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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

	Well I had to take time off from writing there for awhile. My husband
came home and as the expression goes "All hell broke lose." No it didn't, but it
was wishful thinking.  Well maybe in my husband's mind he gave me what for.  I
will let you decide.  Personally I think it could have gone a lot better.

	This is what happened.  Three days after my self-spanking episode I took
pictures of my bottom and posted them on my profile.  You know so if anybody was
interested.  Well the next day was my nephew's swim party and I didn't plan on
swimming so didn't bring suit.  My sister and friends talked me into swimming in
tee shirt and borrowed shorts (didn't want bruises to show on bottom and
thighs).  Anyway was only going to stay a short time, but once I was in
whirlpool and the heat relaxed me, I was like yes, think I can stay for a few
hours.  Make matters short, I didn't get home until midnight.  To my surprise,
my husband was home and waiting.

	And to my greater surprise he had gone through my papers on my desk. 
Did I tell you that Stan wrote me a letter?  This letter was very graphic and
very sensual in details, on what he would do to me when I came to him.  This is
the letter that he said would enflame my husband.  Hmmm, no don't think it
enflamed him.  He didn't say anything about the letter right then.  So I didn't
know he had it.  But I did know he was mad about something.  I didn't want to
know what he was mad about.  We could work that out later.

	Well it was midnight; I hadn't had any real sex in almost a month, so of
course, my goal was to get a little for the night.  I wanted it to be special,
something for him to think about, and a little something for him to want to try
on me.  So I told him I was going to get ready for bed.  My clothes were
dripping wet and I peeled them off in front of him.  Then I went and took a nice
hot shower.  After my shower, I went to our room and lit all of my candles that
are surrounding the bed and on the dressers.  Then I pulled two long paisley
scarves out of my dresser and tied my feet to the bottom bedposts, in a wide V. 
Since they were not tied tightly, I worked my ankles up the posts until they
were as high as possible.

	I lay there waiting it seemed like forever.  I was completely naked and
I was starting to get chilled when he finally decided to come to our room.  I
thought he would come directly to me, but he didn't.  My husband went and sat in
his nice leather chair and put his feet up on the footstool and just looked at
me.  This made me a little nervous, so I raised myself up on my elbows and
looked him in the eyes.  There was something seriously wrong, and he was working
up the nerve to confront the problem.  I didn't want to deal with his problems
right then.  I had other things on my mind.  I thought he was mad because I was
out so late and that could be dealt with later.

	"Baby, come play with me."

	"You already have someone to play with, it seems."

	"What are you talking about?"

	"I looked at this letter, and I seen your bottom, it is bruised."  He
was holding up the letter that Stan had written.

	"Oh, that.  Well you were not supposed to be home for four more days,
and I had a little surprise planned for you.  That letter was my surprise.  I
was going to read it to you and tell you that is what I want.  But since you
found it and already read it.  You know what I want now.  So how about we do
that instead of what I planned now?"

	"Don't think so, not until you tell me about the bruises."

	Now this was a sticky part, would he believe that I spanked myself? 
Hmmm, that is the question.  Well he had to, right?  "I spanked my own bottom to
see how it felt.  The guy that wrote the letter told me how to do it and so I
did it.  I really liked it too.  So, I want you to spank me now.  He says it
will be more intense that way, and that is really what I wanted in the first
place.  I posted a message on-line asking how to get my husband to spank me and
he replied and he has been very helpful."

	"You did what?"

	"I spanked myself."

	"You spanked yourself at the direction of another man?"

	"Well, yes! I wanted to find out how it would feel.  Plus I wanted to
know how to tell you how to do it."

	"You told how many people that you wanted me to spank you?"

	"I don't know.  It was a post, in a spanking group."  Now I was kind of
feeling a little sheepish.  Maybe I shouldn't have done what I did.  But I
thought I could learn something.  Well I did, but he didn't understand.

	"You are my wife!  You are not some Jezebel, which advertises what she
wants, to other men.  You are not to use that computer for illicit actions.  I
got that computer for you to do your little projects on, to do our finances
with, and to do your correspondence with our relatives.  That fucking computer
is not a sex toy and it most definitely is not an instrument to your perversion. 
Just look at you, spread out like a cheap little whore waiting to be serviced by
any Tom, Dick, or Harry."

	"It's not like that.  I just wanted to try new things with you.  Don't
you remember a few years ago when I tied you up, I tried to tell you then that I
wanted this, but you didn't listen.  I am telling you now; this is what I want. 
I want you to take control, I want you to tie me up, and yes, I want you to
spank me!"

	"Well you have given up control, you have tied yourself to the bed.  So
I will use you as you want."

	He came to me and pulled down his pants and stroked his cock a few times
and shoved it inside of me.  This is not what I wanted, I wanted him and I
together on this.  He wasn't even looking at me.  He just pumped on me and did
not even try to give me any enjoyment.  It was over before it really began.  He
pulled out, and then came on my belly.  He had never done that before, he always
came inside of me.  I felt used, and cheap.

	"Well that is what you want right?  Your control taken away, you have no
say on weather you enjoy it or not.  That is how it works when your control is
taken away from you.  Did you like it?  Did it satisfy you?  Do you want to do
it again?"
	"No."  He started to untie my legs, but then he stopped and ran his
hands along my thighs.  I thought that he would be nice to me now, wrong.
	"Looks like you already tried this route with someone else.  Did he get
rough with you?  Did he make it better for you?  You have bruises going up and
down your thighs, you are turning into a regular little whore!"
	"It's not like that!  When I spanked my bottom, I also spanked my
thighs.  It felt stingy but it felt good also.  I just got carried away."  He
wasn't listening to me.  He stepped back and pulled up his pants.  Then he
started to leave the room.  On the way out of the room I heard him say "Next."
	I laid there wanting and I did not know what to do.  I wanted him to
come back to me.  I wanted him to understand.  I just wanted my stars, the
white-hot burning, and the earth shattering.  I wasn't asking too much, Stan
told me that it was natural for a woman to want these things.  He told me my
husband was a vanilla type of man, and that I would have problems trying to
change my husband.  However, he didn't tell me he would treat me like this.  I
just wanted to cry, and so I did.  I cried about all the times that my husband
has told me no, I cried about what he said to me, and I cried because I married
a vanilla man.
	After I finished crying, I started to think about what I could do to
change things.  I wanted to hurt my husband the way he hurt me.  I still wanted
him to spank me and I still wanted him to tie me up.  Now it was up to me to get
him to change.  I worked my ankles down the posts and then I untied them.  I
pulled on my robe and then went to find him and talk to him.  I searched the
house and couldn't find him.  At first I thought he left, but then I checked and
all of the vehicles were outside.  So I knew he was still in the house.  So I
looked again, and that is when I noticed the guest bedroom door shut.  I went to
open it and it was locked.  I knocked and he wouldn't answer.  I knocked again
and still no answer.  I knew he was in there and he wasn't letting me in.  So I
returned to our room.
	I sat in my sewing chair in my room and contemplated what to do next.  I
wanted him to know how serious I was about my wants and needs.  I also wanted
him to know that he hurt me by what he had done.  So I did something that I knew
would get him.  As I said earlier my hair is very long and curly.  It falls a
little past my bottom.  My husband prides my hair.  He says it is my halo and
has asked me to never cut it, and I haven't since we have been together.  But
desperate times call for desperate measures.  So I pulled my hair into a
ponytail and then I pulled the hair tie just below my shoulder blades, then I
cut my hair directly above the hair tie.
	I know that hair has no feelings, but I cried again when I cut my hair. 
I was going to take it and place it in front of the door that he was sleeping
in, but then I changed my mind.  I sat there crying in my hair and as I cried I
braided it.  I braided my hair into fifteen stands for the fifteen years that I
have been with him.  For the fifteen years that I have treated him like a king
and tonight he treated me like a dime store whore.  When it was completed, I
went and got a piece of paper and wrote on it simply the words; spank me with
this.  I then took my hair that I made into a flogger and the note and laid them
outside the door that he slept in.
	The next morning I got up late, it was already seven and I should have
had his clothes laid out and his bath started.  These are things that I started
doing for him when we first got together and found that it pleased him.  So I
continued, well today is a new day.  Things are going to change.  If he doesn't
want to please me, then the little things that I do to please him will stop.  I
fixed breakfast, no sausage or bacon for him.  I was cooking for myself, and I
do not like meat.  So I fixed scrambled eggs with spinach and cream cheese.  I
made him a plate and left it in the kitchen.  I went and sat down and ate my
breakfast.  He came in and looked at what I had prepared and then he knew he had
a battle on his hands.  Yes, this means war to him.  I am a great cook, when I
want to be for him.  Otherwise I cook to please my palate when he is gone.  I
was going to act like he wasn't even home.  This was my plan.
	His plan was to get me under control.  Or to his idea of a perfect wife
again.  He went and got my hair and made sure I saw what he was doing and threw
it in the trash.  He started to put what I prepared for him with it, but I
leaped up and pulled my hair out of the trash first.  He didn't say anything to
me, but just left.  I finished my breakfast then went down and got on the
computer.  I wanted to talk with Stan; I wanted to get his opinion on what I
should do next.  I was emailing Stan when he came home with a sack from
McDonald's, YUK.  My breakfast was a lot better and it was healthier also.  This
was an insult to me and he knew it.
	I started to raise issue with it, but he beat me to it.  By yelling at
me to get off of the _ _ _ Dam computer.  Another insult to god and me.  I was
ready for battle, but then he just walked off and went back to the guestroom.
	This went on for six days.  No talking to each other, me not cooking or
cleaning or doing anything for him, and finally he gave in.  Or maybe not, it
just depends on how you look at things.
	This is what happened on the sixth day, late at night.  I was getting
ready for bed when he came to our room.  I had on my favorite black mesh nightie
and no panties.  This nightie does not cover my lower region, it only goes to
the top of my pelvic bone and leaves everything else bare.  I know he was
aroused by me, because his robe started to tent out.  So I knew I had won, I was
so happy, I could have shouted with pure joy.  However, I just smiled at him and
then crawled in his lap once he sat down.
	"Are you going to spank me?"
	"Are you going to do it tonight?"
	"Do you want me to lay across your knees?"
	"No, I want you to crawl up on the bed and then put your chest down on
the mattress and leave your bottom in the air while up on your knees.  When you
have done this I will spank you."
	So I crawled up on the bed and positioned myself the way he wanted. 
Then I watched him take off his robe and come up behind me.  He started
caressing my thighs and then he rubbed my bottom.  He took his other hand and
started rubbing my clit.  It felt really nice and finally he started to spank
me.  He slapped my bottom with his one hand and rubbed my clit with the other. 
He continued this for about twenty swats and they were very light.  I had to
tell him harder so yes, I screamed out at him to hit me harder.  Then they got a
little harder but not by much.  When he got to thirty he stopped, I wanted him
to continue, but he just stopped touching me everywhere and sat back on his
	"I can't do this Angel, you are my wife.  I can't hurt you!"
	"You aren't hurting me, it feels good.  Trust me, if you could just
spank me a little harder you will see.  I love it; I want the warmth that your
hand can give me.  (Heck, didn't want to even ask about him using a hairbrush. 
Even though that would have been better.)
	"It's not right baby, a man does not hit his woman."
	"Then don't think about me being your woman, think about it as a
punishment and that I deserve it and I am somebody else."
	"Let's just do something else, I will have to think about the spanking
some more.  I will try for you, but I can't make no promises."
	"That is fine, for now.  Will you tie me up and do what I want and not
like last time?"
	"Baby steps, let me think about all this first."
	"All right, then you have to do what I say no matter what.  As long as
it doesn't involve tying up or spanking, ok?"
	"Sure, anything you want baby."
	"Then I want to go outside in the back yard completely naked and I want
you to do the same.  Once outside I want you to eat me while I lay in the grass
and look at the stars."  I was going to have stars one way or another.  He has
always refused to have any type of sex outside before, but he said he would do
what I wanted so he had to prove it.
	"Baby the neighbors might see us."
	"No they won't, and even if they do it is none of their business.  They
shouldn't be looking over our fence."  With that said I got up off the bed and
grabbed two pillows then proceeded outside.  It was a little cooler than I
thought it was, but that is ok.  I planned on being a little warm in awhile.
	I lay down in the grass, in the most open part of our yard and waited
for him to come to me.  It took him a while to work up the nerve to come outside
naked, but finally he came.  He stood over me and just looked at me laying
beneath his shadow.  I pulled my knees up and let my legs fall open in
invitation.  I reached up behind my head and pulled my hair out from under me
and fanned it around my head.  The grass felt cool against my back and I arched
up to him.  He knew what I wanted and he knew how I liked it, so I would not say
anything else to him until he was done.
	He knelt down between my thighs and started kissing and sucking on my
nipples.  The cool air felt cold when he left them and continued on to my
stomach.  I reached up and covered my nipples with my hands and continued
caressing them.  Then I started pinching them and pulling them away from my
body.  By the time he had his beard touching my mound I was pinching my nipples
as hard as I could.  I waited for him to put his tongue on my clit and that is
when I would release them and not until.  The feeling was intense, my nipples
were hurting, but it was a nice pain, a pain remembered.  He continued licking
around my mound and my breathing increased.
	Finally that beautiful tongue of his hit the spot and I released my
nipples, I let out a loud moan and he raised up a little and I shoved his face
back down.  I didn't want him to look at me.  I wanted my stars and I wanted to
dream.  The pain in my nipple throbbed, but it was a delightful throb.  I wanted
more so I reached down and moved his head to my thighs.  He started to kiss
them.  I still wanted more.  "Bite my thighs" He bit them, it was not hard
enough.  I wanted that ache there, and I wanted more!  "Harder, bite them
	Yes, that is what I needed.  The bite on top of the bruises that were
still there after eight days.  The agony to give me my release.  I wanted him to
just bite my thighs and forget about my pussy, but he did not.  He had to go
back, I let him for awhile lick on my clit but then I had to force his head and
teeth back to my thighs.  As he bit my thighs I reached again for my nipples and
squeezed them hard until he went back for my clit.  The feelings were fierce and
they were growing.  I could cum just from him biting me and me pinching on my
nipples.  My dreams were getting clearer and I could picture my ankles being
held tight, my thighs being spanked, and me holding my nipples until I was told
to release them. 

	He went back to my clit and I released my nipples.  I was closer to my
goal and I was close to cumming.  "Bite and lick, please my love, please." 
Thank you god, for him following direction.  It was getting more profound; I was
starting to cum.  My legs were starting to close and he put his hands on my
thighs to hold them open.  His fingers on my thighs, on the bruises and bite
marks made it even better when he stuck his tongue inside me.  I could feel the
twinges of pain on my thighs and I could feel the pleasure of his tongue at the
same time.  It was unreal; it was the best that he had ever done.  I came so
loud my poor neighbors probably thought I was being murdered in the back yard. 
He started to stop, but I reached down and held his head against me.  I clenched
my teeth to be a little quieter and continued breathing through my nose and

	When he finished and I finished he sat up with a pussy-eating grin on
his face.  I wanted to tell him it was better because of the bruises, but
something stopped me.  I laid there under the stars and patted the extra pillow
for him to lay next to me.  I just wanted to lay there and dream my dream again. 
I wanted to be alone in my world.

	After some time had gone by, I told him that we could go inside and go
to sleep.  He wanted his release, but I refused.  I told him we could play
tomorrow, but tonight was for me.  We went inside and cuddled then he fell
asleep and I got up and went back outside to look at my stars.  It didn't hurt
to keep on dreaming.

Review This Story || Author: Crybaby
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