BDSM Library - First Weekend

First Weekend

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A not completly trained sex slave is put through the paces by her Master and newly oppointed Misstress to become a vey obediant and submissave slave.
First Weekend

First Weekend - 1

    Well it all started over a simple mistake that i should
have known better then to make.  But as it turned out i was
more interested in myself then what would happen because of
it.  And i soon learned the errors of my ways.

    The work week ended early Friday so i was about to get
home a few hours before i normally did.  i had not planned on
getting off work early, but since i did it seemed to make
every thing start that much sooner and would also make it
last that much longer.  That was the only thing that seemed
to be out of place - a longer then normal work break.

    As i walked through the door i was immediately asked what
i was doing home?  i explained that i was finished for the
week and the rest of it was for myself.  The house guest
that lives with me snapped and said "not so fast".  Your
MASTER called and gave me some very specific instructions for
you when you arrived.  i was told that you were not due
until around five, but since you're here we might as well get

    As you see i am a submissive and have a part time
MASTER, but now with a full time assistant.  So even though
i was some what surprised, i still went ahead and ask what
she wanted.  She asked what if any plans i had for the
weekend, i told her of a planned meeting and coffee for
Saturday.  She asked if i could cancel it, and i said that i
thought that i could.  So i was told to do just that!  After
clearing my schedule of every thing until Monday i was
ordered to strip down.  i started to leave and go to my room
and take every thing off as i normally did after work.  But
as i attempted to leave she snapped again and asked "where
do you think you're going?"  i said "to my room to change!"  
"Not so fast; i want you to strip right here, and then i will
decide if you can leave."  So i did!

    Once i was out of my clothes she told me to spread my
feet apart and raise my arms as she wanted to look me over.
So, as expected, i did just what she commanded.  It was
obivious now that she was intending to be in full charge of
at least the rest of the day, and i had better get use to

    When she had finished looking me over to her
satisfaction, she asked when i last ate?  i told her at
dinner, and she just said "fine".  She told me to stand
where i was as she left down the hall.  She came back with
my good old red water bottle and all the little things that
went with it.  She handed them to me and told me to go and
get my self cleaned out, good and clean.  When i was finished
i was i was to call her and have her come and check.
Well this took about an hour as i had done it many times
before, so i was getting rather good at it.  Once i had felt
that i was finished i leaned out the door of the bathroom
and called for her.  She entered the bathroom and asked
where my last discharge was?  i said that i had flushed it
after i finished!  She snapped how in the hell do you
expect me to know if your finished when you didn't leave me
any thing to look at?  i said that i assumed that she would
take my word for it as i had done it so many times before.  Well
she snapped again and told me that SHE was not taking any
thing for granted.  Then she told me to fill the bag and
fill my self up, and hold it until she returned.  i did just
that and sat and waited and waited.  When she arrived she
told me to stand, and as i did, i realized just how long i
had been holding the enema.  As i got up the cramps hit me
and i just about doubled over with stomach pains.  But i did
stand as straight as i could.  She said that i had better
stand up straight or i would hold the water until Christmas.
it was a real strain, but I managed to stand up straight
enough so that she was satisfied.  She then told me to sit
and let it out, and do not flush it away or we would do it

    As i sat down it just seemed to come out and i could do
nothing to either hold it back or slow it down.  But damn it
felt so good to get that pressure out of me!  Once i was
about finished she told me to stand and let her look, i did.
 She smiled and said that i was right i was good and giving
my self a good cleaning, and to finish letting the rest out.
 Then i was to take a warm shower and come back into the
living room for further instructions.

    It took about fifteen or twenty minutes for me to finish
with what she wanted done, and to dry off.  As i walked down
the hall i could see her sitting in a chair reading some
thing on a piece of paper.  When i entered the room i walked
over to where she was, and stood in front of her (i assumed
that this is what she wanted).  She ordered me to kneel in
front of her, and every time from now on when i was naked i
would kneel in front of her unless i was told different.  At
this point i had a stunned look on my face, but i did just as
she commanded.  Once i was on my knees and looking up at her
she told me to put my hands together behind my back and just
stay there.  i did it and didn't move until she finished
reading what ever it was that she was reading.

    When she was finished she told me to go and get my waste
belt and leather cuffs.  i got up and proceed to the den
where they were kept.  At this point i started to wonder
what was on that paper since i didn't know that she even knew 
about any of the leather items that were in the house.  As you 
will see, at this point, she had only been living with me for 
just under a week, and there were NO signs of her having looked 
around. When i returned with what she had requested i handed 
them to her.  She looked them over for a minute, as if trying 
to figure out just how they worked, but i think she was a fast
learner.  She told me to turn around and after i did she
placed the belt around my waist and buckled it tight behind
my back.  Then she had me turn back around and put a padded
cuff on each wrist.  She looked for the short leather straps
that i had brought with it, and when she found them she
finished fastening the cuffs to the belt.  There i was naked
and in a waist belt so that i could not use my hands or arms
at all.

    She then ordered me to take her to where the rest of the
leather gear was at.  Once we were in the den i told her
where to look as i was not in any position to point.  She
went over to the chest and opened it.  As she looked inside
she got this smile on her face just about the time she said
"wow what a selection".  She reached into the chest and came
out with a set of leg shackles and held them up in front of
her.  She asked where the key was, and i told her that
MASTER had it.  She asked if there was an extra key?  i said
yes but that i didn't know where it was. i said that it was
in the house some place though.  Then she said that this was
what she was looking for and walked over toward me.  She
knelt down and commenced to put the shackles on me.  As she
was fastening the last one on i asked her what she was
intending to do.  She snapped at me saying that i was not
to talk unless i was asked a question or told to.  So i
didn't get my answer, but i did get told my place.  At this
point i was in NO position to argue with her for what ever
reason, and i didn't intend to, either.

    She walked back into the living room and told me to
follow her.  As she sat back down in the easy chair she
called me over, and when i was in front of her, i just stood
there.  She reached out and shoved me back a little and
stood up with a funny look on her face.  "What did i tell you?"
she snapped as she looked into my eyes?  i said that i didn't
remember, and she then repeated her instructions.  "i told
you that when you were in front of me you would kneel, didn't

  i answered "YES!"

  "So why didn't you kneel?"

  i answered "i forgot"!

  She snapped "i FORGOT what?"

    i just stood there not knowing what to say next, so i
figured that i would not say any thing.  That is when she
snapped again:

  "FORGOT what?"

    i still didn't say any thing - but she came back with
the answer.  From now on when i addressed her i would refer
to her as MISTRESS, and if i didn't i would surely regret

    Well, now, i understood what was happening and i kind of
had a good idea of what was going to happen.  You see, in
the past, my MASTER was not able to spend that much time with
me and therefore i was not totally under HIS control.  But
as it now appeared HE had acquired an ASSISTANT that was
going to handle and control me while HE was away.  This idea
i was not overly fond of, but under the present conditions
what choice did i have?

    SHE sat back down and told me to come to HER.  When
i was in front of HER i immediately got down on my knees and
looked up at HER, waiting for HER next command.  SHE just sat
back and didn't say a word, until SHE told me to go and get
HER a soda from the refrigator.  i got up and went to the
kitchen to get HER one. Needless to say, it was not easy.
But i managed to get it and brought it to HER, unopened.
SHE looked at me and snapped, "what am i going to do with
this?"  i didn't answer, i just stood there.  SHE handed it
back to me and told me to open it!  As i was holding it in
my hand, all that i could think about was HOW.  i asked HER
if i could speak, and SHE granted me permission.  At that
point i told HER that i didn't think that i could open it
for HER in my present condition, and SHE replied that i had
better find a way - QUICK.

    i started thinking as fast as i could and the only way
that i could come up with was to put it between my legs and
hold it while i used one hand to open it.  So as i placed it
between my legs, (boy it was cold), i sqeezed my legs closed
and pulled one hand around and unscrewed the cap.  After i
had the cap off i grabbed the bottle and stood back up
handing it to HER.  SHE was still sitting and commenced to
take a few sips from it.  The SHE reached out and handed it
back to me.  SHE told me to put the caps back on it and put
it back in the refrigator until later.

    This i knew was not going to be easy.  i first had to
pick up the cap and hold it while i placed the bottle back
between my legs.  i was able to do that and i was able to
get the cap started, finally.  Once i had the bottle closed
and started to go put it away, SHE called me.  SHE said that
she wanted one more drink before i put it up.  So i had to
do every thing over again and hand it to HER, open.  It must
have took thirty minutes for HER to just get three or four
drinks out of it, but what did SHE care?

    It was now late in the afternoon and SHE had been some
what easy on me since the soda routine.  But now it was time
for supper and SHE went and fixed HER a sandwich.  At the
same time SHE fixed me a bowl of chichen soup and set it on
the floor.  i looked at HER and wondered what was next?  SHE
instructed me to come over to HER and eat my supper.  i knew
better to ask how, so i just got down on my knees again and
did the best that i could to get the soup out of the bowl.
i was kind of hungry so i got as much as i could before SHE
picked it up.  SHE looked over at me and said in a sarcastic
voice - "we don't want you to get to full now do we?"  i
didn't know what SHE meant, but my mind was running guess
after guess, and none of them i liked.

    SHE went back into the living room and sat back down it
what appeared now to be HER favorite chair.  SHE called for
me as i expected, and i came and assumed the proper
position.  SHE looked down at me and said that we were going
to wait now until my MASTER arrived.  SHE said that he was
due around seven and had several surprises for me.

To Be Continued ->

First Weekend - 2

It was now going on seven thirty and MASTER has not arrived.  i was 
getting awful sore sitting in one position waiting, but i had this 
feeling that i had better not move.  Then came a knock on the door 
and the sound of a key in the lock.  MASTER has had a key to my house 
for some time, and i have never refused to allow HIM in.

HE walked into the living room and looked over at Linda.  HE asked 
her what i was doing inside when it was so nice out in the yard.  
She replied that she was not aware that i could have been taken 
outside.  HE then told her to bring me and follow HIM as HE went 
toward the sliding glass doors that lead to the yard.

After i got up i walked the best i could and followed MASTER to the 
den with Linda right behind me.  MASTER was standing at the doors 
waiting for us to arrive, and as we did HE went out into the yard.  
HE told Linda to bring me to him, and she grabed my arm and lead me 
in his direction.  HE was standing by the picnic table and there were 
several iron pipes laying around the area.  i stood there wondering 
what they had in mind, but still knew that i had better not ask.  So 
i just waited for one of them to tell me what was going to come next.  
And the wait was not long!

MASTER picked up one of the many pipes that were all around and placed 
it in another pipe that was in the ground.  Then HE instructed Linda 
to bring me over to where the pipe was.  HE told her to lay me down on 
my back and to unfasten the shackles that were on my legs.  She 
mentioned to HIM that HE had not given her a key.  So HE reached in 
his pocket and tossed her a small key on a large ring.  While HE was 
waiting for her to unlock my shackles HE told her that the key she was 
holding fit all the locks for the items HE had.  And that until HE had 
another one made she was to keep it with her at all times.

By now i was laying on my back on the ground next to this one pipe that 
was standing in the ground.  HE tossed her a leather strap and a cuff 
and told her to fasten my leg to the pipe.  It didn't take her long and 
she was waiting for HIM to tell her what next.  His next instruction was 
for her to take my other leg and pull it toward one of the other holes 
in the ground.  And to pull it to the farthest one that she could reach.  
So as there was still one side of the shackes hooked to that leg it was 
easy for her to pull it over while i was still standing up.  She passed 
several holes before she felt that i was as far apart as i could go.  
When she told MASTER that she thought that i was where HE wanted, HE 
just noded.  Then HE went and got another pipe the same length as the 
first, and placed it in the hole where my leg was.  MASTER then tossed 
her another short leather strap and cuff, telling her to do the same as 

There i was laying on the ground with my legs spread apart and fastened 
to the bottom of two pipes.  i was still wearing my waist belt, so 
MASTER told Linda to follow him.  HE said that i was not going any place 
until they got back.  So i just lay there with all kinds of different 
thoughts running through my head.

It seemed like fifteen or twenty minutes before they returned, but i 
really think that it was more like five.  But when they did return they 
were both carrying what appeared to be short chains with some sort of 
hook on them.  As they approched me i could see that, indeed, that is 
what they were.  i had no idea what they intended to do with them, but 
i was soon to find out.  MASTER told Linda to release my arms from the 
belt and fasten the hook in the ring on the cuff.  After she had both 
my arms released and her and MASTER had the short chains fastened, they 
lifted me to a some what standing position.  MASTER placed his chain 
over the top of the pipe and it sliped through a slot on the top and 
he hooked it to some thing on the side.  Then HE went around to the 
other side and did the same thing.  There i was not quite standing but 
looking rather uncomfortable.  i was!  MASTER pulled on the chain where 
he was and that pulled my arm even higher and tighter.  Then HE went to 
the other side and pulled on that one also.  Now i was streached tight 
between the two pipes and in no position to do anything.  MASTER said 
to Linda that they should go in and have a bit to eat and a drink as i 
needed to think about my situation for a while.  Then they left and 
disappeared into the house.

It was about sun down when they left me there, and it was well after 
dark before they came back.  MASTER was always the first one to come 
out of the house as HE was the first one to enter.  i could see 
MASTER coming toward me, but i could not see Linda that clear.  In a 
way i was glad that i couldn't!  When i did see her she had a wide 
leather strap in one of her hands, and some thing clutched in the 
other.  As she approched i still could not see what was in her one 
hand, not until she handed it to MASTER.  Then i knew it was one of 
the many ball gags that MASTER had for me.  MASTER stood in from of 
me and pinched my nose until i opened my mouth, and then HE slipped 
the ball part between my teeth.  The gag had a strap on it that HE 
put around my head to hold the gag in place.  Once HE was satisfied 
that it would not come out, and i could make no more then a grunting 
sound HE steped back.  HE then looked over at Linda and told her to 
do what they had talked about.  Well she walked around behind me and 
just stood there for a few seconds, as if she was trying to make up 
her mind whether or not to do it.  The next thing i knew was that i 
was being hit across the ass with the belt.  The blows were not that 
hard; just enough to let me know i was being hit.  MASTER told her to 
do it right or HE would use it on her.  So the next blow was much
much harder, and they were comming more often.  By now i was really 
feeling the blows and the only thing i could do was groan and cry some. 
Tears were running down each cheek, and the more she hit me the more 
they ran.

MASTER finally told her that she could stop, and she did.  But HE also 
told her that she was to do it again in thirty minutes for ten minutes. 
Then she was to wait thirty more minutes and do it again.  HE told her 
that HE wanted to see my ass red and welted before i would be allowed 
to be put to bed for the night.  After all HE told her - i had a busy 
day coming tomorrow and i did need some rest.

So after and hour or so she finished, and MASTER came out to look at me. 
He felt both sided of my ass, and was satisfied that they were welted.
i guess so as it really hurt for HIM to even touch me.

MASTER told Linda to go and get a sleeping bag out of the hall closet, 
and she left to do it.  When she returned MASTER told her to open the 
bag and lay in on the ground behind me, and she did as HE instructed.  
Then HE went to one side of me and let the chain loose that held my 
right arm, and went and did the same to the other side.  At this point 
MASTER was holding me so that i would not just fall in one direction or 
the other.  HE then lowered me to the ground and onto the open sleeping 
bag.  Speaking to Linda again, HE told her to go and find a sheet.  While 
she was gone looking for the bed sheet MASTER refastened my arms to my 
waist belt.  When she returned with it HE told her to cover me with it, 
and she did.  MASTER looked down at me for a minute, and then back 
toward Linda.  The last thing i heard HIM say was that it was time for 
him and Linda to get some sleep.  As i was not tucked in bed for the 

One thing that had been bothering me for several hours was how i was 
going to use the bathroom.  i didn't have permission to speak, and 
therefore, i didn't ask.  But that issue was becoming a necessary 
thing to know.  As several hours went by and i really wasn't getting 
much sleep in this position, i thought that i could hear some one 
comming near me.  Of course in the position i was hearing all kinds 
of sounds and strange noises.  But this time i was really hearing 
some one coming.  It turned out to be Linda as she came to see if i 
was all right.  With out being told to do so, may i add!  She loosened 
the gag in my mouth and asked if i was OK.  That is when i told her 
that i really needed to use the bathroom.  She said that she could 
not let me loose, but would try and think of something that might 
help.  She left and i thought that i heard her in the kitchen moving 
dishes and pans around.  Well i must of, as she came out with a 
shallow pan that she slipped under me.  She asked if i could use 
this and she would empty it when she left.  In the condition that 
i was in i could have used a straw, and it sure felt good to get 
that pressure off my kidneys.  It didn't take but a few seconds and 
i was finished.  She slipped the pan out and that was the last i saw 
of any one until morning.


First Weekend - 3

It was now some time Saturday morning and i really didn't sleep that 
well last night.  i heard someone moving in the house, but they never 
came near the glass doors so that i could see who it was.  i just kept 
laying here hoping that who ever it was would come out and say some-
thing to me, but they never did.  After all, i was still in no position 
to do much of any thing.

Well, the sun was coming up now pretty good, and it was about to come 
over the roof of the house.  When it did it was going to be shinning 
right on me, and i had NO protection from it.  As the morning went on 
and it kept getting lighter and lighter, i kept hoping that someone,
anyone, would come out of that door.  Now i could hear two people 
talking in the house, so i assumed that they were both up.  The longer 
that no one came to the door the more i started to think that they had 
forgotten about me altogether.  Yet i knew better in the back of my mind.
It is just that i feel so strange laying here like this and not being 
able to do any thing about it.

All of a sudden both of them came out and walked over to me.  i had no 
idea of what time it was and i really didn't care at this point.  i just 
wanted them to do some thing, anything.  MASTER looked down at me and 
asked if i had a good night's sleep, and i didn't want to offend HIM - 
so i said YES.  But the truth of the matter is that i was scared to death 
every time i heard a sound that i didn't know.  i don't believe i have 
ever felt so helpless in my entire life until last night.

MASTER looked over at Linda and told her to take her key and let me loose.  
I was surprised to hear that as i figured that HE would at least want me 
in my waist belt, but HE didn't.  The next thing HE said was for her to 
take me to the bathroom and to get me some thing to drink and eat.  I
didn't understand what was going on at this point, especially after last 
night.  HE mentioned as we were walking away that it would be best if i 
didn't eat any thing too heavy, as i had a busy day to look forward to.  
So i took HIM at HIS word and only ate one egg and a dry piece of toast.

Once i was done with what breakfast i was going to have and had all that
I wanted to drink, i was told to come back outside where HE was sitting.
He ordered me to get back on the ground and to let Linda refasten my 
legs back to the bottom of the pipes.  i did just as HE said as i felt 
that it would be unwise not to.

After my legs were back apart and fastened to the pipes HE told Linda 
to come with HIM.  They went to the back of the yard where i kept my 
picnic table, and brought it to where i was.  They placed it almost 
to the pipes in front of me.  Then MASTER asked Linda to give HIM a 
hand in lifting me up and laying me face down on the table.  HE told 
Linda to hold me there until HE returned.  i didn't know what HE was
up to, but with the little pressure that Linda had on my back i could 
surely not get up.  i could not even raise my head to see where MASTER 
went to.  So i accepted the position that i was in and just stayed still.

It didn't take MASTER long before HE was back!  i didn't see HIM carrying 
anything or at least i don't think i did. Then i could hear HIM taking 
one of the chains down from the top of the pipe.  As Linda was still 
somewhat holding me down, i didn't want to make an issue out of trying 
to look, so i knew that i would find out shortly any way.  i was right 
as MASTER came around in front of me with the chain and a pair of cuffs.
He put the cuffs on me first and the fastened the two rings together with 
the hook on the end of the chain. Then HE pulled my arms forward and 
fastened the chain under the table some place.  i don't know where but 
I do know HE pulled the chain tight so that i was now held down by the
chain.  Well what a fix there i was with my legs apart andhooked to the 
bottom of two pipes and now bent at the waist and layed across a picnic 
table.  What was next?

I guess that i never should have thought that as i soon found out.  
MASTER walked behind me and i could hear paper tearing.  The next thing 
I heard was the sound of rubber or some thing in that order snapping.  
Well MASTER called for Linda to come closer to HIM as HE wanted to show 
her what to do next.  i could feel HIM place one hand on the middle of
my back, and then the shock hit me.  All of a sudden i felt a finger 
coming up inside me, and deep too.  MASTER moved it around and around 
until it felt like HE was looking for gold or some thing.  i just knew 
that the more HE moved HIS finger the more it hurt.  MASTER then told 
Linda to put on the other glove and do the same thing.  After hearing 
the same sound and feeling her hand on my back i knew the finger was 
next.  Well, in it came and around and around it went just as MASTER'S 
did.  MASTER was asking if she felt certain things and after some more 
probing she said that she did. MASTER then told her that what she was 
feeling was solids that were still up inside me, and that they had to 
be removed before they could go on with what was next.  So MASTER told 
her to put me back in my waist chain and cuffs, and then either take 
me to the bathroom or the back of the yard and clean me out.

It was a simple task for Linda now to put me into my waist chain, and 
after that she didn't bother using leg shackles as we just walked to 
the back of the yard.  There was a garden hose out there that she decided
to use, and she did.  i was afraid that the pressure was too high, but she
just turned it up a little.  She had me lay on my side and put the hose 
end just barely inside me.  i could feel myself filling up, and then she 
took the hose out.  She told me to hold it in for a few minutes and the 
get up and go get rid of it.  i did as she instructed and came back where 
she was. She bent me back over at the waist and put her finger back up 
inside me again.  She moved it around as before and then said that maybe 
one more time.  Well i got back down on my side again and in came the 
hose end.  This time she put more in then before as i started to move 
around because of the extra pressure.  She rolled me over on my back and 
started to rub my stomach and both side of my waist.  That only added to 
the discomfort i was feeling because of the water. After a few minutes 
she told me to go and get rid of it and come right back.  This time i 
was glad to go and didn't waste a second in doing what she said.

Well it took a few minutes more this time to expell all the water, but 
she didn't seem to mind the wait.  When i came back to her she bent me 
over and did the same as before, only this time deeper and longer.  She 
said that i felt cleaned out, but she wanted to one more big one to make
sure as she herself didn't know what MASTER had planned.  So i got back 
down on my side and waited for her to put the hose end back in me.  But 
this time she wanted to be different and had me lay on my back facing her.  
She told me to pick my knees up and when i did she reached between my legs 
and pushed the nozzel in me.  With one long squeeze of the handle the 
water was rushing inside me (fast).  i tried to slide away but she 
reached for my belt and held me where i could not pull the hose end out.
Damn i don't know how much she got up inside me, but it felt like ten 
gallons.  After she turned the water off she started rubbing me again 
and pressing down to loosen what ever might still be up inside me. As 
she was doing this i just wanted to scream, but i gritted my teeth 
instead.  She then told me to go and expell this on in the house so that 
she could make sure that it was clear.  i headed for the house (slow) as 
walking with this one hurt.  Besides, i didn't want to lose any
of it before i got to where she told me to go.  So i took short steps 
and finally made it!

It seemed like ten or so minutes before she came into the bathroom and 
when she arrived she asked if i was done? i told her that i thought i 
was and i was ready to get up. She told me to do just that!  i don't 
know what she was looking for but what ever it was she was satisfied 
as she flushed the commode.

We then went back out side where MASTER was sitting in a lawn chair 
waiting for us.  HE looked at her and said that it sure took long 
enough.  HE then told her to put me back into the same position as 
before because HE wanted me to practice some thing and that was the 
best position for it. After i had my legs refastened to the pipes and 
my arms pulled forward again she walked away.  MASTER walked around
to the front of me and checked the chain to see how tight it was. HE 
reached under the table and released it and the pulled me even tighter 
before refastening it.  HE said to Linda that it was best that i was 
tight as i would not like what was next, and being tight would help.
While i was in the bathroom MASTER had gone and got a few items and 
had them laying off to the side.  i didn't pay any attention when i 
walked out or i would have know what was next.  MASTER reached over 
and picked up a tube of KY gel and the then a single nozzel.  
He opened the tube of KY and dabbed a little on the end of the nozzel.  
He then called Linda over closer to HIM and showed her how to put it 
up inside me.  i mean how far and so forth!  Then HE picked up a black 
squeeze bulb with a silver twist screw on it, and fastened it to one of 
the two lines coming out of me now. HE showed her how to take her thumb 
and first finger and close the valve as HE squeezed the bulb several 
times. HE explained to her that the wrinkled part of the nozzel inside 
me was now expanding and that would prevent it from coming out or allowing 
any thing to pass.  HE pumped it until i let out a moan, and HE stopped.  
At this point HE asked her if she heard me moan, and she said she did.  
He told her that - that was usually a good way to tell that it was tight, 
but one little pump past that never hurt.

Then HE released the air in the nozzel and slipped it back out of me.  
Once it was back in HIS hand HE pumped it back up again to show Linda 
just how big it would get, and that it would do serious damage if ever 
inflated to that size while inside me.  She said that she understood, 
and asked HIM what HE wanted her to do?  HE handed the nozzel to her and 
told her to take an hour or so getting use to putting it up inside me.  
I heard what HE said and just about started to beg HIM not to have her 
do it.  But before i did HE disappeared into the house. i guess at this 
point HE was taking care of some business as i could hear MASTER on the 
phone talking to some one, but could not make out what they were saying.

Well Linda started her practice and being in the position that i was i 
had NO choice but to let her.  The first few times she was really careful 
and it didn't seem too bad.  But then she started to feel confident and 
inflated the nozzel more and more each time.  Finally i let out ayell 
as it really hurt!  That is when MASTER returned and told her to do it 
one more time in front of HIM so that HE could see what she had learned.
So she did!

MASTER seemed pleased at the way she picked up using the nozzle so fast, 
and told her that it was time to get down to business.  HE instructed 
her to leave the nozzel in and fasten me between the pipe again.  She 
did and as she slipped the chains over the top MASTER could see that 
being shorter them HIM she was having a problem.  HE came over and
finished hooking me at that point, but did tell her that HE would come 
up with a better way for her to hook me later.

So there i was between the pipe again and feeling like i had a tail with 
that nozzel hanging out of me.  MASTER called Linda to follow HIM back 
into the house as they needed to get some thing.  They both went into 
the house and came right back out.  MASTER was carrying a large bottle 
of water and Linda had the small pump that MASTER had used before.  She 
also had quite a bit of clear tubing that was used to hook every thing 
together.  The picnic table was still in front of me and MASTER layed 
everything on it except the water bottle.  HE looked at Linda and told 
her that it would be easier for HIM at this point to show her rather 
then try and explain it.  HE then took one of the long tubes and fastened 
one end to the tube coming out of me.  The other end HE attached to one 
of the two fittings on the pump.  Then HE got the water bottle and sat 
it beside the pump and went to get a shorter piece of tubing.  That he
fastened to the other opening on the pump and slipped the other end it 
into the bottle of water.  HE walked back toward the house and came back 
with an extension cord that HE used to plug the pump in.  Still on the 
table was several more pieces of tubing and a coil of electric cord.  
That is what HE picked up next.  Taking that over to the pump HE attached 
it to some place on the side of it.  HE layed the cord down and told Linda 
to help HIM move the table to one side.  After that HE went and got a 
lawn chair and put it about twenty feet in front of me, telling Linda to 
do the same!  As she was placing her chair MASTER went and picked
up the coil of wire and unrolled it as HE came back to HIS chair. The 
he just sat down! 

I noticed that the end of the cord that HE had in HIS hand had what looked 
like a push button on it.  Well, that is just what it was as i saw HIS 
thumb press it and that is when i knew what was next.  i heard the pump 
run before i felt the water running inside me, but at this point what
difference did it make which came first?  MASTER explained to Linda that 
each one of the black lines on the bottle was one quart of liquid.  And 
for the first one never use much more the two quarts as a starter.  But 
after the third fill, three or slightly more could be used.

Now for demonstration purposes let me just quickly put in one quart.  At 
that point HE explained that the harder the button was pushed the faster 
the pump ran and the farther the water would be pushed in.  HE must of 
pressed the button all the way down as it sure didn't take long for the 
first quart to get inside me.  Now (he said) lets just ease the next one 
in and let her hold them for a few minutes before i show you the easy way 
to let it out of her.

After a few minutes MASTER came up beside me and asked Linda to bring HIM 
the other empty bottle out of the house. After she came with it MASTER 
took a clamp out of HIS pocket and slipped it on the water tube.  Then HE 
separated the tubing at that point and placed the end in the empty bottle.
Once it was in there HE released the clamp that HE had on the line and the 
water inside me ran out into the bottle. It, too, was marked with black 
lines that measured one quart each. All this time HE was talking to Linda 
explaining what HE was doing and looking for.  HE told her that she was 
to wait until as much of the water that could come out did, and
that the longer she waited the more that would come out.


First Weekend - 4

    It appeared that I was really into some thing now and
there was not too damn much I could do about it until the
powers to be were ready to stop.  So as I adjusted my mind
and thoughts to accept the faits that were to follow, and to
not let my self think ahead.  I was now kind of resolved to
the fact that as long as I didn't let it get to me it
wouldn't.  BUT you can just bet that the best layed plans
were going to come to a screaching halt as the day went on.

    Linda was now acting like a little kid with a new toy,
and that toy was me.  She would just wait long enough before
clamping the tube and hooking up the line from the pump.
Then it was fill again.  As she watched the bottle getting
empty she was also watching me get full.  I knew by the way
that I felt that my stomach was expanding every time, and
that was what she was watching.  About an hour and a half
had passed now and I could sense that she was getting tired
of just putting in and letting out.  So when she asked
MASTER if there was any thing else that he wanted her to do
I got concerned again.  MASTER looked at her with what
appeared to be an open mind and asked what she thought.
Well she replied - I was looking at some of the tapes you
let me watch and I was wondering (she hesatated), what about
the one where (you know) upside down?  MASTER just sat there
for a second or two and said that might be just the thing.
But we need a few things first!  So you just keep her busy
here and let me run to town and get a few things.

    Well I heard the door close and MASTERS truck start.  I
didn't know what he ment by town, but either way he would be
gone for at least a half an hour as I lived several miles
from the closest store.  It turned out that it was more like
fourth five minutes before he returned, and came back to the
back yard.  He didn't have any thing with him so I didn't
know if he bought any thing or not.  He called Linda off to
the side where I could only see them as he wispered to her
about what ever.  The next thing I knew was that Linda came
over to me and clamped the tube closed and started to let me
empty out.  While this was taking place she walked out to
the front with MASTER and I guess looked over what he had
purchased.  As I said at this point I didn't have any idea
what it might be, but I was glad to have the chance to let
all the water in me out.  And believe me I took full
advantage of the period to!

    A few minutes later Linda came back by her self with a
ball gag and a pillow case.  I knew what the ball gag was
for, but the pillow case?  She told me to open up and she
slipped the ball in and fastened it behind my head.  Then
she slipped the pillow case over my head and I could feel
her starting to let me lose.  As she let each arm down she
fastened it to my waste belt.  As of this time that was the
only thing that had never been removed, just kind of shifted
around.  So before long both my arms were attached again and
I was sitting on the ground waiting for her to let my legs
lose.  Well she did!  I could not see so she had to help me
up and then she lead me to one of the room in the house, and
I could hear her close the door.  After she left I kind of
felt my way around to the point that I new I was in the
master bedroom.  So I half stepped to the bed and decided to
just lay down and relay for the first time in almost two
days.  The only bad part it was not long enough before she
came back and got me.

    She lead me back out side because I still had the pillow
case on over my head.  I seemed to sense that we were back
over by the pipes again, but not for sure.  Next I was told
to get down on my knees and after I did she unfastened one
arm at a time and refastened them where my legs were
fastened before.  Next I could feel both her and MASTER pick
me up and turned me over as they laid me back.  That is when
I heard a strange sound that I didn't know.  It sounded like
metal to metal, but it took a few more minutes before I knew
for sure.  Not until I felt my heavy cuffs being put on my
ankles and then some thing being hooked to them.  I was
still loose, but I knew that some thing was fastened to each
leg.  Then I was getting the idea as I heard that metal
sound again and began to feel my legs being lifted up.  I
could hear the sound and it seemed to go in conjuction with
the fact that my legs were going up.  Soon I was almost
upside down and the pillow case fell off my head by its
self.  At this point my arms were still loose, but my legs
were now in the air being pulled toward the top of the pipe
on each side.

    My head was facing the chairs where MASTER went and was
now sitting and I turned my head and saw that Linda was
standing next to one of the pipes.  On that pipe was a new
thing that looked like what some of the boat trailers had to
pull the boat on up on it.  I turned my head and looked over
at the other pipe, and saw the same thing there.  I noticed
Linda's hand reach for the handle and then started to turn
it.  As she did I felt that leg being raised up higher and
higher.  Then she went to the other side and brought that
leg up where the other one was and a little bit higher.  She
did this several times until I was high enough so that my
arms were no longer bent at the elbows.  I was now suspended
by my ankles, but she was not satisfied yet.  She looked
over toward MASTER and asked him what he thought - That is
when he told her that she was doing it and he was there just
to watch.

    Damn I didn't like the sound of that, but here again
what was I going to do?  So she went to the other side again
and lifed me until both my arm and leg were tight on that
side. The she did the same thing to the other side.  The
next thing she did was come around to the front of me and
ask with a smart remark - (are you comfortable)?  What a
dumb question!  NO I WASN'T COMFORTABLE!!

    Well I was still wearing my gag so I was not able to
talk to her to even ask what what she planned.  She went
around behind me and I could feel her holding the end of the
tube.  I could tell that she hooked it together with the one
from the pump as it felt heaver when she let it hang.  After
she stepped back and admired her work she went over where
MASTER was still sitting.  She reached down and picked up
the button and sat down beside him.  The next thing I knew
the pump had started and a second or two later I felt the
first of the water running into me.  I could see the bottle
with the water in it, so this time I could tell how much was
going in.  I saw her pass the first quart, but for some
reason it felt like three.  I guess that it was because I
was in this upside down position.  As the water kept comming
I was starting to hurt more and more.  Before long I started
making moaning sounds and then as she just kept the water
running I really started to get loud.  All that was coming
out of my mouth was muffled, but she had to know that I was
in real pain.  But she never stopped the water she just
slowed it down and kept it coming.  Well finally I was both
trying to scream and crying at the same time, and then she
stopped.  She walked over to me and leaned over to looked me
in the face.  She said at that point that I had better learn
to like this as this was just the first of many that was
going to come in the next twenty four hour.  As I belong to
her now and from now on I always would.

    Well she just left me hang there for the longest time.
Then she asked MASTER to come over and look at some thing.
She noticed that I was able to push some of the water out of
me past the nozzle.  She asked him if she could add more air
or was there some thing else that could be used to make me
hold it.  MASTER told her that he would be right back, and
he went into the house.  He came right back out and had the
double nozzle that we had.  That had only been used on me
about twice, but I knew that it really hurt and there was no
chance of me pushing past it.  He told Linda to let some of
the water out and then let me down so that he could show her
how to use this new nozzel.

    Well she went through the same procedure as before by
clamping off the tube and changing bottles.  Boy let me tell
you that when she started the water coming back out I just
about fainted it felt so good.  Not all the water could or
did come out in this position, but enough did so that I
didn't hurt as bad.  Both her and MASTER let me down
together and laied me out on the ground.  At that point I
was able to get most of the water to come out with just a
little pushing.  MASTER came behind me and let the air out
of the nozzle and that ever felt great.  You really don't
know what kind of pressure is felt unless you have one up
inside you.  And it is hard to explain no matter how hard I
try.  But that is not to say that I didn't enjoy it!

    MASTER told Linda to let my hand lose and to get me up
and walk me around the yard a bit.  She did and I knew that
I needed to move some also.  So I took full advantage of the
chance to get some exercise. She let me walk on my own while
they were both playing with the new nozzel.  MASTER again
was showing her the finer points of it and telling her how
to use it as compaired to the single.  As you see with one
bulb inside and one just on the outside, between the two of
them the really cause a complete seal.  So when Linda felt
that she was clear as to what to do, she stated that to
MASTER.  That is when MASTER told her to go get me and get
me up on the table.  She didn't come for me but I saw her
motion for me to return, and I did.

    When I was over with them Linda told me to get up on the
picnic table, and I climbed up on it.  MASTER told me to lay
face down and to spread my legs.  I did but I guess it was
not wide enough as he (snaped) and told me wider or he would
tie them apart.  I then spread them so that my knees were
touching each side of the table.  They were far enough apart
that my ass was lifted some off the table and both my cheeks
were wide apart.  MASTER looked at me and told me to stay
that way until he said to move.

    OK - Linda go and put it in just like you did the other,
and remember what I told you.  She took a few steps and was
directly behind me with the KY jelly in one hand and the
nozzle in the other.  She must have dabbed a little on the
tip as I felt the oily feeling as it started in.  The double
nozzle goes in just a little bit farther then the single and
the inner bulb is inflated first.  As she pumped the inner
bulb up I could feel in getting tighter and tighter.  Then I
let out the short sigh that she was waiting for and she
stopped.  The next thing I felt was the outer bulb being
inflated as it rubed just a bit as it got larger.  Not so
that it hurt, but enought to know that it was getting
bigger.  That is when I felt the pulling feeling of the two
bulbs trying to come together.  I let out a louder sigh when
I had enough, and she then felt that they were right.  But
she asked MASTER to come over and check her work, and he
did.  He reached down and tugged on it and told her that it
was just the way that it should be.

    The double nozzle that was now in me has a larger fill
tube then the single.  So that just ment that I could not
only be filled faster but more pressure would come off when
it was opened.

    I had already had more enemas today then most people get
in a year, and I was really getting tender in the stomach.
MASTER asked Linda how much she had been able to get in me
already, and she replied just under three quarts.  So MASTER
told her get me off the table and to fasten my legs to the
pipes and to put my arms back on my waste belt.  She did
with some haste!  The he instructed her to get the sun
shower bag that he had for camping and to put three quarts
and one cup of water in it.  Once she had done that he took
it and hung it to the top of the pipe.  During this time she
fastened the tubes together and I assumed that I was ready
for what ever was next.  I was!

    MASTER went back over to his chair where he had a good
view of me, and told Linda to just open the bag and come sit
down.  Before she did she asked what would happen, and he
just replied that I was going to put on a show for them.

    She did just as he said and before, she was to her chair
a lot of the water had already run in me.  As she sat down
and was watching me the water was really running in.  I
started to move as MASTER knew I would trying to get
comfortable as the water really caused me to hurt and
expand.  Before long I was pulling at my legs and rolling
from side to side as best I could to do any thing to stop it
from either coming in or hurting.  The bag was high enough
that it was all going to run in and I didn't know until then
that MASTER had put a one way valve in the line.  I could
not push out a drop of what was inside me.  By now the water
had all run out of the bag and I was moving in all kinds of
ways to do any thing to make it stop.  They both just sat
over there watching me, and I know they were laughing at me.
 But what came next is what I really didn't like..

To be continued->


First Weekend - 5

    After laying there tossing and rolling for several
minutes I heard MASTER tell Linda to let it out and to leave
me open long enough for it all to run back into the now
emptied bottle.  She took her time coming over to me and I
really wanted her to hurry.  Buy by now Linda had really
taken on a new attitude where I was concerned.  She knew
that as the situation progressed that I really did belong to
her, and at the same time I did to.

    Well even after she was behind me and had the clamp on
the tube, it still seemed like she was taking her sweet old
time.  But at this point I didn't give a damn as she was at
the least doing some thing.  Again though I was really
getting the feeling that this was becoming old news, and she
wanted some more excitement.  As the water ran out of me I
was listening to her and MASTER talk and then I knew that it
was open season on me.

    At this point MASTER asked if she had noticed that my
nipples were pierced?  She looked strange and said that NO
she never really looked.  Well MASTER told her to use them
if she could think of some thing to do.  I guess she was
thinking as she let me take all the time I needed to expell
the water until I felt that I was totally empty.  Before she
took out the nozzle she did stand me up so that if there was
still any thing in me it would surely run out.  There was as
just a little more ran into the bottle.

    Linda's curiousity was really up now as she asked MASTER
what I put in my nipples when I had some thing in them.
MASTER asked her what she ment?  She reiterated again and
asked what went through the holes in them?  MASTER then told
her that any thing that would fit, but mostly loops.  She
then asked where she could find a pair to put in my nipples?
 At that point MASTER told her to go look in my room and see
if I didn't have some thing on my dresser that she felt
would suit her needs.  So off she went looking for what ever
she had on her mind, and returned with it.  She came over to
me and continued to take the nozzle out of me.  Then she had
me stand in front of her while she looked at the way my
nipples were pierced.  Being another women she knew how to
place the hoops in the holes at the end of each nipple, and
sliped them shut.  Once they were both in she took her first
two fingers and pulled on them.  Needless to say it hurt and
they both stood out.  She then looked back over to MASTER
and asked him if he had ever used them before?  He told her
yes!  Well what way to they work best she asked?  He then
told her to go to his truck and get a small role of line
twine of the dash board.  She took right of on an almost run
to get the twine.

    Once she returned with it she realized that it was
really too long to do much with, and asked if she could cut
it.  He told her to use what she needed as he would buy
more.  She cut two pieces about six foot long each and tied
one in each nipple.  Then she rapped the other ends around
her hand and started to walk ahead of me.  As I slowed down
my nipples streached and I quickly cought up.  BUT at this
point she walked over to the pipes and tossed one string
over each.  She didn't like that idea, so before she did any
thing she tossed both string over the same pipe.  Then she
pulled on them and noticed that I followed my tits up - to
the point of being on my tip toes.  She looked over at
MASTER and said that this was neet.  She talked out loud and
said that she wondered what it would be like if she tied my
tits up like this and took a belt to my ass?  That is when
MASTER got back into the conversation.

    He said that would work, but if she really wanted to do
it right she needed a few things first.  Well that brought
Linda curiouity right to a peak, and I mean quick.  Linda
just had to ask what he ment at this point, and MASTER
commenced to tell her.  I really thing he was getting more
out of this then Linda was!

    He said FIRST let her down so she can stand flat and the
(do you remember that bar in the corner) of the den.  Linda
said she though so, and MASTER told her to get it.  The he
told her that a belt would be fine if that is what she
wanted, but the riding crop over the mantle would be much
better.  Linda agreed!  So off she went again to find the
new items that she would use.

    When she returned she asked MASTER what the bar was for
as she now what a riding crop was.  MASTER then got up and
came over to us.  He told Linda to get the two straps that
she used to fasten ly legs to the pipes.  She hussled right
over and picked them up and brough them back.  At this point
MASTER picked up the bar and tok the straps and slipped them
through each end.  NOW watch this he told Linda!  He
fastened one strap just above and around my right knee, and
did the same to the left.  At this point my legs were being
held open and I kind of looked like a funny A.  The he
nugged me toward the pipe and told Linda to draw my tits up
now, and she did.  I was back on my tip toes again but this
time my ass was tight.  MASTER padded my assshowing Linda
how this way it tightens me up.  She noticed and agreed!
NOW he told her to take the riding crop and use it across my
ass and the back of my thighs.  The first blow she let fly
stung like hell and I jerked until I realized that my
nipples streached.  I didn't move at all or very little with
the second lick, or even the third.  At this point Linda
didn't se any thing and asked MASTER what good this was
doing?  MASTER just told her to keep stricking me and watch.
 He told her that before long I would almost try and pull my
nipples off trying to get away from the crop.  OH REALLY -
Linda had to remake, that should be interesting.

    So Linda started hitting me on each cheek of my ass and
the top of both legs.  As MASTER had said nipples or no
nipples I started dancing around.  It didn't taklke long
before I was in tears and both my ass and tits hurt like
hell.  Linda knew in the back of her mind that I would not
allow any damage to come to my nipples, so she got even more
pleasure out of me trying to take the crop and protect my
nipples at the same time.  That is when she stoped for a
minute and walked to my side.  She took two fingers and
pinched one of my nipples and held on until I let out a loud
sigh.  MASTER told her that she had beat me enough, so just
tighten the twine on my nipples and leave me there for about
a half hour or so.  He said that the pain in my legs and ass
would not go away until the pressure was off my tits, and he
was right.  He knew that because he had done this to me him
self on one or more occasions.  So Linda went and got them
some thing cold and they watched me hang there.  The longer
I hung there I began to get tired and I would lessen my
lift.  Each time I did I pulled my nipples and the shock
brought me right back up.  Linda commented to MASTER that I
really went through hell like this, and in my mine I agreed.

    After Linda thought that I had - had enough she came
over and let le down enough so that at least my feet were on
the ground.  This in its self was a relief, but my ass still
stung like hell.  I knew though that it would quite in a few
minutes now that I was at least flat footed.  I just wish
that it was sooner then later though.

    At this point Linda was starting to get carried away
with new and different things to try.  She came up with this
hair brained idea of tying a kite to my nipples and having
me fly it.  When she said that I paniced as I knew that I
didn't want any part of such a dumb thing.  Wellas the power
to be quickly said - NO - that is a bit too much.  Besides
the kite will catch a gust of wind and my cause perminent
damage before it could be caught.  I guess after thinking
about it she agreed.  I was sure glad, and besides in was
getting on in the day and I was getting tired.

    MASTER told Linda that she needed to come up with my
sleeping arrangement perty soon.  So Linda started looking
around the yard for some idea.  Well she didn't want the
same thing as last night, and she didn't want me to have a
break either.  So she came up with the method - and WOW what
a method.  She decided that I was going to sleep (if I
could) streached out on the picnic table.  And she commenced
to set things up for just that.

    She asked MASTER to help her move the table between the
two pipes.  As they did she moved one of the pipes to a new
hole farther apart from the other one.  Then she came and
let me down and took the twine off my loops.  She told me
that I had a half hour before she was going to put me to
bed, and if I knew what was good for me I would use it.
Well she didn't have to say that as I fully intended to get
some movement and some limited exercise.  MASTER told her to
take the knee spreader out and to let me completely lose so
that I could use the bathroom and get some thing to eat and
drink.  She didn't seem pleased, but went ahead and did it.
I noticed the look on her face as she was releasing my arms
and new that she had a (get even) look.  So I really
intended to make the most of my limit release.

    After the half hour was up she had me come over to the
table and get up on it.  She had already put the open
sleeping bag on it so at least I would not feel the wood.
Once I was on it she took my waste belt off for the first
time.  The she fastened my legs to the two cables that were
on thoes wenches. and fastened my arms to some thing under
the table with the chains.  The next thing she did was start
to pull my legs apart with the cranks.  She did a little on
each side as to keep my ass in the middle of the table.
When she stopped I was not all that tight, but I could not
move that much.  She looked over at MASTER to see if he had
any comment, and nothing was said.  So they both went inside
and that was how I expected to spend my second night.

    NOT SO - It was more then an hour later and all the
lights were out in the house.  I figured that they both had
went to bed and planned on staying there.  Then I heard the
glass doors slid open and being that it was dark in the
house I could not tell who was comming out.  Well it turned
out that it was Linda and she came right over to me.  In her
had she hard a bar gag that she made me put in my mouth.
She put it so far back on my teeth that I could not close my
mouth at all, and she fastened it there.  Then she looked
down at me and said:  NOW I REALLY PUT YOU TO BED!  She went
over to one of the pipes and tightened my up more, almost to
the point I hurt.  Then she went to the other side and did
the same thing.  This time to the point that I felt like I
was going to tear apart.  GOD that was hurting, surely she
was not going to leave me like this.  NO she wasn't she had
another thing she had to do.  She walked back in the house
and came right back out.  This time she had a battery
powered vibrator, a big one.  She got at the end of the
table and pushed her finger inside my pussy.  She worked it
around enough that I started to get HOT.  As I did I was
also getting WET, and WETTER.  That is when she shoved and I
mean SHOVED that vibrator inside me until it almost
disapeared.  She fliped the switch and turned it on!  This
one not just vibrated but moved also, and it was doing what
it was designed for.  After she watched me pulling on the
cables and getting HOTTER and HOTTER she left.  She really
went back to bed and left me that way until the sun was
comming up.  By then the batteries had just about run down,
but you could tell just by looking what it had done.

    I had - had so many orgasims that I was dripping wet and
the sleeping bag was wet - besides now I smelled.  I really
needed a douch bad.  Whe she came back to me and saw what
had happened - she just smiled.  She said that if she had
only know she would have done it sooner, and remarked that
she would do it again.

    Well it was now Sunday morning and I knew I only had a
few hours left.  But after all that had alredy been done to
me, what more could be left.  ( I never should have thought

To be continued->


First Weekend - 6

    It was hard to believe that Sunday had come around so
soon, and then again it seemed like it would never come.  As
you see I knew Friday that some time Sunday was going to be
the end of this, and I would either be well trained or in
more serious trouble then before.  I hope that I will be
considered WELL TRAINED as I don't know if I could handle
another 48 hours like this.  But ONLY my MASTER can tell me
the answer to that, and I feel sure that he will.

    Landa has came back out to me and released me from the
strain that she left me in.  I mean completely released me,
but with a work of advise.  She just suggested mind you that
we keep what happened between us, and I agreed.  Linda up to
now seemed to be a follower of direction as I, but after the
little extra.  I just don't know any more what she might do.
 How ever I have to take in to consideration that she is a
women and has to have some limits as to what she will do.

    I am up now and have regained some of the use of my legs
after having them where they felt dead.  Boy I hate it when
they wake up as it feels like a million pins sticking all at
the same time.  I walked over to Linda and asked if I could
talk to her, and she allowed me to.  I mentioned that so
many things had happened between us in the last day and a
half, was there any thing more that she was going to do?
She said that today was not going to be too bad unless I
made it that way.  Well you just know by now that I have no
intention of doing that, and that is for sure.  So sense I
didn't have another question I went on with my business.
That being getting some thing to eat as I felt starved, and
using the restroom with out being waited on.  My stomach was
grouling so bad that I had to put some thing in it even if
it was water.  And after a couple of BIG glasses I sure felt
better.  But I still had to realize that I was due for more
of the past and I had better sike my self up to it.

    MASTER didn't get up until nine, and when he saw me
walking around he didn't say any thing.  I figure that he
knew I would be loose when he awoke, and had instructed
Linda to let me loose.  Well that again told me some thing
about Linda, that being she still followed orders.  So I
felt better thinking that today was going to be much the
same as the others, MASTER would be incharge.

    It was about ten now and MASTER went into my den to make
some phone calls.  I knew this as I heard him tell Linda
that was what he was going to do.  So now sense he was up I
walked like a cat so as not to distrube him.  I felt that
when he came back amoung us that some thing would happen
then, and sure enough it did.

    MASTER told me to slip on a gown and one that was not
too long.  I went to my room and picked out one and came
back wearing it.  It was one that came between my hips and
the back of my knees.  When MASTER saw it he jumped up and
yelled at me.  I told you not too long, can't you do any
thing right yet.  So before he could yell any more I went
and pick out a black one that I had that just came to the
bottom of my hips.  It was sheer and you could see through
it like it was not even on.  I hurried back to him and let
him look!  Now that is what I intended and he didn't say
another word.  I didn't know what he had on his mind, but I
new one thing for sure.  This gown I was wearing was OK if I
was standing stright, but if I bent in the slightest
direction some thing showed.  So I assumed that his plans
had some thing to do with what I was wearing.

    As time passed and it was now after noon I was thinking
that my day was over, and nothing more was going to take
place.  WRONG!  About one I heard the chimes in the hall go
off telling me that some one has passes the electric eye at
the front gate.  Well a few seconds later the low buzzer
went off and I knew they were on the walk coming up to the
door.  I waited to see who was going to answer the door, as
I didn't feel dressed for it.  That is where I was wrong as
MASTER told me to go and see who it was.  I didn't want to
but I did!  When I opened the door (just a crack) I
recognized the couple that was there and went ahead and
invited them in.  MASTER was now just a few feet behind me
and he asked them if they brought what he suggested, they
said YES.  About twenty or so minutes later the same thing
happened, but this time I just went to the door.  Again it
was some one that we knew!  This happened three more times
and now there were five couples in the house, and I knew
then that MASTER was finished with me.  Surely he would not
do any thing while all these people were here, surely.

    The rest of the afternoon went perty well as I played
waitress and Linda played bartender.  MASTER just sat around
making conversation with the men and the women talked amount
them selves.  How ever I should have been a bit more
observent, because if I was I would have know some thing was
in the wind.  It was now about six and the local news just
went off.  MASTER never misses it when he is home or here!
So he stood up and said " Well now for the reason I asked
you here".  Essen has been a BAD girl and I have done what I
could to help make her better, and more responsive.  But I
really have run out of ideas.  So LADIES I invited you and
your husband to come and bring the one thing that you had at
the your home (sex related) that you hated to have used on
you the most.  Did you all bring something?  The answer was
a resounding YES.  OK the this is how we will continue!

    Each of you in turn (in the order you arrived) will have
the opportunity to demonstrate the item here.  Essen will be
the model and you will use it on her in the mannor that it
has been or has been suggested used on you.  I only asked
you to bring the item as I felt that if there was some other
item or items needed fro preparation, they would probably be
here already.  Linda my new assistant will lend what ever
extra help you need while doing the demonstration.  Now is
that understood?  Again YES!

                       COUPLE - ONE -

    The first lady got up in front of the group and told
every one that her husband wanted to watch her use a dildo
and mastrabate until she dripped.  She thought the idea was
discusing because she had never done it with any one looking
on.  She reached in her purse and came out with the larges
dildo that I had ever seen.  She attempted to hand it to
MASTER for what ever reason, but he told her that he was not
the one going to use it.  So as I was in easy reach she of
course handed it to me.  MASTER then told me to move out in
front of every one and start doing my thing.

    I must have felt the same way as she did only five times
worse.  I could not seem to get started, and besides after
last night I really thought that I was cummed out.  But as
you can guess MASTER insisted, and I opened my legs and
started to slip that hugh thing in me.  I was dry and it
took a few minutes to get it in, but once I did I went ahead
and used it.  I keep looking at every one watching me
especially the women that was having me do this.  She seemed
to be the most interested in what the others were thinking
as well as how I looked while I was getting OFF.  It was
about five minutes or so more and I had my first orgams, but
I could tell it was light.  I knew I had to keep it up until
some thing ran out of me, so I kept using the dildo harder
and harder.  On the third orgasm I finally was able to allow
some to pass the side of the dildo, and on my hand.  When
they saw that I was allowed to stop and I just stood there.
MASTER asked the women if she felt satisfied and she said
she did.  So MASTER told me to go and get cleaned up and
come back.

                       COUPLE - TWO -

    This women had the simplest item of all, a pair of hand
cuffs.  But the task that she wanted me to do was not really
to my liking.  Her husband liked to hand cuff her behing her
back and make her SUCK him off at least twice.  When she
said that I looked over at MASTER and waited for him to tell
her that was OUT.  But instead he looked back and me and
said that he hoped that her husband was a quick cummer.  I
thought to my self (thanks alot)!

    Up to now I was still wearing what was a near miss for a
gown, but this time I had to strip in front of these people
and let her hand cuff me.  Then her husband came to the area
where I was at and stood where every one could see and
opened his pants.  When he brought that monster out I
thought that the dildo was small compaired to his living
tool.  She was still standing next to me and helped me get
on my knees.  Then the rest was up to me as I opened my
mouth and let that MONSTER pass my teeth.  As i sucked on ti
I could feel him getting warmer and warmer, and before long
he went off.  GOD like to took the back of my head off, and
there was more cum the I could keep in my mouth.

    Once I adjusted from the first go round I took his cock
and started working on it again.  It was going a bit soft so
I really sucked on it so that it would not have to be
restarted fro DEAD.  As he started to get hard again he
reached down and grabbed my hair and pulled me into it.  He
shoved it so far in I was gasping for air, and he started
working me like a pussy.  He kept it up and again I could
feel him getting hot.  This time I also felt that he was
holding back from going off, and I soon found out he was.

    All of a sudden he pulled me up to him so far that I had
mu lower lip on his balls, and as he held me there he went
off.  He filled my mouth again and told me that I was to
drink ever drop before he would let me go.  I choched some
and did manage to get it all down!  He then let me lose and
with a smile on his face said "we need to do this again -
honey".  I thought to my self (Fat chance) if I had any
thing to do with it.

    As I got up the women came over to me and took her hand
cuffs off.  She said that she liked what she saw and would
more then likely let her husband do it to her.  She actually
thanked me for what I did.

    MASTER again let me go and clean up and this time rinse
my mouth out with listerene.  Damn even after that I could
still taste his sweety cock, and my through would carry his
cum the rest of the day.  But I did have two of the five out
of the way and that ment I was almost half way.

    I came back in to the room again expecting to have to
preform the next act, but MASTER said that I would have a
half hour off before the next preformance.  Nice touch I was
now a preformer!

                       COUPLE - THREE -

    The third women only had a suggestion.  Her husband
wanted to watch her get it from two men at the same time and
maybe suck off a third.  MASTER said to her that was the one
pleasure that I had not had this weerekend, and maybe I
would enjoy it.  So as I was still stripped he asked her
where she would like me to be positioned.  She though for a
moment and then said (how about out in the yard)?  MASTER
said fine with him, so every one started heading for the
yard.  I kind of held back some, but wound up out there with

    All this time Linda was still tending bar and enjoying
ever minute of what I was going through.  I just wish that
just once she would have a taste of her own medicne.

    Sense there were five men they had to select three
between them that were going to have me.  Personally I knew
I was sore and would hate every second of it, but sense I
didn't have a choice I got down on the ground and waited for

    I layed on my back while the first man loosened me up
and got his dick in me.  Then we rolled over on our sides
while the next gentleman (not really) got down behind me and
started to try and put his dick in.  He was having a bit of
a problem, but he as all men managed to do what he wanted.
The third man got down on his knees and lifted my head some
so that he could slip his dick in my mouth.  Once I was in
that position it seemed that they all picked up a rythm and
some one was coming while another was going and the motion
began.  The kept this up for some time and then I felt the
one in front of me go off.  That is when they decided to
change positions and each take me by my pussy.  DAMN that
ment I would be fucked three times in each hole, and I
didn't think that was part of the deal.  But so it turned
out that really was the deal, and a bad one for me.

    When they were finished I felt like I was walking bow
leged, and maybe I was.  I didn't even wait for MASTER to
tell me to go and clean up, I just went.  This time I took
my time as I was sore now and knew I would be sorer in the
morning.  So I also knew I was past the half way point

                       COUPLE - FOUR -

    The forth women also only had a request!  She mentioned
that her husband has said some thing at one time that MASTER
gave me enemas when I would get out of line.  She said that
she had read several stories concerning that, but had never
seen one given for that purpose.  She was hoping that she
could watch me get a good filling to the point that I looked
seven months pregnant.  MASTER sat ther for a few seconds I
guess thinking about it.  Then he asked her if she wanted to
give it to me or let some one else do it?

    She then sat there a few seconds before saying that she
had NO idea how to get things ready, but beyond that she
would love to make me fat.  MASTER called for you-know-who
to come over then.  He told Linda to go with me and this
women and get me ready to take a LARGE VOLUME enema, and to
use the extra special equipment.  Well Linda picked up
several items and the three of us headed for the house.
Once we were out of sight of the others Linda started to
show this women what she intended to use on me.  When the
women saw the double nozzle she let out a dasp.  You mean
you can put that up inside her and it doesn't hurt.  Linda
said that she would not go that far, but yes it went up
inside me.  That is when the women said (I've got to see

    Linda told me to get down on the floor and lay on my
side.  The she told me to pull my knees up to my tits, and
she slipped the nozzel in.  While I was still in this
position she inflatted it and clamped the fill lines so that
she could take the inflaters off.  She looked up at the
women and told her that what ever she put in me now would
stay there.  The women asked Linda where would be a good
place to do it so that every one could see?  Linda of course
had the perfect place, and that was out back between the
pipes.  So out we went!  I was moving slow as it hurts to
walk with an inflated nozzle, but I still made it.  As we
passed through the door the others could see that I had some
thing hanging out of me.  They didn't ask what, but they did
all try and get a better look.  We went stright over to the
two pipes that were still up.  Linda had to move one of them
back closer to the other as they were too far apart for what
she wanted.

    Once she had them in there correct position she had me
lay down and went to get what she needed to fasten my legs
and arms.  After my legs were fastened she used the two
cables and hooks to raise me up to a standing position.  She
then walked to the house and came back with an almost full
bottle of water.  She moved things around so that master
could watch the water level, but was out of the way to the
rest of them.  The she put all the tubes and extras together
so that I was now ready to get pregnant.

    She took the push button and handed it to the lady that
was now standing in front of me just looking.  She explained
that the harder she pushed on the button the faster water
would be pumped into me.  The women said (pumped), and Linda
replied that is what I said.  You need a pump because she is
standing and water wont run up..

    Well she tried the button and saw that I moved and she
knew that she had put some in me then.  She then turned
around to the rest of the group and asked if they could all
see?  The shifted there possitions some and then said they
could.  She then said that they were going to watch what
happens to a women that not careful and get knocked up.
That is when she stepped to the side and pushed the button.
I could feel the water coming into me now and it was not
that fast, but it didn't take long before I was almost full.
 My stomach was tight now and I could feel it start to
streach outward.  She kept the water coming and coming until
I let out a cry.  Please no more - please!  She stopped and
looked at me and asked if she was hurting me?  Before I
could answer MASTER stood up and told her to keep going as I
could take a lot more yet.  He would have know as he was
sitting beside the water bottle.  She started the pump again
only this time slower.  GOD it was hurting me but she never
stopped.  At this point I was begging her to stop and she
just ignored me.  Then she stopped and looked out at the
others and said (well almost instant 7 months pregnant).  I
was crying and hoping that she was through, and she was.
MASTER got up and came over to me and called for Linda.  He
told her to clamp off the line and to leave me there for
fifteen minutes so that every one could take a good look.
The don't release the pressure until she had me in the house
and in the bathroom.  Linda agreed!

    When Linda got me to the bathroom and had me stand while
she released the clam, I was just shaking.  When I felt the
pressure drop and heard the water hit the commode like a
water hose.  I was sure glad when she took off the clamps on
the nozzel and pulled it out.  Then I was able to sit and
get the rest out, what a great feeling.  She left me alone
and told me to come back in when I was cleaned up and
finished.  So that is just what I did, but at my own time.
I knew there was one more women left, and this had to be the
hard one of the day.

                       COUPLE - FIVE -

    Well this time it was sure to turn out interesting as
finally Miss Linday would have to join in at the request of
one of MASTER guest.  And the good part is that I knew when
I heard the request that MASTER was delighted with it.  When
Linda heard it she almost went into shock, and I personally
enjoyed every second of it.  At the same time I knew that
MASTER would have to do it, and that even made me feel
better.  Because up to now it was just fine and dandy for me
to be stripped, beaten and abused - but not Ms Linda she
considered her self to be above all this.  Now she was going
to get a small portion of her own medicne (love it - just
love it).

    The LAST request before the agravation was over was
really the simplest of all yet at the same time it involved
some one who had up until now had not really partisapated.
The women wanted to see how good I could treat a women just
in case she had the chance to use me some time.  But she
didn't want me to service her, only see what i could do with
a women if I had to.  So after MASTER asked the other four
women which one wanted to be the one that was pleased, and
got no response.  He had to honor the request and come up
with some one for the receiver of my attention.

    That is when MASTER took Linda off to the kitchen and
stated that she was to get down with me and let me do what
ever I was couched to do.  I could hear Linda as well as the
others could when she said (-NO WAY-).  But being that I new
MASTER and that the word NO was not some thing he took
lightly, I just new she would be my receiver.  So I sat back
and waited to see what was going to happen, and soon found

    MASTER came back with out Linda, but she was soon to
follow.  MASTER told her that he did not expect her to take
her cloths off in front of these couples, but she could go
to her room and get ready.  That is when some one behind me
said in a loud voice (whats the matter is she SHY)?  Well I
just knew that you didn't goat Linda or make it sound like a
dare as that was what she was going to do.  And with the
blink of an eye she was down to her panties.  She turned
facing away from every one and slipped her satin bikini
panties down slowly past her hips and as her rounded ass was
now showing she continued past her knees until they layed at
her feet.  No one could see more then her well formed hips
and just a little between her legs.  I had seen Linda in the
buff several times and new shee was my version of a doll.
She knew that she was causing the men if nothing else to get
waterie eyes with strain, and MASTER was kind of chuckeling
to him self while this was taking place.  Well Linda was not
any virgin at making men lust as I could tell.  As she
slowly turned to face all of us they were watching every
hair come around.  When she finally was facing us I could
hear several low comments as to her appearence.  And all
were compliments and other self wishes.  Like would I like
to get into that and so forth.  But to the task at hand!

    Linda got down on the floor and pulled her feet up so
that she could spread her legs where I could get into her.
I got down in front of her and eased myself up toward her
well formed sex slot.  She was already using her two fingers
to minnipluate her lips and to open them as I touched her
with my toung.  Once I entered her with my wet toung she let
out a gasp of air with a low moan.  As I moved around her
and in and out she started to move her hips in every
direction.  Back and forth side to side and even up and down
to let me get every tiny corner of her.  It didn't take very
long as she seemed primed to have this done to her, and when
it was all over Linda just layed there completely relaxed
and I knew quite satisfied.

    After all that we had been through in the past day and a
half she still looked up at me as I was still kneeling in
front of her.  She puckered her lips as if to pass a kiss
and said that she loved it.  She also said that we would do
this again soon, and really I was hoping we would.  It was
one of the few things that happened to me that I didn't mind
doing after I started.  I think that if I could have I would
have went right down on her again, but this time with more

    At this point I assumed that I was now considered
punished for what was no more then a simple error in
judgement.  MASTER told me to make my exit by passing in
front of each guest and allowing them one more close look at
me.  I did that with ease and disapeared down the hall into
my room.  Once I was there I hopped up on my bed and let out
the biggest sigh of reliefe that I could.  I know that NO
ONE heard me as the door was closed, but I would not have
cared anyway.  I was just so - so glad that it was over.

    I must have fallen asleep as the next thing I remember
was getting up for some thing and it was dark out side.
Linda heard me walking and came out of her room to see me.
That is when she told me that things were no longer the same
here, and that starting tomorrow there would be several new
rules to follow.  She also said that she was going to start
new procedures when I came in from work each day, but didn't
go past that.  So I just went back to my room and didn't
give it another though.

    What was just fourty eight hours has turned into a never
ending life style, and I shall from this point on relate
what takes place as time passes..

- submissivly YOUR - essen m..


First Weekend - 7

    The weekend ended as you know by now, but the amount of
aggravation has not.  After all that I was force to endure I
still have so many little every day things to deal with.
Things like a new way to enter the house, and a new dress
code while I am at the house.  There are some others also,
but they just seem to fit with the rest.  I will try and
describe them to you as time goes on in the best way that i

    Well the biggest change around here is that after work I
no longer just come home and flop down to relax.  I have to
have my daily inspection by Linda, and I mean inspection. As
I walk in I check to see if there is any guest that I was
not informed of, and if not I go to my room and strip down
to my panties.  After that I return and if Linda is not in
sight I find her (no matter where she is).  If she is not in
the house with the weather so warm, it's a fair bet she is
out in the yard.  So I just take my self out there and when
I am with her I now have to kneel in front of her with my
hand behind my back.

    At this point she can either tell me to go about my
business or give me some special instructions.  It depends
on the kind of day that she had weather or not I will have
special instructions.  And believe me they are usually
special as they are never the same from day to day.

    Most of the time they are simple - like stand up turn
around, bend over and so forth.  Just little things to
aggravate me as much as she sees fit.  But there are those
days when she has had some kind of aggravation her self and
wants to relieve her tension out on me.  I guess I don't
mind, but what difference would it make if I did?  I just
hate the days that she had a bad afternoon at the soap
operas or what ever as she wants to get even with a TV
character and sense she can't I will make do.  And I usually

    The easiest thing that I have to do is take off my
panties and go stand in the middle of the yard until dinner.
 Usually with my legs apart, but not that far!  Or she will
want me to make it with her for a little bit before she
finishes dinner, and I have come to enjoy that now.  BUT if
she is really ticked at some thing she will want to spank me
or tie me to a tree or post or some thing in that order. She
even has me get my leather cuffs and wear them until it is
time to go to bed, usually several hours.  Of course she
wont let me dress during this time.

    There are those days how ever that she either had a bad
day her self or she has been told to do some thing special.
those are the days that I would rather work late, like all
night if I could get away with it.  They are just about
always on Friday, and that is the day that I usually get off
early.  I mean she will have those days planned down to the
smallest detail, and that is for sure.  She will have them
planned to the point that what ever she plans on doing and
what she needs to do it are all laid  out so I can know what
is coming.  So when I get to my room if it is a special day
I usually see the first signs of it then.

    So I guess I will do my best to describe one of those
days.  It is a Friday about 3pm when I arrive home!

    I drove in the drive as I always did, and picked up my
daily notes to take in and look over when I had the chance.
As I came through the door I first noticed that the two
hanging plants were not in there usual place in the arch way
between the living room and den.  I didn't think that much
of it as I guess I was hoping Linda had taken them out in
the yard for some sun.  So I went to my room to get
undressed as I always did every day.  That is when I new
that she was a bit ticked at some thing, and I had better
watch my step.  On my bed was just white tip from a feminine
syringe and I knew what that ment.  After I completely
stripped down I went right to the bathroom where I found the
old red bag with a note on it.  The note just said (take
two) and that to was self explanatory.  So I did just as the
note said and took two good cleaning ones.  That took about
thirty five to fourth five minutes.  When I had finished
cleaning out and cleaning up I went to find Linda.  She was
in the back yard laying back in one of the lounge chairs
eating cookies.  So I went and assumed my normal position in
front of her, and waited for instructions.

    She then asked me if I had taken care of every thing to
this point, and I proceeded to tell her what I found and had
done.  She then told me to go over to the picnic table and
bring her the box that was on it, and I did.  Once I was
holding it in front of her she had me set it down and open
it.  After I did I saw that inside was my waste belt and
cuffs along with a short pair of ankle shackles.  I then
looked at her wondering what came next.  She told me to put
on the shackles, and I did.  To me that is a funny feeling
having to put some thing like that on knowing your making
your self just about helpless.  Then she told me to put on
my waste belt and as I did she came closer to me so that she
could adjust it and snap the buckle lock.  After that the
rest was self evident.  She fastened my cuffs to the belt,
and had me sit kneel down in front of her again.  After I
did she informed me that we were having company and I was to
serve them what ever they needed.  She didn't tell me who
was coming over, just that we were having company.  Being in
this position I sure hoped that it was not some body new,
and that was for sure.

    Until the company came I had to get adjusted to the
short chain between my ankles.  So Linda had me get her
several drinks and other items from the house.  At first it
was hard to walk in them, but after I learned to adjust my
step length it became easier.  Not a lot, but easier!  So
now I guess that it was just wait and see who arrived.

    After a short time the chime went off indicating that
some one had passed the outer gate.  Linda got up to see who
it was and then came and sat back down.  She then instructed
me to answer the door when they came up, and I started in
that direction.  As I approached the door I could hear them
on the other side.  I leaned side ways so that I could turn
the knob, and opened it.  When I got it open I saw that it
was Barbara and some guy that I had NO IDEA who he was. When
he saw me he stepped back and it appeared that his lower lip
dropped a bit.  Well if you saw some like me standing in the
manor I was you would be stunned too.  Once he was able to
speak again the first thing he said was (Barb your right
this is going to be interesting), and left it at that.  So
the only thing that did for me was make me wonder that much
more what was going to happen.

    As him and Barb came in I closed the door behind them,
and followed them to the patio.  Linda asked them what they
were drinking, as any polite hostess would do.  They named
their drinks and I was sent off to both make them and serve
them.  Which was NO EASY task at the present time.  But I
did manage to get them their drinks!  After a few minutes it
was another round, and then another.  It was getting late
now as the sun was starting to set, and noting had really
happened yet.  As of this point I realized that I had never
heard this man name mentioned, and as usual I was curious.
But believe me I was not going to ask!

    Linda stood up and said - OK I GUESS WE CAN GET STARTED
NOW.  That is when this man asked if he could look me over
before things got going, and Linda told him sure.  So he
called me over to him, and I stood in front of him.  He told
me to turn around and bend over, I did.  That is when he
took at least two fingers and jammed them right up inside
me.  I stood up and let out some sort of sound along with a
YOU S.O.B. at the same time.  At that point I just knew that
I had really screwed up, and sure enough I did.  Linda came
over and slapped me accrosed the face as hard as she could,
telling me that I was not to insult her guests.  I just knew
my face was RED as it stung like hell.  The man got up and
told Linda that it was not correct to get physical, at least
not so it showed.  He asked Linda that sense it was he who
was insulted - could he have her permission to regain his
pride?  She looked at Barb and then back at him!  She then
WHAT EVER MANOR YOU CARE TO.  That is when he asked Barb to
show him around and to let him see what he had to work with.

    I guess it was five or ten minutes before they finished
doing their looking, but as far as I was concerned it was
not long enough.  This man came back with a hand full of
different things, and I knew just who they were for.  I was
told to assume a kneeling position in the middle of the
floor, and I did.  He then asked Barb to come over and he
handed her several items.  I found out that they were two
hoops for my pierced ears and two mini-bar bells for my
nipples.  He asked Barb if she would put them in their
proper places, and she did.  I was glad that it was her as
putting some thing in a pierced nipple is not easy, and
should never be done by some one that does not know how.
Well once the four items were in place he had me stand.  I
assumed that he was just going to suspend me or some thing

    He took some small loop chain and had me bend my head so
that he could put one chain between my left ear and left
nipple, and the same on the other side.  Now my head was
bend and I could not nor did I dare try to raise it.  Well
being that I could now see the floor real well I saw him
coming and he had a spreader bar with him.  He knelt down
and removed the shackles that I was wearing and replaced
them with the spreader bar.  At this time he pushed my legs
some what farther apart, but no so that I was off balance.
He then edged me over to the opening between the living room
and the den.  Once we were about center in the opening he
took my arms loose from my waste belt and fastened the cuffs
together behind my back, and removed the belt.  I heard him
reach for some thing and could feel him working behind me.
That is when I felt a rope or some thing on that order being
fastened to the hook that held my cuffs together.  Once that
was completed he pulled on what ever it was and my arms were
pulled up in the air.  Again I was not really off balance
more just out of balance.  So that is when he knelt down
again and separated my legs wide apart this time.  NOW I WAS
OFF BALANCE!  He then went back behind me and raised my arms
so that I was suspended by them and stretched tight.

    Three I was:  My legs were apart and my head bend and
now my arms pulled up behind me.  I was breathing slow at
this point as I was hurting like hell, and wanted nothing
but down.

    I heard him walk away from me and I assumed he went and
sat back down.  I could hear the conversation going on and
that is when I heard him say that he would leave me like
this for a half hour or so to soften me up some.  Well the
time passed, but it seemed like a lot more then a half hour.
 I heard him walking again and then I could see his shoes
next to me.  He reached down and grabbed me between the legs
saying (you don't mind this now - do you?)  I replied (NO
SIR), and didn't say any more.  About then he walked away
again and came right back in front of me.  He had a bar gag
in his hand and ordered me to open my mouth.  I did with out
hesitation, and he placed the gag in place.  At this point
he was talking to me some, and I was listening very close.
He told me that the reason he placed the gag in my mouth was
that he didn't want to bother the neighbors.  What neighbors
I thought, the closest ones are a half mile or better away.
At this point I just knew I would not like what was coming,
and I really believed that.

    He then went back behind me again and lifted my arms
even more to the point that I though that I was going to
faint.  Once they were where he wanted them he stepped back
to admire his handy work - I guess.  The next thing I knew I
felt a belt or some thing strike me accrosed the ASS.  The
pain was intense and stinging.  The second and third blow
came one right after the other.  Then there was a short
period before more came.  It didn't take many before I was
trying to scream and cry and move around.  But being in the
suspended position I was it hurt even more to do that.  AND

    He whipped me several more times before going over and
sitting back down.  I could hear him telling Linda and Barb
that he wanted to whip me at least once more then leave me
to think about what i said.  Believe me I was already
thinking about what i said, and more time was not needed.
But TRUE to his word he came back and whipped me several
more times.  By now I was almost to the point that I didn't
feel a thing, and I think he knew it.  So after he finished
whipping me he jerked on my arms one more time and put me in
even more strain and pain.

    He then walked over to Linda and Barb and said the time
was late  and he needed to go.  He asked if Barb could drive
him to his car, and she agreed.  He then asked Linda if she
would be kind enough to let me down at her convince, and she
agreed.  So the next thing I heard was the front door
opening and closing and a car leaving.  Yet I was still the
same way I was and now had to depend on Linda for any

    She walked over to me and told me that sense I looked so
comfortable that she would leave me until it was time to go
to bed.  GOD that was over an hour from now!  She did just
as she said, and when it was time to get some sleep she let
me down and I went to my room.  It took me a good while to
get to sleep as I needed to let my body come back to normal.
 But I did get some sleep that night and even though I was
sore the next day I never let on.  I had hoped that Linda
would never ask him back again, and if she did I was out of
town.  I really wanted to believe that Linda didn't learn
any thing from him and do what he did to me again her self.
To this day I still hope that...........

    My life has a new meaning and it should be obvious that
this will continue ->


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