BDSM Library - Mr Leisure

Mr Leisure

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: The story of a rich bored guy and his many sexual conquests, more chapters to follow

                       Mr Leisure

                                                                          Chapter 1 Lisa

                                                                          by roccodadom44


This story is the sole property of roccodadom44

WARNING  all my tales contain underaged sex, scat, snuff, gay, and many others, read at your own risk.....peace.....roccodadom44

       I was always an odd duck, needed real kink to get off, as long as I remember I wanted what others called perverse, that's life. I did have will power, that seperated me from the run off the mill perv, added to my ambition, lack of morals, quick intellect, no fear, like a shark, always hungry for more, built for sucess. Mostly stayed within the boundaries of the law, a few date rapes, but they hardly count, a few sex assaults, drunk chicks asking for it. My business sense was spot on, always bought real estate low, sold high, kept the best places, built a huge company, lots of employees, lots of rental units, all so fucking boring.

   Nearing forty five, it happened, just decided that was it, sold almost everything, gave all the employees generous parting gifts, had enough money securely invested to last me forever, had no wife, she died young, cancers a bitch, no kids, no debt. I did keep six houses for me to rotate among, all in different states, besides my main place just outside Boston, decided to live a nomadic life, concentrate on full time sexual perversions, took to the net to figure best way to go about meeting the sloppiest, nastiest pigs, research always pays off. There were so many women needing cock, lots of phonies, cost of business, had to find the bottom feeders, the no will left cunts, Figured I couldn't miss with Taunton, a midsized city, seen its glory, lots of unemployment, deserted mills, plenty of dive bars, the answer to any pervs dream. As I had bought an A frame cottage on the Cape, fifty miles from Taunton, I figured I could drag a skank back to the cottage for fun and pain. Always have a plan, always have several plans.

    Not wanting to stand out to much with my  BMW 5 GT, I parked it several blocks from the center of town, where when I drove through there were actually whores on the streets, sweet, nothing like a crack whore to abuse. Having always stayed in shape, boxed regularly at the gym, wasn't worried about shit, also had a blade in my boot, in case. The first bar had that perfect smell, stale beer, smoke, piss, nice. Just breaking noon time, there were only several people in the place, watching a crappy TV, Price is Right, Drew Carrey is a fag, no doubt. The bar skank looked dumb, was, as she sauntered over trying to remember her lines, made it easy, telling her to get me a Bud bottle, her eyes lighting up a little, all slags wanted to be told what to do, that was biological. Gave the pig a five dollar tip, she looked perplexed, like she should blow me now or something, the cow. The place was beat, linoleum floor, where it still was, the rest dirty worn wooden planks, the stools mismatched, the bar, once elegant carved mahogany, now worn, dinged, shoddy, they had pickled eggs for fuck sake. The ceiling was rusted, tin, once ornate, beautiful pin hole designs, now smoke, grease and yuck stained. The pool table was crooked, the juke box skipped, but the several people all offered possibilities, thats the thing

    I caught her in my eye, she returning from the cunt room, tiny, mousy, wirey, tense, cracked out eyes, young, hard to tell in the dingy light, could be real young, her ass was tight in her jeans, small but round, her seat several down from me. Fuck, some fat bastard was next to me, blocking my view, wondered if I smashed his head with my empty, would anyone care, even notice. Decided to liven up the morgue, playing the juke box, all standards, they had Sinatra for christs sake, classy dive, no doubt. Pool always came easy to me, I was wired to figure angles, thats me, could see my prey, talking to a loser, her age, weak, stupid looking, not a problem, saw his eyes scoping me out in the cracked bar mirror, oh he fancied himself a player. Pretended to average at pool, just off enough, he was whispering to mousey, saw him coming, his fake bullshit smile, offering to play me for fun, or more, leaving it hanging, real chummy, hmmm, what the fuck she was just a skank, I looked at her watching us, sipping her drink. Put him on the spot, five hundred a game, he challenged my ability to pay, my waving the fist full of bills, him drooling, saying he was in, of course he didn't have the coin.

    Bending and flubbing a straight shot, I waited, played the player, he offered his cunt as a wager, knew he would, his kind always needed money, plenty of skank crack hos, just math, softly, fucker was desperate, told him I didn't do bar flys, his real anger, she was his wife, they were poor, but she wasn't a whore, nice, very nice, thank you very much, asshole, now I was interested. He looked stressed as he talked to his wife, she looked angry, then she smiled, this could be all right. He was a bad player, no sense of force, either to hard or to soft he would hit, getting desperate, a little sweat. I didn't miss, ran the table, with ease I shot in the eight ball, he looked broken, she looked aroused and pissed, me I wanted my pussy, knew this fucker had potential to be a pain, told him deals a deal, he begged, his now over with us wife smirking at him, telling him to drop it, he fucked up, she would honor it, suspected she wanted the excitement, she eyed me with lust filled eyes. She was all right up close, hair stringy, unkept clothes, Kmart specials, her nose to big, lip split, tooth missing in front, tits small, her body that of a young girl, my, oh my, isn't that stimulating, I wasn't leaving without this nervy little fox.

   He followed us back to where I parked, imploring me to give him a chance, begging his wife to say no, she wouldn't, I laughed at him, he looked funny, snots running down his face, teary eyed weakling. She was impressed with my wheels, told hubby to fuck off, she would call him later, away we went, me and my piggy, hubby looking forlorn, let him decide if he wanted to offer his wifes pussy up ever again, I rather think not. She went on and on about my car, it was state of the art, she joked they had a 1995 Ford Escort that didn't work like them, she was funny, coming out of her shell.

      Got down to it, her name was Lisa, twenty two, unemployed, no kids, minor crack habit, hubbys worse, she wanted off it, good for her. Made her remove her polyester shorts, torn cotton panties, telling her no woman should ever wear cotton panties, fuck ever. She had a nice crooked smile, her pussy hairy, wet, she was excited, no doubt, got her to fish my fat cock out, her look of wonderment, nice for me, asking me if it got bigger, it did, nine inches, fat, meaty, heavy. Her cock sucking not perfect, but she was trying, lots of drooling, her cunt smelling, Lisa was ready for some fun. After fingering her to a loud cum, I had her get dressed, as we stopped at the mall in Kingston, her surprise at this, my declaration that my sluts dressed nice, got her giggling, she was going to be fine, had the ability to roll with things.

  First stop, the designer pet store, the clerk looking awed when I buckled Lisas thin leather collar, solid stainless steel ring in front, chain leash into her fake Prada, her eyes bright, locked on me, her world. That Victoria Secrets is over priced,  a bit self pretentous of course, but she needed slut wear, they had it, done deal, she was in shock that I rang up over four hundred dollars worth of shit, thigh highs, thongs, bras, garters, perfume, sexy negilee, seethru, mini, perfect.  At the cookie cutter teen tramp wear store, cause of her size, I could outfit her young, red and green pleated mini, she looked schoolgirlish, mmmm, tight jeans, slinky cocktail dress, shimmering blue. She was overwhelmed with everything I got her, playing her part perfect, when I told her to let the fag clerk, trying spiked heels on her tiny feet, see her cunt, she spread her legs, he looked sick, fag, she giggled, I smirked, but I bought the heels, making shorty look freaky unbalanced. The five hundred dollar real deal Prada I bought her made her cry, her tongue finding its way down my throat.

   We ate at the food court, she thinking it was fine dining, me watching out for rat droppings in my soggy salad. That she was so grateful, so puppy doggish, was stirring me up, I mean I planned to fuck this pig up mean, I couldn't start liking her, but the ugly little freak was growing on me, as I watched her discreetly insert a french fry into her cunt, eat it seductively, she was on, got her role. She fell asleep as we drove the Cape, her soft snores sexy, I got to know her small, firm tits, her nipples hard, tiny, from her sleeping moans sensitive, let her relax, briefly wondered what it was like to be a loser like Lisas hubby, to cry in front of another man, no, don't do it ever, and never, ever let your pussy see you weeping, no woman respects a guy who blubbers, unless his kid died.

   Her capacity to be awed made me feel good, at least she appreciated shit, didn't act all passe like most cunts I knew, she was amazed that such places existed, I was right on the sand dunes, the waves a constant symphony, ugly scrub pines and thick thorny bushes concealing the place on three sides, the front with a glorious sunset view of Campground Beach, stairs to the brown sanded beach. The place was state of the art inside, basic A frame cottage outside, the way she inspected stuff, asked questions, nice, she was a little dynamo, but I was driving the bus, as I attached her collar to her leash, led her to the first floor bedroom, time to claim my bet, proper.

  Her willingness to play rough, as I paddled her ass bright red, her tears mixed with squeals of glee, I would finger her exposed, soggy cunt from time to time, learning her the joy of pain and pleasure as one. Her anal ring was tight, her admission that she was an anal virgin, my balls stirring, nothing better than fresh, tight ass, I mean, some of the pigs I've known were minutes away from having their colons fall out from over use. She sucked me reverantly, on her knees, using both hands to carress my cock and balls, the noises her sloppy mouth made so, so erotic. Getting six inches of my wide boy down her pie hole a starting point, gave her a chance to adjust before I got down to it, ramming my meat nine inches deep, gagging her, choking her, brutalising her, her eyes bugging, snots blowing out her flailing nostils, lovely gagging noises, body twitching. I came balls deep, right into the tramps belly, when I withdrew, she wretched, gagged, but like the goood skank she was turning out to be, she didn't barf, good doggy. She looked freaky with snots and drool coating her face, eyes teary, red, like a cried out child, mm mm.

  In the shower, I was gentle with her, she was getting to me, how sexy she was, felt right in my big hands, like she was a little girl, nice fanatsy, the way she shivered with pleasure when I worked her clit, again she thanked me, girl knew how to butter it, drying her like a child, leading her to the bed, how excited she looked, her tongue snaking out of her lips, hips slightly rocking towards me, as if trying to get at my rising cock, the way it went balls deep first thrust, the air leaving her lungs in an erotic sigh, her short but perfectly sculpted legs, as if by magic, jetting straight up, willing more of me into her, deeper, her pleadings, beggings, hosannas, all leading me to a furious climax, matched by her vocal symphony, her cunt turning into a cunt juice spewing volcano. How drained I was, wow, she was amazing, one hundred pounds of  excitement, we both fell asleep smiling, not bad for one as jaded as me, see I was human, just had few morals, many vices.

  Watching as she continued in a deep sleep, snoring loud, her body naked, how thin she was, noticing the scars, fresh bruises, desire to stomp her hubbys fag ass, she told me he beat her routinely, she mostly zoning it out, lovely. Her nose had been broken, loved her misssing front tooth, sexy girl, my tongue fit in the space nice, scars here and there, wondering if I was going soft, feeling sad for her obvious sad life, no I would still use her hard, but maybe leave her better off, get her to shed her baggage, hubby the player, small p, wouldn't it be fun trashing him. Out on the patio, just watching the tide coming in, mud flats went out for almost a mile, tide came in fast, leaving little beach,  kept the crowds down, sweet. Smoking a fat boy, sipping my tea, almost forgot the waif, she startled me, sitting in the rocking chair next to me, naked, relaxed, smiling, giggling as I passed her the joint, saying she never slept better, she was gonna have me play pool against hubby more often, see, she made me smile, that was worth her being here, I was already bored with her body per se, give me a chick with some meat, huge funbags, that was my thing.

    We fucked on the sand, slow and steady, giving her a treat, some kissing, tenderness just to show her what her life lacked, she was interested, she was dazed, babbling, gone to her special place, good for her. Standing over her, I had to piss, I did, she didn't flinch, giggled, rubbed my piss into her skin, went with it, that counted. The bay water is usually warm, warm being relative, this being the Northern Atlantic, not known for its warmth, we swam, naked, no one around, mid May week day, so free, our beach, our ocean, her need to cling, like I would leave her, I would, faster if she annoyed me, her ability to comprehend, backing off, just being her meek self, not trying to please me, telling her she was pleasing me. Sharing the outside shower, laughing, she could do spot on impressions, killer Oprah as a gay man, dressed her in a mini, tube top, heels, thats it, headed for breakfast, starving.

     The joint worn, but breakfast greasy, hot, filling, Lisa stuffing food down her hole like it might not come her way again, sad, telling her she intrigued me, willing to spend some time with her, help her turn her life around, she was no dummy, not when it came to survival, what was the catch, good girl. She was all giggles, girl could giggle, thought I meant something important, only married hubby cause she was pregnant, one night he punched her into a miscarriage, fucking creep. Stayed with him because she was slow, had no job skills, selling pills a little, about to be evicted, here comes mr opportunity. Wasn't hard getting her to turn on hubby, telling her my desire to destroy him, had friends who would love to help hurt him, her eyes glowed, wanted to know if she could have payback, I wouldn't have it any other way.

   Had aquired a collection of like minded sickos over the years, would invite a group to sample Lisa, but more to destroy her hubby, how far we go left to her, I mean who was gonna miss the fag, he was a gutter snipe, not on anyones radar, invisable trash. She looked sexy in her collar, barely dressed, oversized heels, so tiny she was, so vulnerable, so sexy, her sense of wonderment, at the houses, the beaches, the money, her willingness to please, sucking my hog, while I drove, taking her for a little surprise. As we drove into the deserted beach in Truro, she was ready for some sun, not quite, as I led her through a barely distinguished path, over the dunes, arriving at a bushed in clearing, her eyes widening at the wild scene before her.

  There was at least twenty guys, various states of dress, in their midst two women, getting sexually used, one was getting double stuffed, the other standing up, group of guys savagely groping her, the womens moans filling the circle, my annoucement of fresh meat, roughly nudging Lisa towards the grinning fuckers,telling her to make me proud, her fear, quickly overtaken by lust, she was stripped, groped, stuffed full of cock, used, abused, humiliated, at one point being made to eat the two middle aged cows stinky, sloppy cunts and asses, the guys making Lisa swallow the contents of six rubbers,most guys were going bareback, she did it with style, entertaining one and all, finishing with a lusty cum burp, perfect.

  She was in pain on the ride back to the cottage, naked, used up, curled up, beaten up, nothing wrong with that, she earned her keep, that I had it all on tape, sweet, loved to put tapes of my games on line, had a web site, made good connections through it, female and male. Gave her a loving bath, tenderly cleaning her, toweling her rag muffin body softly, rubbing lotion into her reddened skin, stroking her body, also stroking her tiny brain, she had pleased me, giving her the gold chain I bought for her, her tears, nice, begging to stay with me, completely up to her, licking my toes, lustily, great, crying that she would do anything to be with me, we shall see, we shall see. Let her nap, used my laptop to search property in Taunton, idea to set Lisa up in a condo, someplace to crash from time to time, the bars there were the lowest, something to be said for the best, even if it was best bucket of blood. She woke in a good mood, good for her, gave her plenty of Tylenol to chase away the gangbang blues, actually had fun on the beach with her, she was mellowed, growing into her role, learning what it took to hang with me, it would take all her brain function to do it, I realised that, would cut her some slack, never tell the cunt that, but I was going to hang on to this one, sensed a payoff, she had something that gnawed at me, like I was missing it, time would work it out.

    Her story was done to death, poor, caught in the cycle of project living, welfare begging, drug abusing tide so prevalant in midsized used up mill cities,her mother and grandmother residing in the same project, nothing to do, never going to be either. Hated her husband, he was a bully, her commentary on his lack of size funny, she was gonna enjoy her payback, I told her it would be violent, hubby was gonna get done up right, her begging to castrate him, intriguing, rewarding her with a kiss, she purred, how nice is that. Told her my standard story, making the money, wake up one day, lots of money, never stopped to have fun, well, it was fun time for me, I wasn't going to miss a bit, wanted to experience all sorts of wildness, make up for lost time. How nice she felt next to me, her skin heated frrom the sun, both of us on out sides, her sexy little girls ass rubbing my suit, my cock stirring. My fingers gently pushing her bikini bottoms aside, my cock slipping into her swollen cunt, her wincing, she took it, starting to throw her little ass at me, pointing out the guys on the boat watching us, her motion picking up, my little show off. Her cum loud, dramatic, we both giggling at her acting, I pulling out, basting her crooked face, her tongue waving at me, lustily. Had her in my grips, puppet master, had her call hubby, right on the beach, while telling him we would meet him tomorrow, same bar to discuss things, made her slurp my cock while talking, my oversized sausage looking obscene slipping in and out of her baby face, her words mean to hubby, she knew when she was in the drivers seat, good, good, nothing better than a violent beatdown, that's what I wanted, me and five other sadists stomp hubby mad, torture him, real torture, if Lisa wanted to off him, nothing finer than a complete submission, dead is about as complete as your gonna get, hell yeah, horny I was.

    Took her to my place outside Boston, a mansion, eight bedrooms, ten firepaces, five full baths, swimming pool, full gym, library, she was dumbfounded, the uniformed maid, worked for me for ten years, paid her great, she could clean. Lisa said she felt like a princess, as I showed her the grounds, the pool was oversized, jacuzzi, bar, plenty of gardens, trail leading to conservation land, she rolled in the green grass, how could I not laugh, her mini riding up, her cunt saying how do, she made me feel happy, a rare thing indeed. Her capacity to be awed remained inside as well, her oohs and ahhs quite uplifting, the way she dramatically ran up the winding central staircase, speaking southern, begging me to make her a woman, chasing her through the halls upstairs, her marveling at the luxury, I liked good antique stuff, loaded this house with stuff, Francis, the maid, also making sure the house was safe during the day, alarms galore at night, police on the ball, rich town, their pay depending on our security, fair deal.

   In my bedroom, private bath, walkin closet, door leading to my sunny library, she was like a child, her glee unrestrained, bouncing on the oversized king mattress, stunned at the neatness of my closet, yeah I'm anal, everything in its place, telling her maybe she could put some of her clothes I bought her in the closet, thought she would faint, I'm enjoying this weird road I'm travelling, wont over think it, just ride the fun, right now, couldn't imagine being anywhere else, my little, ugly girl was lightening up the room. The feeling of familiarity not bugging me, her cunt grasping my cock, her words simple, she would never slay with words, but they meant something, she was not a rock, could respond to love, had the desire to please, not just be a doormat, she could predict my needs, like fucking Radar, a little better looking, at least she had all her fingers unlike that little freak.

   The fire burning, cuddling, I know, but she was my little waif, I was running with the whole save her soul deal, still would share her cunt, just wanted to spend this time, she just felt right in my arms, so open to me, fragile little girl, she would not deny me, we both knew this, I treasured it, knew it couldn't be easy to give up your will, well, she lucked out, I liked her, maybe loved her, even then, skanky, ugly, little bundle of joy. She gave her virgin ass to me, I took it, gentle, loving, but I took it, blood, shit coated, nine inches deep, impaling her, yanking her tits hard, more pain, hard ass spanks, calling her a freaky pig, her tears, her moans, as she built up to a classic ass orgasm, lucky the girl who could pull off that trick, my piggy was having a major cum, my cock and balls deep up her smelly shit hole, the aroma basting the air, so kinky, my cum errupting, basting her colon, her shouts of joy, her tiny ass flexing so obscenely, all red and sweaty, the way her anus stayed open when I withdrew, my cock, bloody, shit and spunk coated, splooge dripping from her shit canyon, me jokingly yelling in there, echoing, her ability to laugh at her sorry state, nice, she was a keeper, as we both passed into a deep, contented sleep, hows that for finding the ugly princess.

   Had her hair done, tanned, nails done, waxed, dressed in a button down denim sleeveless, leather trim, black thigh highs, red heels, no panties, no bra, little girl sexy, her own bottle of Donna Karan Chaos, five hundred dollars for a fuck thimble, her sloppy smile, princess was getting it, enjoy it, sweets, wont last. The little twat, her giggle when I called her My little twat, she liked that, had to admit little Miss Fit looked good. Going to see hubby, wont we change his world, Lisa was edgy, took pliers to pull it out of her, really just a hard nipple twist, she was worried that I would dump her, leave her at hubbys mercy, he had none. Promised her that no matter what, hubby was done fucking her up, if he was around it would be as our doormat, her sigh was real, I am Mr Fuck Wonderful, saving damsels, busting shit chutes, whatever.

  That smell, mmmm, something about a dive bar smell, possibilities, the place was empty, rain pouring down keeping the lowlifes underground like cockroaches, just the same mindless bar skank from last time, same outfit, still looking confused, giving Lisa the four times over, her tiny mind finally solving it, she was impressed, got to admit my piggy looked smoking in the dirty bar mirror, her collar a lovely touch. Lisa getting nervous, maybe hubby would beat me up, our mutual giggles, me showing her the gun concealed under my untucked shirt, the hard brass knuckles, molded to my hand, colored my flesh, her excitement rising, sliding her tongue down my throat, asking sweetly if I would make hubby give her stuff back, she had nothing but wanted mementos of her mom, who died. Assured her that would happen, let her know I decided to move her in with me, thought we could work something out, explaining I was free to do what and who I wanted, she would be my property, my fave piece of property, but property. Lisa grabbed that ring, knew when her ship came in, promises to do whatever I told her

  Made her call asshole, he was late, his whining that he didn't want trouble, but he was taking his wife home, oh was he. I took the phone told him his wife was mine, how she adored my cock, told me what a little dick he was, he actually cried, folded up, over the fuck phone, Lisa cackling, the barmaid, she could follow this, wanted to follow this, most exciting thing to happen to her, other than watching some ho stab her pimp, vice versa, panting for anything to happen, crybaby agreeing to meet us, me assuring him what could happen in a public place. When snotty was dismissed, Lisa straing at me like I was god, I gave the barskank a deal, lock the door after crybaby arrived, let me give Lisas hubby what he had coming, I would give her five hundred cash, she wasn't that dumb, though she looked like she might hyperventilate trying to get her dull mind around that much cash, I kidded her she wouldn't even have to fuck anyone, but I would make her film my assault on hubby, thats what I planned, a beat down, in front of Lisa, my girl, all right, my slave, still had feelings for tiny tits. Called a couple of pals, they would be here shortly, add to the fun, give Lisa some extra cock, help abuse faggy. He arrived, entering like a wet bug, eyes scurrying around, focusing on Lisa, his look of awe, her sticking her tongue out at him, licking her lollipop, love to watch her suck a pop, she made it erotic, she wasn't trying to be sexy, that's a fucking gift.

    His begs to her, going to her, making a mistake, ignoring me, I enlightened him, dropped him with a brutal punch, he was down, crying, fucker was a grade A cry baby, what the fuck. Ordered him up, he had to go all blabbering, my boot to the ribs shocking him, on his hands and knees, Lisa stomped his hand with her kneel, called him a fag, good for her, his weeping getting tiresome, telling him we hadn't hurt him yet. Emptied out the backpack, we cuffed him, he let us, the sheep, did he think I was going to tickle him, his arms over head to the sprinkler pipe, legs cuffed wide apart to the baseboard pipes, his toes barely touching, Sucking a Bud, watching the girls roughly strip bozo, Lisa nicking him with the knife, here and there, it was hornying me something fierce watching her brutality, almost felt sorry for dummy, almost key word, fuck him, winners and losers, his role solidly cemented in the losers column.

   Quite pathetic he was, flabby body, tits, he had tits, wouldn't we work them, his belly soft, not a workout guy, other than popping Lisa, his prick sad, all shriveled up, the girls howling, teasing him, bar skank making sense, news flash, telling LIsa what's the point of fucking something that tiny, Lisas laugh, taunt, never again, driving her knee into hubbys balls, his screech, like a fuck girl. LIsa got it, told whiney if he wanted to scream like a girl maybe I, me, should fuck him, his begging, promises to be good, my boot stomping his toes, breaking them, driving the point home if you will, hubby was gonna get done up, done up dead. He was hanging by his bloodied wrists, tongue sticking out of his stupid, drolley piehole, his toes swollen hideous, juke box belting out ACDC, I explained to Lisa that hubby was done, her glee, bar skank nervous, told her she could join him, or us, she was a survivor, of course I planned on turning her over to one of my sick friends, bye bye barcunt.

   Wanted him awake for the party, some poppers, and a hard ass whipping, using my wide stiff leather belt, his bawling, I mean not a few sobs, a theatrical blubber fest, only made me whip him harder, Lisa spitting in his face, bar skank filming, her concentration priceless, that was all she could do, one thing at a time, her brain was strictly analog. I had to break hubbys ass whooping to answer the knock on the locked back door. My three buds were ready, not shy, all of them excited to meet Lisa, giving her kisses, gropes, hubby staring sadly, Lisa eating it up. All three guys started throwng fists at hubby, barraging him with blows, he was swinging wildly, his joints cracking nicely, his face swelling, Lisa egging the guys on, barskank shouting encouragement, everyone loved to see a bully get his, it was hubbys day.

   Lazy fucker was out again, his body bruised, his face a series of cuts and bruises, ribs black and blue, got to be some broken fuckers there. The guys were doing Lisa up right, she loved it, squealed like a pig, her giggles infectious, the guys working her good, but adoring her, could not help it, Lisa would be fine. Let the bar skank suck me, her shock at my size nice, used her ears to ram her head, nine inches deep, her gaging making it all worth it, letting her breathe, her tears, my laughs, her smile, dumb cunt, back down she went, I battered her throat till I exploded, watching the guys triple penetrate sexy Lisa, bonus looking into hubbys sad, hopeless eyes, he knew we weren't letting him leave, made it all better, let the torture begin.

  The boys were exuberant getting faggy down, lots of fists, kicks, Lisa getting her shots in, giggling that she didn't want to leave anything on the table, my girl. Sprawled on the bar floor hubby ate his wifes used ass and cunt, the rest of us taunting his lack of size, loving how mangled his toes were, that has gotta hurt. We all had drinks, bar skank making us some wings, took a chance eating in a dive like this, but we were gonna work up an appetite, the bar pig, Rosie, was the owners daughter, he was out of town, she put up a sign saying closed till tomorrow, turned off the outside lights, windows draped over, party time. Ordered the cunts to find torture shit, while we four guys got down to, giving hubby a proper ass kicking. We started by stomping him, hard, brutal, bones breaking, we could see broken ribs trying to teat through his flab, such fun. When he was totally still, we rolled him over, got him up on is hands and knees, slid a chair under his stomach, cuffed him tight, and used our boots to seriously kick his ass. Don't know if you can die from an ass kicking, we certainly gave it our beat shot, best foot froward, sort to speak.

    His ass was destroyed, a solid, swollen mass of angry black and blue, so when Lisa and Rosie got after him with their heels, blood flowed, he cried more, we guys hucking loogies in his sad face, his baby face, no sympathy here slick. While he was offering his boy pussy up, we took it, I first, savage I was, raping him, bloodying him, his squeals being aped by my Lisa, her calling me her Master, begging me to rip him apart, told her to abuse his balls, she took to it, roughly squishing them in her hands, how his spincter worked then, drawing a powerful load from me, my balls emptied for tonight, Im only human, glad I got to spunk him, he was going to be dead soon, feeling I knew. When the others finished his ass was wide open, bloody, shit dripping, cum leaking, Lisa using a bar glass to catch the mess, feed it to stupid, he took it, fag.

  While we guys cleaned our cocks off, relaxed, the girls used the ice picks they found to turn hubby into a bloody mess, holes everywhere, Jesus, Lisa used one tiny hand to hold his sack, the other driving the pick into his testicles, spearing his balls, his hoarse mumblings being aped by us guys, Rosie jabbing his brutalized ass, ramming the pick up his flapping shitter, blood flowing, fucker was going down, I rammed a wine bottle up his anus, staunching the flow, that he was bleeding internally, fuck him. The girls did his face, jabbing the picks deep, he looked like he had the worst case of acne, we guys hurling darts into his mug, oops, his right eye was done, oh well. Figured it was time to do him up, but how, yeah, remembered Lisa wanted his balls off, gave her the knife, told her to do it slow, tease him, she did, slowly sawing his sack open with the serated blade, exposing his tiny balls, go time, Lisa had them stretched comically far, hubby drooling, babbling. Telling him they were useless, he was useless, spitting in his face, Lisa did the nasty, sliced them off, hubby was sackless.

  We used Bic lighters to staunch the flow of blood, how he made the silliest noises as we fired his empty sack, his cock shriveled to half an inch. Got fag on his back across a table, had Lisa kneel over him, giving her the knife, I started doggying her, as she followed my instructions. She cut his chest open, the blood pooling, the guys helping her peel back his chest exposing his heart. When she got there, my cock driving her wild, she reached in and yanked hubbys heart out, smashing it into his face, over and over as she came for the ages. We all were sky high from the rush of offing hubby, everyone fucked hard, Rosie had a wet clam, she knew how to throw her ass, giving me a fine cum, got her to agree to let me use her bar as a base from time to time, her offer, her father wanted to retire to Florida, loser, lend her the money to buy him out, she wasn't bright like I said, told her to see my Attorney, a rabid jew bastard, he would make sure I ended up with the property, would be nice to own a bucket of blood, this is why I'm a winner.

Took Lisa home with me, and here she remains, my slave, my lover, had her husband listed as missing, she got a divorce, and one day I will marry my little twat, her sunny demeanor quite enticing, her cold hearted way when pushed hot as all get out. Her easy acceptance as my property, the way she has become my right hand girl, always having me prepared for business deals, she lays my clothes out, schedules my appointments, pampers me daily, has learned to cook my fave meals, bakes the best chocolate chip cookies, best of all she actually enjoys watching me fuck other women, has orgasms watching me get rough with other cunts, her kinky ways blending with mine, taking a load off my shoulders, had a steady cunt, permament cunt, could get back to finding some new wildness, In the meantime I continue to be Mr Leisure......

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