I was done, she was incoherent.  I kissed and
fondled her while she returned to the land of the sane.

The first words she said surprised me.  "I want to be your slave.  Keep me
forever.  Please, Master."

I told her I'd think about it.  "First, we have to put the arm on Ming and
Candy.  We'll just jump them when they come back in the morning."

Hannah looked scared again.  "Candy won't be a problem, but what about Ming? 
She's really good.  She won a silver medal in the Olympics."

It was my turn to be surprised.  "She's Ming Nguyen?  She's good, but I'll take
her easy.  I'm twice her size.  Don't worry."  The moment I said that, the
scared look just disappeared.

We spent the rest of the time until morning talking about our plan.  I asked if
there were hidden cameras.  She said no.  I asked if she was sure.  She said, "I
ought to be sure.  It's my house."  I told her to shut up and suck my dick.  Did
I mention that she's really good at it?  No, I mean she's really, REALLY good at

There were no windows and no clock, so we didn't know what time it was.  Ming
and Candy were returning at 9am, so we had to have our plan ready by then.  Like
I have said, Hannah is as muscular as any woman I have ever seen, and very
strong.  She told me she could handle Candy with no problem.  That meant Ming
was up to me.  I knew she would be tough.  She had an Olympic silver in Judo,
and also studied karate.  I am twice her size, but I knew she was faster.  I
wanted to end it quick, before she got lucky.

When they finally opened the door and came in, I had Hannah on her belly on the
floor, and was sitting on her.  Her hands were cuffed behind her.  Candy told me
my time was up and to release her.  I let her up and uncuffed her.  Ming told me
to lie on the table.  I walked over to the table, and as I got there, I
pretended to stub my toe on the leg.

I went down on the floor, screaming and clutching my foot.  I was rolling on the
floor in apparent agony, moaning about how it was broken.  Ming stood over me
and told me to quit crying and show it to her.  While still moaning like I was
in severe pain, I rolled onto my back, let go of my foot, and started to hold it
up to her.  As she reached out to take my foot in her hands, she actually looked
concerned.  That surprised me, but didn't stop me.

I kicked her hard, right in the belly.  She didn't have time to react, or even
tense her abs.  I caught her just right, and the wind left her.  As she was
gasping, I used my other leg to sweep her off her feet, and when she landed, I
was on her like a cat.

Candy was heading for me when Hannah tackled her from behind.  Bill Bates would
have been proud of that tackle.  Candy never had a chance.  Hannah still had the
cuffs I had removed from her, and she quickly cuffed Candy's hands behind her
back.  Then she grabbed a piece of rope and tied her ankles.

Once Candy was secure, Hannah came over with leather cuffs and put them on Ming. 
Then the two of us picked her up and put her on the bed, fastening her hands and
feet to the corners and leaving her stretched out with her legs open.  Once she
was secure, I ripped off her clothes, leaving her naked and helpless.  Ming
still hadn't said anything.  She looked like she was in shock.

Candy was a different story.  She was yelling bloody murder, and mostly at
Hannah.  Once we had Ming secure, we went back to Candy.  I knelt next to her
and lowered my face until it was inches from her.  She tried to head butt me.  I
just laughed and told her she would regret that.  That shut her up.

I pulled my hand back like I was going to slap her, and she cringed.  I stopped,
and said, "No, I can't hit a helpless woman."  It was true.  I don't hit women,
and, as Hannah had found out the night before, I don't rape them, either.  Candy
started to smile like she was safe.

I had Hannah help me pick her up.  We recuffed her hands in front and pulled
them up so she was on her tiptoes.  Her ankles were still tied.  Then I ripped
her clothes off.  Once she was naked, I ran my fingertips up and down her ribs,
very gently.  She freaked.  I experimented.  She totally freaked.  She is the
most ticklish person I have ever seen.

I stepped back and stared into her eyes for a couple of minutes.  Finally I
spoke to her.  "I want you to think of everything you have done to me, and
everything you intended to do to me.  This is the payback."  Then I turned to
Hannah and said, "OK, Hannah, I want you to tickle her until I tell you to stop. 
If you can make her pass out or go insane, I'll give you a special reward."  I
turned and walked over toward Ming.

Behind me, I could hear Candy.  She suddenly sounded hysterical.  She was
pleading with Hannah.  "Please, Hannah, don't do it.  Please.  I'll do anything
for you.  Please."  Then she started to shriek.  I watched her for a minute. 
She only shrieked a bit, and then it was like she didn't have enough breath to
make much noise.  What sound she did make I would describe as a sort of keening. 
She had thrashed at first, but then she went rigid.  Hannah just kept tickling

I knew from before that Ming had an incredibly sensitive cunt.  When they had
made me lick her for two hours, she had come almost the whole time, and she had
frequently pulled away from me when it got too intense for her.  I went to the
wall and opened some of the cabinets, looking for a special vibrator.  In the
third cabinet, I found it.  You've seen them.  They aren't battery run; they
plug into the wall.  The head is like a ball

Ming's eyes got very wide when I returned to where she was tied to the bed. 
"Please don't," she said, "I can't stand vibrators.  They are too intense for
me."  I just smiled and got some rope.  I tied the rope to the vibrator cord so
I could hang it head down.  Then I tied it off to one of the eyebolts on the
ceiling so that it hung down with the head swinging right against her pussy. 
She was begging constantly for me not to do it.  When I had it right, I plugged
it in and turned it on.

Instantly, she started thrashing, and in about 20 seconds she started to come
hard.  Once she started, it was continuous.  In about a minute she was covered
in sweat and unable to make words.  All that was coming out of her mouth was
something that sounded like a cross between screaming and moaning.

I went over to a chair and sat down to watch.  After a few minutes, I had an
idea, so I went and got a battery operated vibrator.  I gave it to Hannah, and
she used it on Candy with one hand while tickling her with the other.  In a
short time, Candy was coming as hard and steady as Ming.  After watching another
half hour, I called a halt.  Both women were barely conscious.

We released them and carried them both upstairs.  Hannah had a big hot tub, so
we carried them into the hot water and turned on the jets and air.  After
soaking for a while, we got out and I dried them off while Hannah put some shock
chemical into the hot tub.  They had both been pretty sweaty, and you are really
supposed to be clean when you get into a hot tub.

Once we were done, we carried them into the living room and laid them out on a
couple of the sofas.  They were both still pretty limp.  Candy tried to talk
once, but she still wasn't coherent.  We left them on the sofa, and Hannah gave
me a tour of her house.  It is a grand house.

The house is about 9,000 square feet on several levels, and there are several
gardens and terraces.  Sometimes it's hard to know whether you are inside or
outside.  It's on the side of a hill, and the view is pretty awesome.  I asked
Hannah where she got all the money, and she told me she had won Powerball about
three years ago, and now got two million a year.  Her friends lived with her.

When we came back into the living room, Ming and Candy were both asleep.  I
asked Hannah where the bedding was stored, and then got a couple of blankets and
covered them up.  Hannah and I went to her gym and worked out.  I've seen
upscale health clubs that didn't have equipment that nice.  After we worked out,
we took a dip in the pool.  Hannah's pool is indoor/outdoor.  Part of it is in
the gym, with a glass wall that goes maybe six inches under the water.  If you
swim under the wall, you are in the outdoor part of the pool, which looks like a
natural pond and has a waterfall.

Hannah kept calling me "Master," and it kind of got to me.  After our swim, we
went back into the gym, and I had her use her oh so talented mouth for a while
before screwing her to a huge orgasm.  When we were done, we wandered back into
the living room.

Candy and Ming were both awake and sitting side by side on one of the sofas. 
Hannah turned on the gas fireplace with a remote.  I sat in a big recliner, and
Hannah sat on the floor next to me.  We were all still nude, so the inside view
rivaled the outside view.

I didn't say a word.  I just looked at Ming and Candy.  I expected Candy to
break the silence first, but it was Ming who spoke.  "What now, Sensei?"

I waited a full minute.  "What are you asking?"

Ming bowed her head and then spoke quietly.  "Have you called the police?  We
assume Hannah would testify against us.  Are we going to jail?"

Again I waited a full minute before answering.  "Why haven't you run away?  Why
didn't you get dressed?"

Ming bowed again before answering.  "Where would we run, Sensei?  The police
would catch us before tonight.  We didn't dress because we didn't want to anger
you further.  We didn't know if you wanted us to dress.  We talked about it
while you were swimming.  We are at your mercy.  Please, Sensei, tell us what we
can do to soothe your anger."

My answer came quickly.  "There is nothing you can do."  I paused for a while
and watched their faces fall as they imagined the arrest, the trial, and then
prison.  The trouble is, I'm not a mean person.  I waited as long as I could,
but it was probably only about a half minute.  Then I saw the tears starting to
fill their eyes, and I continued.  "In fact, there is nothing you need to do.  I
am not angry, and I am not going to call the police.  You know, three lovely
ladies like yourselves could have asked me.  I would have come willingly.  I
would have even played your games, if there had been a fair chance for me to

Ming's voice was so low I could barely hear it.  "I'm sorry, Sensei."

I'm going to skip ahead about four weeks.  A lot happened in those four weeks,
but I won't bore you with it.  I moved out of my house and into Hannah's.  I am
renting mine to a friend and his wife.  Candy and Ming still live in the house,

We play games every night, and the winner gets to do whatever he or she wants
with the other three until the next night.  They have learned not to play
Monopoly against me.  It's a tough life, but I guess somebody has to do it.  I
mean, I'm eating better than I ever have before.  All three of these women can
really cook, and I don't mean just in the kitchen, if you get my drift.

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